Chapter 580
But seeing the bloody vortex phantom above Meng Tianchen's head, he trembled slightly.

A spark, flashed.

The small sparks that didn't have much power locked onto the foggy sky and fell.

"Damn it! This is Shura's flame, I don't believe it! You can even copy this kind of heaven-defying innate flame?"


Sure enough, seeing Shura Yan, Misty Tianchen let out a desperate scream.

With a slight sound, the Shura flames that landed on Misty Tianchen's body blazed into flames.

Just in an instant, the fog covered the sky and collapsed.

Then it collapsed completely, and disappeared under the power of rules.

However, Meng Tianchen's complexion changed slightly after encountering the backlash, and the next moment, the power of space tearing came from the surrounding area before his eyes, and he was sucked into the darkness without any resistance.

After a few breaths, the sight in front of him recovered, and Meng Tianchen heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the scene in front of him clearly. If there were no accidents, he should have entered the core of the second area of ​​the remnant stele of the great power of the Mei clan.

The majestic palace is thousands of feet high and tens of thousands of feet large. Stone pillars stand one after another, and the whole body is engraved with countless complicated textures. It seems chaotic, but if you savor it carefully, you can clearly perceive all kinds of things contained in it. mysterious.

Each of these stone pillars is a complete formation. Once opened, it will definitely explode with amazing power!
Two savage beasts with unknown names are carved in front of the high platform, and there are steps leading to the top. The throne stands on it, about a hundred feet in size, purple-gold in color, exuding endless noble aura, which makes people want to worship them thought.

It was at the moment when Meng Tianchen's figure appeared in the palace, the void above the throne trembled slightly, and then a figure appeared directly on it, looking at him with a gentle face at this moment.

Meng Tianchen's heart shuddered, and he was very cautious.

"Little bastard, this is just a divine thought of the ancestor of the ancient Meizu, don't panic!"

Sure enough, after hearing the old ghost Wuhen's explanation, Meng Tianchen heaved a sigh of relief.

Moreover, the huge figure on the throne uttered majestic words without the slightest emotion.

"Pass the assessment, and you can control the Imperial Realm!"

Just after finishing speaking, the huge figure suddenly dimmed, and finally completely disappeared from Meng Tianchen's sight.

Without thinking about it, Meng Tianchen fused a ray of mind and soul breath, and branded it on the throne.

At the same time, golden light shot out from the throne!

These are esoteric messages, energy messages.

Massive amounts of energy information turned into streamers and rushed straight to Meng Tianchen!

After the fusion, Meng Tianchen was ecstatic for a moment. Not only did he open up the extremely vast and mysterious second area, but he also obtained a lot of precious secret information.

However, Meng Tianchen himself was terrified of the vast imperial realm covered by his mind. There were actually many dangerous places in it, even high-ranking Martial Emperors would be in danger if they practiced in it.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen discovered many treasures at the level of heaven and earth sacred objects.

It's a pity that all of them are at the level of low-rank heaven and earth sacred objects, and very few of them reach the level of middle-rank heaven and earth sacred objects.

The contented Meng Tianchen stepped out!

Standing the remnant stele of the great power of the Mei people in the backyard, he planned to start building the Martial God Palace.

The front yard of the Meng Mansion, the main hall.

Everyone in the Meng Mansion gathered here, including Zhu'er, Guan Huang and others who came from afar.

Meng Tianchen was very satisfied to see four more Loose Warriors joining the Meng Mansion.

Meng Tianchen nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand to let him sit down under Zhu'er, and his eyes fell on the four warriors who entered the palace.

"My Meng Mansion opened a government office, but the foundation is very shallow. Including this seat, there is no high-ranking Martial Emperor powerhouse in the mansion. Compared with other Shengyan cities, the power is infinitely weaker, because this seat summoned you to come here today for the sake of Discuss the matter of strengthening our Meng family and truly gaining a foothold in Shengyan City."

Speaking of this, Meng Tianchen turned his head to look at the red armor guard Nobita.

"Nobita! No. [-] Tiger Fort! How is the recruiting of warriors under my Meng Mansion going?"

Daxiong bent down respectfully, and said: "My lord, over the past few months, the prestige of our Meng Mansion has shaken the territory of the Shengyan Tiger Clan. Although there are many warriors who have come to join us, most of them have low cultivation levels. The subordinates and others have always followed your lord's instructions. Ordered to limit the cultivation base to above the level of Wei Wuhuang, and now there are less than 100 people."

Meng Tianchen frowned, less than 100 people, too few!

Compared with the number of hundreds of thousands and millions of warriors of the powerful force of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, it is nothing to mention. Moreover, there is no high-level Martial Emperor powerhouse, and it cannot be compared with the old forces.

"Why can't I attract a large number of warriors to come to join me when I opened a government office in Meng Mansion?"

"What's your opinion on this?"

After the words fell, there was silence in the hall, and no one spoke.

Daxiong's eyes flickered, his brows slightly frowned as if he wanted to speak, but he should be afraid, so he seemed a little hesitant.

"Nobita, you may as well speak up if you have anything to say. Today, I am calling you here to speak freely. No matter what you say, you will not be punished. You can rest assured and speak boldly." Meng Tianchen glanced over and spoke lightly. .

