Chapter 815

Ten thousand of the [-] soldiers were killed and four thousand were severely injured.

Of the 500 million soldiers, 170 million were killed, 50 were seriously injured, and nearly half of them were lost.

Even if it is a victory, it is a tragic victory!

Meng Tianchen lived in the supervisor's tent in Dadu, and the two sides of the tent were all trusted generals who survived the war, his eyes swept over, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Now that the commander-in-chief's reward has been issued, you and I each have a reward, but all of these are paid for by the fallen soldiers in exchange for their own lives. You should keep this in mind and don't forget it!"

Speaking of this, he paused slightly and spoke slowly.

"Pass down the order of the warlord, count the list of the soldiers who died in battle, find out their origins, seal up all the things rewarded by the commander in chief, and send them home one by one after the war is over in the future. If anyone dares to secretly embezzle corrupt ink, he will be dealt with with the death penalty according to the military law. No forgiveness!"

"Follow the order of the governor!"

The general under the tent opened his mouth loudly, and when his heart was awe-inspiring, another warm current emerged from the bottom of his heart.There were many casualties in the military's meritorious service. They are colleagues today, and maybe they will be them in the future.But now the governor's handling made them feel at ease.Even if one day he really dies in battle, the governor will send back the rewards so that the relatives at home can comfort them.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, slowly suppressing the unbearable in his heart.Since he wants to take the road of rise, it is inevitable to fight in the future. I don't know how many people's bones and blood will be needed to move forward step by step. He can't avoid it. All he can do is to compensate their families!
Taking a deep breath, Meng Tianchen's mood has returned to calm.

"At present, our army is suffering from heavy losses. How is the process of absorbing soldiers from the new camp of the Hu Army going?"

"Reporting to the governor, our army has defeated the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family in two battles, and our reputation has spread far and wide. And the governor is famous, and most of the warriors who defected to the new camp of the Hu army directly joined our Mongolian tribe. There are now more than four hundred Tens of thousands of soldiers were incorporated into the army. After making up for the loss of this battle, our Mongolian army has a total of nearly 700 million soldiers. The governor's 20-person barracks expanded to [-], and all of them were selected from the elite soldiers fighting on the battlefield. Absolutely loyal It is made up of people, and now it is full." The old man Tianwu got up and spoke respectfully.

Meng Tianchen's eyes fell on the old man Tianwu, he paused for a moment, and then showed a gentle smile.

"Grandpa Tianwu has broken through to the emperor realm, which is a happy event." While speaking, his eyes swept over the twelve Sandutongs who had ascended under his command.

After fighting on the battlefield, their cultivation has improved to varying degrees. Except for the old man Tianwu who was promoted to the emperor's realm, Xianzi was only one step away from the emperor's realm, and all the others had also made great progress.

Of the twelve warriors under his command, naturally there are no mediocre ones.Entering the big world, getting supplies and training materials from the army, and going through life and death trials twice, this kind of progress is really normal.

"Now that the strength of the army is gradually being replenished, the general will be promoted to be the governor of Sanda, and he will control the tens of thousands of soldiers under his command. He can freely appoint two governors and [-] generals under his command. And canonized!"

All the generals in the tent were agitated when they heard the words, and eagerness appeared in their eyes.

This is not the official title you get when you join the army, it's just a false name with no soldiers under your command.The canonization of the Great Commander is a general who can truly take charge of military affairs, which is very different from it.

Meng Tianchen glanced slightly, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Big General Liang Dong Tingfeng!"

Under the tent, although Liang Dong knew that he should be awarded this time, he never thought that the governor would say that No. 1 was him. He was so excited that he hurriedly got up and knelt under the tent.

"The end will be sealed!"

"The governor canonized you today as the governor of Zuofeng San, in charge of the military affairs of an army of 500 million. In the future, you will be diligent in military affairs, and there must be no mistakes!"


Dong Liang drank in a low voice, still a bit unbelievable in his heart.San Du Du, he is now San Du Du, which is one level higher than the other generals. He never thought that he could get such a promotion speed.

It seems that the idea of ​​following the governor that day was the most correct decision he made!

"Sandutong Tianwu old man listens to the seal."

"Your subordinate is here!" The old man Tianwu got up and saluted respectfully.

"This governor canonize you as the governor of Youfeng San, in charge of the military affairs of an army of 500 million. In the future, you will be diligent in military affairs, and there will be no mistakes!"


The old man Tianwu responded abruptly, got up and stood aside.

"Xianzi, Qisheng, Puzhu, Wuding, Luzu, Luelao, Manzu, Fangzu, Tianlinfeng, Haiyang, Lingmie, Lanling 12 people stepped forward to accept the seal!"

"Subordinates listen to the seal!"

"This Governor canonize 12 of you as Temporary General Bei, in recognition of your bravery in the battle and your contribution to the victory of the army!"


The old man Tianwu is a close confidant of the governor, and he has the cultivation base of the emperor. It is an exceptional promotion to be canonized as the governor of Sandu.As for the 12 people including Xianzi, they are also the absolute confidantes under the command of the Great Governor, and they have also made great achievements in the battle on the battlefield. It will straighten the body and remove the word "temporary generation".

Lan Ling was the first group of generals to express their closeness to the governor, and she was also quite capable. It was reasonable to be promoted by fighting the enemy bravely on the battlefield.

Many generals in the tent were envious, but no one felt jealous. They only hated that they hadn't met the governor earlier and took refuge in him. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would be promoted to a noble today.

