Chapter 806

The army of the Hu Kingdom fought hard to conquer the mountain city, and the morale was already damaged. At night, after the elite army of the Tianhan family rushed into the camp, the main force retreated safely into the city, and their morale was damaged. The army, instead, was beheaded by the new battalion of the Pohu Army taking advantage of the situation, and escaped safely. If the news spread, the morale of the army would definitely be damaged three times!
Three damages to morale will inevitably shake the pot king's heart, and the remaining prestige from the continuation of the great victory will also be exhausted as a result.When the time comes, the Hu Kingdom's army will have no advantage. If the Tianhan family takes the opportunity to recover, they can drag the Hu Kingdom into a tug-of-war.Once this is the case, in order to avoid shaking the country's foundation and being taken advantage of by foreign enemies, this war of the Hu Kingdom must be hastily ended with peace talks!

Thinking about it now, it seems that every move of Hu Kingdom's army is planned by the Tianhan family, so it's no wonder the commander is furious!
After all, Marshal Rong Lei was in a firm state of mind, and now his mind had regained his composure. He waved his hand and let the military intelligence officer, who had been granted amnesty, back out.

"Everyone, the Lord of the Kingdom and the Governor of Wuyi are currently leading their armies to fight against the Tianhan family. The battle is equally tragic but has not shown signs of decline. If our army is forced to retreat by Xiaoxiaodu Mountain City, it will definitely affect the entire battle situation! Neither you nor I can bear the Lord's wrath!"

"Pass down this Commander-in-Chief's order, the army will temporarily rest and restore morale. No matter what, the mountain city must be destroyed within one month. Even if it is filled with life, it must be brought down!"

Speaking of later, it was already full of evil spirits.The Xuedu generals of the Tianhan family attacked one after another, and had already forced Marshal Rong Lei to the point of no return. Even though he knew that a strong attack was unwise, he had only this choice!

All the generals under the tent got up at the same time, with a cold light in their eyes.

Breaking the city, everyone has meritorious deeds, and there will be rewards in the future!Otherwise, just wait for the baptism of the king's anger!Thinking of the stern methods of the lord, the generals in the tent felt awe-inspiring.

But at this moment, the commander's message spirit stone flickered again, indicating that there was another military intelligence.Seeing this, all the generals lowered their heads slightly, with complicated eyes.

It was said before that there were four armies of the Tianhan family, but there was only news from three parties. It must be related to the military situation of the fleeing army of the Tianhan family on the right wing of the army.Thinking of the previous information, even the Wuyi family on the left wing of the army, who controlled the new battalion of the Hu army, had such a miserable end, the Mongolian division on the right wing of the army may have existed in name only.

Coach Rong Lei was already prepared in his heart at this moment, his expression was gloomy but quite calm.

"Come in!"

Between the language fronts, a slight chill lingered on it.

The military intelligence officer bowed his head to enter the account, his mouth was bitter, and he really wanted to die. The military intelligence of the Mongolian Ministry did not come sooner or later, but it happened at this juncture.However, he would not dare to commit such serious crimes as private suppression of military affairs, so he had to bite the bullet and report again, and he could only resign himself to fate if he died.

"Marshal, the latest military newspaper of the Mongolian Ministry, the subordinates have not come to read it after getting it, so they sent it directly!"

"Bring it up!"


Marshal Rong Lei stretched out his hand to pick up the jade piece. After being furious, his mood calmed down. He thought that even if he saw the news that the entire Mongolian army was wiped out, he would not be too shocked, but when his spiritual sense penetrated, the first The first thought was to suspect that I was delusional, and after a closer look, I realized that I was indeed right.

Not a big defeat, but a big victory!

"Report to Marshal Lei to know that the Mongolian Department of our army fought fiercely with 40 enemy troops of the Tianhan family, more than 12 were beheaded, 29 were captured and surrendered, and 820 soldiers were lost, including 200 wounded. People, 1 people were actually killed in battle. Great victory! I would like to report the good news to the commander in chief, and I will ask the commander in chief to decide on the arrangement of the prisoners."

The rest is the process of the great war and the list of soldiers who were rewarded for their meritorious service during the battle.

Slowly putting down the jade piece in his hand, Marshal Rong Lei's face turned pale, and a feeling of relief suddenly appeared in his heart.Although it only defeated 40 enemy troops, it was only a small and small battle in the great war, but at this moment when the army suffered successive setbacks and its momentum was declining, it was extremely critical!
With this big victory, it can offset as much as possible the impact caused by the fact that the fleeing army of the Tianhan family rushed to kill the new camp of the Hu army and retreated safely like no one's land.Moreover, as a head-on victory between the new battalion of the Hu army and the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family, there is no doubt that it has a very subtle reflection, and it is not difficult for people to have the idea that the Tianhan family's army is nothing more than this.

Just imagine that the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family were not the opponents of the new battalion of the Hu army of the Hu Kingdom. They were beheaded 12 and captured 29.It can be seen that the Hu Kingdom's army fought hard and failed, not because of their lack of military strength, but because the Tianhan family relied on the solidity of the city. If they fought head-on, they would definitely not be the opponent of the Hu Kingdom's army!
At this delicate moment, if this victory is well publicized, it can even reverse the sluggish morale in the army and play an unexpected role.

As for the army of generals Wuyi, Shui, An, and Tong who were defeated by the fleeing army of the Tianhan family, it was because of their own incompetence in command that they only needed to deliberately lower their handling of the matter to resolve it.

