Chapter 814
"What the military adviser said is not unreasonable." Marshal Rong Lei reached out and tapped the back of the chair lightly, dispelling a lot of suspicion in his heart.

"Even if he is of the royal blood of the Shi family, as long as he is confirmed to be from a small world, I can use him with confidence."

"The commander-in-chief is wise, but it is good to be cautious. When he comes to see him, the subordinates are willing to test the commander-in-chief to make a distinction." Go, enough is enough and there is not much to say.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the commander-in-chief became suspicious of him.He offered to help Meng Tianchen, just thinking that this person will be able to achieve a great career in the future, and now he will form a good relationship, but the premise is that he will not cause trouble for himself.

Hearing this, Marshal Rong Lei nodded slightly.

But at this moment, the message stone on the table flashed a little, and the restriction was activated, and the respectful voice of the soldiers came from outside the tent.

"Marshal, Meng Tianchen, the head of the Mongolian Department, was ordered to come to pay a visit, and now he has arrived outside the tent."

"Let him come in." Marshal Rong Lei sat in the commander's seat, his eyes flickered at this moment, and he spoke lightly.

The big tent was raised, and Meng Tianchen came quickly, walked to the tent and saluted respectfully.

"Meng Tianchen, Governor of the Mongolian Department of the New Camp of the Last General Hujun, see the Commander!" He looked respectful, with awe and gratitude from the bottom of his heart on his face, everything was just right.

Marshal Rong Lei naturally wouldn't feel close to him because of his superficial demeanor, but he was quite satisfied with Meng Tianchen's performance at the moment, so he waved his hand.

"Forget it, get up and talk back."

"Thank you, Marshal!" Meng Tianchen saluted again, then stood up, bowing his head slightly to show awe.

"This commander has heard about you for a long time, but today is the first time you and I have met. I heard from the warriors under my command that you are a warrior who ascended from a small world. I wonder if this is true?"

Coach Rong Lei got straight to the point, and immediately expressed his thoughts.It is best for Meng Tianchen to be available, if there is anything wrong, although he will not kill, but this reward is probably to remove him from the army immediately, and then send warriors to secretly monitor closely.

Meng Tianchen's heart trembled slightly, he knew that the answer to this matter should not be careless, but his expression was not the slightest bit different, and he spoke respectfully.

"Reporting to Commander, Meng Tianchen is indeed a Small World Ascension Warrior, and he entered the Linglong World not long ago."

The military division laughed lightly at this moment.

"Marshal, on the battlefield a few days ago, Meng Dudu fused his [-] guards to kill the enemy general to turn the tide of the battle. But my subordinates have heard that the only people in the world who have such means are the blood of the royal family of the Tong Power Empire. Come on, is it possible that General Meng is still a wandering noble from Tianhuang?"

Meng Tianchen's expression changed, and there was a hint of panic on his face.

"What the military adviser said, Meng Tianchen has already asked the soldiers under his command today, but I don't know if there is a misunderstanding. The final general can make a contract of mind and spirit. He really ascended from the small world, and he has not set foot in the territory of the children's power empire for half of his life. Step, if there is any falsehood, it will definitely be backlashed by the origin of chaos, and the body and spirit will be destroyed!"

This time he opened his mouth, but he had already made a spiritual contract.

There is nothing wrong with daring to do so.

Marshal Rong Lei felt a little relieved, and his suspicion faded away.

The military division bowed his hands again and again to apologize.

"I just mentioned it in passing, don't be so solemn, and ask the governor not to be offended."

Meng Tianchen waved his hands again and again.

"Military teacher is serious. Meng entered the big world and joined the army for the first time. After many times of help from the commander-in-chief, he has the foundation he has today. He is very grateful in his heart. He is always thinking about how to repay the commander-in-chief. No matter how powerful the imperial family is. Whether the blood is true or not, Meng Tianchen only knows that he is a minister of the lord, a general under the command of the commander, and he should die ten thousand times to repay the commander's cultivation and kindness!"

The words are sincere and touching.

"Haha! Forget it, I summoned you today to negotiate a reward for this great victory, so don't bring up these dull topics. Just like what your kid said, as long as you always remember that you are the minister of my Pot Kingdom, my commander-in-chief I will never treat you badly!"

Marshal Rong Lei was secretly satisfied with Meng Tianchen's performance, and finally let go of the last trace of suspicion in his heart.As the military adviser said, he is just a warrior ascending from the lower realms, even if he has a bit of childish imperial blood in his body, so what, as long as he can do things faithfully, he is afraid that he will not be able to control it.

Appreciation flashed in the military adviser's eyes. This Meng Tianchen really had a clear mind, and there was nothing wrong with his response. With a few words, he dispelled the commander's suspicion. He is indeed number one, and his future achievements will be limitless!

Meng Tianchen felt a little relieved, knowing that he had finally passed the current test, and as for whether there will be twists and turns in the future, he can only take one step at a time.

"Meng Tianchen, the Mongolian tribe defeated millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family in this battle, which greatly boosted the morale of our army. For this achievement before the war, we should be rewarded!"

Marshal Rong Lei pondered for a while, after all, he still felt that the heavy reward to Meng Tianchen was not only a further win over, but also out of the need to publicize this battle.

