Chapter 813
Fighting with masters, the opportunities are often fleeting, and Meng Tianchen is well versed in the reasons for this. How could he let such an excellent opportunity pass by at this moment.

Without a moment's pause, he took a step forward, uttering words like thunder.


Taking another step forward, the second punch landed with a bang!
An incomparably astonishing aura burst out of the body, like a waking peerless beast, dominating one side towards the entire world, releasing the aura of the person who released the return, under the blessing, the power of this punch is even stronger than that of the first punch !
Long Lin already felt fear and retreat in his heart, but at this moment, he was locked by the air force, and his supernatural power suddenly fell, and he was not given the slightest chance to retreat, so he could only grit his teeth fiercely, resisting the injuries in his body, and raised his sword again!
It's just that the wound is the first, and the fear is the last. This second sword is a bit weaker than the first sword.

One ups and downs, Meng Tianchen and Long Lin had the upper hand in the second fight, tearing apart the opponent's sword energy with one punch.

Long Lin, who was retreating steadily, could only support it with all his might.

The downwind in the battle, the stronger the counter-shock, Long Lin wept blood from his mouth and nose at the same time, the horror in his eyes could not be concealed, and he no longer had the slightest desire to fight.Under the wrapping of spiritual light, his figure turned into a streak of streamer and fled.

Fifty thousand pro-army is not far away, as long as he can escape into the pro-army, he can protect his own safety.Even if today's goal fails, he doesn't want to end up on the battlefield.Because once you die, everything in the world is vain and meaningless!

He doesn't want to die!

But at this moment, whether he wants it or not is up to him!
"Want to go?"

Meng Tianchen raised his head, his eyes were full of coldness, without any mercy.If he is the loser at this moment, the opponent will also make the same choice as him.


The third punch, swing out!

Long Lin let out a desperate roar. He wanted to muster the strength in his body to resist, but found that his body was out of control. A terrifying force swept across his whole body in an instant, and then the whole world went dark.

The falling purple sword, the shattered body, and the broken soul.
For a moment, the entire battlefield was completely dead silent!
Three fights seemed long, but it took only two short breaths from the beginning to the end. Long Lin rushed to the barracks behind him, but he could only watch everything happen in front of him, his face instantly turned pale.

The young master is dead!

As personal soldiers, they were safe and sound, but they could only watch the young master fall. Even if they go back, the governor will not spare them lightly!Since this is the case, it is better to fight to the death, maybe they all die in battle, and the family can be forgiven.

The [-] guards rushed forward with roars, but there was no need for Meng Tianchen to take action at this moment, the [-] guards behind him had already rushed up.

The instant Long Lin was beheaded, the connection between Meng Tianchen and the one hundred thousand personal guards had already been severed, he was standing suspended in front of his eyes but seemed to be in a daze.

But at this moment, no one knows that in his purple mansion, Long Lin's remnant soul is surrounded by a layer of light blue power, guarding it inside, it can barely resist it under the golden light of the roulette, and suddenly after a few breaths The collapse caused Long Lin's remnant soul to be directly swallowed by the roulette.

At the moment of devouring the remnant soul of Longlin, Meng Tianchen's body trembled slightly, and the Zifu trembled violently.

A thick and powerful force flowed directly from the roulette, and almost at the same time, the roulette collapsed and turned into the strange original power of chaos again.

No, they are two wisps of increasingly mysterious primordial power of chaos.

This force is incomparably majestic, after breaking out of the Purple Mansion, it merged into the martial world!

In an instant, Meng Tianchen, who was at the peak level of a first-rank great emperor, was promoted impressively!
Yes, it is such a bizarre promotion to the second rank emperor!

Entered the realm of the second-rank great emperor for the first time.

Emperor Realm Small Cheng Realm!
It was so unbelievable that even Meng Tianchen himself was dumbfounded.One must know that it takes quite a long time for ordinary first-rank great emperor peak fighters to be promoted to second-rank great emperor.And the most important thing is to grab the power of chaos from the source of chaos.

But at the moment when he entered the stage just now, Meng Tianchen didn't sense the source of the chaotic world, let alone communicate and grab the power of the source of chaos.

Where did the second ray of primal power of chaos in the Purple Mansion come from?

It's so evil!

Right now is not the time to search for the reason, Meng Tianchen paused for a moment, then calmed down, looked at the battlefield coldly, in the battle between the [-] guards and the enemy's own army, they had already gained the absolute upper hand and wiped them out Exhaustion is only a matter of time.

As for the opponent's so-called million elite soldiers, after the main general was killed, there was already chaos. Although they were still fighting fiercely, they were no longer as strong and irresistible as before.

In this battle, the general trend is set!
But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly appeared above the distant clouds, followed by a roar of fright and anger, and a terrifying force burst through the air and went straight to Meng Tianchen to kill, but was killed before it fell. Stop it directly.

The figure of Marshal Rong Lei appeared with a serious expression on his face.

"Duke Long, the outcome of this battle has been decided. If you don't retreat, when our Hu Kingdom army arrives, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Duke Long's eyes were serious, full of resentment, and he swept across Meng Tianchen, but he turned and left without a moment's pause.

Marshal Rong Lei's eyes flashed a little puzzled, his eyes swept across the battlefield on the ground, seeing that the overall situation had been settled, he couldn't help being shocked, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and he was a little more appreciative.

In the next moment, this person did not rely on his cultivation to intervene in the battle, and the victory won by the Mongolian Ministry alone has a higher publicity value.

