Chapter 805 Dilemma
In the second stage of fighting between the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family, the first battle was handed over to Rong Lei as the commander of the army. Naturally, it was a great trust. Now that the long-term battle has failed, how can the king feel happy.

And this was also the reason why Marshal Rong Lei became more and more irritable.

Dushan City is like a big mountain, under the guard of General Xuedu of the Tianhan Family, it is like an iron wall. No matter how ferocious the Hu Kingdom's army launched a series of ferocious attacks, it could not be destroyed in the slightest.

And the low morale in the army made him even more anxious.As the coach who has fought for many years, he naturally knows the importance of morale to the army. If the morale is lost, the battle will be really dangerous.

If the Tianhan family turns around in a panting state and loses the opportunity to defeat and annex them in one fell swoop, the lord will be furious. Even if he is a super powerful emperor, he will not be able to escape the lord's wrath and his life will be ruined Maybe not, but I am afraid that the status of middle schools will be greatly reduced in the future.

Marshal Rong Lei would just watch this scene happen!
So even though he was not reconciled, he still followed the advice of his generals to suspend the war for the time being, but who would have thought that only on the first night of the truce, the troops of the Tianhan family who were shrinking their heads and guarding the city like a tortoise would actually launch a rush to the camp!
Although it did not cause much impact, the death of more than 300 million soldiers and the calm retreat of the Tianhan family army still caused a major trauma to the morale of the entire Hu Kingdom army.

Coach Rong Lei was furious, but he felt a little uneasy in his heart.Now the morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom has dropped a lot, if it continues like this, the consequences will be disastrous!

Therefore, after the rush to the camp subsided, he immediately dispatched a large army to hunt down the fleeing Tianhan family army, and urgently summoned the senior generals of the army to discuss matters.Right now, the only way to restore some morale is to kill all the enemy troops rushing to the camp.

But at this moment, he felt a little uneasy.

According to reports from the spies, a large number of about 40 elite soldiers of the Tianhan family rushed to the camp and did not return to Dushancheng City, but instead went straight to the right wing of the army.But the right wing is where the Hujun Xinying Mongolian Department is stationed.

In order to stabilize the situation in the barracks and prevent Dushan City from changing, when the exact news was received, nearly an hour had passed.Those who stormed the Hu Kingdom's barracks were all elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. Although there were only 40 of them, their strength was far from comparable to that of the new Hu army camp. The battle between the two armies may have ended at this moment.

Meng Tianchen is a person with some abilities, he wanted to hone it and cultivate it, so that he can earn it under his command in the future, but now it is a pity, and I don't know if he can survive in this scuffle.But even if he is still alive, the Mongolian character department collapses, and this person has no value in continuing to cultivate.

Marshal Rong Lei had such a thought in his mind, and he couldn't help feeling restless again.Although the Hu Army's new battalion is not an official regiment, it is also organized by the Hu Kingdom. If the Mongolian army is slaughtered by the Tianhan family's army, it may cause another blow to morale.His eyes swept under the tent, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Everyone, the lord of the country sent his commander to attack the Tuoyang area. He fought fiercely for three consecutive months, but he failed to take down even a small mountain city. Instead, our army suffered heavy losses! The lord of the country is already dissatisfied with this, and sent a special envoy to supervise the war. You Is there a good way to deal with the current situation?"

After the words fell, all the generals in the tent were agitated, and Zeng Tai cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Commander! Although Dushan City is strong, there are only 8000 million defenders in the city. Our army's aura covers the entire space, and this city is an isolated city that cannot be replenished. No matter how thick the stockpile is, after three consecutive months of our army The impact must also cause severe wear and tear! As long as the commander-in-chief gives the order, the last general is willing to lead his subordinates to fight, and the city is bound to be taken!"

"General Zeng Tai's words are right. Our Hu Kingdom's [-] million troops have gathered, how can they be blocked by a mere mountain city! If we continue to attack, we will definitely be able to break this city!"

"The last general invites the battle, and the city will be destroyed!"

The generals of the main combat faction headed by Zeng Tai spoke up one after another. Although what they said was not a good strategy to break the situation, the generals under his command still had such momentum at the moment, which made the commander Rong Lei feel quite comforted. People sit down for now.

"Marshal! The city of Dushan is extremely strong, and there is also the famous general Xuedu who is stationed with 8000 million elite soldiers. Even if there are injuries, there are still more than [-] million soldiers. In addition, the Tianhan family has made every effort to prepare, and the city is extremely rich in supplies. According to Fighting against the city should not be underestimated. Our army has fought hard for three months and cannot advance an inch, which has already proved the difficulty of conquering this city. If we blindly attack by force, it will inevitably cause the loss of the army, and even if it is finally conquered, our army will suffer countless casualties!"

"It is not advisable to attack by force. We should find another way to break through the city to minimize the damage to our army!"

Another general raised objections. Although what he said was unfavorable, it was telling the truth.Coach Rong Lei naturally wouldn't feel dissatisfied because of this, he waved his hand and told them to sit down.

Most of the generals under the account did not feel restless or panic because of the setback in the war, which made Marshal Rong Lei quite satisfied, but the two attitudes he held at the moment were not beneficial to the current situation, which made him feel a little helpless.

Sitting on an army of [-] million, with a cloud of elite soldiers and strong generals under his command, it is really embarrassing that he can't do anything to this small Dushan City!
"Military division, I wonder if you have a plan for this matter?"

Marshal Rong Lei looked at the man in plain robe sitting behind the long table on the right, and spoke slowly.

