Chapter 809 Something Happened

There was no panic on Long Lin's face when he heard the words, and he calmly bowed his hands.

"General, you already have a countermeasure in your mind, so why do you need to judge the last general? On that day, our Tianhan family rushed to the camp of the Mongolian Ministry. Maybe we planned to defeat it and hurt the morale of the army of the Pot Kingdom, but the general did not It will not let our soldiers die in vain. It is not difficult to imagine that there must be a teleportation circle not far from the Mongolian army stationed before. To send the army, you only need to destroy the Mongolian army, and you can teleport away from it. Pot What can we do if the kingdom's army is encircling and suppressing us?"

General Xue Du took a deep look at Long Lin, laughed loudly, and turned around to bow his hands to Duke Long.

"But I want to congratulate Duke Long, with this Qilin son, there will be no worries for successors!"

Duke Long was satisfied when he saw his children talking freely and freely, but now he waved his hands modestly when he heard the words.

"It's just a trick. General Xuedu should not praise him like this, lest he get carried away and lose his sense of proportion."

Long Lin bowed his hands in salute.

"The last general heard that the general ordered someone to inquire about the teleportation array outside the city. If the prediction is correct, it should be the teleportation array at the Mongolian character. The teleportation array here was not discovered by the pot kingdom and destroyed. It can be done!."

"Haha! It's really rare for you to have such insight after joining the army without having been in a war! To tell you the truth, Duke Long, this strategy is indeed feasible, but now there is still a lack of someone who can go out of the city to kill the enemy?"

General Xuedu smiled.

When Duke Long heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and his expression became a little more affectionate.

"What's so difficult about this? I can't lead the army to fight for the lord. It's a pity in my heart. I have raised my son since I was a child so that one day I can fulfill this wish. Now that I have this opportunity, please don't hesitate to give it to the general." Give him a chance to serve his country!"

Long Lin didn't know that the matter had been settled at this moment, so he knelt down on one knee and begged for orders.

"The final general is willing to lead his troops out of the city to defeat the Mongolian troops of the new camp of the enemy's Hu army. He thinks that our Tianhan family's army will justify the name and restore the morale of the enemy's country. Please agree, general!"

General Xue Du nodded, but his brows were slightly frowned, and he pondered slightly.

"Although General Long is a great talent, after all, he has not been in charge of the army for a long time, and he has never experienced a battle on the battlefield. I am a little worried about you going alone."

Since he sold favors to Duke Long, he might as well be more thorough, and if he asks for something in the future, the bargaining chip can be even heavier.

Several generals on one side knelt down at the same time.

"The last general is willing to go with General Long, please agree!"

"Good, so it should be foolproof."

General Xue Du nodded in response, and exchanged glances with Duke Long, both of them had faint smiles on their faces at the same time, the transaction between the high-level members of the Tianhan family was completed silently.


The mountain rain is about to come, the wind is all over the building, and the black clouds are urging the city!

After a month of training, the morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom has recovered a lot. If you continue to scold the city, it will not be effective, and it will not help improve morale. Instead, it will make the soldiers of the Tianhan family in the city immune. The morale of the slightly weaker army of the profile family was able to pick up.

And more importantly, the lord has no patience to wait for more time. Now the entire front is fighting fiercely, and millions of soldiers are injured every day.The Lord of the Kingdom and the Governor of Wuyi have attracted most of the power of the Tianhan family, making the Tuoyang area an isolated place where no help can be sought. As long as Dushan City can be conquered, the defense line of the Tuoyang area will be torn apart!The situation where the two sides are evenly matched will be broken in an instant.At that time, the central area will be taken down with the momentum of the wind and clouds, and the army will join the king's army, and they will have the absolute upper hand in this battle.

There is absolutely no room for loss in this battle.

Now that the battle has not yet started, the sky of the two armies has already gathered evil spirits, exuding an extremely dignified momentum, the entire sky has turned into a gloomy color, and the hearts of the soldiers of the two armies are all awe-inspiring.

The big battle is coming!


The right wing of the army, the Mongolian Ministry.

After Meng Tianchen inspected the barracks, he stood in the barracks and raised his head slightly to look at the sky.Today's night has no light at all, like a big gaping mouth, it's so dark that it makes one's heart palpitate.

The five commanders of Mo Cha, Die Shan, Su Yuan, Mo Ge, and Lun Zuo led [-] personal soldiers and stood in silence not far away. The aura in their bodies was extremely strong. During this time, they broke through one after another, and their cultivation reached the holy realm in one fell swoop. pinnacle state.

Meng Tianchen was quite satisfied with the fact that the Guards could be formed before the war broke out.In this way, he has more confidence in self-protection in the battle of the army.With this [-] personal guards, he is not afraid even if he encounters a middle-level emperor-level powerhouse. As long as there is no upper-level emperor-level super strong person, there is no danger of life in the army.

But for some reason, after inspecting the camp today, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Looking at the pitch-black sky above his head that seemed to be dyed with ink, his face became more and more gloomy, and the expression in his eyes was cloudy for a while.

"Decree, the shadow camp will investigate carefully, and if there is any abnormality, report it immediately without any delay."

