Chapter 808 Duke Long
"The child soldiers of the Tianhan family, if you have the guts to open the city gates immediately, you will have a battle with your Hu Guobing grandfather! Your grandfather only leads 50 soldiers, and he can kill 500 million of your army!"

"Even the army in the new battalion of our Hu Kingdom's Hu Army can defeat the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. If you are still trying to confront our Hu Kingdom's army, you should go back to your mother's womb to rebuild and fight again!"

"Shrinking your head like a tortoise in a thick tortoise shell is indeed the usual method of your Tianhan family army. A certain family really didn't expect that there would be such a useless army like you in the world!"


The shouting and cursing outside the city made the faces of the generals of the Tianhan family turn red, and the letter of war floated into the city like snowflakes. This is where General Xuedu commanded.

"Supervisor! The final general is willing to call for a battle and lead his son Lang to fight with the army of the Hu Kingdom. Even if he dies on the battlefield, he will have no regrets in his heart!"

General Xue Du looked at the angry general under his command, and couldn't help showing a bit of helplessness in his eyes. It was naturally impossible for him to lead the army, so he had to comfort him with gentle words, sent him away, and took a drink Taking a sip of tea, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Hu Kingdom Rong Lei's coach is not an easy person, he can seize a small victory to build momentum, and he can break most of the low morale that he has planned so hard. , I'm afraid it can restore a lot of morale.Fortunately, the army of the Tianhan family in the city is also cultivating at this time, as long as the city of Dushan can be defended, the morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom will inevitably decline in a few months.

As for the idea of ​​fighting in Kaicheng, General Xuedu would never have it, let alone the enemy's strength and morale, he has a strong city in his hand, so why bother to show off his bravery.Thinking of this, my heart becomes more stable.

But at this moment, acquaintances suddenly walked in from outside the hall. The leader was a middle-aged man, wearing a black robe with lifelike dragon embroidered on it. The posture of a dragon and a tiger.Behind him was a young man in armor, but his appearance was somewhat similar to this person, and behind him were several generals, their heads were slightly lowered at this moment, and no expression could be seen on their faces.

General Xuedu saw the person coming, his face changed slightly and then disappeared, he stood up and walked quickly, saluting respectfully.

"I didn't know that Duke Long was coming, I would have been far away to welcome him, please forgive me."

"General Xuedu doesn't need to be polite. The head of the family ordered you to be the supreme commander of the war in the Tuoyang area. I didn't notify you of my whim today. Naturally, I can't blame you."

The black-robed man, titled Duke Long of the Tianhan Family, has a high-ranking Great Emperor Realm cultivation level, which is comparable to the commander of Rong Lei of the Hu Kingdom!Although it is said that it is not easy for a large army to kill the commander-in-chief, it is not easy to take risks and go to the battlefield in person, but the super strong in the upper emperor realm already has the qualifications to influence and dominate the battle. Now that the two sides are fighting, how can Patriarch Tianhan not respond.

It is true that General Xuedu is the highest military executive in Dushan City, but Duke Long is the highest ranking person, who does not take charge of military affairs.

"Duke Long, please take your seat!"

Although Duke Long spoke mildly, General Xuedu still didn't dare to be careless. Although he had the title of famous general and was a high-ranking member of the Tianhan family army, he was still much inferior to Duke Long.

Duke Long took his seat, and behind him the armored youth and several generals stood respectfully on one side.

General Xue Du stood there, lowering his head slightly to show awe.

"General Xue Du used his troops like a god. He stood firm on the mountain city to repel the attack of the [-] million army. He also had a series of ingenious strategies to weaken the morale of the enemy country. It can be said that his methods are exquisite. But now the army of the Hu Kingdom is using our army's small defeat that day to restore morale. People scolded the city for months to boost morale, if this continues, our army has no countermeasures, I am afraid that the morale of the enemy army will increase, and our army's morale will continue to weaken, so it is naturally not beautiful." Long open said, the voice Calm, people can't guess the thoughts in their hearts.

A gloomy look flashed across General Xuedu's lowered eyes, and he glanced at several generals standing to one side from the corner of his eye. These were all the generals under Duke Long's command, and they were also guarding Dushan City this time. Among them, it is obvious that they reported the matter to Duke Long this time.

This is not impossible, but he has not been informed in advance, so where will he be the supreme commander of the war?But Duke Long was here, so he naturally wouldn't show any dissatisfaction, and opened his mouth.

"Although the Hu Kingdom has recovered some morale through means, as long as Dushan City is solid and cannot be attacked for a long time, the morale it has boosted will inevitably weaken again. As for the scolding of the city, it is Xiaodaoer, but it is the calculation of the Hu Kingdom. Provoking our soldiers to fight head-on, how could this general have fallen for such a shallow strategy."

"As for the morale of our army to drop a little, it's not a big deal. The Pot Kingdom's scolding of the city will not last for too long, and it will attack again. At that time, the anger in our army's soldiers will just vent out, and it will definitely explode. Stronger power, give the Hu Kingdom army a head-on blow."

Duke Long nodded slightly.

"What General Xue Du said is well-founded, but it is justified. But if we can take some measures in advance to attack the morale of the Hu Kingdom, it will undoubtedly be much easier to defend the city, and it will also reduce the casualties of our army."

