Chapter 810 Meeting in a narrow road

With the veterans who had experienced the battle with the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family before, the entire army formation was relatively stable, and there was no restlessness and chaos. fear.

This is a battlefield where hundreds of millions of souls are fighting. Those who do not practice martial arts alone, no matter how cautious they are, may end up dead without a place to bury them. How can they not be afraid.

Meng Tianchen stood in front of the army, and the [-] guards had assembled under the leadership of the five commanders, guarding closely behind the governor.They are the dead soldiers who protect the governor from harm on the battlefield. When necessary, they will use their lives to protect the safety of the governor!

Looking up at the boundless and endless night, Meng Tianchen's palms were slightly pale.

The whole world was dead silent, and the invisible weight fell on every soldier, making them breathe faster, their minds tensed up, and their palms gradually began to sweat.

Hurry up, we are going to the barracks soon, hold on for a while, we must not fall down!

In the case of being severely injured, Maomao still maintained a high speed.He was secretly anxious, but his gaze was fixed on the front without any fluctuation.

Be sure to wait until the general tells Abba about the situation!
call out!
The figure crossed a low hillock, and the camp finally arrived.Looking at the army that had already lined up outside the camp, Maomao's heart suddenly relaxed. Abba had already sensed the strangeness, and his figure fell directly in front of the army formation, turning into a human form, almost unable to stand still, but he still spoke in a voice as calm as possible. .

"Captain, the Tianhan family army is attacking!"

Yuluo threw his head back and fell down, it was not easy for him to last until now with his injuries.

Meng Tianchen's face changed, and with a wave of his sleeve, he directly put Mao Mao into the Martial God Monument, his divine sense penetrated and ordered Yao Lao to treat him with all his strength, no matter the cost!

After finishing this, he squinted his eyes slightly to look in the direction of Du Shancheng, and traces of fierce murderous intent circulated endlessly in the depths of his eyes!
The army of the Hu Kingdom boosted their morale with the help of the victory of the Mongolian tribe. If the Tianhan family could send troops to directly eradicate the Mongolian tribe, it would naturally have a great impact on the morale of the entire Hu Kingdom army, and even interfere with the fierce battle that is about to break out.

Meng Tianchen's thoughts turned in his mind and he had already figured out the joints, and secretly thought he was careless.

He had been a little worried about this before, but under the influence of January's peace and quiet and the atmosphere of the imminent war, he gradually let go of his concern about this matter, thinking that what should come tonight has finally come.

Since the Tianhan family has dispatched spies to kill all the spies from the shadow battalion of the Mongolian Ministry, and only Mao Mao was seriously injured and fled back, so the spies sent out to ask for help from the army must have been intercepted and killed!

This time, the Profile for the attack must have made full preparations.

This fight won't be like last time.The army of the Tianhan family came prepared, and one can expect the coldness and cruelty in it!This is the first frontal fight in the true sense since the establishment of the Mongolian Ministry. If it can last, the army can truly become an elite.

Otherwise, in order to hit the morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom, the Tianhan family would never let any one of the Mongolian characters go, and everyone including him would die.

Since you can't hide, come on!Let's see whether this battle knocks him out of the dust forever, or makes him reborn from the ashes and become stronger with the help of the battle!

All this will be revealed soon!


"General, there is a spy in the enemy army who is skilled and not weak, and has escaped from the siege. I think we can't hide the news of our army's attack." Unwilling meaning.

It was only a little short, if the last person could be left behind, the army could continue to approach, wait until it appeared outside the unsuspecting Mongolian camp, and then launch a charge in one fell swoop, I'm afraid it would be easy to take him down.But now, I'm afraid it will take a little trouble.

Long Lin frowned slightly, and then stretched it out, waving his hand to signal the scout to stand up, and raised his hand and swung it forward suddenly.

"The army is advancing at full speed, and it is bound to kill the Mongolian Ministry before it can defend itself, and it will be defeated in one fell swoop!"

"Remember, it's a siege, don't let anyone go!"

In order to consider the maximum burden of the teleportation formation, Long Lin only brought a million soldiers for this strangulation, but these million soldiers are all the elite of the Tianhan family, and the enemy's army three times his own size can be defeated in the battlefield and defeated. Little Mongolian characters, easy!
Even though the spies have reported back, the Mongolian Ministry now has 500 million soldiers, but at this moment Long Lin is still full of confidence in his heart!

The army of millions accelerated in an instant, and its momentum soared into the sky. Sen Leng's murderous intent was like a huge wave, sweeping away in all directions!

Although it is marching with millions of troops, it seems to have the momentum of tens of millions of troops, swallowing mountains and rivers, invincible!
The Tianhan family army has given up concealing their whereabouts. Right now, the army is only a short distance away from the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, and even if the army of the Hu Kingdom is aware of it, it is too late to rush to help!

The remaining time is enough for them to slaughter all the Mongolian soldiers, and then walk away!

Where the army of the Hu Kingdom is located, in the tent of the commander of the Chinese army, Marshal Rong Lei is discussing the recent siege of the city with his generals, but at this moment his face suddenly changed, his pupils contracted and he suddenly raised his head, and his eyes showed shock and anger.

