Chapter 822 Lord Qingyun

Duke Long's face turned ashen for an instant, and Marshal Rong Lei grinned slightly, his heart was full of ecstasy, and he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

"Haha! Haha, Dushan City has been broken! Duke Long, it seems that this commander still has the upper hand this time, and he has the last laugh!"


Duke Long was in a state of confusion, he had a very bad premonition in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about it.There was no intention of entanglement with Marshal Rong Lei at all in his heart, and with an angry snort, his figure turned into a streak of light and whizzed away.

Marshal Rong Lei's eyes flickered for a while, but in the end he didn't stop him, and he took the same step and went straight to Dushan City.At this moment, his heart was still filled with joy. He thought that even if the plan was successfully implemented this time, he could only gain the upper hand in the siege. Who would have thought that the situation would reverse in a short time, and Dushan City would be broken!Marshal Rong Lei is also eager to know what happened!

Sweeping his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on the gate of the city, and the figure arrived in an instant.

Meng Tianchen and the military division had already sensed the aura of Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Long, so they saluted at the same time and spoke respectfully.

"See Master!"

Marshal Rong Lei waved his hand.

"Get up! What happened on the battlefield? How did Dushan City be breached so easily? You tell me everything I don't know."

When it came to this battle, Meng Tianchen was naturally reluctant to open his mouth, so he lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

The military division saluted again.

"Commander, this time our army was able to conquer the mountain city in one fell swoop, and the governor of Meng has made great contributions!" At that moment, this person proposed Meng Tianchen's plan to expel the defeated army of the Tianhan family in the shortest possible way, and took the risk of himself mixing with the army of the Tianhan family. Among them, the details of taking the opportunity to occupy the city gate to support the arrival of the army have not been changed in the slightest.

"General Zeng Tai, Ke Lie, General Rondo and many other soldiers can testify to this matter."

Marshal Rong Lei's eyes were bright, and when he finished speaking, his gaze fell on Meng Tianchen. Seeing that he was wearing the armor of the general of the Tianhan family, and his body was covered with blood, there was no doubt at the moment.

The matter involves military merits, and there are many witnesses, the military adviser will never speak nonsense!

Dushancheng was able to break because of Meng Tianchen!At this moment, even Marshal Rong Lei had to admit that Meng Tianchen might be his lucky general!
He defeated the elite soldiers of the Tianhan family twice and boosted the morale of the army.Now it is because of him that he conquered Dushanchengcheng in one fell swoop!Thinking that this plan was also pointed out by Meng Tianchen, which led to the current situation, Marshal Rong Lei firmly believed in this idea!
"Haha! Good! Meng Tianchen, you have made great achievements this time. This commander should ask the king for your merits. Once you receive the reward, you will be satisfied!"

"Thank you, handsome!"

Duke Long's hands and feet were cold, even though he had many thoughts in his mind, he never expected that the reason for the fall of Dushan City was actually due to him in Duke Long's mansion!

Long Yuan and Long Cheng fell to their knees on the ground, their faces were pale, they were covered in sweat like rain, and their hearts were terrified to the extreme.Behind the two, there are a group of pale-faced relatives of the Longgong Mansion, and they are the ones who opened the city gate.

General Xuedu's pale face was filled with a layer of blue, hearing the thunderous killing sound coming from his ears, he couldn't help but believe in his heart, Dushan City was broken!

If it is conquered by the army of the Hu Kingdom at all costs, he is sure in his heart that the other party will pay a higher price than the price of the city, but it is inexplicably broken like this, so how can he accept it? Looking at the people in front of him, he really wants to take one with his own hands. strangle them!

"Duke Long, although you don't intervene in the military, you should understand the role of Dushan City in the Patriarch's plan. You and I lost the city without even defending it for half a year. How can we resist the rear defense line? Regarding this matter, we will Report back to the Patriarch truthfully." The voice was low and hoarse, like an old man, and he didn't have the momentum of a famous general in the army pointing out the mountains and rivers before.

It's not impossible to lose this city, but it's too late to lose it!
Duke Long nodded slightly, without any warning, he waved his sleeves, and a mighty force suddenly erupted, covering all the kneeling people in front of him, including his two sons, Long Yuan and Long Cheng, and no one resisted at all. With the power, his consciousness was wiped out instantly, all the breath in his body dissipated, and he fell completely!The remnants of souls have never been left behind. To attack the parents and children, such a method can be called cruel!
The corners of Duke Long's eyes twitched, he took a deep breath, and spoke in a low voice.

"The matter has come to this point, and it is irreparable. I have personally killed these two evil beasts and the attendants of Duke Long's mansion. After that, I will plead guilty to the Patriarch! But the most important thing now is how to remedy it, not Continue to waste time on this matter."

"I don't know anything about military affairs, so I ask General Xuedu to calm down for the time being, and quickly arrange the matter. I will fully cooperate." The city has been broken, and killing them will not help, but at least it is his attitude that shows his attitude towards this matter. I don't know at all, in order to get the understanding of the Patriarch.

The crime of losing the city, even Duke Long cannot bear it easily, beheading his parents and children can reduce the punishment, although he is heartbroken, he will not hesitate at all!

