Chapter 802 Night Attack
This time, Meng Tianchen spoke in front of the generals under his command, not only as a formal introduction, but also to tell them that he will personally take over the military intelligence, and no one else can interfere.This is a positive notification. If someone violates it in the future, they will have nothing to say if they deal with it.

"No! The subordinates must do their best not to let the general down!" Maomao tried her best to keep her voice down, feeling overjoyed.

This time, he beat Beibei by a margin.

You know, that guy Beibei is still screaming in the Martial God Monument!
Intelligence in the army is the most important thing, to be able to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the general, it is obvious that Mao Mao is an absolute confidant warrior, how dare they take it lightly.

Seeing this, Meng Tianchen nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, now that you have known each other, there will be opportunities to get close in the future, so don't be in a hurry. Liang Dong, you can step back later, and announce this general order to all camps. In addition, just in case, the army Organize a patrol and security team, day and night, to prevent the enemy from attacking the camp!"


Liang Dong followed everyone's promise, turned around and left the tent, but he was a little shocked in his heart.It seems that although General Meng Tianchen is an ascended martial artist in a small world, he is not completely without knowledge. He must have a miraculous space treasure on his body, and he has his own personal armed force in his hands.

Although I don't know the real background of this hidden power, but I can see some from this Mao Mao who appeared, I'm afraid it's not weak.

Thinking in this way, he became more and more optimistic about Meng Tianchen, and was quite satisfied with his decision to get close to him.It is much more beneficial to take refuge in Meng Tianchen now when he is weak than in the future when he has a firm foothold in the army and his wings are growing.

Liang Dong had some intuition in his heart, the general is someone who can achieve great things, if he can't seize the opportunity now, even if he goes to seek refuge in the future, he might not be able to get close or get useful.

Meng Tianchen watched his subordinates withdraw, pondered for a while, and stepped towards the layman, followed by Maomao respectfully.

Even if you are thousands of miles away, you can still sense the terrifying coercion emanating from the more than [-] million troops of the Pot Kingdom. This momentum is enough to make any warrior feel chilled, and he will not dare to touch his head lightly if he is far away!

He shook his head slightly, with a complex look on his face.

After entering the Linglong Great World, Meng Tianchen realized that cultivation in the big world is completely different from that in the small world. If you just focus on cultivating hard, even if your aptitude is against the sky, your achievements in this life are doomed to be limited!

As a big world with a hundred times or even a thousand times more resources than the small world, as long as you have a little bit of qualifications and practice hard, most of them can be promoted to the Great Exalted Realm, and with a little luck, it is not difficult to be promoted to the Holy Realm.

But once one enters the holy realm, the path of cultivation is suddenly arduous, and if one wants to continue to improve one's cultivation, the cultivation resources needed to be consumed will explode in an explosive manner.

There is no need to say much about the aptitude requirements for the advancement of the holy realm to the emperor realm. There is a terrifying gap in the realm of Dao power between the two. years to complete this step.Not to mention the imperial realm!
Those who have large resources have great achievements, those who have small resources have little achievements, and those who have no resources have no achievements. This is the undisputed fact in the big world!Therefore, if you want to get help in cultivation and help yourself to continuously improve your cultivation and climb to the top of the Dao, you need to continuously seize more resources and opportunities for your own use.

And this kind of competition, reflected in the big world, is war!
As small as the various small faction families, as large as the eight giant power empires, they have been fighting and fighting all year round. In the final analysis, they are also fighting for a larger territory and more resources!
That day Hu Kan was killed in the Hu army's new camp, but it completely overturned Meng Tianchen's previous understanding of the cultivation of the emperor's realm.

The roulette transformed by the primordial power of chaos in the Purple Mansion can directly refine remnant souls to extract powerful power. The effect of this way of improving cultivation is terrifying!
Meng Tianchen was a little worried, he was different from anyone else's Zifu, sooner or later he would be discovered by others!
This kind of strange roulette devours the power, how terrifying, how weird!
It should be known that Meng Tianchen had only beheaded Hu Kan before, and he was able to make a great improvement in the cultivation of the first-rank emperor.Almost from the first entry of a first-rank emperor to the peak level of a first-rank emperor.

Is this okay?

If he could kill ten or even a hundred emperors, the powerful power he could draw would definitely make his cultivation base skyrocket at an astonishing speed, reaching an astonishing level!

The mysterious ray of the original power of chaos in the Zifu, which is different from other great emperors, is caused by the fusion of the power of the black mist in the Monument of the Demon God!
In the final analysis, the root of the mutation lies in the Monument of the Demon God!

What is this Demon God Monument?
Meng Tianchen is currently in the army of the Hu Kingdom, and the army of the Hu Kingdom is in a battle with the Tianhan family, and people will die on the battlefield!
Killing enemies on the battlefield and establishing meritorious deeds can not only absorb cultivation and strength from killing, but also accumulate merits in exchange for canonization. The current situation is perfect for Meng Tianchen.

Planning to join the army is definitely the most correct decision he made after entering the Linglong world!

