Chapter 811
Each of them is divided into the main army, and each of them is in charge of [-] soldiers under his command. At this moment, he heard the words and responded at the same time.





Meng Tianchen roared, Sandu responded, and then went down one by one, and finally the whole army roared, and the generals at all levels shot at the same time, pointing their spears at the sky, and fiercely attacked the millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family!

This cut was made by 500 million Mongolian soldiers with all their strength!

The bombing and killing forces of the two armies met brazenly within eight hundred miles, clashed frantically, devoured, strangled, and tore apart, but they were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to defeat the other!
The Tianhan family's army is in the millions against the 500 million soldiers of the Mongolian Ministry, and the two sides will decide!

But this is an unacceptable result for the profile army.They came here with the intention of annihilating the Mongolian tribe and severely injuring the army of the Hu Kingdom. How could they be resisted by this mere 500 million miscellaneous troops.

"No wonder you can defeat the 40 elite soldiers of our Tianhan family with a million soldiers. This Mongolian character department really has its own merits!" Long Lin said in a low voice, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

"But relying on these to resist the beheading of the general's army is delusional!"

"Send the order, the army rushes forward, and defeats the Mongolian characters!"

The long-distance attack was ineffective, this person changed his mind instantly, gave up the idea of ​​defeating the Mongolian army in one fell swoop, and dispatched a large army to charge and defeat the Mongolian army formation!

Five million miscellaneous troops can withstand millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family, but they rely on the superimposed effect of the army array. Once they are hit by an impact, the army array is bound to collapse, and then they will be reduced to fish and meat to be killed by the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family.Once the casualties are too great, these miscellaneous soldiers who have never fought on the battlefield will inevitably break down and disperse.At this point, the outcome of this battle is doomed!
It has to be said that Long Lin is really a talented general, and his decisive order is indeed the best choice in the current battle situation.




The million soldiers of the Tianhan family roared at the same time, and their steps were uniform, making the ground tremble, and the rumble was like thunder!As they moved forward, the military formation remained motionless, as if made of steel, giving people an extremely fierce visual impact.

Chang Ge made a move to resist the bombardment of the Mongolian army, and there was no confusion at all!

An army of one million swept in like a flood of beasts, and the faces of the soldiers of the Mongolian army were slightly pale. Although there were five times the number of people, they were still feeling anxious and terrified at this moment.

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth suddenly.

"The army continues to attack, divide into five phalanxes, and charge to defeat the enemy!"

Yes, it is the charge!
If I don't keep it anymore, I can't stand it!
Fight to the death!
Now that the Mongolian army is intimidated by a strong enemy, if they retreat now, it may turn into a rout in an instant, and everything will be irreparable by then!That being the case, instead of waiting for the enemy to arrive, it is better to meet and fight with them!

"A million troops can defeat the 40 elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. Now that our army is 500 million, can it be impossible to defeat the enemy's million? In today's battle, those who bravely kill the enemy will be rewarded, and those who are afraid of retreating will be punished by military law! "

"Where is the personal guard of the governor, and the general will charge forward and defeat the enemy!"

Meng Tianchen roared, and his subordinates, Mocha, Dieshan, Suyuan, Moge, and Lunzuo, suddenly agreed, and one hundred thousand guards stepped forward in an instant, following the commander.

The guards, including Mocha and other five commanders, belong to Meng Tianchen's own forces, and they are the elites with the strongest cultivation and will in the Martial God Monument.

With 10 people facing millions of people, there is no fear at all!

Meng Tianchen's words made the whole army awe-inspiring, the military governor's strictness in governing the army has always been strict, and he will never tolerate it.No matter anyone, as long as he violates the military regulations, he will be killed without mercy!And at this moment, he led the personal guards to take the lead in meeting the enemy, which greatly boosted the morale of the army!

The governor can still take risks, so what can they be afraid of!With 500 million people, how can they lose to the opponent's million soldiers!

The army's cronies, San Dutong, took advantage of the situation and roared, and the chaotic and sluggish momentum of the entire army suddenly reversed, turning into high-spirited and fierce.

The entire Mongolian army formed a five-square million-square formation, marching forward with a bang!The orderly and steady formation of the army may be worse than the Tianhan family's millions of elite soldiers, but this fearless momentum of fighting head-on is already commendable!

Long Lin's face changed again, his eyes fell on the enemy general in an instant, and his heart was filled with murderous intent.If it weren't for this to boost morale and guide the army, maybe in the first match, the 500 million soldiers of the Mongolian tribe would have collapsed, let alone the courage to fight head-on with millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family at this moment!

If you have the opportunity, you must kill this general first, otherwise you will inevitably pay unnecessary damage to the army today!

The opportunity to fight this time is the best opportunity that Duke Long and his generals have found for him. As long as this battle can be won, although the result is not great, it will have a far-reaching impact. It can severely damage the morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom. This is a real great achievement!
At that time, if Longlin gets promoted vigorously, no one will say that it is because of Duke Long. Taking this opportunity can also establish the prestige of Duke Long's lineage in the army!

