Chapter 821
"Hold on! We must persist until the army enters the city!" Meng Tianchen roared, his fighting spirit was compatible with him. He merged with the strength of the [-] personal guards, and with every gesture, there was a terrifying magical power, and its power was comparable to that of the third-rank emperor Qiangfeng Strong!
What's more, they are racing against time, and they have no scruples about the loss of the original chaotic power of the Zifu. They only want to burst out the most powerful force in the shortest time, and defeat the Tianhan family army rushing towards the city gate.

Meng Tianchen slapped a general of the Tianhan family from the emperor's realm to death in a hurry, and fell along with thousands of soldiers around him.

Another general of the Emperor Tianhan family was about to rush to the city gate, but Meng Tianchen ruthlessly tore his body and collapsed immediately, and his consciousness was shattered.

puff! .
Because of the chaos caused by the collapse of the two million Tianhan family's army, the Tianhan family's army on the surrounding city walls could not form an army formation at all. Only a few senior generals relied on their cultivation and led a few soldiers to rush there, intending to forcibly close the city. Door.But when they came, Meng Tianchen, whose strength was compatible with that of the guards, had no power to resist them at all.

Amid the crazily pouring out of supernatural powers, a famous emperor-level general fell, and the remnant souls were instantly drawn by the mysterious power into Meng Tianchen's Purple Mansion!
And the two wisps of the increasingly strange chaotic original power in the Zifu suddenly turned into a phantom of a roulette.

After being refined by the roulette, streams of pure and powerful power overflowed from it, directly fused into Meng Tianchen's body in a whistling rush!
At this moment, the cultivation base of the first-time second-rank emperor continued to skyrocket at a crazy and high-spirited speed!

The fall of every emperor-level general means that the remnant soul containing huge energy is swallowed by Meng Tianchen.

Meng Tianchen was almost obsessed with the pleasure of wanton killing and the rapid increase in strength, and the supernatural power poured out crazily, but the power in his body did not feel empty or insufficient at all.

Killing the Emperor Realm can increase his strength, but unfortunately killing the Saint Realm warriors will not benefit at all.

Meng Tianchen's supernatural powers often have enemies in the Holy Realm who will be affected and physically collapsed!

With one person in front, Shentong shot and killed the general of the Tianhan family, no matter who came, he couldn't get half a step closer to the city gate.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen has the potential to have one man in charge and one man in charge!

The entire ground trembled slightly due to the terrifying sound of the army stepping down on the ground. Zeng Tai's face turned red with excitement. He didn't expect that the city gate would actually open. After a moment of sluggishness, he immediately ordered the army to attack the city with all its strength He didn't give the city the opportunity to deploy troops to close the city gate, but he and Ke Lie, Rondo and the military division directly led the 500 million troops under his command to the city gate!
The great achievement of splashing the sky is right in front of him, as long as he breaks the city, everything he wants is right in front of him!
The city gate has arrived!

Looking at the empty city gate and sensing the terrifying aura coming from it, Zeng Tai's face could not help but change slightly. When he rushed into the city gate, he saw a 10-strong Tianhan family army unexpectedly Under the leadership of one person, he frantically attacked all the generals of the Tianhan family, keeping the city gates open and not closed.

And the next moment, he saw clearly the appearance of the person headed by the Tianhan family army.

Meng Tianchen!
It was Meng Tianchen!

Thinking of the turmoil and changes at the city gate, and seeing him guarding the city gate alone at this moment, allowing the Hu Kingdom's army to drive straight in, this person's murderous intent instantly flourished!As long as you pretend not to recognize his identity and lead the army behind you to charge, you can kill him and the hundred thousand soldiers behind you!
At that time, the biggest credit for breaking Dushan City will be his!

Zeng Tai's eyes flashed sharply, but at this moment, Meng Tianchen turned around suddenly and sipped in a low voice.

"The gate of the city has been captured by the governor. Zeng Tai and the generals quickly entered the city and captured Dushan City!"

"Master Meng!"

Ke Lie, Long Duo and the military division entered the city at this moment, just in time to hear Meng Tianchen's voice, and when they saw where he was at the moment, their faces were shocked, and then turned into envy.Looking at the armor of the Tianhan family on Meng Tianchen and the soldiers behind him, plus the abnormal change at the city gate, it is not difficult for them to figure out the key to this.It seems that Meng Tianchen will be the first to break the city this time!

First there is the merit of offering advice, and then there is the merit of breaking the city. After this battle, I am afraid that this Meng Tianchen will really soar into the sky!

There was an angry roar in Zeng Tai's heart, and he was only a little short!But now that the matter has come to fruition, if he dares to attack again, he may be executed by military law in the eyes of everyone, so he had to slam the beasts under him, and lead the army behind him to charge from the side of Meng Tianchen and his personal guards. Pass.

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, and he turned around to see the army entering the city, knowing that the overall situation of today's World War I has been decided, and Dushan City will undoubtedly be broken!He has made enough meritorious deeds, no matter how he is rewarded afterwards, it is the first meritorious service, so there is no need to earn merits with others at this moment.Raising his hand slightly at the moment, the rushing momentum of the Mongolian army dissipated immediately. Although the generals were eager for merit, they did not dare to go against the will of the governor.

"By the order of the governor, the Mongolian Ministry will follow the army to stabilize the situation at the city gate, kill the defeated army of the Tianhan family, and not to advance greedily."

