Chapter 596 Intimidation

Are you kidding me, what kind of cultivation is the other party?How could Meng Tianchen be fooled!
"If you want to challenge this seat, you are not qualified enough!"

Meng Tianchen's words were insane, how insane.

"court death!"

In an instant, the withered and poisonous emperor, who couldn't bear such taunts, became angry, and an extremely cold and brutal aura broke through his body, turning into a mighty pressure and descending on the heaven and earth.

Countless fighters who sensed this breath suddenly turned pale, and their eyes showed horror.

"Jie Jie!"

Withered Bone Poison Emperor let out a strange cry, and the muscles on his face trembled, revealing the meaning of endless pain. In front of everyone's eyes, this old monster's flesh and blood seemed to be swallowed up, and suddenly became shriveled, like a layer of dry bones. Skin sacks, eyeballs protruding high, really terrifying to the extreme!
But along with this strange and terrifying process, the aura in the bone poison emperor's body skyrocketed at an astonishing speed, exuding endless tyranny and destruction aura, just like the ancient bone demon descending into the world, wanting to destroy all living beings!
"Jie Jie, who is going to die!"

The withered bone poisonous emperor smiled slyly, and made a low and hoarse voice. Before he could finish his words, the bone-like old monster took a step forward and slapped forward with a palm. Immediately, a pale light shot out from his hand, turning into a A ghostly white skeleton phantom rushed towards Meng Tianchen while roaring silently.

call out!
This supernatural power was extremely fast, turning into a pale light, piercing the sky with a bang!

With a full body of martial energy, all the vitality of the endless life is integrated into this bone blow. This supernatural power is the strongest trump card of the Withered Bones Poison Emperor, and its power is so strong that even some half-step masters dare not underestimate it.

How vicious this guy is, he actually wants to kill Meng Tianchen with one blow.

The Withered Bone Poison Emperor is full of confidence. Suddenly, he can definitely kill Meng Tianchen who was caught off guard with this bone strike.

Even though he is the master of the Meng Mansion, Meng Tianchen's weak cultivation was not noticed by the Withered Bones Poison Emperor at all.


Meng Tianchen, who felt a huge crisis, was about to escape into the Canglong Dimension, but found a cold light behind him, locked on to the slaughtered bones, and went to meet them.

call out!
A figure stood in front of Meng Tianchen strangely.

This is the mysterious Muchenzi.

"Old man with bones, you are courting death!"

Mu Chenzi was obviously disdainful and furious for the opponent's sneak attack.

"Candy finger!"

While drinking, Mu Chenzi's body surged with terrifying destructive power, and withered yellow light shot out from his fingers!

This withered yellow light exudes endless dead silence, like withered grass in late autumn, on the verge of death, turning into a big fingerprint in the tumbling flow, solid and solid like a real thing, with an ancient breath slowly dissipating from it, as if It has existed in this world for thousands of years.

The bone arrives, the blue finger meets it!

Two supernatural powers that are extremely yin and poisonous and emit a destructive aura collide with each other. When the two touch a little, an astonishing and terrifying aura erupts. It is like a black hole, which can swallow and annihilate everything alive.

The white bones roared, and the green finger suppressed the kill silently.

There was a strange stalemate between the two, but it didn't last too long. Accompanied by the roar of the phantom of the bones, there was a sudden cracking sound, and the bones were crushed by the pale fingers, turning into endless pale Qi was swallowed up by the fingerprints and merged into itself.

After crushing the white bones and devouring its power, Cangzhi's body became more solid and exuded even more evil aura. Several streaks of blood appeared on it.
Within a few seconds of the bone's defeat, the terrifying Cangzhi locked onto the Poison Emperor with the bone, and killed him with a siege.


The Withered Bones Poison Emperor suddenly let out a miserable howl, as if his chest had been hit hard, and blood flowed from his mouth and nose, but the strange thing was that the blood was dark red in color, and there was some foul smell faintly.

It seemed that the dead blood that had been placed for countless years flowed out from the dead body.

The dead blood overflowed, and the Withered Bones Poison Emperor suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and his breath languished in an instant.But at this moment, he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and ran away frantically to the rear while screaming.

Strong, this Mu Chenzi is too strong, much stronger than the rumors, but a half-step master!

Definitely a half-step Dazun!
Fear permeated the mind of the Withered Bones Poison Emperor, and all he could sense in this blue finger was death and decay.

This Nima is still the bone magic power that he hit with all his strength, and the weakened Cangzhi.

If Mu Chenzi strikes again, he will definitely die today.

It was under this kind of death crisis that the Withered Bones Poison Emperor was completely terrified, and it was too late to feel any regrets. The only thought he could think of was to escape!escape!escape!
But at this moment, it was too late for the old monster to escape.

call out!
A more terrifying green finger shot out from Mu Chenzi's hand.

The half-step master shot with all his strength, and could easily annihilate the peak Martial Emperor!

The blue finger shot out loudly, like a maggot attached to a bone, locked on to the dead bone and the Poison Emperor swept away towards him.


Withered Bone Poison Emperor suddenly turned pale, raised his head and screamed.

"help me!"

In the next instant, dozens of auras descended suddenly, vast and boundless, and the aura of the peak Martial Emperor was overwhelming, raging and erupting!Based on the joint efforts of more than a dozen peak Martial Emperors, the aura is fused and superimposed, and its coercion is so strong that it can be shaken by a half-step master!

