Chapter 588
Meng Tianchen, who was extremely fast, fell from the sky not long after, and appeared in a small valley. Although he felt something was wrong here, even though his divine sense scanned him, he couldn't detect anything wrong.


"You have made too much of a move these days! First, you went to ask the Elder Potian to worship the Meng Mansion, and then you made a big noise in the Muhuang Mansion. It's over! It's too much!"

Elder Xingchen, who looked worried, asked with some reproach: "Do you know why uncle lured you here in such a lame way?"

With Mu Huang and Mu Chenzi joining, Meng Tianchen, who was full of confidence, didn't take Elder Xingchen's words to heart, and smiled disapprovingly.

"Uncle! I'm curious!"

"You!" Elder Xingchen yelled and cursed obviously seeing the indifference on Meng Tianchen's face.

"You kid think that with Mu Huang and Mu Chenzi, your waist will be stiff? Naive!"

"Do you think no one will notice when you come here? Do you know how many hidden auras have long been locked on you?"

"Ah?" Suddenly, Meng Tianchen was startled.

"Hey!" The old ghost Wuhen also sighed, worried: "Bastard, this old guy is right, the more powerful your power expands, the more dangerous it is!"

The old ghost Wuhen has seen the horror of the great powers pouring into each other.

Elder Xingchen snorted coldly.

"If you can go to Elder Potian but don't come to this old man, I am afraid that in the eyes of some old ghosts with ulterior motives, the relationship between us may have been suspected! Remember, from now on, this seat is also the enshrined of the Meng Mansion. , and you have to spread it out!"

At this moment, Meng Tianchen completely understood!
The reason why Elder Xingchen used such a crappy secret meeting method was actually to show those old monsters hiding in the dark.

Want to cover it up!

Meng Tianchen originally thought that his uncle was his secret trump card, but it seems that this is not the case.

"Uncle, isn't it Elder Hanlin and Lao Shizi Hanlin Palace? No matter how powerful I am, I am basically not afraid now!" Meng Tianchen was very confused and couldn't help asking.

"How much do you know about my Tianchen family?"

Although a little angry at Meng Tianchen's arrogance, Elder Xingchen patiently explained: "Let's not talk about the nine giants! The Hanlin Palace alone is beyond your imagination. Otherwise, you think that a powerful figure like Elder Wanyan , why do you have to give in to Elder Hanlin again and again?"

Indeed, Meng Tianchen had thought about this problem a long time ago, but couldn't figure it out.

Are you kidding me, Elder Wan Yan's cultivation is as high as the sky, and he is the Great Elder of the Elder Hall of the Shengyan Tiger Clan.

This, I have to say, is a strange thing.

If Meng Tianchen was in the position of Elder Wan Yan, he would never allow such a thing to happen.

However, after hearing some terrible secrets from Elder Xingchen, Meng Tianchen was dumbfounded.

As one of the overlords of the vast Central Territory, the Shengyan Tiger Clan has reproduced for countless years, but there are many extremely tyrannical old monsters!Especially in the Tianchen family, there are many terrifying old ghosts who have been hidden for many years and have never been born.

The nine great elders in the Elder Hall are nothing but the power of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan on the bright side.

Take the branch of the Tianchen family, the Hanlin Palace lineage, for example, there are several old monsters who can rival Elder Wanyan, and there are some weird and mysterious existences, but they have reached the level of a half-step venerable, which is extremely terrifying. It is definitely not something Elder Wan Yan can compete with.


Hearing this, Meng Tianchen gasped in fright, and was truly shocked.

Meng Tianchen, who had returned to the Meng Mansion in a daze, only then remembered that he had a very important question and forgot to ask his uncle.

"Bastard, what your cheap uncle said is true. It seems that you tried your best to grow your power this time, and you did it too hastily!" Wuhen old ghost was also a little worried.

"There is no other way! Right now there is only one way to go to the dark!" Meng Tianchen's tone was harsh, and he made up his mind.

Open the bow without turning back the arrow!

Meng Tianchen recruited warriors into the mansion, and the movements he launched were so large that they completely exceeded the imagination of any warrior.

With Huo Ku Da Wu Dao as a condition, a large number of individual warriors were attracted to vote.

Now that the Meng Mansion is mentioned again, no one dares to treat it with the eyes of a weak force that has just opened a government office. This kind of generosity, this kind of boldness, even the idle powerful forces may not be able to show it.

For a while, the Meng Mansion became the best choice for countless unrepentant martial artists to choose to seek refuge in. Even those warriors from various forces who were dissatisfied with their own status quo also thought about it one after another, looking for some kind of excuse to escape, and rushed to the Meng Mansion without hesitation.

This is the reality, whoever can give more benefits will naturally be able to recruit more warriors who are willing to work hard for him.Meng Tianchen's lure was the greatest, so the Meng Mansion became the perfect object of refuge that countless warriors of the Holy Flame City dreamed of.

Meng Tianchen, whose future achievements are limitless, and the accumulation of the mansion with profound and unpredictable heritage, these two points are fused together, and naturally it is not difficult to form the hot situation of the Shangmeng Mansion.

But at this moment, two more heavy news came out, which really made the Meng Mansion's aura soar into the sky and shake up!

