Chapter 826 Strong Control
While speaking, he reached out and took out a command arrow, and flung it coldly.

When the words fell, the arrow landed with a crisp sound.

The entire barracks was instantly dead silent!
No one could have imagined that Meng Tianchen would tear off his gentle and weak coat like a detective, and brazenly order that Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han would be punished with military law!Even they themselves had never thought of it, and the expressions of shock and anger appeared on their faces at this moment.

But without waiting for them to react at this moment, the roar of the 800 million troops of the Mongolian Ministry has already been heard.

"Follow the Lord's order!"

As the words fell, there was a fierce bang that rose into the sky, and the murderous intent was soaring, making people believe without doubt that they would attack in the next moment!

Suddenly there was a shout of anger, and a ray of spiritual light pierced through the void, and it was Zeng Tai.

"Whoever dares to take action against the generals of the Hu Kingdom's army, I will definitely not spare him!"

A cold light flashed in Meng Tianchen's eyes, today he was trying to gain power with one stroke, covering the entire Mongolian character department.I thought it would take a lot of twists and turns, who would have thought that these people would cooperate so much, how could he miss this opportunity!
No one can stop it!

"This governor is in charge of the new camp of the Hu army under the order of the lord of the country. Today, I will act according to the military law, so I don't need the intervention of the governor Zeng." Meng Tianchen stood up and faced Zeng Tai head-on, with a gloomy expression and no fear at all.

"Please Governor Zeng leave the camp, don't stop this Governor from enforcing the law. If you interfere with military affairs, don't blame me for being rude!"

"I see who of you dares to touch us!"

"Whoever makes a move today will die in the future!"

"Meng Tianchen, you dare to kill us, you are presumptuous!"

Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han roared in fright and anger, and the 30 soldiers under their command immediately formed a battle formation to guard the three of them, wanting to contend.

"Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han refused to obey the military regulations and sanctioned, and wanted to join forces and conspire against them, and suppressed them together with three of their own soldiers, let's do it!" Meng Tianchen shouted, and the commander of the 800 million Mongolian troops, Ge Zhitian, The spiritual light shone like a mountain, and it slashed down on the place where the three men were supporting their soldiers.

Attacks from all directions swept in like a frightened dragon, and the terrifying aura that annihilated everything soared into the sky, which could be clearly sensed in the entire Yuncheng.

At the moment when this breath erupted, many secretly peeping divine senses let out an exclamation, and withdrew their divine senses one after another, otherwise they would be strangled and wiped out by the army's evil spirit in the next moment.

The attack of 800 million troops gathered in an instant, and the entire space was suddenly distorted. In this package of strangling power, Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, Shui Han and their 30 soldiers could not resist for a moment, and their bodies collapsed in panic and despair. Kill it alive!

And until this moment, there was a sudden loud roar, and the wave of destructive aura swept away to the surrounding area.

Meng Tianchen had been prepared for a long time, and with a wave of his hand at this moment, the camp's defensive restrictions suddenly erupted, and layers of spiritual light were born to resist the aftermath of the attack without spreading.But even so, a deep pit with a size of thousands of miles appeared above the ground.

Although the generals in the camp were not affected by the destructive aura, when they looked at the deep pit on the ground, a chill suddenly appeared in their hearts, and it expanded rapidly, penetrating into the depths of their flesh and bones, their faces turned pale and their bodies stiffened for a while!
Meng Tianchen actually dared to make a move!

He actually beheaded Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, Shui Han and their 30 soldiers!The deep red blood has already dyed thousands of miles of deep pits red, and even accumulated a small lake formed by pools of blood. The strong smell of blood permeated the space.

Zeng Tai's face was livid, but deep in his eyes there was shock and a trace of uncontrollable panic. He was also shocked by Meng Tianchen's sudden outburst of vicious methods!If he were to change places, he would never dare to act like him!
At this moment, he forced himself to suppress his emotions, and he left a sentence coldly.

"The Lord Governor will report this matter to the Marshal himself."

Then, he turned around and left with the Escaping Light.But he didn't know that the Mongolian camp was so powerful, and no one in the city knew it. Since the commander didn't stop him, he chose to acquiesce.

Meng Tianchen sneered in his heart, his eyes slowly swept across the stage.

"Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han have misconduct intentions, and they have been executed by military law. They will be deprived of all their positions and have their military registrations revoked!"

The voice was still calm, and it was clearly heard by all the soldiers in the camp, but they couldn't help but shudder again, but no one dared to show any strangeness.

Such ruthless and decisive methods of killing and killing have already deterred everyone from acting rashly.

"The governor ordered the army to arrive at the general's platform before noon, and you all did not obey the military order! However, the general thought that you had served the army to kill the enemy, and you have come in person. You don't want to be dealt with by cruel military laws, and you will use special laws. kindness!"

"Pass down the order of the governor, the Zhen family in Xishui, the An family in Mohe, and the Zhang family in Weinan. If General Shifangbei does not obey the military order, he will be deprived of his official title immediately, and he will be expelled from the army with his military status!"

