Chapter 823
When the news spread, it naturally caused a shock!
The three major governors are famous far and wide, to the extent that Meng Tianchen, the little-known governor of San Da, beats them all by virtue of his exploits in capturing the three cities.

Later, it was reported that the breakthrough of the mountain city was also due to Meng Tianchen's credit, which made his reputation skyrocket in one fell swoop, becoming the most popular and rising general of the entire Hu Kingdom's army, and was even called Lord Qingyun in advance!

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom ordered that whoever breaks through Dushan City will be given the fief of five cities and the position of half-prince. In addition to capturing three cities this time, Meng Tianchen already has eight cities in his hands, which is only two cities away from ten cities. , Duke Feng is just around the corner!

The name of Lord Qingyun also means that after he joined the army, he rose steadily, and his speed of promotion was astonishingly enviable.
The great victory in the central area had a great impact on the entire battle situation. The morale of the army of the Hu Kingdom was like a rainbow. Although the Tianhan family tried their best to support it, they were just tired of coping and had no counterattack.

The battle has once again become a situation in which the Hu Kingdom has the upper hand!

In order to commend the great achievements of the generals and soldiers of Rong Lei, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom personally conferred meritorious service officers and soldiers, and the canonization ceremony took place in Yuncheng, which is the closest to Tuoyang City.

The news spread, the whole army cheered up!
The city mansion in the city has become the place where Commander Rong Lei stayed. The Lord has arrived and is receiving the report from Commander Rong Lei on the battle in the hall, and he is listening to the evaluation and reward suggestions for the meritorious generals in the army.

Those who are listed in the military merit list and are eligible to be canonized by the lord of the country are all waiting outside the hall.

All of them are generals who have endured the battle of hundreds of millions of troops, and their calm state of mind is far from comparable to that of ordinary warriors, but now when it comes to their own future rewards, they are all restless in their hearts, but they are trying to suppress it.

Half an hour seems to have passed for several years.

The door of the palace opened, and one of the lord's servants pushed the door out, and shouted: "Generals Ke Lie and Long Duo enter the palace and are sealed!"

Outside the hall, Ke Lie and Long Duo hurried forward, respectfully followed the attendants into the hall, and withdrew after a short while, but their faces were rosy, and everyone congratulated them one after another.

"The Zhengda Governor, Boge, and the Zhengda Governor, Ge Zicai, entered the palace and were conferred!"

After a while, the two bowed out respectfully.

"Zeng Tai, the governor of Zhengda, entered the palace and was granted the title!"

Zeng Tai got up and walked into the palace, but he had expectations in his heart. Now he already has four cities in his body, and with this meritorious service and the words of Marshal Rong Lei, he must have received a lot of rewards!While thinking about it, this person entered the hall without daring to look up, and knelt down on the ground, paying respects.

"Zeng Tai sees the king!"

"Rong Lei, Zeng Tai has grown so much in a blink of an eye. He has become a general in the Hu Kingdom's army, and he can already expand the territory of the kingdom. He is today because of your meritorious teaching." Lord Hu Kingdom Speak gently, with a smile on your face.

The great victory in the central area made him feel relieved. This time, the Hu Kingdom has the upper hand again. As long as there are no accidents, the Tianhan family may be hopeless.

"The lord said back then that Zeng Tai is a good general. His achievements today are not a disgrace to you." Marshal Rong Lei took a seat next to the lord.

"Haha, Rong Lei, you have a good memory. I have indeed said these words. However, this great achievement, combined with the previous achievements, is to reward Zeng Tai properly so that his achievements can be commended." Hu Kingdom When the Lord spoke to this point, he pondered for a while before continuing to speak, with a solemn and dignified voice.

"The governor of Zhengda, Zeng Tai, fought on the battlefield and expanded the territory. He has made great contributions to the kingdom. Today, he is named the governor of Sanjin, commanding 5000 million troops!"

Zeng Tai was overjoyed when he heard the words. Zheng Da Dudu was promoted to Sandu Lord, but the military strength under his control was more than three times worse!
"Zeng Tai, you must fight bravely in the future, don't let me down, you should step back."

Hearing the voice of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, Zeng Tai respectfully saluted and received many rewards, and stepped back a few steps before turning around and striding away.

Marshal Rong Lei secretly sighed slightly, since the Sandu Lord has been conferred, it seems unlikely that Zeng Tai will be conferred Duke in the future.This should be the check and balance and restriction of the king, lest he affect the prosperity of the army and be detrimental to the stability of the kingdom.

With his cultivation and promotion, Zeng Tai can achieve a faster rise than others, but there are gains and losses. Now that I think about it carefully, I don't know whether I really helped him or cut off the possibility of him going further in the future.

It's just the thought in his heart, but Marshal Rong Lei never showed any strangeness on his face, and he spoke with a smile.

"It is Zeng Tai's good luck to be favored by the lord and promoted to the lord of Sandu. The subordinates have to thank the lord for his kindness on his behalf."

A faint smile appeared on the face of the master of the pot kingdom.

"Rong Lei, you are a good teacher. If it wasn't for that, even Gu would have no reason to reward him. But what Gu is most curious about now is this Meng Tianchen. According to you, he has contributed a lot to this great victory."

"Meng Tianchen was born in the new battalion of the Hu army established by the lord of the country. He has been promoted after many meritorious deeds. After careful calculation, he can be regarded as a general in the army who was personally selected by the lord. His previous military exploits are all listed in his resume. Among them, although strictly speaking, this is only the third battle since he joined the army, but every time he can make meritorious service that has to be rewarded heavily, it is of great help to the morale of the army under his command, and he is really a lucky general It can be seen that it is the destiny of the king to conquer the Tianhan family, and he has the help of the way of heaven. This time, he will be able to conquer the Tianhan family in one go, expand the territory and achieve great achievements!" Marshal Rong Lei bent slightly, smiling Open your mouth.

