Chapter 812
Originally thought to be an easy and simple massacre, who would have thought that it would turn out like this in the end!
If it really hurts both sides, I'm afraid that instead of sweeping away the morale of the pot king, it will become an example of their publicity, bluntly saying that the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family are no more than mediocre.Long Lin's idea of ​​making meritorious service in this matter will come to naught, and he will even be stained with meat, and bear the reputation of incompetent command and mediocrity.

Long Lin will never allow this!
Long Lin's face was gloomy, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he looked coldly at the enemy general!

He knew very well in his heart that if it wasn't for this person, the morale of the Mongolian Ministry would have collapsed long ago. How could this battle be fought so hard, and it turned into such an embarrassing situation today? If the fight continues like this, this time The opportunity that you have worked so hard to calculate will really be in vain!

There are hundreds of descendants of Duke Long's blood, and many of them are of high aptitude. Long Lin can be valued. Naturally, the strength of the mother's family should not be underestimated, but their own efforts are also the key.

Although his father was Duke Long, he was obsessed with cultivation and had no military knowledge, so he didn't have much influence in the Tianhan family army, so he decided to train future generations to join the army to make up for the shortcomings of the Duke Long family.

On the other hand, whoever is trained in the army will be the rightful successor of Duke Long!Long Lin is by no means the only descendant of Duke Long's blood in the army, but he is the most favored, and his position is stable and cannot be taken advantage of by others.

This plan was originally his father's approval and support for him. As long as he successfully completes this plan, he will be able to take the final step and truly become Duke Long's direct successor, completely defeating other competing brothers.

In order to get to this point, he walked on thin ice with great care, finally, how could he watch all of this being destroyed by others!Ruined the goal he had worked so hard to pursue all his life!

There is absolutely no room for loss in this battle!
Now the morale of the Mongolian characters is like a rainbow, and the bloody and fierceness in their bones has been inspired, and they are not afraid of death!The idea of ​​causing their morale to collapse and automatically retreat through the desire for damage can only be let go. Now there is only one way to change the situation of the battle.

Kill the enemy general!

The Mongolian Ministry can maintain the current situation and has a close relationship with the enemy generals. If they can be killed, it will be like dredging from the bottom of the pot, and the strong morale of the Mongolian Ministry can be knocked down into the abyss in an instant. When the soldiers collapse, the battle will be fine reverse!

Long Lin already has the style of a general, and he is decisive in killing and attacking. Now that he thinks about this, he has made a decision in his heart.

"Pro-barracks, follow this general, kill the enemy general, and save the battle!"

Before he finished his low growl, Long Lin's figure rushed towards the strangulation battlefield in an instant, and the several generals behind him did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly followed with their own barracks to escort them.These generals and personal soldiers are all private soldiers of the Duke's Mansion. They joined the army to protect Long Lin. Each of them is carefully selected, and their cultivation comes second. Loyalty is the most important thing!All of them are dead soldiers raised in captivity by the Longgong Mansion. They are loyal to their masters and can use their own lives to die instead at critical moments!

It was precisely because of the protection of [-] elite pro-military troops that Long Lin dared to make such a decision.He has full confidence in his heart, even if he can't kill the enemy general, he can retreat unscathed with these fifty thousand personal soldiers guarding him.

Meng Tianchen held the Canglong Stick, and blood blossomed when he waved his hand. He led the [-] guards behind him to make wild moves, reaping the lives of the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family.But his attention is always on the dynamics of the profiler family's enemy generals.

Long Lin didn't want to end up hurting both sides, so why would Meng Tianchen want to!So he has been waiting, waiting for the enemy general to be unable to restrain himself from attacking!Emperor Mengtianchen's cultivation at the peak of a first-rank great emperor is undoubtedly a great mist bomb, with a fatal allure.

If the enemy general had the idea of ​​killing him to change the situation of the battle, he would also fall into his plan.Both sides are thinking the same idea, as for the location of the prey and the hunter, it can only be known after doing it!

Naturally, Long Lin would not know, he locked on to the enemy general, clearly saw a trace of fear on his face, and then turned around to retreat into the army.But since he has already decided to make a move, how can he give this person a chance to break free!
The cultivation base of a first-time third-rank emperor, and the treasures bestowed by his father, are enough for him to face the next strong emperor, that is, the peak third-rank emperor, without any fear.If not, how could he take the risk easily and personally lead the army to wipe out the Mongolian tribe!

The cultivation base of a perfect and strong man who can fight the next emperor, and [-] personal soldiers under his command will swear to protect him to the death. This is the source of Long Lin's proud capital and strong self-confidence!He will not do things he is not sure of. Since he dares to make a move, he is naturally fully prepared.

With his cultivation level, how can this Mongolian enemy general resist?

"Come on!"

With a low growl in Long Lin's heart, the aura in his body erupted violently, his figure instantly turned into a stream of light amidst the flashing spiritual light, and he suddenly accelerated and went straight to Meng Tianchen, his eyes were full of cold murderous intent!There was a slight flash of inspiration in his hand, and a purple long sword appeared directly in his hand. At this moment, stimulated by his emperor power, it immediately released a sharp aura that could tear the sky and the earth.

