Chapter 827
The Kingdom of Pot, the Governor's Mansion.

"Miss, this old slave assures you that the piece of dark jade in Miss San's hand is definitely the real best, surpassing all the dark jade you have collected so far, and will never let you down." The old man in Tsing Yi is the second housekeeper of the Governor's Mansion , is the servant brought by the lady.If there were no accidents, given his wife's status in the mansion, he should be the chief steward, but the one brought back by the governor from the battlefield firmly overwhelmed him.Now there is an opportunity to join him in the army, and he can use the eldest lady to curry favor with the madam, how can he miss this kind of opportunity.

"Miss San? She is also worthy. She is just a local girl from the middle world. If she doesn't have some blood relationship with her father, how can she be qualified to enter our governor's mansion!"

The eldest lady inherited her wife's beauty, and also inherited her wife's bitterness, but she was born without her wife's city and forbearance. She was favored by the governor since she was a child, and she is also a lawless lord.In her eyes, even if it is not easy for a girl from this world to be her rough envoy, she deserves to be called a young lady!
"Huh! Who in the governor's mansion doesn't know that our eldest lady is looking for Mingyu in the governor's mansion. It's okay if the girl in the lower realm doesn't have it. Since she has such a treasure but refuses to give it to our lady, it can be seen that she didn't see it clearly at all. In my current situation, I have never taken the eldest lady seriously, this time I must take action to teach her a good lesson, so that this girl knows the rules and dignity of our governor's mansion."

The one who spoke was Missy's close servant girl, she has a close friendship with Missy, she is highly valued and trusted by Missy, her status is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary servants, even if it is such a matter, she is qualified to intervene.

"Miss is right. The old slave was confused for a while, so she is naturally not worthy of the same title as you. But Miss Huai'er's words are reasonable. This girl has the best dark jade but doesn't offer it. Miss must not let it go lightly. "The second butler said here, with a slight hesitation on his face.

"The butler has always been taking care of this girl personally under Madam's order. If she had the best jade in her hand, she should have known about it long ago, but I don't know why she didn't tell the eldest lady, but let the old slave find out earlier. strangeness."

The eldest lady's pretty face suddenly turned gloomy, but a woman from the governor's mansion, no matter how scheming she was, could tell the position of the chief steward in the mansion.

If his father valued him, even his mother would value him a little more.Although she was dissatisfied at the moment, she couldn't say much, but she also knew what the second housekeeper was thinking, so she couldn't express anything, so she said bitterly: "Of course I will tell my mother to deal with this matter."

Although the second housekeeper didn't get the result he wanted, he was slightly disappointed, but he also knew that even if the eldest lady had no city mansion, she didn't have the slightest brain, and it was enough to make the madam feel dissatisfied with the housekeeper.

He didn't say much at the moment, and lowered his head slightly to lead the way.

"Miss, here we are. That girl is living in this courtyard with a group of servants from Mid-World."

"I remember that this was the residence of my father's concubine who died violently. It was really bad luck. If it wasn't for Mingyu, how could this lady come to such a place! Butler, you go call the door and ask them to bring Mingyu up. Let that girl kowtow to me in person to admit her mistake, and I will spare them."

The eldest lady frowned and looked at the yard in front of her. She seemed to be able to see the resentful eyes of the woman who was ordered to be killed by her mother before she died, and she couldn't help feeling a little more angry.


The butler bowed his hands and said yes, and then nodded flatteringly to the silent and cold man behind the eldest lady. This man was sent by the wife's mother's family to protect the lady's safety, but was bestowed on the eldest lady by the beloved wife.This martial artist who is as cold as a stone is a third-rank great emperor powerhouse, so he naturally has to be careful to curry favor with him.




"Open the door!"

Because of the protection of the first housekeeper, the second housekeeper naturally didn't like the people in the yard, and his tone would not be much better.

After a few breaths, the aura of the closed ban dissipated, and a guard of the Rong family opened the courtyard door, looking at the battle outside the door with a look of surprise on his face, except when the housekeeper at the beginning of the month came to deliver the monthly bills and various expenses. This is the second batch of visitors in their yard.

"I don't know who you are, why did you come to my lady's yard?"

Because it is in the Governor's Mansion, Lord Rong Mo has repeatedly entrusted him to restrain his arrogant temperament in the middle world, and do things in a low-key manner so as not to cause unnecessary troubles for the young lady. The guard was quite polite when he opened his mouth.

"Miss? Hmph, the only real lady in the governor's mansion is our eldest lady!" The second housekeeper sneered.

"Now that the eldest lady of the governor's mansion has arrived, if you don't let your master come out to greet her, could it be that you still want our lady to step into such an unlucky place?"

The face of Rong's guard suddenly changed, although he was angry in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to turn around and leave in a hurry.

The girl was leaning against the window in a daze, holding the warm jade in her hands, feeling the warmth seeping into the flesh and blood, with a vague smile on her mouth, and a smile on her pale pretty face. A little more rosy and bloody.