The master of the pot kingdom smiled even more when he heard this.

"Hearing what you said, it's really the case. I'm getting more and more curious about Meng Tianchen in my heart."

"He will be able to enter the palace immediately, and the king will naturally be able to see him properly."

While the two were talking, Zeng Tai had already left the hall, and the official position of Sandu Lord naturally attracted everyone's shock and congratulations, but it made Zeng Tai feel a little bit sadly dissipated.He is the head of the generals now that he is the position of governor, and the battle situation in the future is considered to be long-term, so there may not be no chances to make great contributions and win meritorious deeds.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, he clasped his hands together with the crowd to congratulate, he didn't show any strangeness because he knew that Zeng Tai was hostile towards him.

"Meng Tianchen, the governor of Hujun's new battalion, entered the palace and was conferred!"

When the servant's sharp voice came, Meng Tianchen's heart trembled a little, he didn't dare to be careless, and walked quickly into the hall under the envious eyes of everyone.

The more meritorious the merit, the lower the award, Meng Tianchen is ranked at the bottom, I am afraid that there will be a huge reward!

Wouldn't you just seal him off directly?

While the generals outside the hall were envious and jealous, Meng Tianchen had already followed the attendants into the hall, although he was cautious, but his expression was quite calm, there was reverence but no panic, neither humble nor overbearing.

After saluting, he opened his mouth in a deep voice.

"Meng Tianchen of the Mongolian Department of the New Camp of the Pot Army, see the Lord!" This is the second time he has met the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and the first time was when he confronted Emperor Yinqiong of the Great Yin Sect in Feihu City. He didn't dare to raise his head to take a closer look, but now that he hastily scanned the hall, he could already see the appearance of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom.

A majestic man in his thirties, wearing a black brocade robe, with a burly figure, just sitting on his head like this, there is endless pressure pervading faintly, not intentionally, but the aura naturally cultivated by being in a high position, which makes people unconscious In awe, bow your head in awe.

Marshal Rong Lei's face was calm, but he was quite satisfied with Meng Tianchen's performance in his heart. He was able to maintain a graceful demeanor in front of the king without showing any disrespect, and he did it so mellowly.

With the heart of the king, he must be quite satisfied with this.

Sure enough, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. At least his first impression of Meng Tianchen was very good. Thinking that he was called into the army because of his order, he was also promoted by himself. The general in his heart became more and more satisfied.

"Get up and talk."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Meng Tianchen got up, still bowed his head slightly, his demeanor was calm and calm.

If it was someone else, who made such a great achievement and was summoned by the lord to give him a gift, he might have been agitated already. Although he would try his best to keep calm, in the eyes of a powerful emperor like the lord of the pot, he would have nothing to hide.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen gave him the feeling that the outside and the inside are the same, not a disguise but a real calm.Although there is some caution, it is only out of awe of his identity.

This state of mind is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

The master of the pot kingdom nodded secretly.

"Meng Tianchen, this time you broke through Dushan City and helped our army occupy half of the Tuoyang area with a sweeping momentum, and you have the feat of taking down three cities in a row, which is a real great achievement."

"It is said that Rong Lei once gave you the opportunity to formally join the army of the Hu Kingdom as a regular general, but was rejected. This time, I will give you another chance to choose again. Do you want to stay in the new camp of the Hu army, or join the army for the sake of it?" Will?"

Meng Tianchen's heart moved slightly, thinking about what the Lord of the Pot Kingdom said this time, what was in his mind, but there was no hint of it on his face, and he did not rush to answer, and only spoke respectfully after a little pondering.

"Reporting to the lord, if the subordinates can choose, they are willing to stay in the new camp of Hujun!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's eyes flickered slightly, and his face did not fluctuate at all. He responded with a light noncommittal, and paused for a few breaths before continuing to speak.

"At the beginning, you could give a reason to satisfy Rong Lei, but today it depends on whether you can change Gu Ye's mind, otherwise Gu will make you the governor of San and transfer you to Gu's royal master."

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom suddenly turned his head and smiled at the commander-in-chief Rong Lei: "Rong Lei, this Meng Tianchen is a general under your command, you won't be dissatisfied with taking him away alone, right?"

Marshal Rong Lei remained calm, and stood up to salute the lord upon hearing this.

"I and the soldiers under my command are all ministers of the lord, and we will obey the lord's orders for all arrangements. I dare not have any other thoughts."

"Haha, that's what I said, you don't have to be so serious, sit down." The Lord of the Pot Kingdom smiled, and turned his gaze back to Meng Tianchen again.

"Rong Lei has no objection to this seat's decision, now it depends on whether your reason can impress Gu."

Meng Tianchen's expression was slightly dignified, but at this moment he spoke in a deep voice without any pause.

"I'm a mere fighter who ascended from the lower realms, and I can join the army only after receiving the order of the lord. Everything is bestowed by the lord, and I am willing to obey the lord's orders without any complaints. But if I let the minister choose, I still hope to stay in the pot. In the new camp of the army, in order to repay the kindness of the lord of the country."

"The lord of the country is very talented and ambitious. He wants to annex the Tianhan family in one go. He ordered the establishment of a new camp of the Hu army in the hope of attracting the strong warriors of the Hu kingdom to join the army and contribute to the great cause of the lord. The battalion will always be in a state of disunity, unable to release its due strength. I would like to establish a foothold in the new camp of Hujun, break up all the resistance and constraints in it, and create a new army for the lord, expand the territory across the battlefield, and serve the great cause of the lord effective!"

Meng Tianchen spoke sonorously this time, showing sincerity!

(End of this chapter)

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