Chapter 820
Long Yuan and Long Cheng looked at the closed city gate, their faces were no longer pale, they knew the decision of General Xue Du, once they made a decision, they would definitely not change it, even if they were the sons of Duke Long, He also didn't let him take into account the qualifications to open the door.

On the contrary, the generals beside the two spoke angrily, and the two young masters Lian Daolong were under the city, ordering the guards to open the gate.

But in the face of these, Du Shancheng still maintained a cold silence.

"On weekdays, the two young masters treat you well. If you hadn't been promoted by the young master, how could you have become military officers of the Tianhan family today based on your identities! Now that the young master is in trouble, do you want to follow me to save the young master? It is a great contribution, and the young master will definitely reward you heavily in the future!"

Those who spoke were two slightly thin generals wearing small school armor, standing in front of a group of soldiers from the Tianhan family and speaking in a low voice.

Hearing this, the six Sandu commanders frowned slightly, with a look of hesitation and embarrassment on their faces.Their official positions are above these two small schools, but they obviously have scruples, and they dare not show any dissatisfaction even in the face of shouting and questioning.

"You should know Duke Long's temperament. If you know that the two young masters specially arranged you at the gate of the city before leaving, but you don't want to save yourself, what will happen to you then!" Another junior's voice slightly The chill that seemed gentle, but like late autumn penetrated into the bones of the people instantly, making the bodies of the people in front of them stiff and their faces instantly pale.

"You two young masters, our brothers are not ungrateful people. We have been cultivated by the two young masters today. But the key is that General Xuedu has issued a military order, and we are never allowed to open the door to let people in. If we do this According to the military regulations, not only will you die, but your family members will also be implicated." A San Dutong said in a low voice, his face full of bitterness.

Now if they take action, they are dead, and if they don't, they know that they can only think about how to protect their family.

"Hmph! If something happens to the two young masters, you think your family can still live happily! If you are wise, you can open the city gate now and let the young masters in. They are just outside the city gate, and it only takes a few breaths. You and I closed the city gate again. As long as there is no accident, even if General Xuedu deliberately makes things difficult, he will not care about Duke Long's face at all! Think about it, how big is it to save the two young masters that Duke Long valued the most right now? Thanks to you, after passing this test, you will surely enjoy inexhaustible glory and wealth in the future, and your future is limitless! Time is running out, you should make a decision quickly, otherwise you will mistake others and yourself, don’t blame us for not showing you the way !"

The eyes of the six Sandutongs suddenly showed emotion. If they were not desperate, who would want to sit and wait for death!And what the two young masters said is not unreasonable.

"Fight it, otherwise I will die on the battlefield, and the mother-in-law at home will inevitably remarry. Does my son want to recognize someone else as his father! I will do it!" So vulgar, with a resolute calmness on his face.

"Then give it a go, maybe you can still survive!"

"it is good!"

The six Sandu were all moved, and quickly made a decision to deal with this matter.

"Then hurry up and make preparations. These officers and men are all members of our Duke Long's mansion. It shouldn't be difficult to persuade them. After a while, we will listen to our warrant and immediately stop the prohibition on opening the city gate and welcome the two young masters into the city. If so If it goes well, it will take less than a few breaths, and even if the army of the Hu Kingdom is outside, there will be no time to approach."


The six people cupped their hands and drank in a low voice. Now that they had made a decision, they turned around and left without hesitation.

Watching the few people go away, the faces of the two school principals turned pale at the same time, and a thin layer of sweat formed on their smooth foreheads.

"It's so dangerous, I finally persuaded them, otherwise the two sons will die on the battlefield, and you and I will be buried with them."

"This is the only chance. They are helping us and saving themselves. I just hope everything goes well, otherwise!"

The little school didn't finish, but the two of them understood the meaning in their hearts, and the coldness in their hearts became heavier, almost freezing their entire bodies.

A moment later, the six Sandutong came hurriedly in the shadow of the city wall, and without speaking, they nodded slightly, indicating that they were ready.

The two small principals had recovered their calm appearance at this moment, gritted their teeth, and waved their hands fiercely.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the peaceful Dushan City, and the restrictive aura at the city gate suddenly dissipated, and the tightly closed city gate slowly opened.

The two schoolboys didn't care about being afraid at the moment, they rushed to the gate of the city and shouted: "Young masters, hurry up and enter the city!"

Brothers Longyuan and Longcheng were in despair, but suddenly found that the city gate in front of them was opened, and they were still sluggish. They heard a familiar voice next to their ears and saw the figures of the two small schools. The feeling of another life. !
"Master, enter the city!"

The surrounding relatives were immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly supported the young master who was still in a daze and rushed towards the city.

The soldiers of the Tianhan family who fell into despair saw that their life was ahead, how could they take care of a lot, at this moment they desperately charged towards the gate of the city, and for a moment everyone crowded together to block the entire gate.