Meng Tianchen shouted in a low voice, as the voice spread, the faces of General Shijiabei, Du Du and others turned pale instantly.But now that they have seen Meng Tianchen's method of slaughtering Wu Yichang, Sun Liu, and Shui Han with their own eyes, how dare they resist again!
The eye-catching rectification of the new camp of the Hu army was completed at an astonishing speed. The scattered governors continued to kill and suppress, and directly stripped all the generals and governors of the families from the new camp of the Hu army. Officers at all levels were transferred from their original positions.

In one day, Meng Tianchen took advantage of the problem and pulled out the nails in Hujun's new camp with strong means, and took all the power of the entire army into his own hands!
The entire army of the Hu Kingdom in Yuncheng was intimidated by the methods of the governor, and the military prestige was erected invisibly, which made people awe-inspiring.And Marshal Rong Lei's silence made all restless voices disappear without a trace.

The expected counterattack from the generals and governors did not come, as if Meng Tianchen killed and demoted only some insignificant people.This point shocked everyone even more, and they tightly restrained their thoughts.

There is only one person who can silence the forces of the thirteen pot kingdoms, including the Wuyi governor's line, at the same time, and that is the master of the pot kingdom!At this moment, a sense of clarity and enlightenment was born in their hearts.

No wonder Meng Tianchen dared to be so tough and domineering, it turned out that he had the support of the king behind him!
In the pot kingdom, the master of the pot kingdom is the supreme existence, and no one dares to challenge his majesty.That being the case, no matter how much the pot kingdom's dignitaries suffer, no matter how much resentment they have in their hearts, they will still swallow it alive!

The battlefield after the battle of the army is full of evil spirits and gloomy. Ordinary warriors are willing to step into it if they can't avoid it.

But at this moment, there is a man with a slightly pale complexion walking on this desolate and vast land. The evil spirit in the air cannot affect him at all. Instead, it is absorbed and refined by him along the pores, turning into some kind of Pure power.

A spiritual light shone in front of him, and two warriors rode the light, wearing white robes, full of sinister aura, obviously not kind, their eyes fell coldly on this pale man.

"Where is the warrior? This place has already been occupied by my Yin Shamen. If you want to collect the evil spirit of the remnant soul, you should go to another place." One of the men in white robes said in a deep voice, if it wasn't because he couldn't see through the person's cultivation , I am afraid that they will take action to leave it behind.

The pale-faced man raised his head slowly, and his eyes fell on the two of them. Those cold eyes instantly made the two of them feel a chill in their hearts, and the hairs on their backs suddenly sprang up, giving them a very bad premonition.

But at this moment, it was too late.

Only seeing a flash of black light in front of him, the pale male figure had already appeared beside the two Yinshamen warriors, his face indifferent, his arms pierced through their chests, holding two beating and steaming hearts in his hands.

The faces of the warriors of the Yin Shamen were full of shock and disbelief, and they were pulled out of the body amidst the screams of the two slightly illusory remnants of the soul. It was seen that not only their bodies were pierced by the pale male palms, but even their souls were pierced. penetrate together.

The pale man opened his mouth wide and sucked it forward, the remnant souls of the two were swallowed directly, he closed his eyes slightly as if digesting and absorbing.

After a while, the man's eyes slowly opened, and he threw away the bodies of the two Yinsha sect warriors. However, during the fall, the corpses shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into mummified corpses and finally collapsed into powder .But the blood stained on his hands was completely penetrated into the flesh and blood, and all of them disappeared.

"Meng Tianchen! Hujun Xinying Dispersed Governor? You have been promoted again. It seems that it is not easy to kill you." Yinyue Corpse Emperor frowned slightly, but at this moment he suddenly raised his head and looked forward , said in a deep voice.

"The dead man of the Tian family?"

As the words fell, a group of flames suddenly appeared not far in front, jumping and burning extremely red, but strangely did not release any temperature, a woman wearing a scarf wrapped in the red flames stepped out of it, her figure was outlined Curves that are astonishingly seductive.

As she stepped out, the flames behind her disappeared as if they had converged.

"It turns out to be the Yinyue Corpse Emperor of the Great Yin Sect." The voice was soft and sweet, adding a bit of charm to this fierce battlefield.

But at this moment, Yinyue Corpse Emperor was unmoved in the slightest, his body was slightly tense, and the cold light in the depths of his eyes was flowing, and he was already ready to strike at any time.

"I don't know why you came here today?"

"I am here, and I am willing to cooperate with you to kill Meng Tianchen."

Yinyue Corpse Emperor's face moved slightly, and he nodded slowly after a while.

"There is nothing wrong with this matter, but after the killing, how should the treasures be divided?"

"Hehe, with your ruthless mind, why do you want me to say such hurtful words. When treasures appear, naturally you and I will fight for them by means. The winner will take the treasure, and the loser will die."

"it is good!"

"Then I will take a step ahead, and wait for the time to cooperate with Your Excellency Yinyue." The woman saluted, her alluring figure became more and more alluring, she took a step back with a charming smile, the flame engulfed her again, and then disappeared immediately .

"Jie Jie!"

Yinyue Corpse Emperor's face was cloudy and uncertain for a while, and he sneered after a while, and flew away whizzing away by riding the escape light.

(End of this chapter)

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