Although the Shadow Killing Cave has been lonely for many years, its prestige is still deeply imprinted in the hearts of countless warriors of the Holy Flame City. Although it has faded a lot, thinking about it now will still make the whole body chill, and the hairs on the whole body will suddenly rise.

It is well known that the shadow killers cultivated by the Shadow Killing Cave are sophisticated and tricky. It is not unreasonable to think that the reputation of Shengyan City was not unreasonable.

As for the Muhuangfu family, it is an anomaly in Shengyan City.

With Mu Huang, a master alchemy master with a peak Martial Emperor cultivation base, and Mu Chenzi, an extremely strong peak Martial Emperor with unfathomable cultivation base, this kind of power can be formed into a very powerful force, or join any party, It must also receive absolute attention.

But the Muhuang Mansion did not form any forces, and disregarded all the solicitations, and stayed alone on the one-acre three-point land that he had left. Others did not provoke him, and he was too lazy to provoke others, so he gradually faded out. Sight.

Along with the two major powers of Shadow Killing Cave and Muhuang Mansion announced to join the Meng Mansion at the same time, becoming the force under Lord Meng Tianchen!Meng Tianchen and Meng Mansion once again became the focus of discussions among countless cultivators of the Holy Flame City within a short period of time.

In particular, there are rumors that both Elder Potian and Elder Xingchen in the Hall of Elders have become enshrined in the Meng Mansion, which shocked countless people's jaws.

In the southwest corner of Shengyan City, in a hidden courtyard, above the lobby, dozens of old monsters gathered here. One of the first two was the ancestor of the Teng family, and the other was a gloomy and slightly pale face. Middle-aged warrior.

"What is the so-called summoning everyone here today, I don't think I need to say much." The gloomy middle-aged warrior above said slowly.

"Shadow Killing Cave is a force that my entire Holy Flame Tiger Clan spurns and suppresses. The Holy Flame Tiger Clan knows about this. Nameng Mansion's integration of it is challenging the majesty of our nine giants."

"Besides, I think you all must have suffered a lot of losses due to the actions of the Mengfu. I wonder if what I said is correct?"

The person's voice fell, and then an old man spoke in a deep voice.

"That's right, most of my Qinghuomen's disciples are uninitiated warriors, but with the recruitment of warriors under the Meng Mansion, my Qinghuomen's disciples have dropped by [-]% in just half a month, and the number is still increasing. If this trend continues, Qinghuomen The Huomen will exist in name only and become a joke!"

"My Scarlet Flame Sect also suffered greatly from it. In addition to the large-scale reduction of the disciples of the outer sect, even many Dharma protectors in the sect also asked to leave the sect and go to the Meng Mansion, which caused great losses to my Scarlet Flame Sect. Big!" A red-faced old monster said in a deep voice, his face extremely gloomy.

All of a sudden, many old monsters in the lobby complained and vomited bitterness.

The gloomy middle-aged warrior, at this moment, showed some satisfaction in his eyes.

"Everyone, we have a common enemy to deal with now, and that is the Meng Mansion. If you don't suppress their arrogance, how will you and I gain a foothold in the territory of the Shengyan Tiger Clan in the future. Therefore, this seat proposes that we join forces, Gather the strength of our many forces and put pressure on the Meng Mansion with the force of ten thousand mountains! No matter how tough Meng Tianchen is, and his methods are unfathomable, does he still dare to contend with my many forces of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan at the same time?"

"Okay! The old man agrees to this matter, and the Meng Mansion must not tolerate this move!"

"We must suppress the arrogance of the Meng Mansion, otherwise we will not be able to be safe in the future."

"Jointly suppress the Meng Mansion and completely erase it, so that the boy surnamed Meng will know how stupid it is to offend my many forces."

The old monsters in the hall spoke angrily and anxiously, they had no objection to the joint suppression of the Meng Mansion, but how to make a move and who would make a move is a difficult problem, they are all old and sophisticated guys, naturally no one wants to be used as a gun.

The sinister middle-aged warrior sitting next to Old Ghost Teng, with sharp eyes, scanned all the old monsters in the hall one by one.

"There is one strategy in this seat, so I will tell you about it, and see if everyone agrees?"

The old monster in the hall suddenly fell silent, waiting for this person to speak.

"The Meng Mansion attracts martial artists to join with the Huku Great Martial Arts. Obviously, there is a lot of energy in the dark. If we fight recklessly with them and also use the Great Martial Arts as a counterattack, it will be difficult to reverse the situation."

Although these old monsters saw this fierce middle-aged warrior for the first time, none of them dared to underestimate him.

This person, being able to sit on the main seat with old ghost Teng, is absolutely extraordinary.

The key is that this person's cultivation is actually Qiankun Martial Emperor!Moreover, there is a murderous aura surging from his body all the time, and it is obvious that many lives have been lost under his hands!a lot of.

All the old ghosts present could clearly sense the incomparably pure Holy Flame Tiger blood in this person.

Obviously, this is the real core member of the Tianchen family.

The stern middle-aged man opened his mouth slowly. Seeing that many old monsters expressed their approval, his expression became more indifferent, with a look of confidence lingering in his chest.

"Hey, it's been a while! It's been so long in Shengyan City that I seem to have forgotten my name, Yue Lun!"

Suddenly, the stern middle-aged warrior who claimed to be Yue Lun's expression became very serious!

(End of this chapter)

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