In a short period of time, Marshal Rong Lei had a lot of thoughts and made a decision in his heart. He raised his head to look at the generals under the tent, and spoke slowly.

"The Mongolian character department on the right wing of the army, great victory!"


"The Mongolian Department of the New Camp of the Hu Army has bravely created the enemy army and made outstanding achievements. He has promoted the national prestige of our Hu Kingdom. He was promoted to the governor of Sandu under the order of Marshal Lei. He can command 500 million soldiers under his command! Hope to fight the enemy bravely and make contributions to the country!"

"In addition, the meritorious officers and men of the Mongolian Department have their own rewards, and ordinary soldiers can also be rewarded with Chaos Crystals to show their merits!"

Meng Tianchen led all the generals under his command to receive the order, because it was during the war, as Commander Rong Lei, who commanded one-fifth of the force of the Hu Kingdom, had the power to promote his subordinates on the battlefield. Afterwards, as long as the merits of the review were in line, they would be confirmed by the lord.

In other words, Meng Tianchen led the Mongolian Ministry to the first great victory, and it is not too much credit, so he has already been promoted to Sandudu!

Among them, there is naturally the reason why the Hu Kingdom's military needs to use this victory to make a fuss, and reward them wantonly. Everyone in the middle knows it, to calm people's hearts and boost morale.

After Meng Tianchen thought about it for a while, he had already figured out the many twists and turns, and he also knew that this award was all due to chance and coincidence.But this is a good thing after all, the title of official title is still second, the people of the Mongolian Ministry have really stabilized after this battle, and it is the biggest gain right now for him to truly grasp this army that is safe and secure!

And in the long run, the impact of this matter is far-reaching.

The Tianhan family fled the camp and broke through the Wuyi family, the Shui family, the An family, and the Tong family all the way, but only suffered a big loss at the hands of the little-known Mongolian tribe, and was defeated in one fell swoop and ended in a great victory.After this incident, the Mongolian character department must be famous far and wide!
"Congratulations to the governor!" Liang Dong, Shier San Dutong and others under his command immediately changed their titles, and their expressions were also full of joy.

Although Meng Tianchen is currently the one who can be granted the title, only when the chief officer is promoted can they have more opportunities to be promoted. This is a good thing for everyone, and naturally everyone is excited.

There was a slight smile on Meng Tianchen's face, he bowed his hands and saluted, and said a few words such as the scene where the commander fell in love with him wrongly, and he will surely serve the king with his body smashed to pieces.

Seeing that the governor didn't want to talk much, the generals under his command left one after another, and in the end there were only dozens of cronies left.Except for the twelve generals under his command, Liang Dong, Lan Ling and others were all generals who later joined Meng Tianchen's command, and they were recruited to get close to him only after they were approved.

Right now, they are all their own people, so there is no need to worry about speaking.

"No matter what the reason is, this governor's conferment this time has finally stabilized the situation of the Mongolian Ministry. In the future, the army will be in control without any accidents. You can take action to gradually master military affairs. If there are people who don't know the current affairs, they will immediately be divided to the edge In the future, the list will be counted and reported to the governor, and they will be cleared out together.”

Meng Tianchen established the Mongolian character department in order to build an army for himself. As the capital for future great achievements, he naturally wants to control all of them in his hands, and absolutely no other voices are allowed to exist.Those who are sincerely obedient will be reused, and those who have two intentions will be cleaned up!
This is a fixed calculation in his heart, and it will not change no matter when.


All the trusted officers and officers under his command showed excitement on their faces.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"The new battalion of the Hu army still has a steady stream of warriors from the Hu Kingdom joining in. You must take advantage of the time when the army is publicizing the achievements of our department, and let all the warriors who joined the army know the promise of the governor to the soldiers. There will be a large number of soldiers joining in continuously, and the strength of our department will definitely skyrocket. The more soldiers you have under your command, the greater the initiative you and I will have in the battlefield, and there will be more opportunities to make contributions and win meritorious deeds! This matter is extremely critical, and it must not be the slightest bit Roughly speaking, can you understand the meaning of this governor?"

"Don't worry, the governor, the subordinates will definitely do their best to do this well!" Attracting soldiers into the camp is a good thing for everyone, and naturally no one objected. At this moment, they all retreated after respectfully saluting, and hurried away.


corpse family.

Because the black coffin of the poor emperor lived on the stone platform, there was a faint corpse atmosphere lingering on it.

On the ground of the main hall, a corpse emperor knelt on one knee, his slightly pale face was full of respect.

"Because of your lord, poor Emperor, after evacuating the pot kingdom that day, his subordinates were ordered to search for the whereabouts of Nameng Tianchen, and now they have gained something. According to information, this person has entered the palace of the pot king, and is in the pot kingdom, The Tianhan family made great contributions in the battle and was promoted to Sandu Dudu."

"Join the army?"

The deep and hoarse voice of Emperor Yinqiong came from the coffin.

"Fighting in the army and gaining meritorious service is naturally the best choice to achieve a rapid rise in success. Now he is the governor of Sandu. If he continues to delay, this person will become more and more powerful, and he will be sitting on the army. If he wants to kill him, it will undoubtedly more difficult!"

"Pass down my order to send Yinyue Corpse Emperor to kill this person and bring his body back!"

Kneeling on the ground, the Corpse Emperor's body stiffened slightly when he heard the name, and responded respectfully. He stood up and took a few steps back before turning around and striding away.

(End of this chapter)

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