Chapter 819 Mixing in
Meng Tianchen's words made Ke Lie and Long Duo feel that Meng Tianchen was courteous and courteous, and he was not frivolous due to the continuous promotion of official positions. At the moment, he sighed in his heart that this person will definitely not be a person in the pool in the future. The idea of ​​making friends is more important.

"Then it's settled. I hope that soon I can have a drink and talk with Governor Meng in Dushan City."

"The general will get his wish."

The three looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Now that the battle situation has been decided, they are naturally much more relaxed.

The military adviser is the commander's confidant, so naturally he can't say much at this moment, but he nodded repeatedly to Meng Tianchen's closeness to Ke Lie and Rondo.

These two are both confidantes and veterans under the commander's tent, if they can make friends with them, it will be of great benefit for Meng Tianchen to integrate into the commander's family in the future.

As for Zeng Tai, he looked expressionless, he didn't know what was going on in his mind at this moment, he coughed lightly at this moment, interrupted everyone's conversation, and opened his mouth lightly.

"Everyone, now that the general situation has been decided, you and I will go to the mountain city now, and see if we can make great achievements by taking this opportunity!"

Meng Tianchen and the others stopped talking, their faces were full of solemnity, and they nodded slightly.


"Report! The two generals Long Yuan and Long Cheng led the army and were ambushed by the army of the Hu Kingdom. They surrounded them but did not kill them. They came to our mountain city in the midst of expulsion!"

The emergency army reported to the city wall, General Xuedu's face was livid, he took out the lookout treasure and looked at the right wing of Hu Kingdom's army. Although it was a little blurry, he could recognize that the fleeing army in front was thousands of elite soldiers from the Tianhan family, but at this moment the number was less than 300 Ten thousand.

Behind was the army of the Hu Kingdom, who were chasing after them. Groups of elite fighters of the Tianhan family were chopped down like grass, and died on the battlefield!They are all the most elite fighters of the Tianhan family. They were supposed to fight for the defense of the city. Even if they were killed, they should have died fighting the enemy instead of being slaughtered without resistance!
General Xuedu took a deep breath, suppressing the aggrieved anger in his heart, but his expression became even uglier.

"The general still needs to make a decision early. In a short time, the army of the Hu Kingdom may be able to drive our soldiers to the city. How should our army respond?" A general next to him said in a deep voice with a dignified expression.

General Xue Du was startled when he heard this, he had never thought of this matter under his rage, after being reminded, he naturally understood the plan of Hu Kingdom's army, and couldn't help but let out a roar of grief and indignation.

"What a vicious strategy!"

The Tianhan family's defeated army arrived at the foot of Dushan City, so it is impossible to open the city to save people and risk the city falling. Damage to morale!
This strategy is so ruthless, but people have to face it and cannot resist it!
The sound of fighting, howling, desperate roar and so on came from far away, making the faces of the generals on the city wall turn pale, their fists clenched, and some people couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The fleeing army of the Tianhan family appeared in sight. Seeing Dushan City not far away, their eyes burst out with a burning desire to survive, and their mouths uttered cries for help. As long as they can enter the city, they can survive!

Long Yuan and Long Cheng's faces were pale, and they rushed to the front led by their own soldiers. Seeing Cheng Cheng at the front, they couldn't care less, and asked the army in the city to open the city gate.

General Xuedu looked at the scene in front of him with a face like water, and felt that the intuition was extremely tricky, and the battle between heaven and man was extremely fierce in his heart.

But at this moment, another urgent military report came.

"Report! The Hu Kingdom's army has changed, and the soldiers will mobilize the army and prepare to attack the city at any time!"

General Xuedu's face changed again, and he looked at the Hu Kingdom's barracks as he looked at the treasures, and he saw a large army rushing out of the barracks like a tidal wave, and lined up in front of the city!Nearly [-] soldiers will be lined up in the battle formation, really like a vast ocean, the vastness can't be seen at a glance.

The neat military appearance, the condensed morale, and the mighty evil spirit soared into the sky!Just looking down, people were shocked and their faces turned pale.Now there are only more than 6000 million troops of the Tianhan family in Dushan City, and they are not sure whether they can survive the crazy attack of the army of the Hu Kingdom.

The Tianhan family, which was approaching, was defeated, and the Hu Kingdom army was preparing to attack the city.

General Xue Du's heart was cold, and his voice was even more chilling.

"Decree, the city is strictly guarded, and no one is allowed to open the city gate, otherwise they will be killed without pardon for the crime of collaborating with the enemy!"


The generals on the city wall responded with a bang, and while their hearts were awe-inspiring, there was sadness in their eyes.If the gates of the city were not opened, even if these soldiers of the Tianhan family ran desperately to save their lives, they would not escape death even if they struggled to get to the bottom of the city!

"Hmph! As expected of the general of the Tianhan family's Xuedu, it really is a good method, and he has such a ruthless method! But even so, the morale of the defenders in the city must be weak!" Zeng Tai calmed down after watching the slight commotion in the city, Can't help but sneer.

Ke Lie, Rondo, and the military division couldn't help shaking their heads slightly. Although they knew that there was little hope, if the gate of Dushan City was opened, it would undoubtedly reduce the unnecessary damage of the Hu Kingdom's army during the siege.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid a fight is inevitable!