In the Great World of the Ten Directions, although individuals are powerful, the ones who are really fierce and irresistible are the hundreds of millions of lions!With an army of hundreds of millions, you can be all-powerful, even the mightiest emperors dare not take it lightly, let alone a terrifying army of billions or tens of billions!
This is the truly powerful power. Unless one can reach the level of a demigod, in front of the army, the power of personal cultivation is just scum!

This battle is the first step to establish the influence of Duke Long's lineage in the army. Long Lin has high hopes from Duke Long, so this battle must not only be won, but also be won beautifully.
The armies of the two sides were like two torrents of steel carrying irresistible force. They collided brazenly during the rumbling rush, and in an instant, blood blossomed!
In just a few breaths of time, the sound of flesh and blood collapsing can be heard endlessly. Thousands of Mongolian soldiers died. It is lucky that the remnant souls can escape.

Although the Tianhan family's millions of soldiers are elite, how can they not be harmed in this head-on confrontation, and thousands of soldiers were directly beheaded!

But different from the little chaos of the Mongolian soldiers falling behind, millions of soldiers of the Tianhan family will automatically step forward to take the place of the dead. The entire army formation is like an irresistible torrent, sweeping everywhere to kill and follow!
Although the military strength is only one-fifth of the Mongolian army, after the two armies collided, it was the Tianhan family's millions of elite soldiers who had the absolute upper hand, like a hungry wolf jumping into a flock of sheep. The Mongolian troops were defeated one after another.

The strong smell of blood spread into the nose and mouth, and as far as the eye could see, the whole world seemed to turn into blood, the sound of flesh tearing, blood splashing, and howling of pain. All the sounds were mixed together and turned into thoughts The magic sound of collapse.

If you haven't personally fought on the battlefield, you don't know why human life is worthless!
The faces of the Mongolian soldiers turned pale, and the morale they had boosted frantically dissipated. They became weaker and weaker as they resisted the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family.

Meng Tianchen's face was gloomy, although he knew that the Tianhan family army was absolutely sure if they dared to attack, but after truly experiencing the horror of these millions of elite soldiers, he realized the real gap between the Mengzi Division and them!
A million soldiers can smash 500 million soldiers into pieces and almost be defeated, and they have no power to resist when they fight in and out. This kind of army can be called terrifying!
But at this moment, he doesn't have much time to be shocked and emotional. He only knows that if this battle fails, even if he can leave here alive, the foundation he has worked so hard to lay before will be completely torn apart, and it will be extremely difficult to turn around in the future!
"Everyone! This time, the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family came here to avenge our army's victory that day, and they will definitely not let you and me go. If the defeated army collapses, everyone will die!"

"Now the main army must have noticed that our army is fighting, and the reinforcements are on the way, and they can arrive in half an hour at most! As long as we persevere, you and I have the hope of surviving!"

"Military judge, those who are afraid of not fighting will be killed, even if they die, the Tianhan family army will have to pay the price!"

Meng Tianchen growled and waved his hand.

"The guards charge forward with the governor, vowing to kill the enemy army of the Tianhan family, even if they die, they will not retreat!"


The [-] guards roared at the same time, and under the leadership of Mocha and other five commanders, they followed behind the governor, rushed forward, and went straight to the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family.

The armored warriors carefully selected in the Martial God Monument can be regarded as real elite soldiers, and they are not weak even in the face of the Tianhan family's army. At this moment, under the leadership of Meng Tianchen, their momentum is like a rainbow, and they have erupted with incomparably terrifying combat power. Like a sharp sharp knife, it fiercely pierced into the Tianhan family's army formation, tearing open a terrifying wound, causing a large number of soldiers of the Tianhan family to be killed or injured immediately.

Hearing the roar in Meng Tianchen's mouth, the officers and men of the Mongolian Department felt awe-inspiring for an instant, and seeing the governor personally lead the guards to fight bravely, a raging flame ignited in his heart, his face flushed, his chest was constricted, and he could only roar out Only then can it be relieved!



Countless soldiers roared at the same time, and the army's spirit that was about to collapse seemed to be injected with powerful force again. The Mongolian army that had been retreating and dared not go forward swept in from all directions like a wave.

The two armored torrents were completely strangled together, and the battle suddenly became fierce and directly entered the white-hot stage. Knowing that there was no way to retreat, the Mongolian soldiers aroused all the ruthlessness in their hearts, and rushed madly without fear of death.As a result, his own damage naturally increased dramatically, but the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family also began to suffer heavy casualties.

Although the Mongolian Ministry is not really a strong army, the quality of the soldiers in the army is not inferior to the millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family, and the number is five times that. When they really attacked madly, they broke out extremely terrifying the power of!

The faces of Long Lin and the generals around him instantly became extremely ugly. Right now, the two armies are frantically strangling each other, and blood blooms and countless lives die every moment. There are not a few soldiers of the Han family.If the fighting continues according to this trend, even if the Mongolian tribe is completely wiped out in the end, I am afraid that there will be very few million soldiers left in the Tianhan family.

(End of this chapter)

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