But now the future of the governor is bright, with the promotion of the commander-in-chief of Rong Lei, the future achievements are limitless, and the rewards and punishments of the governor are clear, as long as they can make meritorious deeds in the battlefield, they will naturally have the opportunity to be awarded in the future.

There are still eight places for generals, but they have attracted the attention of many generals.

Meng Tianchen pondered for a while, and opened his mouth slowly.

"This battle defeated millions of elite soldiers of the Tianhan family. The fallen soldiers of our army should have made great contributions. The governor wants to posthumously appoint the fallen general Zhong Yechen and other eight people as humble generals in recognition of their meritorious service! After his death, his official position will be temporarily vacant, and he will join the army in the future Those who perform well in Zhongzhu San are all selected and promoted on the spot."

"For the rest of the Sandu Commanding Officers, the generals in the military account can make up for the [-] soldiers under their command. Now that the army is expanding in size, it is afraid that it will reach tens of millions in a few days, and it needs to be sorted out and digested as soon as possible."

Meng Tianchen's move can not only express his approval for the fallen generals, but also improve the morale of the lieutenant generals. For the vacant positions of the eight humble generals, the best people need to be selected. Whether there is this opportunity depends on They have come to fight for it themselves.In this way, competition will be formed in the natural army, which will help the strength of the army to increase as soon as possible.

"That's the case for today, you wait to step back and train the new army as soon as possible to meet the war!"


All the generals under the tent responded with a loud bang, turned around and strode away one after another.

Naturally, the new canonized general did not want to disappoint the governor, and tried his best to do his job well.As for the generals who have not yet been rewarded, their eyes are also fixed on the positions of the eight vacant generals, and they are extremely eager, unwilling to lag behind others.

Meng Tianchen looked at the background of the generals, with a little satisfaction on his face.Now that he is an official to the governor of Sanda, he has tens of thousands of soldiers, which is far different than when he first entered Linglong World.

Just wait until the future to make meritorious deeds, enfeoff one party, and the foundation will be considered complete!

"Duke Long, don't be impatient. This matter is a big one, and we need to think about it from the long-term. You must not act recklessly." General Xue Du persuaded Duke Long, but his own face was equally gloomy.I thought that Longlin was a general, who would have thought to lead a million elite soldiers to attack the Mongolian tribe at night, but he ended up in such a state.

In recent days, according to reports from spies, the Hu Kingdom has made a big publicity about this matter, and morale has improved again. Thinking of this, he wanted to shout.

"Shuzi mistaken me!"

But seeing Duke Long gnashing his teeth, General Xue Du wisely suppressed all the thoughts in his mind, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

"Don't be impatient?"

Duke Long sneered.

"General Xuedu said it lightly, but the one who died today was my favorite son, so why don't I be angry or anxious!"

"No matter what, I must avenge my son. I hope that General Xuedu will send troops to tear the person who killed my son into pieces, otherwise it will be hard to get rid of my anger!"

General Xuedu suppressed his impatience and spoke in a deep voice.

"Not to mention that our army is currently defending the city. If we send a large army to fight head-on, we will be defeated. And Duke Long should know that Meng Tianchen is the blood of the royal family of the Shi family, who can integrate the strength of a hundred thousand soldiers to fight. If by any chance it's that person with a sky-high status and background, it's okay to kill him, but once he gets into trouble, I'm afraid it will be a catastrophe for my Tianhan family in an instant!"

"This matter has already been reported to the Patriarch, and how to deal with it depends on the Patriarch's wishes. If it is confirmed that Meng Tianchen has no background, it is not too late to make plans, and please ask Duke Long to understand the difficulties of the general. Otherwise, something goes wrong, we If you can’t afford it, I’m afraid it won’t benefit Duke Long.”

Although Duke Long was extremely angry, he did not lose his sense of proportion. Hearing General Xue Du's tough words, he sneered.

"Okay! Since the general has spoken, Ben Long will be waiting here. As long as Meng Tianchen is not an important figure in the Shi family's royal family, I must let him be buried in the battlefield to comfort my son's spirit in the sky!"
Tianhan City.

Master Tianhan held two military newspapers, his face was gloomy, and there was a look of embarrassment between his brows and eyes.

One of these two military newspapers was from his confidant General Xue Du, and the other was from the super powerful Duke Long. They both talked about the death of Long Lin, but the meanings they expressed were completely different.

General Xuedu's military newspaper implicitly expressed his dissatisfaction with Duke Long's pressure on him to interfere in military affairs, and even admonished the lord not to agree to Duke Long's request and risk sending troops to avenge Duke Long's son.

However, Duke Long’s military report is full of sorrow between the lines, bluntly saying that he has been born and died for the Tianhan family several times in his life, and has made great achievements many times, but now he has to watch his parents and children die in front of him but is powerless, and the sadness and anger in his heart are vivid on the paper.

The meaning is very simple, I hope the head of the family can look at his previous achievements and let him avenge his son!

The confidant General Xuedu's advice is naturally very reasonable, and Patriarch Tianhan doesn't want unnecessary damage to the army, let alone any accidents in the central area.

But Duke Long had an irresistible relationship with him, and he was a great help by his side before the matter was accomplished.After the establishment of the power, although the two sides were slightly alienated because of their obsession with cultivation, it was extremely beneficial for him to hold power because of this non-interference in political affairs.

The most important point is his cultivation base, he is now a seventh-rank emperor, a real power in the upper emperor realm, if he can't handle this matter properly, it will be even more detrimental to the precarious Tianhan family.

(End of this chapter)

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