Chapter 801 Shadow Camp
Qianhuo hastily opened his mouth.

"Brother Lan, don't worry, I'll be more presumptuous in front of you. At other times, my mouth is very firm, and I will definitely not cause trouble. Besides, which one of the current army is not fluctuating and uneasy."

Seeing this, Lan Ling sighed inwardly and pondered for a while, thinking that it would be better to mention them a little bit, so as not to cause big trouble in the future.

"All of you should take care of yourself in the future. Since you have entered the Mongolian Ministry, you must be loyal to the general. After the mutiny in the army, you still can't see that the general is a person who can achieve great things. In the future, as long as you and I Follow with peace of mind, don't worry about not having a bright future."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment before lowering his voice to speak.

"This time, the commander-in-chief appointed me to follow the right wing of the army. You know how much promotion and cultivation this is. You must know that the one who follows the left wing of the army is the younger generation of the Lancang family! The general is favored by the commander, and he has means. There is no chance of rising after worrying, have you heard that?"

Gan Huo and Qian Huo's eyes lit up when they heard the words. They were only worried about the future and didn't realize the twists and turns. Now that Lan Ling pointed out the left-wing Lancang family, they still don't understand the cultivation , I was overjoyed at the moment.

As a subordinate, I am most afraid of the incompetence of the superior, otherwise there will be no future and no promotion, let alone the slightest carelessness in this battlefield, I may lose my life.Now that the general has a great future, they will naturally rise, so don't they feel happy.

Lan Ling looked at the joy on the brows of the two, but her eyes fell on Zhongjun.

Although the general is favored by Marshal Rong Lei, but from the moment it seems that he has no intention of taking care of him, he obviously wants to test the methods of an adult before entrusting him with a heavy responsibility.

But now that the Mongolian army's morale cannot be unified, it is a big problem. I only hope that the general can think of a countermeasure, otherwise, if the battle fails, the army may collapse in an instant.

Alas, it is useless to think about these things, I just hope that adults can notice this early and take precautions.
In the Chinese army, Meng Tianchen didn't go forward in a chariot, but rode a wild ancient beast that was two feet high.This beast can be used by General Bei for marching, its power is comparable to that of a holy land, and its eyes can see illusions, which is not extraordinary.

At this moment, he was sitting on the beast's body, his brows were slightly frowned, and he spoke lightly after a while.

"Here's an order to carry out military drills while the army is marching, focusing on sprinting, being attacked, and breaking the rear. It is imperative that the entire army be familiarized with these three types of formations before the army arrives at the front line."


The surrounding heralds immediately issued the general's orders layer by layer.

Although the Lord of the Hu Kingdom only enshrined General Bei and Sandu Tong at two levels, there is still a detailed division of military ranks below Sandu Tong.

Meng Tianchen sighed softly, he was no stranger to marching formations, and he was very handy in commanding the army of the Holy Flame Tiger Clan to counterattack the Fire Clan in the Jiawu Continent.

But compared to the current battle situation that day, the creek is compared to the river, which is completely different.Just the terrifying power that the army under his command can concentrate at this moment is too much for him to bear.

Now that soldiers are training during the march, they just hope to increase the strength of the army under their command as much as possible before the war breaks out, so as to reduce losses in the war.

Although he was on the right wing of the army, it was relatively safe, but Meng Tianchen would not naively think that he could sit back and relax in this way.The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, once there is a change, not to mention that the coach Rong Lei may not necessarily rescue him, even if he sends an army, it may not be in time.

On the battlefield, if you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself in the end.

The general order is issued, regardless of whether the heart is willing or not, various exercises of the army have already begun.Chaos was inevitable at the beginning, and it even affected the speed of marching, but after Meng Tianchen publicly punished more than a hundred people who were sloppy and powerless during the military exercise, the whole army immediately became awe-inspiring!

"Practice a little more now and get familiar with the way of joint attack! Maybe you can save your lives in the battlefield, so that you can leave the battlefield alive and enjoy the merits you have won! If there are those who are lazy and don't advance, they will end like this! "

Although Meng Tianchen's embarrassing voice has dissipated, it still lingers in the hearts of countless soldiers. Naturally, no one dared to deal with it during training.

After three months in a row, slowly passed through the military drills, and finally had a look of a regular army, and the central area has finally arrived!
"General, the commander-in-chief ordered our army to suspend the march, and carefully monitor the enemy's spies to see if there is any movement of the Tianhan family's army on the right wing." Xianzi was thoughtful and thoughtful, and was appointed by Meng Tianchen as the intelligence officer, in charge of the army and the main army command link between.

Hearing the order, Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, raised his hand slightly, and the marching army of more than a million people stopped after a dozen or so breaths. Although it was not considered a ban, he was quite satisfied with the results of the training in March.

"The army set up camp."

Meng Tianchen issued an order, because this was not the first time he had done this kind of thing, the army had a clear division of labor to set up tents and set up simple warning and defensive formations.Because they are already close to the front line, fierce battles may break out with the enemy at any time, so the layout of the barracks is quite cautious, and once they are attacked, they can gather troops to launch a counterattack in the shortest possible time.

