Chapter 807 Expansion of the Army
Browse the territory of the hidden corpse emperor.

In the passage of ascension, the corpse was severely injured by Meng Tianchen with the Monument of the Demon God. The corpse collapsed and the remnant soul was severely injured. Although one life was saved by luck, the cultivation base was greatly damaged.Under the call of Emperor Yinqiong, after this person was brought back to the Great Yin Sect, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and went directly back to his own territory to retreat and heal his wounds, and he didn't dare to take half a step out of the retreat.

The corpse clan is inherently cold-hearted, and there is an evil method of devouring high-level or same-level warriors to improve their cultivation. Looking at the seriously injured body of the Yin Corpse Emperor, there are many enemies among the corpse clan on weekdays. Naturally, they know the current dangerous situation. Before recovering from his injuries, he will never show up in the corpse clan territory again.

"Ah! Meng Tianchen! Damn Meng Tianchen!"

"If I don't die, I will eat your flesh and blood in the future, arrest your remnant soul, seal it in the corroding corpse, and endure endless pain for eternity!"


From time to time, in the secret room where the Emperor Yinyin Corpse practiced in closed-door training, crazy roars of pain or venomous curses could be heard, because they were mixed with the power of the Emperor Realm, even if the soundproof ban could not completely block them, all the guards outside could hear them clearly They were all pale, and their eyes were full of horror.

Half a sound later, the painful wailing in the secret room just ended, and after half a sound, a weak low shout came from it.

"Qingji, come in!"

The summoned Qingji Corpse King turned pale in an instant, his eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, but he was under the command of Lanyin Corpse Emperor and had been banned, and he had absolutely no power to resist.

But fourteen corpse kings had entered the secret room before, but no one left.Qingji Corpse King naturally understood the meaning it represented.But he still can only move step by step, enter the secret room, and become the No. 15 corpse warrior who disappeared in it.

The remaining corpse kings looked at each other, and they could all see the fear in each other's hearts!
If it continues, all of them will die, and they will become supplements for Lanyin Corpse Emperor to heal his injuries.In this process of tormenting and waiting to die, how could they be willing to wait to die.The eyes of the remaining 27 corpse kings showed a trace of blood at the same time, their eyes were cold and sharp!

Teng Shan lowered his head slightly, keeping a low profile among the crowd of corpse kings, but no one noticed at the moment that his slightly lowered eyes were shining with excitement and heat!
Look at the Yin Corpse Emperor, the power of your remnant soul is mine!


The Fire Clan, the leader of the Tian Family.

"Emperor, the investigation has sent back news that Meng Tianchen, an ascended martial artist from the Jiawu Continent, is now joining the Pot King's army. He is an official to Sandudu, and he is in command of an army of 500 million."

Emperor Zhenyan sat high on the scarlet throne, listening to the warriors below report, he could not help frowning slightly, and the depths of his eyes flickered coldly.

"Joining the army, although the crisis is serious, is also the fastest way to rise in our Linglong world. It seems that if you want to kill him, you must hurry up. The longer the delay, the more difficult it will be when you take action."

Speaking of this, Emperor Zhenyan waved his robe sleeves, and a crimson aura shot down directly, and landed in the hands of the kneeling warrior.

"By following this king's decree, recruit dead men from the great clan of the Tian family, sneak into the pot king's cave, and behead Meng Tianchen!"



Honorary governor's mansion.

"Miss, here are your monthly bills and various expenses for this month. Madam has ordered that the governor's mansion has a big business, and all expenses are not a small amount. In order not to cause more trouble to the governor, we will Be economical and ask the old slave to explain it to you, so as not to be dissatisfied." The butler bent slightly, with a humble smile on his face, and there was nothing wrong with his expression.

Rong Mo looked at the few supplies, his face was gloomy, but he didn't say a word.

Although the woman was not angry, she finally learned some patience during this time, she lowered her head and gritted her teeth without saying a word.

The girl's face was still indifferent and calm, and she nodded slightly at this moment.

"I trouble the housekeeper to tell Madam that these expenses are enough. I can understand Madam's difficulties in running the Governor's Mansion, and I have absolutely no dissatisfaction in my heart."

"Auntie Nian, take out [-]% of this month's salary and give it to the housekeeper."

"Miss, we also need to purchase the medicine for your body, these chaotic crystals are no longer enough for us to use."

"Okay, do as I say."


Aunt Nian took out [-]% of the Chaos Crystal, and angrily handed it over to the housekeeper, her face becoming more and more ugly.

"Miss Xie appreciates that at the beginning of the month, each room and door needs to issue monthly regulations and other things. The old slave has to go to work, so I won't stay for long, and I will leave."

The housekeeper took the Chaos Crystal, and the smile on his face became even stronger. He took two steps back, turned and left.Just talking to himself as he turned around.

"Madam's third miss is anxious to find a piece of dark jade recently, and she is now looking for it in Mandu Lord's Mansion. I don't know if she can find it. With the third miss's temper, no matter who it is, if you encounter it, I'm afraid it will be hard to find it." To take away."

As the voice faded, the butler had already led the servants of the governor's mansion away.