Right now, the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family are fighting. On the surface, the two countries have a lot of grievances, but in essence they are still fighting for territory and mastering more cultivation resources and treasures.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen has absolutely no qualifications to intervene in the war between the two countries, but this does not prevent him from using the war between the two countries to rapidly increase his own strength.

This battle is both a test and an opportunity for him!He must seize the opportunity in this war and rise up in the war!


Meng Tianchen took a deep breath, restrained his own thoughts, and his mood gradually stabilized.

The battle is imminent, and what he wants will eventually come.

The [-] million troops of the Hu Kingdom came with mighty momentum to swallow mountains and rivers. After a short rest for seven days, they immediately launched a frenzied attack on Dushan City.

After a brief pause between the opposing sides, the first battle of the second phase officially started!
The leader of the pot king, Rong Lei, was quite skilled in military affairs, and his elite soldiers and generals were like a cloud, and the soldiers swept up like mountains and seas.

Comparing the strengths of the two countries, the pot king is the most important, with a concentrated force of 8000 million.The Tianhan family has a strong city to defend, and General Xuedu is holding [-] million elite soldiers to defend the city.For a moment, an inch of land below the city wall became the battlefield of Shura, and the forbidden aura flashed wildly, and all kinds of siege treasures were launched frantically.

The sound of fighting, howling, and the sound of tearing flesh and blood.
Intertwined and mixed together, everything can be clearly heard for tens of thousands of miles around.

The evil spirits of the two armies soared into the sky and turned into phantoms of giant desolate beasts, roaring wildly, extremely terrifying!
In such a fighting battlefield, once the body is damaged and the remnant soul is exposed, unless there is a mysterious and powerful treasure guarding it, it will be melted and dispelled by the evil spirit in an instant.If someone dared to sense the battlefield with his spiritual sense, he would be directly obliterated, and even under the backlash, the divine sense of the person who made the shot would collapse and die!

The power of the battle between the two armies can be seen from this!
The army of the Hu Kingdom launched an incomparably violent attack on Dushan City with the aftermath of the previous great victory, and the continuous attack continued day and night without stopping for a moment.

But Dushancheng City is like a reef in a stormy sea, silent but motionless like a mountain!No matter how violent the army of the Hu Kingdom launched, they would not be able to cross the threshold, and they would not be able to make meritorious deeds for a long time.

The continuous fighting has caused the two armies to wear down rapidly.However, the Tianhan family has a strong city, and the death of soldiers is still within the acceptable range, but the loss of the Hu Kingdom's army made Rong Lei, who has an army of [-] million, frown greatly!The city walls and the ground were already soaked in blood. If soldiers from the two countries hadn't cleaned it up, the piles of corpses would have been as high as the city walls!

Hu Kingdom was unable to attack for a long time but suffered heavy casualties, and the morale of the army was naturally affected.Commander Rong Lei followed the advice of his generals and had no choice but to order the siege to be suspended and gather the army to find another countermeasure.

Although the army of the Tianhan family in Dushan City successfully defended the city, they also suffered heavy casualties. The soldiers were exhausted. Looking at the Huwang tent stretching endlessly outside the city, the guards of the Tianhan family in Dushan City were not at all relaxed. the meaning of.Although the Hu Kingdom's army has been seriously injured, it hasn't moved at all. There are still more to be fought in this battle, and a temporary victory is not enough to prove anything.

The first night after the armistice.

Meng Tianchen sat upright in the general tent with a serious expression on his face.He already knew the news that the army hadn't made any achievements in the first battle. Although he had no feelings for the Hu Kingdom, but now that he wanted to make a fortune, he needed to rely on the rising trend of the Hu Kingdom.Once the Ruohu Kingdom loses in the battlefield, it will not be a good thing for him.

But now he is not qualified to intervene in matters related to military affairs. Even if he was, he has no good way to face the high-walled and solid city with elite soldiers and strong generals who have been prepared for a long time.

This is a tough bone, but if the Hu Kingdom wants to achieve great things, it must take Dushan City.Otherwise, the army will be ineffective and suffer heavy losses. I am afraid that the morale of the army that has continued from the great victory will gradually disappear.

Right now, the strong attack is ineffective, so it is a very wise choice to stop for the time being, otherwise, the more the delay continues, the greater the damage to the morale of the Hu Kingdom's army will be.The loss of soldiers has not yet shaken the foundation of the army. There is no one who will not die in a battle, but if the morale fades, it will be the biggest blow to the Hu Kingdom's army!


When Meng Tianchen frowned and thought hard, his face suddenly changed, he got up suddenly and went out of the general tent, looking gloomy at the army station of the Hu Kingdom.

The evil aura of the two armies that had been subdued suddenly reappeared at this moment. Although the exact situation is unknown, but according to the sensory judgment, the sudden outbreak of war is not in Dushan City, but in the camp of the Hu Kingdom!
Profile for family army attack camp?

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's expression became cloudy for a while, but he was not out of control yet.Sensing that although the momentum of the Zhonghu Kingdom's army was a little messy, it quickly formed the force to counterattack. The Hu Kingdom army did too much damage.

It's just that the siege was unsuccessful, and the camp was stormed at night. Even if it was calmed down, it would be a great loss to morale.

(End of this chapter)

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