"Leave someone!"

While drinking, more than a dozen figures appeared directly not far from the withered bone poison emperor who was fleeing desperately. At this moment, they all took a step forward, and the terrifying cultivation level exploded, and the endless martial energy suddenly appeared and turned into the power to seal the town, and went straight to The green finger went away, wanting to keep the dead bone poisonous emperor!

Mu Chenzi's face suddenly became horrified, and his eyes rolled sharply. Looking at these dozens of figures, murderous intent suddenly grew in his heart, and it surged wildly at an astonishing speed.

But it seemed that he had thought of something, but Mu Chenzi's eyes were strangely calm, indifferent, as if nothing in this world could make him feel the slightest emotion.

Soon, Mu Chenzi's face suddenly turned pale, and the aura in his body suddenly decreased at an astonishing speed, as if he had become a mortal, an inconspicuous old man.

Obviously, Meng Tianchen, who didn't understand why Mu Chenzi stopped, got angry.

"Want to escape?"

With a loud shout, a terrifying blood-colored vortex phantom appeared above Meng Tianchen's head!
Immediately afterwards, a spark floated out of the phantom of the bloody vortex.


"That is?"

Seemingly recalling some terrible scene, the dozen or so old monsters who managed to save the Withered Bones Poison Emperor all looked terrified, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing.


Regardless of the backlash, Meng Tianchen forcibly cast Shura Yan in order to kill the vicious withered bone poison emperor!
Just kidding, if it wasn't for Mu Chenzi, he would have fallen in the sneak attack of the Withered Bone Poison Emperor.

Forgive each other?Absolutely impossible!

In the sky-shattering rage, Meng Tianchen instantly drove that terrifying tiny spark, locking onto the panicked withered bone poisonous emperor and falling.

"Everyone! Help!"

Knowing very well that what Meng Tianchen emitted was a kind of innate flame, the Withered Bones Poison Emperor, who had no escape, roared sharply.

However, the dozen or so old monsters who joined hands to smash Cangzhi just now, not only did not go to rescue the Withered Bone Poison Emperor, but fled away one by one.

That is the innate flame. It is said that even the Venerable Heaven and Earth are afraid of the power. They are the peak Martial Emperors, how can they block it!

It's okay to die!

That tiny spark fell on the body of the Withered Bone Poison Emperor.

It burned instantly.

That flame, how strange.

In the blink of an eye, there was no dead bones in the sky, only a few ashes floating down.


The huge area was deadly silent.

How is this possible?What kind of cultivation is Meng Tianchen?It was really possible to kill the peak Martial Emperor, and it was so easy, like killing chickens and dogs.

The vast majority of people don't understand the power of that tiny spark that Meng Tianchen displayed.

Anyway, it's right to be extremely scary.

Meng Tianchen, whose face was extremely sluggish, suddenly found a loud sound coming from high above the sky.

A stalwart figure appeared.

This person had a gloomy complexion and sharp gleams in his eyes.

The person who came was Elder Wan Yan!
In fact, Elder Wan Yan came very early on, and after seeing Meng Tianchen's generosity, he had no choice but to show up.

Meng Tianchen is his disciple, representing the prestige of his Great Elder, provoking the Meng Mansion is equivalent to provoking him!
Elder Wan Yan sneered in his heart, these people who jointly planned the Meng Mansion suffered a big loss today.

With the joint efforts of more than a dozen old monsters, they dumped the terrifying Cangzhi, barely saving the Withered Bones Poison Emperor!

It's a pity that the dog's life of the Withered Bones Poison Emperor still couldn't be saved.

All of them were pale and embarrassed, and their expressions were extremely gloomy!


What a shame!
However, Elder Wan Yan, who seemed to know that these dozen old monsters had stronger means, appeared.

Appeared by incomparable coincidence.

The patriarch of the Xi family's face turned ashen, and he gritted his teeth in his heart. He paid a huge price to win over this withered bone poisonous emperor, not only failed to kill Meng Tianchen, but almost died at the hands of Mu Chenzi.

How aggrieved.

Another figure flashed out from behind a dozen or so old monsters.

Tianchen is killing more and more!

Tianchen Yuelu's face is ugly, today's incident can be said to be planned by him alone, now he has been severely humiliated by the Xiu of the Meng Mansion instead of humiliating others, all the old monsters are naturally shameless, he is also extremely annoyed .

Taking a step forward, Tianchen Yuelu said in a deep voice: "Boy Meng has such a vicious mind! It is impolite and inappropriate for the Withered Bone Poison Emperor to challenge your Meng Manor today, but he is the peak existence of my Holy Flame Tiger Clan after all, and his status Gao Chong, how dare you kill him directly! You must give me an explanation for the Holy Flame Tiger Clan!"

"Now that Elder Wan Yan has arrived, it is a good time to ask him to come forward and be just. If such a madman cannot be punished, then the strong members of our Shengyan Tiger Clan will lose their restraint, and it will definitely cause chaos and turmoil in the clan."


Meng Tianchen, who yelled loudly, hurriedly ran Konglong Zuzhu, recovering slowly, while staring at the middle-aged warrior opposite!
Although he didn't know him, the other party was definitely not an ordinary character.

At this time, even if Elder Wan Yan appeared, he was still threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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