"Follow the order of the governor of the capital!" The soldiers under his command suddenly agreed, and advanced along the city gate to the surrounding area.

Only then did Meng Tianchen turn around, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"The two generals Ke Lie and Rondo quickly entered the city to kill the enemy and win meritorious service!"

"The governor of Chengmeng has auspicious words, and I will not be polite!" The two said with hands clasped, their voices were quite grateful, but at this moment they did not pause at all, and led the army directly into Dushan City.

The military division did not follow the army into the city, so there is no need to rob meritorious service in his capacity, as long as the mountain city can be broken, he will naturally have his share of the credit.

"The Commander-in-Chief of Meng is really brave and resourceful. This time, the Governor-General's first contribution in breaking the mountain city is undoubtedly, and he is bound to be valued by the Commander-in-Chief. Here, I would like to congratulate the Governor-General in advance!"

Meng Tianchen was refining the power that had been integrated into his body, but on the surface his aura was stable, and he didn't show the slightest abnormality. Hearing this, he smiled and cupped his hands.

"This time breaking the city, Meng was just lucky enough to take the lead. If it weren't for the help of all the generals, it would not be easy to break the mountain city. This great achievement is the work of Meng Tianchen, and it is also the work of all of you!"

Taking credit without being arrogant, knowing how to advance and retreat, although Meng Tianchen had already seen it before he continued to fight for merit and gave the opportunity to Zeng Tai, Ke Lie, and Rondo, but at this moment, hearing Meng Tianchen speak in person, he still couldn't bear it. Can't help but admire in my heart.

"It's really a blessing that the governor of Meng can be so clear. No matter what happens this time, the first credit should undoubtedly go to the governor, and this is enough." The military division couldn't help showing envy in his eyes when he said this.

"Perhaps the governor doesn't know yet, the lord has already issued an order. Whoever can conquer the mountain city under the command of General Rong Lei will get the fiefdom of five cities and be ranked as the Duke of Xu. Only wait for future achievements After the war, it is also a matter of conferring the Duke! With the ability of the governor, the conferring of the Duke should be expected!"

Meng Tianchen has been in the army for a short time, and he has made many achievements and skyrocketed, and now he even has the qualifications to set foot in Feng Gong!How can such an opportunity make people not envious!
The territory of the five cities, the position of Duke Xu!
With Meng Tianchen's state of mind, he couldn't help but jump when he heard this, and it turned into a surprise!Although he knew that there must be a reward for breaking Dushan City this time, he didn't expect that the reward would be so generous!


This is already an unimaginable honor, at least sitting on a huge territory as a territory, monopolizing one side!It is also an absolute high-level existence in the entire kingdom, controlling hundreds of millions of living beings!
Conferring the Duke on the battlefield is the goal in Meng Tianchen's heart, to establish his own foundation in the Linglong Great World, and he has already completed more than half of it in a short period of time.

Joy filled the air, but it failed to affect Meng Tianchen for too long, so he suppressed him bit by bit, and bowed his hands to the military advisor.

"Meng can have what he is today, and he also has a lot of military advisers to help him. If he succeeds in the future, he will never forget the reward!"

The military adviser nodded in satisfaction, and felt more and more correct about his decision to befriend Meng Tianchen, but at this moment he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and spoke in a low voice.

"General Zeng Tai is the nephew of Marshal Rong Lei, and he has a close relationship with him. If there is something wrong, please forgive me."

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, knowing that this person had seen some clues but hadn't pointed them out.

"Military teacher is serious. Although General Zeng Tai doesn't like to talk, he is a first-class general in our army. Meng admires it in his heart, so how can he be dissatisfied?"

Knowing the generous rewards for breaking the city, Meng Tianchen could easily guess where Zeng Tai's hostility towards him came from. Obviously, he was worried that Meng Tianchen would be appreciated by Marshal Rong Lei and take away his meritorious service.But now Dushan City has been broken, Meng Tianchen made the first contribution, and has already had a grudge with this person, and I am afraid that there will be some side issues in the future.

Meng Tianchen expressed gratitude, although the relationship between Zeng Tai and General Rong Lei was not a secret, but the military adviser told him at this moment that Meng Tianchen could be more prepared to deal with it, which is also a big favor.

The military master smiled faintly, seeing that Meng Tianchen had already understood his intentions, he didn't say much, but secretly thought in his heart, Zeng Tai is also a fierce general, and has a blood relationship with Marshal Rong Lei, as long as he survives this battle safely , Feng Gong is not necessarily, but there must be promotion.

However, if he blindly wants to embarrass Meng Tianchen, to be honest, the military adviser is not optimistic.I only hope that he can see this clearly earlier, so as not to cause trouble for himself!

The two of them didn't say much, they turned to look inside Dushan City, there was a thundering sound of killing, and with the fall of the city gate and the entry of Hu Kingdom's army, the morale of the Tianhan family's army was shaken and their morale plummeted, making it impossible to resist.

I'm afraid it won't be long before this city will be owned by the Hu Kingdom!
There was a faint flash of spiritual light in the void, and two figures appeared one after another, all of them had gloomy complexions, and a cold light shone in their eyes.

The two of them are both high-ranking emperors. After a fierce battle, they were evenly matched, and neither of them could gain the upper hand. I couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.Knowing that the fight was futile, he simply withdrew from the battlefield and showed up to the outside world.

But the next moment, the bodies of both of them froze at the same time.

With two cultivation bases, although they can't check the battle situation with their spiritual sense, they can sense the general situation in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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