Chapter 589
"The more you kill?"

"The more you kill!"

As if recalling something, all the old monsters in the lobby all changed drastically!

Are you kidding me, Yue Kill, the embryo didn't die?
Thousands of years ago, a strange talent emerged from the branch of the Tianchen family. Although he was talented and evil, he was extremely bloodthirsty, as if he was the reincarnation of a killing god.

For a long time, no one, including the core children of the Tianchen family, has seen the true face of Tianchen Yuelulu. This guy wears a black mask all the time, which is very mysterious.

After being promoted to Empress Jiwu, Tianchen became more and more lawless, almost disturbing the entire Shengyan City.

It was the battle of Qinglong Abyss that made Tianchen Yuelulu become famous!
In just one battle, tens of thousands of strong people from the original tribe were massacred, turning into mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Later, it was rumored that Tianchen's killing angered the boss of the original clan, and beheaded him himself.

Since then, I have never heard of the name of Yue Lu, but now, this fellow has appeared!

All the old monsters whose cultivation base was not weaker than Tianchen Yuelulian looked at Tianchen Yuelian who was sitting next to old ghost Teng again, each of them was shocked, not afraid that it was fake.

This person in front of him can be said to be a fierce generation of the Shengyan Tiger Clan!

Seemingly satisfied that everyone heard that Yue Lu's name was intimidated, Tianchen, who was overflowing with viciousness, said coldly: "Once this plan is implemented, the reputation of the Meng Mansion will be discredited, and the returned dregs will be wiped out." All warriors spit it out, their prestige is ruined."

"Master Yue Lu, why do you have to be a fool? If you have a clever plan, you might as well say it. If it works, we will work together to make this Meng Mansion suffer a big fall." An old woman below spoke bravely, and immediately received many old monsters' responses.

Tianchen Yuelu waved his hands, put on airs, and coughed lightly.

"The plan is simple to say, just as Grandma Xuan said, it needs our concerted efforts to implement it."

"Meng Tianchen lures warriors to join with the great martial art of fire, and I will let him succeed here and lose here! Just imagine, everyone, if we join forces to gather strong people from all sides to challenge the Meng Mansion and completely defeat him, will it be possible? A devastating blow to the prestige of the Meng Mansion?"

After a pause, Tianchen Yuelu's tone suddenly became fierce.

"Then you and I showed up together, bluntly saying that the Mengfu used deceitful means to deceive the warriors into joining, and then used their absolute strength to frighten them, forcing the Mengfu to apologize to the forces of the Sacred Flame Tiger Clan for this matter, and release all the deceived warriors. Warrior. If this is the case, do you think that the Meng Mansion still has the confidence to compete with us? How will the warriors who have joined the Meng Mansion or are preparing to join the Meng Mansion react?"

In the end, Tianchen Yuelu wanted to unite many forces and hit the door!
After arousing public anger, even the Hall of Elders is not easy to maintain.

Go straight to the door and overwhelm others with force!

"Hey!" After a strange laugh, Tianchen laughed evilly.

"When the prestige of the Meng Mansion is discredited and countless warriors are at a loss, you and I will utter slogans that don't care about past suspicions. Are you afraid that they won't come back? Although this plan is simple, it is a conspiracy. Combined with overwhelming forces, what is a mere Meng Mansion!"

"Great trick!"

"Multi-party joint efforts, this plan will surely succeed!"

All the old monsters had sneers on their faces, and with Tianchen Yuelu taking the lead, they would not be afraid even if it was the Hall of Elders.

"My Scarlet Flame Sect and the Kunhuang have some chances. If the old man comes forward and pays enough price, he should be able to invite him to move."

"The enshrinement of this sect is Brahma Emperor, the master of the Forbidden Dao. His Forbidden Dao cultivation is so strong that it can be regarded as the best among our Sacred Flame Tiger Clan. If he takes action, he will definitely be able to completely suppress the people of the Meng Mansion!"

"The old monster Tong in the west city, I have some friendship with him, so I should be able to invite him to move with the benefit."

"The Emperor of Withered Bones and Poison can also please move!"

Under Tianchen Yuelu's cruel gaze, all the old immortals spoke one after another, playing all their cards.

"it is good!"

Tianchen Yuelu smiled all over his face and waved his hand.

"Since this is the case, if all parties join forces, everyone in the Meng Mansion will die!"

The plan has been decided, and many old monsters left one after another, each preparing to go.

The dark tide and the shocking waves have been completed, just wait for the magnificent day, or go forward indomitably with monstrous power, shoot down!
Accompanied by the actions of the Meng Mansion, the entire Shengyan City became thoroughly lively. After witnessing the scene of Meng Mansion's furious recruitment of warriors, the wavering warriors finally couldn't hold back any longer, and all made up their minds and swarmed to the shore of Yanhu Lake.

Joining the Meng Mansion, gaining the opportunity to practice Huoku Great Martial Arts, and gain a bright future, this has become the only thought in the minds of most warriors.

Guan Huang, Zhu'er, Daxiong and others, as well as all the servants of the Meng Mansion, started to move one after another, very busy.

To the surprise of all the people who plotted against the Meng Mansion, all the warriors who joined the Meng Manor regarded themselves as warriors from the Martial God Palace, and they all entered into spiritual contracts under the Martial God Palace Power Monument.

Such a spiritual contract makes it almost impossible to rebel.

Besides, Meng Tianchen has already opened up a part of the Imperial Domain of the Martial God Palace Power Monument for the training of his warriors.

