Chapter 824

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's gaze instantly turned into a dignified gaze, which weighed more than ten thousand jun on Meng Tianchen's shoulder. If he had any other distracting thoughts, there would be nowhere to hide.

In the Purple Mansion, those two wisps of the original power of chaos suddenly turned into phantoms of the roulette at this moment, and the rhythm turned, offsetting most of the heavy pressure exerted by the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, and the remaining part could no longer affect Meng Tianchen's mind .

So at this moment, Meng Tianchen's face did not change, his back was still straight, and he did not show the slightest abnormality.

After half a sound, the Master of the Pot Kingdom moved slightly, and the pressure of the void mountain suddenly dissipated, but suddenly changed the topic.

"I heard that you have the blood of the royal family of the child power empire flowing in your body. I don't know if this is true?"

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, I can make a spiritual contract. Before that day, I didn't know anything about the royal family's blood in the body. Even if I knew it now, I wouldn't be half-hearted. Everything I have today is cultivated by the general, and bestowed by the lord." , I will definitely not give up my future because of mere blood in my body." Speaking of this, Meng Tianchen's expression became more and more determined.

"Even if you really have the royal blood of the Shi family in your body, what can you do if you return to the Tongli Empire now? At most, it is just the name of an idle clan. Do your best to fight for your future!"

"Well said!" The master of the pot kingdom showed satisfaction on his face, and finally let go of the last hesitation in his heart.

"Meng Tianchen, you were recruited into the army by your own orders, even if you are a general trained by the lord of the country, you must fight the enemy bravely in the future, and you must not lose face!"

"Since you have great ambitions and want to build a new battalion of the pot army into a large army, this seat will give you this opportunity!"

"Meng Tianchen listens!"

"The minister is here!" Meng Tianchen saluted, bowing his head slightly.

"Today, you are enshrined as the governor of the new camp of the Hu army. All the generals and governors of the new camp of the Hu army are under your control. For the time being, you will command 5000 million troops, and you can appoint all the generals under your command! Remember what you said today, don't be afraid Let this seat down!"

"The minister is under orders, and he must do his best to share the worries of the lord!" Meng Tianchen thanked him, and now he is in control of the new battalion of the Hu army.

"Get up." The master of the pot kingdom showed a gentle expression.

"Now that you have achieved eight cities with your meritorious service, it will not be difficult to confer the title of Duke after the war if you win another city. The decree to make you Duke has been prepared. When you successfully obtain the title, Hu Junxin The battalion will be under your full command. But remember, even though you are also a duke, there are differences in rank. For example, the governor of Wuyi under my command has seventy cities in his territory. You should continue to work hard! I look forward to seeing you next time and canonize it for you."

"I will do my best, and I will not let the lord down!"

"Okay, let's go down."

Meng Tianchen saluted, received the reward, thanked him again, turned around and left.

Scatter Lord!
Zeng Tai saw the brand new armor on Meng Tianchen's body, he felt relieved, but he was a little disappointed.Now that Meng Tianchen was granted the title of Duke after the war, it might be the right thing to do.

As long as the official position is in the body and the status is respected, it is far from being comparable to him.

Just when the thought in this person's mind was turning, Ke Lie and Rondo had already greeted him from a distance, smiling and clapping their hands together to express their congratulations.

"Now the two of us are going to address each other as Shangguan. I don't know what kind of reward the governor will receive this time?"

Meng Tianchen bowed his hand and returned the gift.

"Thanks to the lord's attention, Meng was appointed as the governor of the new camp of the Hu army, and he controlled a part of the new camp of the Hu army. He temporarily commanded 5000 million troops under his command."

All the generals are people with a clear mind, this appointment seems ordinary, but it is enough for them to taste a lot.

The king of the kingdom handed over the new battalion of the Hu army to Meng Tianchen, and with his meritorious service, it would not be difficult for him to become a duke after the war. Then the new battalion of the Hu army would definitely be in charge of the army for him.With a public position and a heavy army in hand, such a future prospect is really enviable to others!
"The lord of the country rewards you so generously, you should drink a cup!"

"After the canonization, there will be a grand banquet, and I will treat Lord Mengdu to have a good drink later, please don't refuse!"

"This statement is reasonable, Mengdu Lord must give us a few face-offs."

After this battle, Ke Lie and Rondo are old friends with Meng Tianchen, but at this moment, even Borg and Ge Zicai couldn't help coming to congratulate them, their words were quite close, and they wanted to take this opportunity to make friends with Meng Tianchen .

Such a rising star of the Pot Kingdom is enough for them to take the initiative to approach.

Meng Tianchen now has a great future, but his foundation is not stable, and he does not have enough prestige in the army. Interacting with these generals in the army will allow him to accumulate enough contacts in a short period of time, which will be beneficial for him to take charge of the army in the future.

"The generals are invited, how dare Meng Tianchen refuse to accept, and I will have a few more drinks with you later. If there is something wrong with Meng in the affairs of the army in the future, I ask all the generals to point it out."

Cory shook her head with a smile.

"Master Mengdu speaks too seriously."

The rest also nodded with a smile.

Zeng Tai's face was gloomy, and his heart was filled with anger.

"Huh!" With a low hum, the man turned around and strode away.

The faces of Ke Lie, Rondo, Borg, and Ge Zicai changed slightly, and then returned to their normal expressions. Although they were concerned about Zeng Tai's identity, they were more of the face of Commander Rong Lei. It doesn't count.Besides, now everyone can see that Meng Tianchen is appreciated by both the commander in chief and the lord of the country, so he naturally knows how to make a choice.