"Fortunately, General Xuedu knows the severity and finally opened the city gate, otherwise Duke Long will not be able to spare him when he comes back!" A general of Duke Long's mansion entered the city, feeling like he had walked around the gate of hell, and couldn't help but speak. spoke angrily.

Long Yuan and Long Cheng nodded slightly, but before they could speak, they saw that the faces of the two junior officers and the soldiers under their command were all pale, and their hearts skipped a beat.

.Could it be.
"You two young masters, General Xue Du issued a death order not to let anyone in. We are concerned about the safety of the young master, so we have no choice but to act in secret. Please forgive me, the two young masters!"

The faces of Long Yuan and Long Cheng who had just regained a little blood color stopped speaking and turned pale with a shudder, and raised their heads tremblingly, just in time to see the defeated army of the Tianhan family rushing towards the city gate that was originally intended to be closed Get stuck.

Seeing this scene, the two seemed to come back to their senses suddenly, and screamed.

"What are you still doing in a daze, close the city gate immediately! Close the city gate!"

Since it wasn't General Xuedu's intention, naturally they didn't respond to their dead soldiers who stopped the Hu Kingdom's army, if something happened that caused the city to fall.

The two of them no longer dared to think about the consequences, perhaps even their father could not bear the Patriarch's anger.

The guards of Duke Long's mansion who poured into the city were also pale at the moment, but they didn't dare to delay and rushed towards the city gate instead.

The opening of the gates of such a heavy city requires the gates to be closed. The guards of the Longgong Mansion originally wanted to open a gap to let the two young masters in, but at this moment, they were rushed by the defeated army of the Tianhan family, and the gates were opened. Things got bigger and bigger, and things were developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Meng Tianchen witnessed the opening of the city gate with his own eyes, his heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he knew that this time he really made the right bet!

The great success is right in front of you!
But the more he got to this moment, the calmer he was, he made a decision in the shortest possible time, he didn't rush to open the city gate, but slightly lagged behind the Tianhan family's defeated army, seeing that the city had the intention of closing the city gate at this moment, A roar suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Brothers, they want to close the city gate! We killed the enemy for the country, but we will be abandoned. Now that the city gate has been opened, can't we be rescued together, and we deserve to be beheaded and killed under the city? "

"Rush! Brothers, rush in!"

The roar sounded instantly, and the soldiers of the Tianhan family who were crowded at the city gate couldn't tell the source of the sound, but the anger in their hearts was instantly aroused by the chatter, and they roared and roared in unison!

"Whoever dares to stop us will fight with them!"

"We don't want to die, we can survive by rushing into the city, brothers rush together!"

"Kill these people who want to kill us!"

Losing his mind and being controlled by his anger, the Tianhan family's defeated army suddenly attacked, directly causing many deaths and injuries to the soldiers in the city. The two sides actually fought fiercely at the city gate, but no matter inside or outside the city, the dead were all Profile for family soldiers.

The strong bloody smell pierced into the nose, making people feel sick, and even more stimulating the viciousness in people's hearts.The defeated troops of the Tianhan family outside the city wanted to enter the city to save their lives, and the soldiers of the Tianhan family inside the city wanted to close the city gates.

Seeing the opportunity, Meng Tianchen let out a roar, and displayed his fighting spirit in an instant, concentrating the power of one hundred thousand personal guards into himself, leading the soldiers under his command like a furious arrow, shooting fiercely into the battle situation, crushing the city. A gap was ripped open in the crumbling defense at the door.

Raise your arms and call out.

"Brothers rush in!"

Now how can anyone know who is who, and what they think about in their minds is how to survive and save their own lives. The sudden impact tore that gap instantly, and the defense at the city gate was immediately declared shattered.

There are still more than [-] million Tianhan family's defeated troops rushing into Dushan city.

The city gate was broken, not in the hands of Hu Kingdom's army, but by the Tianhan family's own army, breaking through the gate of the city's defense!
"What happened!" The sudden chaotic sound made General Xuedu's heart skip a beat, and he felt an extremely bad premonition in an instant. He suddenly turned around and looked at the source of the sound, just in time to see the aura disappear at the city gate. , followed by the shocking killing sound.

He only felt that his eyes went dark, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, his entire face instantly turned pale, without any trace of blood.But then growl,
"Send the army to the south gate immediately, and defend it at all costs!" The voice was shrill, but it was hard to hide the panic in it.

But at this moment, without waiting for the generals around him to react, suddenly there was a shocking sound rolling in.



The army of the Pot Kingdom, which was waiting in formation outside the city, roared at the same time like a monstrous wave and swept in madly. The fierce aura rushed straight to the sky, condensing into a terrifying ghostly beast and roaring towards the sky.

The fierce siege battle broke out without warning!
General Xue Du was in a trance for a while. Although the battle had not yet started, a strange intuition suddenly appeared in his heart.

The mountain city is lost!

With this thought in his mind, he spit out another mouthful of reversed blood, roaring mournfully.

"Duke Long, your blood has harmed my Tianhan family!"

(End of this chapter)

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