Rong Mo's expression changed instantly.


The young girl's scallion jade fingers clenched suddenly, turning slightly white, she clenched the Mingyu that never left her body, lowered her head slightly, and spoke slowly after a while.

"I will never let Fang Mingyu out."

What the steward said at the moment seemed to be inadvertent, but he was telling them.The third lady of the Governor's Mansion is looking for Mingyu, it's better to keep this Mingyu well, don't get yourself into trouble.

This is the result of the usual rewards. Although the steward will never help them directly, he can secretly give them a little bit without making trouble for himself.

These are enough.

The girl turned around, tightly held the Mingyu in her hand, and walked into the room.

"Uncle Mo, I'm not feeling well. I've been recuperating for a period of time, and I need to recuperate. In the future, the gate of the courtyard should not be opened again."

"Yes, ma'am."
"Uncle, this young lady's monthly expenses are the least in the Governor's Mansion, even less than one-tenth of the third lady's. Obviously she doesn't like Madam. After meeting the Governor, he just ignored her and didn't take it to heart. Why are you helping her? Wouldn't it be nice to use this fine piece of dark jade to please Third Miss?" A man in green robe behind the butler asked puzzledly, his eyes full of confusion.

The butler shook his head.

"Look at that lady, she has suffered a lot of grievances in the governor's mansion, but she has never done anything. She is very well-mannered and has no reason to cause trouble for the madam. This kind of disposition alone is definitely not ours. The princes and ladies in the governor's mansion can't compare."

"It's a pity that the lady is from the lineage of the governor of the lower realm. If she came from an orthodox background, she must be the most favored in our governor's mansion. But even so, there will be a long time to come. Miss may not have a chance to stand up. I am now Chief Steward of the Governor's Mansion, even if you please the third lady, what can you reward me? It's nothing more than chaos crystals. But don't forget, how many things the lady has rewarded me during this period of time. In this case, I Why bother to offend the young lady completely in order to please the third young lady. It is a good thing for us servants to leave a way out."

"Also, keep your mouths tight about today's matter, whoever dares to leak anything out, I can't tolerate him!"

The housekeeper was born in the army and has always followed the governor's side, so he is a true confidant.In order to save the governor, he suffered an incurable serious injury on the battlefield, so he stayed in the governor's mansion as a housekeeper. The status in the mansion is quite high. Even the wife has always relied heavily on the housekeeper in the face of the governor, and never reprimanded him. beat and scold.The servants in the mansion naturally knew this, and whoever dared to provoke the housekeeper would end badly, and immediately said yes.


Propagating the result of the battle between the Mengzi Department of Hujun Xinying and the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family really curbed the low morale in the army and stabilized the morale of the army.Marshal Rong Lei was overjoyed when he saw this, and sent people to continue publicizing the matter. At the same time, he also began to follow the advice of the military adviser and sent soldiers to shout outside the city of Dushan.

This seemingly ruffian's method has unexpectedly achieved unexpected results.The various units of the Hu Kingdom's army took turns scolding the city, but the Tianhan family's army stayed in the city and did not dare to show their faces.

For a while, the sluggish morale in the pot king's camp was restored.

Taking advantage of this period of time, General Rong Lei continued to make secret preparations, accumulating all kinds of siege objects from the rear while the army was recuperating, and when the morale of the army recovered to a certain level, there would inevitably be another overwhelming siege wave.

It's just that this siege must be defeated in one battle. If there is no more meritorious service, the morale of the army will be damaged again, and it will be extremely difficult to recover at that time!
January slipped by quietly in the confrontation between the two armies across the city. When the two armies were secretly preparing for a big battle, it was a month of soaring strength for the Mongolian Ministry!
In the Pot King's newsletter, the Mongolian Ministry was widely publicized to defeat the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. In addition, Meng Tianchen's promise to the soldiers under his command spread, which naturally made the Mongolian Ministry the first choice for the soldiers of the Hu Kingdom to join the new camp of the Hu Army. In just one month, more than [-] million soldiers joined the army, including more than [-] soldiers from Sandutong, and seven generals from Bei.

Meng Tianchen led his soldiers to reorganize the army with all their strength, arranged and digested the rising power properly, and began to control military affairs to cultivate cronies, and those who were reviewed and available were recruited and appointed as generals with real power.

People with ambiguous attitudes and double-mindedness will directly marginalize them without mercy, and become vain positions with only military positions but no soldiers under their command. They only need to find opportunities to remove them in the future.

After careful consideration, Meng Tianchen opened the Martial God Monument, led the army into it, and trained the recruits to meet the more brutal battle in the near future!


The city was under martial law long before the army of the Hu Kingdom came. The elite soldiers of the Tianhan family, wearing armor and holding spears, were patrolling the city. Anyone who had any unruly intentions would be killed instantly on the spot!

Although the war did not break out, the entire city was still shrouded in a heavy pressure.And the non-stop shouting and cursing outside the city made the generals of the Tianhan family feel restless. Although they knew it was a plot by the Hu Kingdom's army, they couldn't ignore it.

(End of this chapter)

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