Although the enemy general's performance is only at the peak level of a first-rank emperor, no one knows whether there is something hidden in it. Although Long Lin is decisive, he is also a thoughtful person. He has tried his best to kill this person on the spot!

Let's see how you resist!

In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and calculations are trivial.Everyone knows Long Lin's intentions, but it is a majestic conspiracy. Even if he knows it, he can't dodge it, and the only way to fight it is to face it head-on.

If the army is on the side, with the strength of 500 million soldiers, even Long Lin would not dare to be so arrogant and directly kill the enemy general in the army.But now the Mongolian Ministry and the Tianhan family's millions of elite soldiers are completely strangled together, and it is no longer possible to use the military formation to form an effective threat to him.

This shot seems reckless, but it is the most correct choice at the moment!

The power of the perfect level of the lower emperor realm is already the highest level of existence that appeared in the battle of the army. The strength released will force all the soldiers along the way to retreat, revealing a straight passage, connecting Longlin and Meng Tianchen at both ends. two people.

In just a few hundred miles, it passed by in a flash.

Meng Tianchen seemed to be flustered when he retreated, but he happened to be in front of the [-] guards. At this moment, he sensed the rapidly approaching aura, his heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank and his face became solemn!
Third Grade Great Emperor!

But at this moment he has no choice, if he wants to survive today without losing, he has no choice but to behead the general of the Tianhan family!Only in this way, the Mongolian character department has a chance of winning!


Meng Tianchen suddenly let out a roar.


Behind him, the one hundred thousand guards roared, and at the same time they took a step forward, and the breath in their bodies exploded without reservation!An invisible breath erupted instantly, enveloping Meng Tianchen and the hundred thousand guards.

This aura is composed of the common strength of all of them, and it immediately released a tyrannical coercion.

In an instant, the soldiers of the Tianhan family let out miserable howls, their bodies were thrown away, blood was flowing from their noses and mouths, and they were already seriously injured.

In the eyes of the emperor, the warriors and soldiers of the Great Exalted Realm are no more than ants and can be destroyed easily.But when this power is multiplied by a hundred thousand times, it is still a terrifying power that shakes the earth, rushing wantonly between flesh and blood!

Meng Tianchen's own aura was boosted by the infusion of this force, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Long Lin with cold eyes, with a flash of murderous intent!

With a roar, he stepped forward, and the original power of chaos in the Purple Mansion fluttered and turned into a plain punch, smashing forward blatantly!

When a punch falls, it is like hitting a calm water surface, layers of turbulent energy ripples erupt instantly, and the destructive power overflows from the fluctuations!

Long Lin's complexion changed drastically!

What frightened him was not the terrifying power of Meng Tianchen and the [-] guards combined, but the aura emanating from Meng Tianchen's body, the aura of blood!
This breath of blood seems to have made Long Lin feel a little oppressed!
When this happens, there is only one possibility, the background of the opposite general is absolutely extraordinary!It is definitely not an ordinary person who can make him feel the blood pressure.

Even, it is impossible to be a person from the Pot Kingdom!


Witnessing Meng Tianchen's attack, Long Lin was endlessly puzzled and cried out in surprise. At this moment, he revealed unconcealable panic and fear, but he was immediately suppressed by him.

Could it be that the other party is a child of the royal family of Tongli Empire?
In the current situation, even if he knows that the enemy general in front of him is of extraordinary status or has a sky-high background, he has no choice but to resist with all his strength, otherwise he will be the one who dies.

But at this time, Long Lin's heart was already in chaos, and he no longer had the belief that he would win.

He never thought that such a character would appear in this war. What does this mean? Could it be that the Hu Kingdom has received the secret help of the Tong Power Empire?

Taking a deep breath to suppress these noisy thoughts, Long Lin growled lowly, traces of simple textures on the purple long sword in his hand lit up one by one, and slashed down from top to bottom!

With this cut, he shot with all his strength!

With Meng Tianchen's punch, the original power of the Purple Mansion's chaos was driven to the extreme, and it was even more powerful to fight against the [-] personal guards.

Longlin Yijian has all of his own cultivation, and also has the terrifying boost of the treasure itself.

The two forces came into contact instantly, crazily colliding and conflicting, devouring and canceling each other out, and they were evenly matched for a while!

Meng Tianchen himself has the fighting strength of a third-rank emperor, which is almost equal to that of Longlin himself, but with the help of a hundred thousand guards, he can only match the strength of Longlin Zhan who is holding a purple sword. It is enough to know that this sword must be Incomparably precious treasure.

An anti-shock force was instantly reflected back in the hands of the two supernatural powers. Meng Tianchen's face turned slightly pale, but he had [-] soldiers who shared a small meal and recovered.

On the other hand, Longlin, even though he could erupt power almost beyond the level of a third-rank great emperor, relied on the treasures in his hands. Although the counter-shock force was partially offset by the treasures, most of the counter-shock force was on him, and his face turned pale in an instant. With a muffled snort, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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