Chapter 804
Han Jie's face was serious, but this time the soldiers of the Tianhan family had already made preparations, and their speed suddenly stopped, and they lined up to resist.Fighting on the battlefield is like a fight between warriors. Once you fall behind, you will be beaten passively.The Tianhan family army underestimated the Hu army's new battalion, which is why it suffered a disadvantage in the hands of the Mongolian Ministry.

The second wave of attacks swept past, and more than two thousand soldiers of the Tianhan family were beheaded, and the momentum of the Mongolian Ministry was even stronger.

"Kill! Kill!"

Meng Tianchen sternly shouted, millions of spears blatantly pointed at the sky, the force of terrifying piercing and tearing suddenly erupted, like invisible arrows shot furiously, merging continuously in the collision, turning into strands of terrifying tearing arrows The power of cracking, against the sky!

The three consecutive exercises are all the content of the Mongolian Ministry's daily military exercises.Meng Tianchen knows that time is short, and it is impossible to turn the Mongolian troops into elite soldiers in a short period of time. He only wants to let them form combat power in the shortest possible time, so he chose the simplest three-killing method in the army for training. , which has the effect today.

After passing through the terrifying power generated by the strangulation of the two armies, he has already noticed that the enemy general's eyes are on him, with murderous intent, and he has not hidden it at all.

Meng Tianchen's face was serious, and a strange stick appeared in his hand at some point!

Canglong Stick!
"Kill!" With a low growl, Dajun attacked again.

Han Jie originally thought that there was a mistake in the intelligence, and that the regular barracks of the Hu Kingdom were stationed here, but at this moment, his chest was churning, and he almost didn't vomit blood.Gritting his teeth in his heart, he secretly thought it was the new camp of Hu Jun!
Except for the new battalion of the Hu army who has just joined the army, that army can only use the three axes over and over again!

But it was these three sharp axes that almost made Han Jie grit his teeth!He led the army here with the intention of underestimating the enemy, but he didn't want to be seized by the enemy general in an instant, and he brought the Hu army's new battalion to gain the upper hand.

The Tianhan family army is well-trained, and the power it can explode far exceeds the same amount of soldiers from the new camp of the Hu army, but the number of Mongolian characters is nearly three times that of them. In terms of confrontation, the two sides are only evenly matched.

If this entanglement continues, I don't know when it will be possible to decide the winner!But they are running out of time. If they can't solve the obstruction of the new camp of the Hu army on the ground as soon as possible, once the army of the Hu Kingdom chases them, they will definitely die!
Now Ji can only lead the army to charge down. Once close to hand-to-hand combat, Han Jie believes that the soldiers under his command will be able to directly charge the army of the new battalion of the pot army on the ground to pieces!

But in this way, there will inevitably be damage during the charge of the army.

Han Ju's light suddenly fell on the enemy general, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.If this general can be beheaded, the army below will be in chaos, and they will not be able to handle it at that time!

This will also avoid unnecessary damage.

Han Jie is also a person who is single-minded and decisive. When he had this thought in his heart, he made a decision in an instant.

"Han Chi temporarily takes command of the army on behalf of the general, and leads the barracks. He will charge forward with the general and kill the enemy general!"

Before the voice fell, this person was the first to bear the brunt, avoiding the place where the army fought hard, and went straight to the ground army by detour.

The enemy general is only in the realm of a first-rank emperor, and with his cultivation level and his personal army to follow, he will be able to kill the enemy general before the opponent's army encircles and strangles him. By then, the overall situation will be settled, and he will naturally be in no danger if the enemy army collapses!

Han Jie looked at the panic in the eyes of the enemy general, and couldn't help showing a ferocious sneer at the corner of his mouth!With a wave of the robe sleeve, the power of the emperor's realm suddenly shot out, and swept straight to the ground.

The enemy general rushed to resist, Han Jie's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed.This person actually wanted to pull him into the battlefield of the emperor's realm, presumably because he didn't want to cause an impact on the army formation, but this was also in his favor, and he could kill the enemy general without interference!

That being the case, how could he refuse!

The moment the two original forces of chaos met, the figures of the two disappeared immediately and entered the battlefield of the emperor's realm!

Between the trees where the two figures disappeared, on the ground, a warrior wearing ordinary Sandu uniform suddenly raised his head, let out a low growl, and his figure turned into a phantom and soared into the sky.This person is Liang Dong!

With a flick of his sleeve, his magical powers exploded, stopping all the enemy generals and personal soldiers who swooped in!
Imperial battlefield.

At the moment of the fight, Han Jie couldn't help but jump violently in his heart. Looking at the calm and calm expression of the enemy general and the cold light in his eyes, he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

This time, I'm afraid I've been tricked!

But right now he was not given more time to think, Meng Tianchen was murderous, and his magical powers poured down crazily.This battle must be resolved quickly in order to collapse the enemy and try to avoid damage to the Mongolian characters.

Meng Tianchen's cultivation seems to be at the peak of a first-rank emperor, but his real combat power is comparable to that of a third-rank emperor. The enemy general Han Jie is a second-rank emperor. The difference in strength between the two sides has already determined the outcome of their fight.

The strange original power of chaos in the Purple Mansion was urged to the extreme by Meng Tianchen!

Shot, sealed the town, strangled, and within a moment, the general of the Tianhan family was beheaded while roaring unwillingly.