Meng Tianchen chatted and laughed happily with the four of them, but his eyes swept across Zeng Tai's back indistinctly, and a chill came out in his chest.

Don't think that he didn't notice the ferocious murderous intent when he broke through the mountain city. If nothing happened after that, then that's fine, otherwise, it's impossible to say that this person will be removed!
The Lord of the Hu Kingdom came in person, personally canonized the ministers who made great contributions to the battlefield, and ordered to reward the whole army, which greatly boosted the morale of the army.

In the main hall of the city mansion, the banquet had already begun. The Lord of the Pot Kingdom didn't stay for too long, he showed his face and drank three cups, and then went out of the hall amidst the salutes of all the people, had a secret discussion with Marshal Rong Lei for a while, and left without alarming others.

Now that the battle in Tianhan City is at a critical juncture, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom can't stay away for a long time.

After the lord left, the slightly solemn atmosphere in the hall suddenly became more relaxed. All the generals came forward to congratulate the generals who were received by the lord and promoted. Everyone knows that Meng Tianchen has a bright future, so naturally everyone rushed to congratulate him. Close object.

A feast did not dissipate until late at night.

Meng Tianchen led his own army back to the camp of the Mongolian army.

Although the solid defense of Yuncheng is not comparable to that of a mountain city, and its scale can only be regarded as a medium-sized city, its vast area exceeds that of any small world city, and it can accommodate billions of warriors. In the dark night, it is like a beast crawling on the ground , Every inch of the city wall is engraved with countless textures of formations, stretching as one seamless body, releasing a dazzling aura that soars into the sky, transforming into an invisible guardian and covering the entire city.

The Mongolian Ministry is stationed in a divided military camp in the south of the city.

"See the Overlord!"

When Meng Tianchen returned to the camp, all the generals under his command came out to greet him at the same time, their faces were full of joy.

As the chief general's position is continuously promoted, they will naturally rise accordingly.Who would have thought that in just a short period of time, the Mongolian Ministry of Characters could make great achievements repeatedly, and the governor was promoted all the way, and now he has become the governor of the new camp of Hujun, and he is only one step away from Feng Gong!

With Meng Tianchen's meritorious deeds, it is inevitable after the war, and they will all get the rewards they deserve. Thinking of this, everyone is naturally happy.

After entering the superintendent's army account, the generals under his command lined up at the bottom, congratulated again, and then sat down.

"When the Mongolian Ministry was first established, the governor said that in the future, I will share weal and woe with everyone! Now I have been canonized by the king as the governor of Sandu, and I am in charge of the new camp of the Hujun. Reward! But right now everything is chaotic, and the army of Hujun's new battalion is scattered and has not been fully assembled. When the army is in order, the governor will reward again." Meng Tianchen swept his eyes from left to right, with a serious face, and said in a deep voice.

"I will swear to the death to follow the Governor!"

Leading subordinates does not only depend on sincerity, but also by giving tangible benefits to win people's hearts and make people follow their effectiveness, otherwise everything is empty talk.Meng Tianchen has a bright future now, and he is a person who does not hesitate to award rewards, so the generals under his command will naturally follow him sincerely.

"Tomorrow, the order will be summoned to summon the generals of the new camp of the pot army to listen to the order and rectify the army. There must be many things that need to be busy at that time. You can go down after this, and be prepared for it."


All the generals should be, and after saluting, they retreated.

Meng Tianchen watched everyone leave, got up and took a step forward, and his figure directly entered the Martial God Stele.

Sitting cross-legged, feeling the cultivation in his body carefully, he couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Break through the mountain city and kill 13 enemy generals in the emperor's realm.

Destroy Mingyuan City and kill three enemy generals in the Emperor Realm.

Break through Zhangcheng and kill the two enemy generals in the imperial realm.

Destroy the neighboring city and behead the three enemy generals in the imperial realm.

Up to this point in this battle, as many as 21 enemy generals have fallen into Meng Tianchen's hands!If you add Hu Kan who was the first to die at his hands, Han Jie, the defeated general of the Tianhan family, Long Lin, the son of Duke Long, is already 24 great emperors!

Because of the Zifu roulette, beheading a person in the emperor's realm can obtain the energy of his remnant soul.Now beheading 24 people in a row, many of them are third-rank great emperors, Meng Tianchen combined his strength and his cultivation level has been skyrocketing, and now his cultivation has reached the peak of second-rank great emperors!
Promotion is imminent.

Such an increase in speed is terrifying!
If it wasn't in the army, Meng Tianchen would be able to transform the phantom of the roulette and devour the remnant souls of the beheaded people even if he had the magical original power of chaos in the Zifu!Where do you want to keep beheading the emperor without worrying about causing trouble and being hunted down?Among the ranks, although it is dangerous, it is the best place for Meng Tianchen.

Killing people for meritorious deeds to practice!

Siege the city and build meritorious service!
It's just that right now with the improvement of cultivation base, the power obtained from beheading ordinary first-rank emperors is integrated into the body. Although one's own cultivation base will also be improved, there is no obvious effect as before.

Obviously, it is necessary to kill more powerful enemies in order to ensure the rapid improvement of cultivation base.But this matter is not difficult, there will always be opportunities in the battlefield.If he can kill three or more third-rank great emperor fighters or a middle-ranked emperor, that is, a fourth-rank or higher emperor, his cultivation base may be able to be promoted smoothly!
(End of this chapter)

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