"The entire army is under martial law tonight. Soldiers are not allowed to leave their armor and weapons, and they are not allowed to practice meditation. Once there is a change, gather immediately!"

"Order the generals at all levels in the army to stick to their posts and stay with the soldiers under their command. If anyone who does not respect the military order and leaves his post without authorization, he will be executed!"

Meng Tianchen spoke in a low voice, and issued three military orders one after another, feeling a little relieved in his heart, but his face was still solemn.I hope that what he did tonight was just caused by his worry and worry, and there should be no accidents.

Among the guards, some confidant soldiers will leave in a hurry, and the commander will give the order to the whole army.

After receiving the military order, although all the generals were puzzled, they didn't dare to delay and slack off, so they hurriedly got up and left their tents to make arrangements.

The shadow battalion was first established, and it has made great contributions in defeating the Tianhan family's fleeing army from the camp last time, and has also been rewarded by the army.But these did not make Maomao relax in the slightest.

Since the founding of the Shadow Camp until today, he has only stayed in the barracks for two nights. The first night was the day it was established, and the second night was the day the Mongolian troops defeated the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. In addition, he spent all the time outside the barracks spying on the military situation. Even when the reward came out, it was the shadow camp scout who accepted it on his behalf.

Maomao looked up at the pitch-black sky, a trace of uneasiness faintly flashed in his eyes.

It's a little too quiet tonight. Up to now, I haven't even noticed any spies from the Profile for the Cold family.Generally speaking, when the war is imminent, the military spying on both sides will become more and more intensive. This kind of reaction is a bit wrong!
He raised his hand, and a dozen or so spies behind him stopped at the same time, looking around cautiously.

Maomao sensed a growing restlessness in the air, her heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly let out a low drink.


The sound of drinking did not fall, the surrounding void flickered slightly, dozens of black shadows appeared, and there was no pause, and the direct move was the ultimate move.

Over the past few months, Yingying and the spies in the Tianhan family army have fought many times. Both sides have become familiar with each other's routines, and they have already noticed the identity of their opponents in the instant of fighting.

Profile for family spies!And they are all masters!

A layer of fine beads of sweat instantly appeared on Maomao's head!
In the middle of the night, a large number of spies from the Tianhan family came secretly, and they dispatched such elites. If it is said to spy on the military situation of the Hu Kingdom's army, such a battle is not an exaggeration, but the Mongolian troops stationed here , It is too amazing to dispatch this kind of power.

The spies opened the way to pull out the hidden thorns and cleared the way for the army. Tonight, the Tianhan family will have an army to attack the Mongolian Ministry!

In an instant, Mao Mao's thoughts changed sharply, his face became extremely ugly in an instant, and he let out a mournful roar.

"Enemy attack! Quickly send the message back to the camp!"

Yu Luo, he never hesitated at all, the tendency of his body to lean forward was resolved in an instant, and his whole body suddenly exploded, transforming into his main body impressively.

But I saw a huge black bird turning into a phantom and heading backward.When two spies from the Tianhan family approached, half of their faces were wrapped in iron masks, and their eyes were full of cold light.

Two saints!

Mao Mao didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was only one thought in his mind, he must fight out and tell Meng Tianchen about the enemy's attack!
Meng Tianchen did not return to rest in the general's tent, but continued to patrol the army.

Even if the governor is like this, the other generals dare not be careless. They all stay with the commander's subordinates and soldiers. If any accident occurs, they can gather at any time.

Time passed bit by bit, and now it was the middle of the night, less than an hour before dawn, and the dark sky was also faintly turning white, but everything was quiet, without any abnormalities.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, maybe he was affected by the aura of the battlefield when the battle was approaching, so he felt uneasy.Now the military camp seems to be quiet, but all the armies are assembled and ready to fight at any time, and there is a shadow camp outside the camp to check for information day and night, if there is any abnormality, it will definitely be discovered earlier.

Wait, Shadow Camp!
His face suddenly became extremely ugly, he suddenly turned to look at Xianzi, and spoke in a deep voice.

"How long has it been since Shadow Camp last reported that everything is safe?"

As the person in charge of intelligence in the army, Xianzi has no right to intervene in the affairs of the shadow camp, but every military report will be recorded and archived by him for future inquiries. At this moment, he hastily lowered his head to inquire in the record jade piece, and raised his head again , his face turned slightly pale.

"Reporting to the governor, an hour and a quarter have passed! This subordinate failed to realize this early in his negligence, so I ask the governor to come down!"

"not good!"

Meng Tianchen's heart sank. If there were no accidents, the Shadow Camp would send spies every hour to send back a message that everything was safe and sound. With twelve cautions, there was never any delay, but today it was a moment late!
Although not long, it is enough to prove one thing.

Something happened to the spies outside the camp!
"Arrange each department to deal with the enemy's attack!"

Meng Tianchen shouted sharply, and the voice spread far away, covering the entire Mongolian character.

"Xianzi, you will be punished later for your mistakes today, and immediately send someone to send a letter to the army for help!"

"Yes, Governor!"

The entire camp of the Mongolian Ministry became boiling instantly, and the soldiers in the military tent hurried out and formed a neat four-way army formation outside the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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