The military adviser has followed him for many years. At first, he was just an ordinary counselor, but because of his intelligence and prudence, he gradually gained the trust of the commander and became the number one counselor under his account.Marshal Rong Lei attaches great importance to him, and whenever he encounters difficulties, he will rely on him.

The military master didn't dare to be careless, he hurriedly stood up and saluted before speaking in a deep voice.

"Commander, our army is more than [-] million, and the loss of more than [-] million is not enough to move the foundation. Today, the war is only slightly frustrated. Our army still has the absolute upper hand in the war. This is from the profile of the profile family. It can be seen that the army only dares to stick to the city and does not dare to fight head-on with our army. In the first stage of the war, our Pot Kingdom conquered a large area of ​​​​the Tianhan family's territory in one fell swoop, and the morale of the army was like a rainbow. Now that the war has resumed, according to the subordinates, it is very important. Losing some soldiers is nothing, as long as the morale of our Hu Kingdom army is still there, our Hu Kingdom will still have the upper hand in the battle, and it is only a matter of time before Dushan City is broken!"

Marshal Rong Lei nodded when he heard the words, and the anxiety in his heart calmed down a lot after hearing the military division's words, and his thoughts became clearer.

"What the military adviser said is true, as long as our army's morale does not drop, we will definitely be able to take this city!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the military division with a gentler expression.

"I don't know if the military division has a good strategy to boost the morale of our army?"

"The army's advance was frustrated, and the morale of the lieutenant general was low. It is inevitable that the incident of rushing into the camp like this tonight must not happen again. In addition, the army of the Tianhan family who rushed to the camp tonight will definitely send a large army to strangle them and capture their heads. Throw it in front of Dushan City, and make the army scream and scold the city from a distance, so that the army's morale can be stabilized, and the depression in the hearts of the soldiers can be relieved. Then the commander will reward the person who beheaded the Tianhan family's army that rushed to the camp. Invigorate the whole army, so that morale can be recovered. As for the strategy of conquering mountains and cities."

After a pause, the military adviser glanced at the many generals sitting down before continuing to speak.

"A strong attack is not advisable. The commander may choose to divide the army into two parts. One side will besiege the city without fighting, and the other army will go straight to the Yanling and Arc Light cities behind Dushan City, in order to break the current deadlock. How to make a decision still needs to be decided by the commander in chief.”

The military division spoke slowly, he also spent a lot of time on the matter of saving mountains and cities, but for a while, he had no countermeasures, so he could only think of countermeasures to divide the troops and fight.

Marshal Rong Lei secretly sighed in his heart, but he also knew that it was unrealistic to ask the military division to come up with a solution immediately, so he nodded slightly without showing dissatisfaction on his face.

"What the military adviser said is very reasonable, so let's take this policy for the time being to boost morale. As for dividing the army and fighting to break the stalemate, it might not be a solution, but this is a big matter, and the commander still needs to think about it. , also needs to be approved by the country's lord, so the discussion will be postponed."

The military adviser cupped his hands and sat down on the seat.

But at this moment, there was a sudden flash of news from the commander in chief, which indicated that there was an urgent military report. The army was sent to chase and kill the fleeing troops of the Tianhan family, and it should be the result at this moment.

The commander of Rong Lei waved his hand to open the restraint of the commander's tent, and spoke in a deep voice.

"come in."

The generals under the tent listened to the advice of the previous military adviser and looked at the information jade piece in the hands of the military intelligence officer, with a little envy on their faces.Hu Kingdom's army chased and killed the deserters of the Tianhan family.


Commander Rong Lei inspected the jade piece of military information, but he was suddenly furious, and he slapped the commander's seat with his palm, his face extremely gloomy.

The tent fell silent in an instant, all the generals were terrified, they didn't know what happened to make the commander lose his composure, and every one of them was unavoidably surprised.

Commander Rong Lei took a deep breath. Although he sometimes loses his composure as a superior, his emotional control is undoubtedly extremely strong. Seeing the suspicion in the hearts of his subordinates, his face is still gloomy, but he has regained his composure.

"Military intelligence officer, tell me!"

When the words fell, he leaned against the handsome man, his face was obscure and he couldn't see the thoughts in his heart.


The military intelligence officer below was pale, but he didn't dare to delay when he heard the words, and told all the information he knew.

"After the Hu Kingdom attacked our barracks, a total of four escaped from our army's strangulation, each ranging from 50 to [-] people, and fled to the surrounding area. Two fled to the left wing of the army, two fled to the hinterland of the army, and the last one Flee to the right flank of the army."

Speaking of this, the person's face became paler, swallowed a mouthful of spit, and then opened his mouth tremblingly.

"Except for the right wing of the army, there is no news. The left-wing Tianhan family's fleeing army defeated the army led by General Jiabei of Wuyi, beheaded nearly 60 people, and left through the teleportation circle that had been set up long ago. The formation has self-destructed after activation. Unable to ascertain the enemy's whereabouts. Going deep into the hinterland of our army's rear, the two fleeing troops of the Tianhan family defeated nearly 800 million troops of the Shuijia, Anjia, and Tongjia generals respectively, and beheaded countless people. They also used the pre-arranged teleportation circle to disappear afterwards trace."

After the military intelligence officer talked about it, his body knelt on the ground and trembled, his heart was already extremely frightened, for fear of being angered by the commander in chief.

The entire handsome tent was dead silent, and the faces of the generals under the tent also became extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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