In the Purple Mansion, the original power of chaos turned into a roulette phantom again, emitting a dazzling golden light, and the remnant soul of Han Jie was pulled into the Purple Mansion without any hindrance!

Then it was devoured and refined by the roulette, and immediately a force flowed out from the roulette and poured into Meng Tianchen's body.


With a loud shout, Meng Tianchen faintly felt that he was on the verge of breaking through, and he believed that he would be promoted to a second-rank great emperor soon!

Stepping out of the battlefield of the emperor's realm, Meng Tianchen's figure appeared on the battlefield of the two armies, and he roared suddenly.

"The enemy general is dead, you still haven't surrendered!"

The sound wave rolled, and under the blessing of the original power of chaos, it spread across the entire battlefield in an instant!
The soldiers of the Tianhan family raised their heads and saw Meng Tianchen's figure appearing, but there was no figure of his own general, their faces suddenly turned pale, and panic and fear appeared in their eyes.

Once Han Jie died, no one else could suppress the army, and the morale of this Tianhan family army collapsed instantly.

With a bang, the 40 troops of the Tianhan family dispersed and frantically fled in all directions.

The masked units on the ground cheered in unison, and their morale skyrocketed again!

Meng Tianchen's eyes showed joy, the Tianhan family's army was indeed fierce, but at this moment the army formation collapsed, their greatest advantage has been broken, if they don't go forward to kill the enemy now, when will it be!

"Send the order, the whole army will attack, a group of one hundred thousand, and hunt down the deserters of the Tianhan family! Those who surrender can save their lives, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!"


Millions of Mongolian soldiers responded loudly. At this moment, the battle has gained the upper hand. After the initial panic and panic, they no longer have the slightest fear in their hearts when facing the deserters of the Tianhan family. , each dispersed to chase and kill.

Meng Tianchen did not continue to fight. The battle has progressed until now and the overall situation has been decided. Even without his intervention, the collapsed army of the Tianhan family could not be the opponent of the Mongolian Ministry. It is just to take this opportunity to let the soldiers under his command experience the battle in the army , or to be tempered.

The battle lasted for half an hour and ended. The 40 troops of the Tianhan family were beheaded and more than [-] were killed, and the rest surrendered.

However, the Mongolian character's own damage was less than [-], and the first battle ended with a complete victory.

Meng Tianchen sat upright in the general position, with a faint joy on his face, looking at the excited generals on both sides of the tent.

"Has the post-war results been calculated?"

"Reporting to General, in this battle, our army killed more than 12 enemy troops, captured 29 soldiers from the Tianhan family, and lost 820 soldiers, including 200 wounded. Our army actually died in battle. 1 people!" Xianzi got up and spoke with a happy face.

These victories are naturally nothing in the battle of the army, but it is a great victory for the Mongolian Ministry!

It doesn't matter how big or small the meritorious service is, the key is that through this battle, the morale of the Mongolian Ministry has greatly improved, and the originally slightly impetuous military spirit has instantly stabilized. This is the biggest benefit of this battle!

It is not difficult for the people in the tent to think of this. Now that they have been branded with the Mongolian Ministry, they will share honor and disgrace in the future. If the Mongolian Ministry is strong, they will also be able to rise. Naturally, it is a happy ending.

Meng Tianchen nodded in satisfaction.

"Has the list of meritorious officers and men in the army been sorted out? I am going to report this matter to the commander-in-chief immediately and ask for rewards for them!"

"The list of military merits has been completed, and there is no discrepancy after review."

"Okay, inform the main army immediately, our Mongolian character department has won the first battle!"


After discussing military matters for a while, the generals in the tent stepped down one after another, announcing that they would reward the whole army for their meritorious service.

Meng Tianchen could clearly feel that after this battle, the cohesion of the Mongolian Ministry became much stronger in an instant, indicating that the officers and men in the army had begun to recognize his position as the general.

But the little joy didn't last long, and was suppressed bit by bit by him.This was just a coincidental victory. If the enemy had not underestimated the enemy and the Mongolian Ministry seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand, and the enemy general was beheaded by Meng Tianchen, the outcome of this battle is still unknown.Today's Mongolian character department is still too weak, and it will need to be polished bit by bit in the future to become a truly strong army.

The main camp of the army of the Hu Kingdom.

Marshal Rong Lei occupies the high position, his complexion is ugly, and his eyes are even more gloomy.

The generals on both sides of the tent lowered their heads slightly, and even restrained their breathing a lot, not daring to make a sound.

The entire military tent was immersed in a dull and depressing atmosphere.

After three consecutive months of attack, the army did not make any achievements, and they had no choice but to win the Dushan City. On the contrary, they suffered heavy casualties.According to military statistics, in the siege battle in March, 2000 million soldiers were killed in the Hu Kingdom, and more than [-] million were seriously injured and unable to fight again.

Marshal Rong Lei's [-] million Pot Kingdom army lost nearly one-tenth of it in a short period of time. Although the foundation of the army has not been shaken yet, this loss is already extremely astonishing.It would be good to capture Dushan City, but it is a situation where it will be impossible to achieve an inch.This matter has already alarmed the king, although he did not come in person, he has already sent a special envoy to supervise the war, faintly expressing his dissatisfaction with the commander Rong Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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