Chapter 597 A Weak Counterattack

After some calculations failed, Tianchen Yuejuan changed his strategy accordingly, making a big fuss about the fall of the withered bones and poisonous emperor.

Meng Tianchen killed the Bone Poison Emperor in full view, even if Elder Wan Yan wanted to cover him up, there was nothing he could do about it.

Of the five great holy beast families, the strong ones in the group can naturally receive extremely high treatment, but they will also be restricted. Otherwise, if Mu Wugangji relies on his cultivation to act arbitrarily and recklessly, wouldn't it cause chaos in the group.

Regardless of the ethnic group, it has always been forbidden for the strong in the clan to strike and kill ordinary warriors. Once violated, they will be severely punished by the ethnic group. Today, like Meng Tianchen, killing the peak Martial Emperor of the ethnic group is already an extremely serious matter. .

After all, there are countless fighters in the entire Holy Flame Tiger Clan, but very few of them can become the peak Martial Emperor. Each of them is the core combat power of the clan.

Therefore, although Tian Chen's murder plan is simple, it is extremely useful. He first stated that the Poison Emperor withered bones had been defeated, and he wanted to be charged with the crime of taking Tian Chen's arbitrariness. Once confirmed, even Elder Wan Yan would not be able to protect him. Otherwise, it will cause public outrage and greatly affect the prestige of the Hall of Elders.

Many old monsters behind him started to croak when they heard the words.

"That's right, what Yue Lu said is very true, this Meng Tianchen acted recklessly relying on his innate flame, he must be severely punished!"

"Just now, all the people in Shengyan City witnessed it with their own eyes. If we hadn't joined forces, I'm afraid that more than one person would have fallen into the hands of Meng Tianchen today. How could such a reckless person be lightly spared!"

"I also ask Elder Wan Yan to deal with it impartially, and don't show favoritism, otherwise I and others will try to make things worse and hold a meeting of elders, and they will definitely ask for an explanation!"

"Meng Tianchen must be made to pay the price for his actions, and the Bone Poison Emperor must not fall in vain."

"If we can't come up with an explanation for this matter, my Xi family will definitely not let it go!"

Elder Wan Yan frowned, feeling a bit of a headache, his complexion couldn't help but gloomy, he didn't speak while he was pondering, obviously he was waiting for Meng Tianchen to explain.

The corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth showed a hint of ridicule!

Secret methods won't work, and now they want to use this kind of method again. Could it be that he really thinks that he will be afraid.

At this moment, he turned around and bowed respectfully to Elder Wan Yan before opening his mouth.

"This seat is recruiting warriors under its command, and there is no overstepping in the slightest. Today, there are five people from Pavilion Youyuan, Emperor Kun, Tong Laoguai, Brahma Emperor, and Withered Bone Poison Emperor to provoke our Meng Mansion for no reason. Let’s not mention whether there is any hidden secret in this matter, since they took the initiative to provoke, they must be prepared to bear all the consequences, and the current end is nothing but their own fault.”

"In the battle with the Withered Bones Poison Emperor, it was stated in advance that life and death depend on fate. Since he agreed, even if he dies, he has nothing to do with me."

Meng Tianchen opened his mouth, and picked himself up cleanly, these old immortals turned pale with anger, and their faces trembled for a while.


"It's just full of nonsense!"

Many old weirdos sneered endlessly, but they were unable to speak, after all, these are facts.

Tianchen Yuelu's eyes were gloomy, he cupped his hands and said, "I'll ask Elder Wan Yan to decide on this matter!"

Elder Wan Yan's eyes flickered when he heard this, and he coughed lightly.

"What else can I say, since Meng Tianchen has already explained the matter clearly, let's stop here. Withered Bones Poison Emperor can only be regarded as bad luck, and innocent people lost their lives by mistake. But Meng Tianchen's responsibility for this matter is not as good as Meng Tianchen. "

This old ghost is like a mirror in his heart, well, you old immortals are secretly preparing ways to deal with his disciples, but now that the plan fails, you want to make trouble with the dead bone poisonous emperor, you really think that this seat will not be angry!
Elder Wan Yan made it clear that he wanted to favor Meng Tianchen, his eyes were slightly squinted, and a trace of coldness flowed in them, as if the sub-seat did this on purpose, how can you bear me.

Tianchen Yuelu's breathing was stagnant, and his face was flushed red when he couldn't catch his breath!I have long heard that Elder Wan Yan has always been domineering and protects his weaknesses, and it is true that being famous is not as good as meeting him.

Only today did I realize that the rumors were all too light. In order to protect Meng Tianchen, Elder Wan Yan was so direct and so righteous. He just said that Meng Tianchen had already explained it clearly, so it was considered to be a final conclusion on this matter. The fact that the withered bone and poisonous emperor is dead is confirmed!

The face of many old monsters such as the ancestor of Xijia suddenly became extremely ugly, and they looked at each other but no one stepped forward to speak.

They asked Elder Wan Yan to make a decision. They originally thought that Elder Wan Yan, as Master Meng Tianchen, would deal with it fairly in order to avoid suspicion, but they didn't want it to be the immediate result.Now that the matter has come to a conclusion, it has caused them a great loss in silence, even if they want to talk back, there is no reason.

And more importantly, the power revealed by the entire Meng Mansion has completely exceeded their imagination. This kind of power is completely different from the weak Meng Mansion they expected, not to mention the terrifying half-step big senior mysterious black shadow, and The unfathomable blood man monster boy, the mere appearance of Elder Potian, Elder Xingchen, and Elder Wanyan in turn is enough to make them fearful and give rise to many considerations.