"Zeng Tai! Send a large army to help the Mongolian characters, and the rest will stick to the barracks and guard against the enemy's opportunity to rush into the camp!" Before the voice fell, the light flashed, and his figure had disappeared.

There is no need for Marshal Rong Lei to say much, the terrifying aura erupting from the camp of the Mengzi Department is enough to make the faces of the generals in the army camp change drastically!Now that the morale of the army has been stabilized, most of them relied on the Mongolian Ministry to defeat the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. If something happened to the Mongolian Ministry, the previous methods of boosting morale would be useless!

Zeng Tai knew the seriousness of the matter, so he dared not delay at this moment, he got up and went out of the tent, and ordered all the soldiers under his command to lead the army to the sky.

Marshal Rong Lei's face was gloomy, but before he had rushed to the Mongolian character department, an aura suddenly locked him.

"Haha! Commander Rong Lei, the two armies fight each other with their own means. If the commander wants to use his own cultivation to interfere in the battle situation, I have no choice but to be polite!"

The Tianhan family came prepared, so they made all kinds of preparations. Duke Long had been waiting in secret for a long time, but the moment Marshal Rong Lei made his move, he had already appeared and blocked his way.

"Duke Long!" Marshal Rong Lei looked serious.

"Since you came to stop me, I will cut you down here today!"

"What a big tone, now that you and I are at the same level, I want to see how you can dare to speak wild words!"

The evil spirit in the eyes of the two of them flashed together, and without any delay, the terrifying power of the upper emperor realm broke out brazenly, enveloping the figures of the two of them, forming an independent battlefield, and went to fight.

Two super strong men in the upper emperor realm fought, although the breath disappeared in a flash, they could not hide from the strong men of the two armies.In front of the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, Meng Tianchen looked up at the place where the breath of the two disappeared, and the chill in his heart became heavier.

The Tianhan family dispatched a super strong man to intercept Marshal Rong Lei, it seems that this time is really inevitable!Now even if the army comes to help, it will take half an hour. This period of time may not seem long, but it is enough for the two armies to fight each other.

There is no support in the rear, everything can only rely on yourself!
Then come on!

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, standing in front of the army, his back was tall and generous, exuding a thick and steady aura like a mountain.Joining the army and gaining the opportunity to rise in the battle of the army, how can it be smooth sailing without going through dangerous twists and turns!He was already prepared to face any crisis in his heart. Although the strangling of the Han family army came suddenly, he didn't panic at all, and he never lost his sense of proportion.

In the phalanx of the Mongolian army, countless restless soldiers looked at the back of the governor like a mountain, and the uneasiness in their hearts disappeared bit by bit!
So what if the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family come to attack, they have not fought before!

The momentum of the army began to become calm, and a trace of sharpness gathered together. This is the beginning of a strong army.Under external pressure, it will help the Mongolian Ministry to grow and rise rapidly. As long as it can persist in this war, the entire army will be sublimated and become an elite corps that is not weaker than the armies of the two countries!

This is a tribulation, but also an opportunity!
In the dark sky, spiritual light shines, a large army arrives like a heavenly soldier, and lands on the ground. The army formation is neat and there is no confusion between actions, and its bearing is as thick as a mountain. The army advances at the same time, with monstrous momentum!

The two armies are [-] miles apart, but it is already the best attack range.

Long Lin raised his head and looked at the Mongolian troops lined up to meet the enemy, with a contemptuous sneer on the corner of his mouth.This army formation looks mighty, but in the eyes of those who are really familiar with the military, it is full of flaws, at best it can only be regarded as a fledgling army.

The millions of troops under his command defeated it in an instant!

Time is running out, this person has not stopped at all, and the army's attack has already begun.

Millions of soldiers of the Tianhan family roared at the same time, the sound was like thunder, and suddenly exploded!

Changge turned to the sky, and slashed down on the Mongolian army.The terrifying evil spirit suddenly erupted, and a phantom of a black evil beast was condensed, raising its head and roaring over the army!
Meng Tianchen's pupils contracted slightly, and when he saw the arrival of the Tianhan family's army, he couldn't help but sink heavily in his heart.

Elite soldiers!

This is an absolute elite soldier!His fighting strength is probably even higher than the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family that were defeated before, and the number is in the millions. Even if the military strength of the Mongolian army is five times that, his heart is still full of chills.

If there is no accident, the army of one million Tianhan family is enough to slaughter the 500 million soldiers of the Mongolian tribe with little loss. This is the difference between the real lion and the new army!
The soldiers of the Mongolian Ministry were intimidated by the evil spirit, and there was a moment of restlessness. There was a little chaos in the army's strict formation. Before fighting, the Mongolian Ministry had already fallen into an absolute disadvantage in the game of momentum and military spirit!

Meng Tianchen suddenly let out a low growl, the voice contained the coercion of his own cultivation and the aura of majesty cultivated by being the leader of the army, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every soldier in the army, awakening them instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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