Turning around and taking a step forward, Marshal Rong Lei left directly.

Meng Tianchen's face was pale, and a dense layer of sweat beads had already formed on his forehead, he was just a little short, if not for Marshal Rong Lei's action, he would definitely die!

this?Is it the terrifying superior emperor superpower?

The fist in the sleeve of the robe was clenched, then loosened again, the cultivation base is still too weak!However, thinking of today's skyrocketing cultivation base, Meng Tianchen's eyes showed firmness again. His mysterious purple mansion and the strange original power of chaos can even be transformed into a mysterious roulette phantom, devouring the remnants of the opponent's fallen soul, in order to improve Cultivation.

On the battlefield, his improvement in cultivation will definitely exceed everyone's imagination!
A moment later, after Zeng Tai led the Hu Kingdom's army to arrive, the battle ended.After being subdued, the captives were sent to the surrender camp, and the stubborn ones were killed on the spot!

According to post-war statistics, the 500 million troops of the Mongolian Ministry directly killed 170 million, seriously injured 50, and lost nearly half of their strength.However, more than 17 elite soldiers of the Tianhan family died and more than [-] were seriously injured.

The blood soaked the ground, and the broken flesh and blood of the corpses piled up into mountains. A large army fight ended in a tragic victory for the Mongolian tribe!
"At the end, I will see the governor."

Liang Dong respectfully saluted, the awe in his expression was a little heavier than before.

Meng Tianchen raised his hand slightly.

"Get up."


Looking at Liang Dong, who was obviously a little reserved below, Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth slowly.

"If the prediction is correct, you should know what the enemy general just said about the royal blood of the Tongli Empire, right?"

"The last general does know something." Liang Dong paused for a moment, but still spoke respectfully.

"Talk to the governor and listen."


Liang Dong's face was serious, with a sense of solemn awe, his eyes swept over the governor, and he opened his mouth slowly.

"In our Linglong world, there are countless strong men in the imperial armies of the eight giant forces, but according to rumors, there is only one bloodline in the world who can fuse the power of soldiers, generals and fighters under their command to enhance their own power, and that is I am a child of the royal family of the power empire!"

Although he saw it with his own eyes, Dong Liang couldn't help being dazzled when he mentioned it at this moment, almost unbelievable in his heart.

The governor can combine the strength of the [-] guards under his command to kill the enemy generals.It shows that the blood of the Shi family's royal family flows in the governor's body!

Meng Tianchen's heart skipped a beat, although he already had some vague thoughts in his heart, but he really knew it at this moment, and his face turned serious in an instant!
There is no blood of the royal family of the Shishi family in him.

Considering the impact this matter will have on him, millions of soldiers on the battlefield witnessed what happened today, and it is absolutely impossible to hide it. Now the news about this matter may have spread.

Although the Hu Kingdom is a vassal state of the Tong Empire, it will only submit to the Datong Empire if it is intimidated by the Datong Empire. If this matter spreads, no matter whether it is true or not, he will probably receive some unnecessary suspicion.

But thinking about it from another aspect, others think that he really has the royal blood of the Tongli Empire, and it is hard to tell in secret, but on the surface, no one should dare to directly disadvantage him. After all, the face of the Tongli Empire royal family must be taken into account no matter what.

There were gains and losses in this matter, and Meng Tianchen couldn't think deeply about it in a short period of time, and he couldn't determine whether the so-called royal blood of the Shi family had any connection with the ancient dragon clan.

Inspired by the table to upload the spirit stone, Meng Tianchen waved his hand to open the restriction, Xianzi walked in quickly, saluted respectfully and opened his mouth.

"Captain, the Commander has sent a message, please go to the Commander's tent of the Chinese Army immediately, and negotiate a reward."

Meng Tianchen's complexion changed slightly, and he waved his hand to signal Liang Dong and Xianzi to retreat, his face was cloudy for a while, and he sighed in his heart after a while, whether it was a blessing or a curse, no matter what, he had to go.

Standing up, after leaving the general's tent, Meng Tianchen immediately set off to the army station with only a thousand personal soldiers.

Commander of the Chinese Army.

Marshal Rong Lei slowly put down the military information about the First World War of the Mongolian Ministry, with a look of surprise on his face, and he was silent for a long time before he let out a low laugh.

"The royal blood of Tongli Empire, this is really interesting."

He said it was funny, but there was no smile on his face, and the expression in his eyes flickered.

The military adviser has followed the commander in chief for many years, and he knows his temperament very well. When he saw this, he knew that he had thoughts of suspicion in his heart, and his heart was slightly awe-inspiring.

"According to my subordinates, the commander-in-chief doesn't need to think too much. The royal family of the Tongli Empire has multiplied so far. I don't know how many bloodlines of the Tian Family have been born, and they are scattered in the territory of the Tongli Empire. Many of them are just chaotic. A useless person who is waiting to die is just in the name of a clan, and has no status at all. Besides, this Meng Tianchen is just a warrior who ascended in the small world. Perhaps it was left in the small world by a clan of the Tong Power Empire on a whim. Bloodline, even if it ascends to the big world now, so what? Returning to the Tongli Empire, I am afraid that I can only get the status of a small and remote clan who does not know where I belong. It is far worse than doing something in the Kingdom of My Pot. With Meng Tianchen I will definitely make a wise choice, and I will definitely not embarrass the commander-in-chief."

(End of this chapter)

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