"Huh? Where did Governor Meng go? Why didn't Ben general see his whereabouts?" Zeng Tai glanced slightly, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Just now when the army was marching, the governor of Mongolia was worried that the Mongolian Ministry would not be able to cooperate with the army to siege him, so he has already returned to the Mongolian Ministry." Ke Lie opened his mouth and explained for Meng Tianchen.

Zeng Tai nodded, and he didn't think deeply about this matter. Meng Tianchen's absence is just right for him. In the future, he will be rewarded for his merits. Because he is not here, he is afraid that the merits will be reduced. He immediately pressed this thought, and looked again Looking at Shancheng, his eyes were full of heat.

The lord of the country has already issued a military order. Whoever can capture Dushan City under the command of General Rong Lei can directly obtain the fiefdoms of the five cities.

This matter has not yet spread in the army, and he also heard it mentioned by Marshal Rong Lei by chance.Zeng Tai thought that this opportunity was prepared for himself. As long as he can command the army to capture the city in one go, he will be considered a great achievement, and he is one step away from Feng Gong!If there is a little promotion from the general, it is a certainty that he will be granted the title of Duke after the war!
This feat must belong to him!


"Governor, according to your instructions, the general has sent soldiers to collect one hundred thousand sets of relatively complete armor for the enemy army. I wonder what your plan is?" the old man Tianwu said respectfully, he dared to be close to Meng Tianchen Asking, other officers would naturally dare not speak.

After saying this, the eyes of all the surrounding generals gathered at the same time.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, and he spoke lightly.

"This general intends to lead one hundred thousand guards to infiltrate the Tianhan family's defeated army, and take the opportunity to get close to Dushan City. Once there is a change in the city gate, he can immediately attack the city gate and take this heinous feat!"

"The governor must not do this!"

"The army is chaotic, and the enemy's armor has been changed. Our soldiers don't know the identity of the commander-in-chief. What if something unexpected happens!"

"The governor's move is too risky. If the governor insists on doing this, he will eventually be willing to take the risk for him!"

"Please think twice, Commander-in-Chief!"

The faces of the surrounding generals changed greatly when they heard the words, they were shocked by Meng Tianchen's crazy idea, and they all objected when they came back to their senses.

Meng Tianchen glanced over, although he didn't speak, the majesty in his eyes made all the generals quiet down.

"This general can take advantage of the strength of the [-] guards. If nothing can be done, he can retreat calmly. Once he succeeds, he will need to support for a while to delay the time for my army. If you go forward, who can do this? The governor has made up his mind on this matter, so you don't need to discuss it any further. Just remember one thing, if the governor succeeds, immediately launch a charge and strive to conquer the mountain city in one fell swoop!"


The generals under his command looked solemn, but after all they did not dare to disobey the order of the governor, but the worry in their eyes did not abate in the slightest.Now that they have become the generals of the Mongolian Ministry, they have both prospered and lost together with the governor, so naturally they don't want the governor to have any accidents.

"Time is running out, and we have to sneak into the defeated army of the Tianhan family before approaching Dushan City. The governor will leave immediately. You launch a large army to charge and pursue the defeated army of the Tianhan family, creating opportunities for the governor."

"Follow the order of the governor!"

Meng Tianchen didn't delay too much, and directly exchanged armor with the [-] guards during the march, and hid in the army of the Mongolian army.

After a charge, 10 people have silently merged into the defeated army of the profile family.In normal times, this matter would definitely be impossible, but at this moment, the army was in chaos, and the soldiers didn't recognize the generals, so Meng Tianchen could take advantage of it.

However, the real danger begins after integrating into the Tianhan family and defeating the army. If he is not careful, he will die in the hands of his own army, and that is really aggrieved.

Fortunately, Meng Tianchen led the elite guard army, whose strength was naturally not comparable to that of the ordinary Tianhan family's defeated army, and there was no accident in hiding in the defeated army, and he moved forward quickly and quickly caught up with Longyuan, who was at the front. A team of two people in Longlin.

Meng Tianchen slightly raised his hand and made a subtle movement, the army stopped advancing, followed behind the two teams of Longyuan and Longlin in front, and kept approaching Dushancheng.


"We are soldiers of the Tianhan family, open the door! Quickly open the city gate!"

"General, we are ordered by you to go out of the city to fight the enemy. Are you going to die at this moment!"

"I don't want to die! Please open the city gate!"


With only less than 300 million troops left, the Tianhan family army approached the city gate full of hope, and the joy on their faces dissipated bit by bit at this moment, turning into deep despair.

Amidst their wailing, the entire city remained silent, the city gates were closed tightly, and the forbidden aura flickered endlessly.

These Tianhan family's defeated army first fled in a big defeat, and escaped all the way to the city gate, but was turned away after being overjoyed.

Amidst the sky-shattering shouts, yells of cursing and cries for help spread into the city, and clearly fell into the ears of every soldier of the Tianhan family.Although he knew that General Xuedu's decision not to open the city gate was the best choice for the current battle situation, he still couldn't help feeling a little chilly in his heart.

If they were outside the city right now, would the general save them?The answer is obviously no.

(End of this chapter)

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