Apart from the fact that Elder Potian and Elder Xingchen did not sign a spiritual contract under the monument of power in Wushen Palace, there is another special person.

Mu Chenzi!
The moment he saw the stele of power in the Martial God Palace, he seemed to recognize that Mu Chenzi would not enter into a spiritual contract even if he was beaten to death.

On the contrary, Emperor Mu made the spiritual contract without hesitation.

Under the reminder of Wuhen old ghost, Meng Tianchen secretly followed Mu Chenzi for a while, but did not find any abnormalities.

"Arrange in teams, step forward one by one, don't rely on your cultivation level to force your way forward, otherwise you will be disqualified from entering the mansion!"

"Those who are above the realm of Emperor Martial Emperor, or those with extraordinary aptitude in alchemy, refining, forbidden way, etc., can be assessed first!"

"Everyone, please follow the order of the Meng mansion. There is no need to worry. My lord has not limited the number of people who can be recruited into the mansion. Everyone has the opportunity to enter the mansion!"

Daxiong, who was full of air, stood on a high place and shouted loudly, trying his best to maintain the dense team of warriors who could not see the end, but he still couldn't eliminate the noisy hum that lingered over the entire Yanhu Lake.

But at this moment, the whole space suddenly shook, and then completely quieted down, without a single sound coming out.

The majestic coercion came from the sky, like a mountain pressing down on the top and like a river sweeping across, causing the hearts of countless warriors to jump violently, and then their complexions turned pale, filled with endless fear, each of them raised their heads suddenly, and their pupils couldn't help but burst into tears. The violent contraction reveals endless awe.

Five figures swept from the sky, and the mighty coercion emanated from them, and the tyrannical aura enveloped the entire Yanhu area.

Five powerful beings appeared at the same time, descended on the lake of fire, and suppressed them with great momentum. The menacing force was obviously not good, which caused countless warriors to feel suspicious.

Meng Tianchen's figure flashed and appeared in the sky in front of the gate of the Meng Mansion. He stood with his hands behind his back and faced the five powerful warriors. Black hair flying, domineering and flamboyant.

"My subordinates pay homage to my lord!" Daxiong and other Mongolian warriors calmed down in an instant. Now that Master Meng Tianchen has arrived, no matter what happens, they can't shake their Mengfu at all.

Meng Tianchen flicked his sleeves to signal the warriors of the Meng Mansion to get up, raised his head to look at the five uninvited guests, and spoke lightly.

"I don't know why you all came here this time?"

The voice was calm, without any anxiety, only a little cold and tumbling.

"I heard that the Meng Mansion opened a government office and recruited warriors to join with the Huku Dao. I and others are here to ask for advice. Let's see how powerful your Meng Mansion is to be able to have such confidence?"

The lead, an old man in a purple robe, spoke slowly.

"My seat and others came to challenge. If the Meng Mansion wins, this seat and others hand over their hands and apologize. Afterwards, we see the warriors of the Meng Mansion stay away, but if you lose to the Meng Mansion, you will have to bear the crime of deceiving our warriors to join us in the name of deception! "

"I don't know how dare you accept this challenge!"

After the words fell, the five of them stepped forward at the same time and shouted in unison.

"Such a challenge, the Meng Mansion dares to accept it!"

The terrifying power of the five powerhouses suddenly exploded, rushing into the sky with a bang, causing the huge space to tremble, and the momentum was extremely terrifying!


Meng Tianchen's eyes flashed sharply, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, revealing a slight sneer. So this is what you secretly prepared?
With all eyes on, challenge my Meng Mansion?
Since you are looking for death, I will give you this chance. .

"Just the five of you?"

In the words, Meng Tianchen was obviously full of disdain, and smiled indifferently.

"I am in a good mood today, I accept you to come to die!"


"Ignorant boy, court death!"

Meng Tianchen's words made these five super powerhouses furious.

"Everyone, why bother to talk so fast with the boy surnamed Meng! Who will go first?" the purple-robed old man stopped the other four tyrannical people, and said in a dignified voice.

As soon as the words were finished, an old man in black robes rushed out.

This person is full of black air and murderous aura.

"Lord of the Youyuan Pavilion, I heard that the Meng Mansion accepts the Shadow Killing Cave. I don't know if there are warriors in the Shadow Killing Cave who dare to fight against me?"

Before Meng Tianchen could make a sound, a shadow flashed out of the Meng Mansion.

"Master Youyuan Pavilion, I will not let you down!"

In Sen Leng's voice, the Shadow Master appeared beside Meng Tianchen.

"My lord, please allow me to fight this battle. Let this subordinate fight against Pavilion Master Youyuan, so as to settle the grievances of many years." The shadow master cupped his hands and saluted deeply, with absolute respect and awe in his voice.

Meng Tianchen paused, sensing the murderous intent in the shadow master's heart, frowned and then nodded.

"Since that's the case, this battle will be handed over to the film master. Remember, you can't die if you lose!"

Just kidding, Meng Tianchen managed to get the Shadow Killing Cave to belong to the lineage. The main reason for this shadow is that there are some advantages and disadvantages, so it will be a big loss.

"Thank you sir!"

The shadow master saluted again, turned around suddenly, and his eyes fell on Pavilion Master Youyuan.

"Back then, Pavilion Master Youyuan made a generous gift, and I will remember it in my heart and dare not forget it in the slightest. Since I have this good opportunity today, I can't miss it, so I will give back all the grievances and grievances before!"

Between the words, the cold air overflowed.

(End of this chapter)

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