Daxiong's heart was shocked, obviously he never thought that his little abnormality did not escape Meng Tianchen's sight, now that he has been named, he simply let go of his scruples, stood up and handed over his hand.

"My lord, this subordinate does have some ideas. I hope you don't blame me after I tell you."

"My lord is very famous among my Holy Flame Tiger Clan, and his combat power can even be said to be rare in my Holy Flame Tiger Clan! But recruiting warriors under his command is definitely not just about your own cultivation."

"Choosing to follow a power is not a child's play. Once you join it, you will tie your own prosperity, decline, honor and disgrace to it. Although your lord is powerful, the Meng Mansion is a new mansion after all. Bi, so many warriors dare not make rash decisions even though they are motivated, and most of them are waiting and watching at the moment. I dare to guarantee that if my Meng Mansion reveals enough background, there will be countless warriors who will come to worship under the command of the Lord. Even high-level martial emperors will have some!"

The hall instantly became dead silent.

Meng Tianchen's eyes were calm, his face was indifferent, and he was noncommittal to what Daxiong said, making it impossible to see what was going on in his mind.

"Then, as you said, what kind of background should my Meng Mansion reveal in order to attract warriors to come and seek refuge?"

Daxiong raised his head and said in a deep voice: "My lord, for us warriors, treasures and supernatural powers are the most powerful temptations. If I show something in this respect, why worry about not having strong people to join me!"

Tianchen nodded, a light flashed in his hand, and an object like a fire mirror appeared.

"This is Huoku Great Martial Arts, ranked 310th among the [-] Great Martial Arts! Among the Fire Element Martial Arts, it can be regarded as an extremely rare Great Martial Arts! Any warrior who kneels down in my Meng Mansion is eligible to practice!"

Hearing Meng Tianchen's words, everyone's complexion changed instantly, showing complex expressions such as excitement, shock, and bewilderment.

What no one knows is that this fire mirror is also the Huokor Great Martial Arts, or it was obtained by Meng Tianchen in the Remnant Monument, a powerful power of the Mei clan that he just controlled.

No, the remnant stele of the power of the Mei clan has been internally designated by Meng Tianchen as the stele of the power of the Martial God Palace.

What a terrified Daxiong, never imagined that Meng Tianchen would actually come up with such a rare martial art.

You must know that in Shengyan City, most of the warriors are fire-type warriors, and they practice some ordinary fire-type martial arts!Those who are qualified to practice fire-type martial arts are all core children of the Tianchen family.

"My lord, if you really promise to teach the Huokor Great Martial Arts, and your subordinates can give you a guarantee, countless warriors will flock here, vying to be the first to worship under your command!"

In an instant, Nobita, who is a fire-type fighter, was very excited.

The precious Martial Arts of the Fire Element, not to mention the general forces, even the nine giants would not be able to take it out and let their followers practice it.

"Nobita, Huoku Great Martial Arts will be under the control of Emperor Guan for the time being! You can also practice, let out the words of your family, but anyone who becomes a follower of my Meng Mansion can practice! However, it must be set up under the stone tablet in the backyard. Spiritual contract!"

Nobita's body trembled violently, wishing to comprehend the rare Huku Dao immediately.

And inexplicably received the fire mirror, Guan Huang was secretly excited.Obviously, the stone tablet in the backyard must be the Guanshan power tablet!With such a move by Meng Tianchen, it is conceivable that there will be more warriors!join in.

However, what Guan Huang didn't expect was that the so-called Guanshan Power Monument was actually a remnant monument of the Mei tribe's great power, but now it became the power monument of Wushen Palace.

Zhu Er showed a strange expression, but returned to normal after a while.

Moreover, Meng Tianchen also planned that among the warriors who will join in the future, those with outstanding talents will be able to open up the Imperial Domain to allow them to practice and improve.

"Nobita! It's not too late, you go and arrange this right away."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Guan Huang, you are responsible for leading the attached warriors, and swear a spiritual contract in front of the stone tablet!"

Meng Tianchen sipped low, with a serious face, sitting high on the lord's seat, with a straight back, and an aura like an abyss, he already had the aura of the lord of a powerful family!
Meng Tianchen never expected that his actions would soon create a terrifying whirlwind in Shengyan City.

Very firm.

As the largest gathering place for casual warriors in the entire Shengyan City, there are a large number of casual warriors here every day, either exchanging treasures with each other, or waiting to accept commissions, or coming to collect rewards.

There are even many dirty transactions that are not known to the public, completed here.

Here is a loose organization formed by the superpowers of casual cultivators, accepting entrustments from various forces, helping them complete some things that are inconvenient to come forward to solve, and can get extremely generous rewards after completion.

Nobita is the former guard of the elder hall, the red armored guard!Regarding the matter of Shengyan City, the door is very clear.

"Excuse me, do you need to issue a mission?" Seeing Nobita, the waiter in charge of the reception did not dare to neglect.

"Release the recruitment of warriors."

The waiter nodded respectfully, and asked in a low voice, "Which side of the army is my lord?"

"Mongolian Mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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