At this moment, Duke Long was extremely resentful, but relied on a strong state of mind to suppress all his emotions. Now he also knows that only by finding a way to minimize the impact of the loss of the city can he protect himself, otherwise, the Patriarch will be doomed under the wrath of the sky. Severe punishment for thunder!
General Xuedu is not a mediocre person either, at this moment he had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart, his thoughts quickly turned and he had already seen the situation clearly, with a bitter expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Dushan City can't be defended anymore. If we continue to delay, I'm afraid you and I will be buried here! The Patriarch entrusted the Tuoyang area to me. How can I be willing to perish here? I will definitely look for opportunities to wash away today's humiliation in the future! "

"The last general is willing to obey the general's orders!"

"Left and right governors come out and order you two to lead an army of 2000 million to stop the army of the Hu Kingdom from chasing and killing for an hour, and then you can freely choose to retreat. If this is done, you will definitely be rewarded!"

In the current situation, the destruction of the rear army is likely to be the result of the destruction of the entire army. It can be said that this is a mission that must die!But this move is to buy time for the army to evacuate, and it must be in charge of a general who can truly stand on his own. The left and right governors are the top generals under the command of General Xuedu!

The two of them went out and knelt on one knee, their faces were slightly pale, but they didn't flinch in the slightest.

"General, my two families, please take care of me in the future!"

General Xuedu's heart was bleeding, but he gritted his teeth and never showed any weakness.

"Don't worry, there will be one day, and they will not be wronged in the slightest!"

"So, thank you General!"

The left and right governors saluted again, and suddenly waved their hands to lead the soldiers to gather the soldiers under their command, and greeted the Hu Kingdom's army sweeping across the city.

General Xuedu is a well-known general in the army, he is decisive in killing and attacking, and at this moment he has no choice but to make such a bad plan, since he has made a decision, naturally he will not delay any further.

"Rectify the army and withdraw from Dushan City immediately!"

"No!" All the generals under his command hurried away.

At this moment, General Xuedu showed a hint of weakness, his eyes swept across the city of Dushan City, and all his unwillingness finally turned into a long sigh in his mouth.


"Report! Marshal, Duke Long of the Tianhan family and General Xuedu led the army to flee the city, and now they have fled to the direction of Yanling City in the Tuoyang area!" The spies in the army knelt respectfully and sent the latest military information in the city.

Marshal Rong Lei raised his head, and sure enough, he saw an army of the Tianhan family leaving the city quickly. The spiritual light was shining, and it looked real. Although it was a fleeing army, the army was still in good order. It was obvious that it was not without the slightest resistance, blending into the night quickly Disappear.

The Tianhan family gave up Dushan City. Although there are still 2000 million troops of the Tianhan family desperately resisting, it won't be too long before this strong city that hinders the Hu Kingdom's army for more than four months will fall into their hands!

But at this moment, the joy did not stay for too long, Marshal Rong Lei mumbled.

"Dushan City was suddenly breached by our army, and the cities in the rear must be unprepared. Now is definitely not the time to rest and reorganize. Let's go all out to expand the results of the battle!"

"Pass down the commander-in-chief, Ke Lie, and Rondo temporarily command 5000 million troops to sweep Dushan City, and it is bound to wipe out all the resistance forces of the Tianhan family in the city and occupy Dushan City!"

"This commander personally led an army of 5000 million to chase down the fleeing army of the Tianhan family headed by Duke Long and General Xuedu, forcing them to flee continuously and unable to arrange according to the city, hindering our army's advance! Order Zeng Tai, Meng Tianchen, Borg, Ge Zicai With [-] million troops in command, they will set off a frenzy and sweep the central area, and they will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to make great achievements in one fell swoop!"

"Time is waiting, the army needs to be rectified a little bit, and set off immediately!"

The appointment of General Rong Lei was over, and Zeng Tai, Borg, and Ge Zicai were all top generals under the command of the commander, so naturally no one had any objections.But the appointment of Meng Tianchen's army of 5000 million to fight made many people change their colors.

Now that the situation in the central area is unstable, it is the best opportunity to make meritorious service by leading the army at this moment!If one city is captured, then three cities can be equal in the hinterland of the Tianhan family. It seems that Marshal Rong Lei is going to take this opportunity to promote Meng Tianchen!
There are not many people who are envious for a while.

Meng Tianchen didn't take these things to heart at all. He temporarily took charge of the 5000 million Tianhan family army under his command at the fastest speed, but including the Mongolian Ministry, it was a total of 6000 million!

When the military order is issued, no matter whether you obey it or not, you must act according to the order. No general is really tired of life and dares to disobey.A moment later, an order was given, and the five armies rushed out of the city, each rushing towards one side.
The fierce war between the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family, which has attracted much attention, suddenly had an unexpected change. Dushan City, which was tightly guarding the throat of the Hu Kingdom's army, fell without warning overnight. The Hu Kingdom's army took advantage of the victory to attack. The Lu army swept through the Tuoyang area, conquered [-] cities in one fell swoop, occupied nearly half of the Tuoyang area, and approached Tuoyang city!
Marshal Rong Lei of the Hu Kingdom led an army of [-] million and captured three cities!
Zeng Tai, the governor of Zhengda, led an army of 5000 million to seize two cities!
San Da Dudu Meng Tianchen led an army of 5000 million to capture three cities!

Zhengda Governor Borg led an army of 5000 million to seize two cities.

Zhengda governor Ge Zicai led an army of 5000 million to capture two cities!

At this point in the war, in order to prevent changes in the rear, the army of the Hu Kingdom slowed down a little bit, and the Tianhan family deployed defenses again in a panic, using Tuoyang City as a fortress, and the battle situation was a little calm.

(End of this chapter)

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