Chapter 825 Li Wei
Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen became more and more curious about the two original powers of chaos in the Purple Mansion!

It is actually able to transform into a terrifying roulette phantom, devouring the remnant soul by itself.

With a roulette in hand, the improvement of cultivation can be so terrifying!At this moment, a bloodthirsty urge suddenly appeared in Meng Tianchen's heart. If he continues to fight without any scruples, his cultivation will definitely continue to skyrocket!But as soon as this idea came up, he pressed it down hard, and took a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his heart. It took a long time before he regained his calm, and his eyes showed fear.

Devouring the remnants of the opponent's soul and improving the cultivation base is extremely miraculous, but if the mind is controlled by killing, it will inevitably become a bloodthirsty person who only knows how to kill, and will not die well in the end.

After secretly vigilant for a moment, Meng Tianchen put the matter aside, and then carefully thought about the current situation.

Now he was conferred the title of Sandu by the master of the pot kingdom, and he is in charge of the new camp of the pot army. He is regarded as a high-ranking and powerful person, and his status has been improved again, but it is not without hidden dangers.

The most important thing is Marshal Rong Lei.Meng Tianchen could only be cultivated and promoted because of his approval, but now that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom is rewarding him so generously, it is obvious that he has the idea of ​​recruiting him, so it is difficult to guarantee that Commander Rong Lei will not be dissatisfied.Although he has made some achievements now, he is still fledgling and unable to compete with Marshal Rong Lei, so he still needs to find an opportunity to appease him, so as to avoid troubles in the future.

And besides that, it is not easy to lead the new camp of the Hu army.

Now the lord of the country has ordered that Meng Tianchen nominally control the generals of the new battalion of the pot army and take charge of one of them. However, these lowly generals and governors from all sides have their own backgrounds and profound backgrounds. How could they be willing to be controlled by others? It is obviously not An easy thing to do.

If one of them is not handled well, it is afraid that they will turn hostile to all parties in the Hu Kingdom.

Perhaps the reason why the lord of the country is so relieved to hand over the new camp of the Hu army to him is because he believes that if Meng Tianchen wants to succeed, he will inevitably offend the dignitaries in the Hu kingdom, and if he wants to survive in the Hu kingdom, he will have to Rely on him.Meng Tianchen took on the infamy and resentment, and the Lord of the Hu Kingdom was able to firmly control a new army. It really was an excellent plan.

The corners of Meng Tianchen's mouth turned up slightly, showing a faint smile, since it was the king's intention, how could he not follow through.It's all right if the generals and governors of all families are obedient and obedient, otherwise it is impossible to say that he will play the role of a lonely minister.But in the end, things might not be as wonderful as the king envisioned.

How could he easily make a wedding dress for others with the foundation he devoted himself to build to live and live!
Since the Lord of the Hu Kingdom wanted him to be a lonely minister, Meng Tianchen naturally wanted to let him fulfill his wish. Since he had fulfilled his wish, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom would naturally suppress all the twists and turns that had arisen for him.

When there is potential to borrow, it would be too stupid to not use it!
The next day, an order was issued by the main governor of Sandu, and the generals and governors of all parties were called to lead the generals to the camp of the Mongolian Ministry to integrate troops to deal with the next big battle.

Meng Tianchen was promoted to the general platform of a thousand miles in size, a hundred feet high, sitting on the top seat, his face was calm but he had a sinister aura.

The 800 million Mongolian army was divided into eight squares and stood under the stage. At first glance, it seemed like a vast ocean without boundaries. The army was mighty and silent, and a strong army was naturally formed!

After many battles and fights, especially after the First Battle of Dushan City, he followed Meng Tianchen to half of the Tuoyang area and broke through the three cities of Mingyuan, Zhang, and Lin. Compared with before, there is a world of difference.Although the number of people has decreased by 200 million, the strength is not weak but has increased!
Time passed bit by bit, and the entire Mongolian Ministry resident was solemn.

Today, the order from the governor of Hujun Xinying to summon all the generals under his command has spread throughout Yuncheng, and countless eyes gathered, either frowning slightly, or indifferent, or gloating.

But in comparison, it is the last one with the largest number.

Originally Meng Tianchen joined the army not long ago, but he was promoted after many great achievements, which naturally attracted the secret jealousy of many generals, but he dared not reveal it.Today is the first time that Hujun Xinying Sanduzhu has called all the generals after taking office, if something goes wrong, it will be a big laughing stock.

Near noon, only the scattered thirteen generals, governors and others came with tens of thousands of soldiers around them, but they were shocked by the military prestige of the Mongolian army, and the presumptuousness on their faces restrained a lot, and they saluted At that time, I only said that the army was exhausted after a long battle, and now it is difficult to gather for a while while recuperating, so I ask the governor not to blame and so on.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, he waved his hand slightly, and didn't say much to let the incoming army generals stand still below.

But he didn't know that his ruthless handling had already made many people sneer in their hearts in an instant, secretly saying that he didn't know whether he was dead or alive, and dared to take the position of the leader of the new camp of Hujun.Even the generals and governors who were originally intimidated by the Mongolian army felt contempt in their hearts, and all the uneasiness in their hearts dissipated at this moment. The big thorn stood under the stage, squinted and looked at the stage, waiting to see This scattered governor is ashamed.

They have already heard the wind that someone is going to give him a big blow today, and he will lose face if he is going to be beaten.