What's more, Meng Tianchen made a move, once again showing the terrifying innate flames, even the peak Martial Emperor can kill them!

This point was even more beyond their expectations. Although Meng Tianchen had never fully controlled this terrifying innate flame, and even forcibly used it there would be a severe backlash, but it was extremely terrifying.

Some old monsters secretly regretted that they should not be too impulsive, and joined in the secret incident against the Meng Mansion, and at this moment they have already started to retreat.

Tianchen Yuelu was particularly sensitive to changes in energy, so the retreat in the eyes of many old monsters couldn't be hidden from his eyes, and he cursed a waste in his heart, but he also knew that today's situation is over.

If these old immortals dare to make a big fuss with him and make things big, a meeting of elders will be held in the end to decide today's affairs. Even if Meng Tianchen is protected by Elder Wanyan and others, today's affairs may not have a turning point.

But now he alone can't make waves.

"Hmph! Since Elder Wan Yan made such a decision, I and others do not agree with it. Write this matter down, and I will deal with it later. I will leave!" Tianchen Yuelu said in a deep voice, there is nothing to do, Of course he didn't want to stay any longer.

This time, not only did they not humiliate the Meng Mansion, but they greatly fulfilled their prestige. Thinking of this, Tianchen felt so oppressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

After hearing the words, many old monsters bowed their hands at the same time, took advantage of the momentum to step down, and wanted to leave.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen took a step forward.

"Today's matter, I will keep it in my heart for the time being. If there is no crime in the future, I will let it go. My Meng Mansion will definitely not continue to retaliate. But if there is a second time, it will be my Meng Mansion's undead and endless enemy. Seniors, please think carefully about it."

As the sound spread, almost half of the dozen or so old monsters paused slightly, and then continued to move forward, but their movements were much easier, without the slightest stalemate and heaviness before.

Although Meng Tianchen is tyrannical and domineering, he is not a blindly reckless person. .

This time, it is unwise to reveal the background of the Meng Mansion and severely defeat the black hand behind the scenes, but it is unwise and not conducive to the future development of the Meng Mansion if it is really a sworn enemy with the forces behind the dozen or so old immortals.

That's why he said what he said before, presumably in this way, there must be many forces that will restrain their thoughts after seeing the true power of the Meng Mansion, no longer make things difficult for the Meng Mansion, and also disintegrate their hostility to the Meng Mansion from within coalition of forces.

Elder Wan Yan nodded, his eyes showed a bit of admiration, a man stands between the heaven and the earth, if he wants to achieve great achievements, he must have a broad mind, if he is only reckless and bloodthirsty without the slightest flexible mind, it will be difficult to achieve great things.

"Tianchen, you did nothing wrong with what you did today, but the Withered Bone Poison Emperor is the pinnacle Martial Emperor of my Sacred Flame Tiger Clan after all. This matter must never be repeated. You must remember it. If it is not a last resort, you must not kill him again." I am a strong member of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan, otherwise, if I really committed public anger, I would not be able to solve it as easily as today."

"There is a concern in your mind about this matter. It is inconvenient for me to stay for a long time, so I will leave first."

After saying that, Elder Wan Yan turned around and fled in one step.

Meng Tianchen saluted respectfully.

"Congratulations to send Master."

For Elder Wan Yan, he was very grateful. This cheap master spared no effort in protecting him, and even went so far as to conflict with others for him. Meng Tianchen remembered all of this in his heart.

"You continue to recruit warriors under your command." He greeted Nobita and the others, and Meng Tianchen's figure fell from the sky and fell into the backyard of the Meng Mansion.

This time when Shurayan was forcibly cast, the backlash was stronger than before.

He must recover from trauma as soon as possible.

After Meng Tianchen's figure disappeared for a moment, the whole space was still silent. Countless warriors looked at each other, with excitement suddenly showing on their faces.

"Join the Meng Mansion! Third brother, let's join together!"

"Let's go, let's go to the Xi's house to clean up and leave immediately. With this kind of powerful force, there will be absolutely no prospects in the future. Maybe we will annoy Lord Meng Tianchen, and we will be wiped out someday! It's the wisest choice."

"It turns out that this is the real background of the Meng Mansion. Fortunately, we saw this scene today, otherwise we would definitely miss the good opportunity to join the Meng Mansion right now. It will be difficult for us to get in when they recruit all warriors!"

"Join the Meng Mansion!"

Facing the passionate crowd of warriors, Zhu'er, Guan Huang and others were all dumbfounded.

Because, among these people, there are actually some Tianwu Emperors, Jiwu Emperors!

Today, it is destined to be the beginning of the Meng Mansion establishing its prestige and raising the prestige of the Sacred Flame Tiger Clan!
At the same time, Tengfu.

The patriarch of the Teng family sat on the head, and many strong men of the Teng family sat in awe, all of them looked in awe.

"It was because of the clever calculations of the ancestors that they didn't compete with Tianchen Yuelu for the leadership of this matter. Now they are really beaten by the Meng Mansion, and they are disgraced and disgraced."

His Royal Highness, all the powerful members of the Teng family had recounted the battle between dragons and tigers in the sky above Yanhu Lake today, and there was only rejoicing in their tone.According to the power displayed by the Meng Mansion today, even if he makes a move, the outcome is uncertain.

(End of this chapter)

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