Elder Tianwu and others supervised the construction of the barracks and the layout of the forbidden formations!There is no need for Meng Tianchen to bother, he looked at the Tuoyang area from afar.

The Tianhan family controls the Tuoyang area, which is an important military town. It has accumulated nearly [-] million elite soldiers and is protected by a fortress. It is extremely difficult to conquer it!Right now, across from Hu Kingdom's army is Dushan City!
As a bridgehead, this city was also the battlefield where the two armies clashed for the first time after their reorganization. In just two months, it has been heavily rebuilt. Although the entire city area has not been expanded, the city's defensive strength has been increased by more than several times.

According to the reports of the army spies, nearly 8000 million elite soldiers of the Tianhan family have accumulated in Dushan City, and the city has abundant resources for defending the city.

The first step in the confrontation between the two parties was naturally that the Hu Kingdom gained the upper hand and captured a large area of ​​the Tianhan family's territory.After a short rest, even entered the second stage of the war.

Because the country's lord led the army in person, it was necessary for the central area to launch an attack first in order to involve the troops of the Tianhan family, and then he could make arrangements calmly.So this first battle is the offensive and defensive battle of Dushan City.

If the Hu Kingdom is conquered successfully, it will naturally continue the wave of great victories at the beginning of the battle, and the victory of the Tianhan family will be able to curb the decline, stabilize the morale of the army, and win a round in the losing battle.

Both sides naturally valued this battle.

The Hu Kingdom was swept by General Rong Lei with an army of [-] million, and the Tianhan family also dispatched General Xuedu, a general who is good at defending the city.
This battle is bound to be extremely difficult, the Hu Kingdom wants to guarantee a great victory, and the Tianhan family can no longer lose.Otherwise, if you lose the battle, you will undoubtedly fall into a disadvantage again.

Meng Tianchen's face was solemn. Although the war had not yet broken out, the coercion condensed by the fierce aura rising from the two armies had already shaken his mind, and he was extremely deterred and suppressed!

This kind of fierce aura formed by the gathering of hundreds of millions of troops is already extremely uncomfortable under the induction, and the consciousness is as painful as a needle prick. If one dares to release the detection of the consciousness, it may be directly wiped out in an instant.

Even the great powers of the upper emperor realm cannot directly detect the military situation with spiritual consciousness.Because of this, the spies' intelligence will be paid more and more attention in the confrontation of the army, and the situation of the enemy army can only be known by their inquiries and reports.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, and he had already made up his mind.

In less than half an hour, the tent has been set up.

This kind of military tent is an extremely exquisite treasure, with its own enclosed space, once it is unfolded, it can form a space ranging from thousands to thousands of miles, which can accommodate large troops to live in.

The space formed by the military tent is not stable, and it will collapse after being hit by a strong force!
Meng Tianchen entered the general's account, and summoned the humble general Liang Dong and others, as well as the twelve close-ups under his command, to enter the account.

Everyone saluted respectfully and took their seats one after another.

Dong Liang's official rank is a lowly general after all, although he is under Meng Tianchen's command, he can't be too wronged, his position is only half a rank lower than Meng Tianchen's general, to show respect.This person has been cautious and low-key since the mutiny in the Japanese army, and he never refused Meng Tianchen's intentional approach.

Meng Tianchen sat high and looked majestic, his eyes swept left and right under the tent, and then he spoke in a deep voice.

"Thanks to Marshal Rong Lei's great attention, I put my Mongolian troops on the right wing of the army, beheaded the enemy's small detection forces to avoid impacting the army, and was responsible for intercepting the spies of the Tianhan family and spying on the other party's military affairs. It’s the first time that Zibu is on the battlefield, so he must be careful in everything, and there must be no mistakes.”

Speaking of this, all the generals under the tent nodded one after another, with dignified expressions, but there was no fear or uneasiness in their eyes, but more eagerness to try.

Before the battle, Meng Tianchen was quite satisfied with the performance of the generals of the Mongolian Ministry who were able to maintain their momentum and not be intimidated by powerful enemies for the first time when they formally stepped into the battlefield between the two countries.

"I have summoned you here today to introduce a new colleague to you. If there is no accident in the future, he will be in charge of spying on our army and intercepting spies from the enemy country." With a flash of inspiration, a figure appeared directly.

His expression was weird, although Maomao had grown up a bit, he was still bigger than ordinary children, when he saw Meng Tianchen, he knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully.

"Maomao, see the general!" The reason for calling it this way is because Meng Tianchen had already asked him to do so.Otherwise, with Maomao's temper, they would have started arguing long ago.

"Maomao, I will confer you the title of Sandu Tong for the time being. After the war, I will apply to the commander-in-chief for the official title. In the future, you will be responsible for all intelligence matters in our army. In addition, in order to ensure the smooth flow of news without interference, I will Set up a shadow battalion separately, and you will be in charge of the chief temporarily as the title of Sandu. You will be under the direct control of the general. Choose suitable people from the army to supplement the force, and you can report first, and anyone who receives the order must not resist, otherwise you will be punished as a felony for disobedience to the military order!"

(End of this chapter)

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