But the noise coming from the front yard made the corners of her brows slightly frowned, and she tightened the Mingyu in her hand, feeling uneasy in her heart.

"Miss is not well. The eldest lady of Governor's Mansion has arrived, and Rong Mo has brought the guards to meet her. Let me report quickly." The woman's face was full of anxiety.

The girl's heart sank slightly, and a trace of blood disappeared from her face, which suddenly turned pale.

Needless to say, the reason why the eldest lady is looking for the best Mingyu and has come here all of a sudden.With this woman's delicate and calm mind, she couldn't help feeling flustered at this moment.

If it is an ordinary treasure, it can protect the safety of the party, so it is fine to give it to her, but this piece of Mingyu must never be given to others!Her black and white eyes were as firm as ice, and she had already made a decision in her heart.

"Miss Governor's Mansion, since she has arrived and her status is so honorable, how can I not go to greet her?"

"Aunt Nian, let's go."

While speaking, he moved in lotus steps and walked towards the front yard.

The woman has served the lady for many years and knows her temperament best. Although she is not smart, she has seen something from the lady's behavior these days.This piece of dark jade is so important to her, how could the miss hand it over.She was secretly anxious, but she had no choice but to follow in a panic.

Standing outside the courtyard with Rong's guards, Rong Mo couldn't help frowning slightly, and sighed inwardly, what happened today might be numb.But he was entrusted by the master to protect the young lady, so he would never let her be raped!

Faint footsteps came from behind him, Rong Mo led everyone to bow slightly to salute, calling her Miss.

The young girl's face is already beautiful, and she has been sick for many years, her face is slightly pale, and her skirt sways slightly in the wind. Walking at this moment really gives people a feeling of being supported by the wind and swinging willows.

Yingying saluted, her cherry lips parted lightly.

"I have seen Miss."

The eldest lady frowned, feeling very disgusted with the young girl in her heart.

She is the eldest lady of the governor's mansion, and she has emperor-level warriors as her guards. No matter what kind of girl is this girl in front of her, she dares to be like her. The eldest lady felt jealous and hated, her complexion became more and more ugly, she snorted coldly and ignored it.

The girl's face was still indifferent.

"I don't know if there is something for the eldest lady to come here this time? If it is not urgent, I am weak and exhausted, so I will leave first."

Although she was blindly forbearing in the governor's mansion, she naturally had her arrogance in her heart.

The second housekeeper coughed lightly and spoke slowly.

"You ascended from the middle world, and you were able to enter our governor's mansion because the governor missed a little old friendship. If you are a smart person, you should know that you will know how to repay your kindness. The matter of our young lady's search for the best jade jade is the whole governor. Everyone in the main mansion knows it, so maybe you haven’t heard of it? Since you have a piece of top-quality dark jade in your hand, you should hand it in early. It’s obviously not giving up the treasure and disrespecting our eldest lady.”

"Today we accompanied the eldest lady here, and we have no intention of embarrassing you. We handed over Mingyu, and then respectfully kowtowed to the eldest lady in apology. This matter is considered to be over, and it should be done quickly, so as not to delay the eldest daughter." Miss time."

The eldest lady hummed lightly, indicating that this was what she meant.With her status in the governor's mansion, she has never been unable to get what she fancy. If this little girl is sensible, she should hand it over soon.

"If it is an ordinary dark jade, the young miss wants me to offer it with both hands and dare not hide it, but this jade is of great significance to me. It is a token in my hand. It cannot be given away. Please also Forgive me, miss." The girl said lightly, although her voice was calm, but the firmness in it could be felt clearly.

Do not give!

How dare she refuse to give it!

The eldest lady's pretty face instantly became extremely ugly, and the second housekeeper lowered his head slightly, with a hint of joy in his eyes.Let's make a fuss, make a fuss!The bigger the incident, the more dissatisfied the wife will be with the fact that the housekeeper concealed and failed to report, which is only good for him.

"No one dares not to give me what I like. You have to give this Mingyu today, or you have to give it if you don't!" The atmosphere is completely destroyed.

The girl pursed her lips and shook her head, but this time she didn't even say a word.

The eldest lady's complexion became increasingly ugly.

"Rong Yang, help me bring Mingyu here, who dares to stop you don't have to hold back, if there is a problem, I will naturally be the one."

"Yes, Miss." Rong Yang's face was slightly pale, his eyes were cold, and his supernatural powers were also very strange.

Stepping forward, the footsteps landed on the ground, making a faint sound. This sound was no different to the ears of the eldest lady and the others, but to the girl in front of her, it was like the beating of drums, all of which fell on her body, and the heart seemed to be beating. Afterwards, she jumped vigorously, her already pale face instantly turned pale without a trace of blood, her pretty face couldn't help showing pain, but her green hands tightly held the Mingyu in her hand, her fingertips turned white.

(End of this chapter)

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