The governors of thirteen independent families have arrived at ten families, and the governors of the Wuyi family, the Shui family, and the Sun family have not yet arrived.

Meng Tianchen glanced at the sky, coughed lightly, his eyes swept slowly below, and spoke lightly.

"This governor was conferred by the lord of the country, and was ordered to be the governor of the new camp of the Hu army. Today, the generals are summoned to integrate the army, count the army, and compile a unified roster. After that, the order will be sent down. He should fight the enemy bravely for the great cause of the lord. In order to win meritorious service and obtain a bright future."

The plain voice was spreading throughout the camp that was nearly ten thousand miles in size. His face was so peaceful that no one could see the slightest thought in his heart. What he said at this moment was also some scene language, which made many people who secretly cast their eyes on this frown. Meng Tianchen took this embarrassing dismount just like that.

But at this moment, there was another noise coming from outside the camp, no one else, it was Wu Yichang, the governor of the Wuyi family, Sun Liu, the governor of the Sun family, and Shui Han, the general of Shuijiabei, each with [-] The army has arrived.

The three of them strode forward with their heads held high, with a faint sneer on their faces, and led an army of 30 to drive the Dunguang menacingly.

"The last three are late, please don't blame the governor."

The roar of the three people's mouths spread throughout the entire camp in an instant, not to mention the normal military salute, but they didn't even bend their waists at all, showing arrogance.

Meng Tianchen kept silent, his eyes swept over the three of them before he opened his mouth lightly.

"The Lord Governor sent an order to all the armies yesterday, and led his troops to gather together before noon today. The three generals arrived late. I wonder if there is a reason?"

Although Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han didn't show up, they sent spies to carefully observe the situation in the Mongolian camp, so that even if something went wrong, they could deal with it at any time, and they knew everything about Meng Tianchen's previous behavior.

Today he summoned all the generals to lead the army, but now no one has followed suit. It is only because he is afraid of the background of everyone behind him that he does not dare to say more, and then he listens to this and asks, so he is not in awe at all.

"The camp of the three generals is next to each other. After getting up this morning, I was busy with the joint drill of the three armies. I didn't realize that I was delayed for a while. Please forgive me." Shui Han sneered in his heart, and his voice was naturally not respectful, so he withdrew at will For one reason, it even faintly pointed out that the three parties joined forces, forgive this Meng Tianchen, he can only knock out his teeth and liven up his blood, and endure it.

The generals and governors of all families were agitated when they heard the words, and their faces showed playfulness, waiting to see how Meng Tianchen would respond.

Behind the Wuyi family is the Wuyi governor, titled Wuyi Duke, but there are seventy cities under his rule. It is said that his cultivation has already reached the consummation realm of the sixth-rank emperor, and he is only short of stepping into the realm of the upper emperor.

Behind the Sun family is Duke Jun, who is not in charge of military affairs, but has a close relationship with the governor of Wuyi, and has always been close.

Although the Shui family has no official background, the family background is also profound. The old man of the Shui family was once a veteran of the military department, and many children of the Shui family joined the army, so they have a strong influence in the army.

Thirteen self-supporting Hujun Xinying forces, headed by these three.

It is indeed extremely tricky to join forces at this moment.

Meng Tianchen sat on the governor's seat, and nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Maomao, tell me everything the three generals did this morning."


Maomao stepped out, saluted Meng Tianchen respectfully, and then spoke in a cold voice.

"In the morning, the commander-in-chief's order had been sent by the personal soldiers to the barracks of Wuyi Dudu, Sun Dudu, and Shui General. A moment later, Sun Dudu and Shui General went out of the tent to discuss secretly in Wuyi Dudu's tent. The specific content is unknown. A After the hour, the Dudu Sun and the Shui General went out of their tents and returned to their respective camps, gathered a hundred thousand soldiers, and waited silently until a quarter of noon before leaving and rushing to the camp."

Pointing to the audience, the faces of Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han became extremely ugly in an instant, they didn't want their movements to be under the surveillance of Meng Tianchen, but they hadn't noticed it at all, so they couldn't help being even more annoyed.

I couldn't help feeling a little panic in my heart, and wondered why Meng Tianchen had directly tore up his face with them by asking about this matter. Could it be that he wanted to harm them. For a while, the three of them looked cloudy and uncertain.

"Do the three generals have the ability to train the army?" Meng Tianchen's face gradually became gloomy, and there was a hint of austerity in his words.

The generals in the audience felt startled, and then felt a feeling of jitters, their scalps went numb and their bodies stiffened endlessly.

"My subordinates have fully explained what they have seen with their own eyes, and they have not seen the three generals drill their troops." Maomao respectfully said.

Meng Tianchen waved his hand, and the atmosphere turned solemn for a moment, a strong and stern aura slowly condensed, making the generals feel more and more uneasy, and their faces became extremely ugly unconsciously.

"The governor sent an order to gather in front of the general's platform before noon. This is a military order! If you wait for the three of you to arrive late, you are not obeying the military order!"

"Ask the reason, and dare to make excuses at will to deceive the governor, which is also a serious crime in the army!"

Meng Tianchen spoke in a cold voice, and the cold light in his eyes fell on Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han.

"If you can't control it, you can't form an army. On the first day this governor took office, you dared to ignore the military regulations like nothing. If you don't punish severely, how can you warn future generations!"

"Order, Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han disobeyed the military order. According to the military regulations, they should be punished and executed on the spot!"

(End of this chapter)

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