"I'm going to give you two options right now. One is to directly join the army of the Pot Kingdom. I will ask the lord for your merits and be promoted to be a regular governor and lead a regular army of 500 million! Two, you can continue to stay." In the new camp of the Hu Army, I will promote you as the governor of Sanda, and you can have tens of millions of soldiers under your command, and you have the power to appoint two governors and twenty generals."

"I don't know how you want to choose?"

Meng Tianchen saluted respectfully, and was not in a hurry to speak. He pondered for a moment before speaking slowly.

"Report to Commander, the last general will be awarded the latter." The voice was calm, but extremely firm, obviously the idea had been made up.

"Oh, you want to be the governor of Sanda?" Marshal Rong Lei's eyes flickered slightly.

"Can you tell me the reason? You must know that the five million elite soldiers of the Hu Kingdom are much stronger than the tens of millions of recruits in the new camp of the Hu Army. Besides, the commander-in-chief also has the qualifications to make meritorious service on the battlefield, and his status is also higher than that of the Hu army. The governor of Hujun Xinying San is halfway ahead, why did you make such a choice?"

Meng Tianchen's expression remained unchanged, he bowed deeply, and said in a deep voice: "Don't dare to hide from the commander, Meng Tianchen's move is indeed selfish! The last general is a warrior who has ascended in the small world and has no foundation in the big world. , but if you want to gain a foothold and not be bullied by others, you need to establish a foundation and have your own internal strength. Take root in the new battalion of the pot army and lead the Mongolian character department. The foundation to settle down and live. But apart from other things, the general has cultivated and promoted Meng Tianchen a lot, and the last general also thinks that one day he will become a helper under the command of the general. The new battalion of the Hujun is a new military system. The power in the hands of the general is also the bargaining chip in the hands of the general, the general is willing to give it a try!"

The meaning is very simple. Staying in the new camp of Hujun is to train his own team, and it is also a bargaining chip in the hands of the general. middle.

Once he agrees, although he will be subject to some restrictions in the future, he can count on relying on the upper echelons of the Hu Kingdom, and the benefits for Meng Tianchen's rise outweigh the disadvantages.

The military commander lowered his head slightly, it is better to keep silent at this time, the decision is entirely up to the commander in chief, even if something goes wrong in the future, it cannot be blamed on him.It's not that he suspects Meng Tianchen, but it's the way of the golden mean that subordinates must learn to protect themselves. It's always right to be cautious.

Marshal Rong Lei's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and he remained silent. For a while, the whole tent became dead silent, and the sound of breathing was clearly audible.

Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly, his face was calm at the moment, without the slightest bit of panic or uneasiness, it was obvious that he could only be so open-minded.

"Okay! Meng Tianchen, since you have this wish, this commander will grant you, and promote you as the governor of Sanda. I only hope that you will not forget what you said today!" Commander Rong Lei said, already in his heart. Decide.

"Meng Tianchen, the last general, thank you, Commander!" Meng Tianchen saluted again. From now on, he has been recognized by Commander Rong Lei, and possessing the status of a general of the Commander's family will naturally have many benefits in the future.

"The reward order will arrive soon, you go down first."


Meng Tianchen got up, took two steps back, turned around and strode away just now, but before he got out of the tent, he turned around after a slight pause, and spoke respectfully.

"Marshal, I don't know if I should speak up about something at the end of the day?"

Marshal Rong Lei nodded slightly.

"What's the matter with you? But it's all right."

"A few days ago, a million soldiers from the Tianhan family came to invade, and the enemy general was killed by me. But when this person fell, the last general sensed a faint blue-colored force on him, which was extremely powerful. If there is no accident, As if it was written by a powerful emperor, this person's identity and background may not be trivial."

"Light blue energy!" Marshal Rong Lei's expression changed, his eyes flickered for a while, and then he slowly regained his composure.

"You just imprint this person's appearance and shadow into the jade piece, and I will talk about it after I check it."


Meng Tianchen left behind the jade piece, then turned and retreated.

Watching Meng Tianchen leave, Marshal Rong Lei swept his consciousness across the jade piece, and what he saw was the figure of Long Lin.

"Military Master, take this jade piece down and hand it over to the Military Intelligence Agency to investigate this person's identity as soon as possible, and let them put some effort into Duke Long. If the general guessed correctly, this person should be inseparable from him."


The military division took the jade piece, and hurriedly lifted the tent and left.

Marshal Rong Lei turned around, looked at the military map set up in the tent, and at the location of Dushan City. After a long silence, he whispered to himself.

"Meng Tianchen, maybe you really are my commander-in-chief's blessing. If this matter is possible, the commander-in-chief will remember your contribution. I just hope that you will not be too smart, and instead mislead others and yourself."


Millions of elite soldiers from the Tianhan family attacked the Mongolian tribe at night, and the two sides fought fiercely. In the end, more than half of the army of the Tianhan family was killed or injured, and the rest were all captured.
The Mongolian character department became famous, and once again became a positive example of the Pot King's propaganda, so as to boost the morale of the army and prepare for the fierce battle that is about to break out.

During the massive rewards, the damage related to the Mongolian characters was dealt with in a low-key manner, and it was not even announced to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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