"Oh? Could it be that Lord Long has some clever plan, why don't you tell this general, and see if it works?" General Xue Du said calmly, cupping his hands.

Duke Long's eyes flickered slightly.

"General Xue Du was wrong. I was ordered by the Patriarch to be stationed here just to deal with Rong Lei, the commander of the Hu Kingdom's army, intervening in the battle and affecting our army's fight. I will not interfere with the frontline military affairs. But my son joins the army. After many years, I have a plan for the current situation, and I think it is acceptable after hearing it, so I came here to take him to meet General Xuedu, and see if this kid's strategy can be as good as General Xuedu's."

"It turned out to be Young Master's plan. Since Duke Long thinks it is acceptable, there is something to be said for it, so I asked Young Master to tell you the truth. If it can be used to make meritorious service, I will definitely ask the Patriarch for title for Young Master." General Xuedu When mentioning the head of the family, he bowed his hands slightly, but he knew the purpose of Duke Long's visit in his heart.

It is rumored that Duke Long has hundreds of wives and concubines, and there are many descendants of blood, but there are very few people he loves and values. Right now, this son is born to Duke Long's wife. , and now his cultivation is already at the peak of a first-rank great emperor, and his potential is huge, which is very popular with Duke Long.

General Xue Du was originally worried that Duke Long would intervene in military affairs, but now it seemed that he just wanted to take the opportunity to support his son to make achievements in the battlefield.

"My lord general, I am serious. Although I am the son of Duke Long, I am in the army at the moment. First I am the minister of the patriarch, then the general, and finally the son of my father. Please call me by my name directly, my lord general. Kill the last general!" Long Lin took a step forward and said respectfully, facing General Xuedu with awe-inspiring demeanor, without the slightest hint of arrogance based on his family background.

This made General Xue Du secretly nod his head, and the unhappiness in his heart dissipated a bit, and he spoke with a smile.

"Since that's the case, this general will not be polite. General Long, I don't know what good strategy you have, but I can tell you right now."

"The end will obey orders!"

Long Lin is now the official governor in the Tianhan family army, but he is a serious general, he pondered for a while, and then opened his mouth slowly.

"My lord general's clever plan is to defend the city for three months first, so that the Hu Kingdom's army could not succeed in attacking our city. On the contrary, they ended up with countless casualties, which greatly damaged their morale! On the first night after the armistice, when the Hu Kingdom's army was slack and tired, they launched an outrageous attack. Charge the camp, kill more than 300 million enemy troops, and rebuild their morale! If this is the case, the last general admires it, but he thinks that it may not be impossible for other generals. But the general sent a teleportation outside the city a few months ago The magic circle, the soldiers who were unable to return to the city smoothly in response to the rushing camp, took advantage of this to kill the enemy's new camp of the Hu army, and three times to injure the morale of the enemy army, but they planned a strategy and everything in the battle is under control! Among the generals of the Tianhan family, I can There are very few people who can be compared with the general, even the father of the last general is quite respectful of the governor's repeated plans."

General Xue Du Wen Yan couldn't help showing a little smile on his face. This three-in-a-row strategy is indeed a rare and subtle calculation of his. It would be fine if others praised him. Hearing that Duke Long admired him a lot, he couldn't help feeling happy in his heart .

"Duke Long praised you absurdly. He would have won the trust of the Patriarch to control the war in the Tuoyang area. How dare you refuse to follow suit! Such a small strategy is really difficult to be elegant."

Duke Long glanced at his own child, saw that he had a great temperament and talked gracefully, and in a few words he talked about General Xuedu's itches, feeling more and more satisfied in his heart.

"General Xuedu doesn't need to be humble, I see this matter in my eyes, and after the war is over, I will definitely report to the Patriarch and ask for credit for you. But today is not the time to discuss this matter, Lin'er don't want to delay the time of General Xuedu , hurry up and tell your plan."

"Yes, father." Long Lin saluted calmly, with a hint of indignation on his face.

"The general's ingenious plan could have achieved miraculous results. It will lower the morale of the Hu Kingdom, and I will be able to rest easy when I go to the mountain city. But the enemy commander Rong Lei used the new camp of the Hu Army of the Hu Kingdom to hostile to our army. Soldier generals **** scolding the city to boost morale, it's really a way of not getting on the stage!"

"If our army can send a strong army at this time to wipe out the Mongolian troops of the new camp of the Hu army on the right wing of the Hu Kingdom army and retreat safely, it is tantamount to a loud slap in the face of the Hu Kingdom army. All the publicity before will in turn become a boost to knock down their morale into the abyss! In this way, it will also let the soldiers of the Tianhan family army express their grievances and boost their morale!"

"This is the humble opinion of the last general. I don't know what the general thinks?"

After General Xue Du heard this, he nodded secretly in his heart. No wonder Duke Long valued this son so much, and he did not hesitate to personally win the opportunity to make meritorious deeds for him. This son really has the talent of a general!
But at this moment, his eyes flickered slightly, and he spoke slowly.

"General Long's plan is not bad, but the Mongolian army is only half an hour away from the Hu Kingdom's army, and the army can arrive in no time. It is not difficult to dispatch a strong army to wipe it out. How to retreat? Is it possible to trade the lives of my Tianhan family's elite soldiers in exchange for the destruction of the Mongolian Department of the Hu Army's new camp of the Hu Kingdom? This deal is not worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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