Chapter 828 Lord Honor Appears

Rong Mo's face changed slightly, and he stepped forward to stop the girl directly, blocking all the attacks.

"You wait for Miss Protection!" He frowned while drinking, and the emperor's aura in his body slowly radiated, resisting the attack of the loud drum-like sound.

"Just because you want to stop it?"

Rong Yang sneered, his supernatural powers while walking seemed ordinary, but his attacks were weird, even ordinary third-rank great emperor powerhouses would not dare to be careless, and this mere emperor-level beginner warrior dared to stop him, he really was beyond his control!
He still had a little concern for attacking the girl, but at this moment when facing Rong Mo, he was able to let go.

He took three steps in succession, the sound of the steps was rapid and continuous, and there was a hint of chill.

Rong Mo's face paled in an instant, and he couldn't help but groan, leaving a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.The huge gap between each other's cultivation bases made him completely powerless to contend with it.But even so, he still didn't take half a step back, instead his eyes were burning with flames.

Rong Yang's face turned extremely ugly in an instant, and a cold glow surged deep in his slightly squinted eyes, but he slowed down his pace, one step, one step, one step.
Every step seemed to step on Rong Mo's chest, making his face paler, and blood began to flow from his mouth and nose.

But now, Rong Mo couldn't retreat!

He stopped all of Rong Yang's attacks in order to protect the young lady behind him from damage. If he retreated, the young lady would definitely not be able to bear this level of damage!Thinking of the great kindness of the master, the entrustment before leaving, the grievances and abuses suffered by the young lady in the governor's mansion, etc.A ball of flame ignited in Rong Mo's heart, and it became stronger and stronger, causing his slightly dim eyes to release a dazzling divine light.

He had promised the master that if he did not die, he would definitely protect the young lady!

But even if he died, he still had to take advantage of the opportunity of death to protect Miss from any harm in the governor's mansion, so that she could leave with peace of mind.

Rong Yang approached step by step, and gradually felt shocked in his heart. He didn't know what the martial artist in front of him, who was clearly only at the beginning of the emperor state, could resist his oppressive attack.

But there is no pity in my heart, since you don't want to retreat, then die!
Rong Mo suddenly raised his head, raised his head and let out a roar.

"Master, my lady flew up from the middle world without hesitation. She is your blood and blood descendant after all. Do you really have the heart to see her being bullied!"

The rolling sound burst out loudly, and spread throughout the Governor's Mansion with a sweeping momentum. The sound was stopped by the Governor's Mansion's defense restrictions, but it formed an echo that reverberated endlessly for a long time.

The corners of Rong Yang's eyes twitched fiercely, and at the moment Rong Mo roared, his gaze fell firmly on him, his already pale face became a little paler, and there was a trace of hidden deep fear in his eyes!The figure retreated suddenly, guarding in front of the eldest lady, the cultivation base in the body exploded without reservation, and he cursed madman in his heart!
The powerful and tyrannical aura suddenly erupted, Rong Mo's face was full of determination, and a blood-red aura erupted from his body, like a burning meteor, releasing the most powerful force in his body, rushing towards Rong Yang crazily, his figure gradually disappeared like a jumping flame In general aura.

The terrifying aura fluctuated and swept across suddenly, covering the entire Governor's Mansion.

Rong Yang felt bitter in his heart. Although his cultivation base was far higher than Rong Mo's, he couldn't easily take over the powerful power released by the original power of burning chaos at any cost, but at this moment the eldest lady was behind him, He gritted his teeth but didn't dare to dodge.

But at this moment, a figure of a resolute man wearing a purple embroidered robe suddenly appeared above the governor's mansion. With a gloomy face and a wave of the sleeve of the robe, a terrifying power of the emperor suddenly erupted, knocking Rong Mo down. The streamer of crimson flames that are stimulated is wrapped in it, resisting all the destructive power released from it.

The burning crimson aura gradually dimmed, and Rong Mo's body had turned into ashes and dissipated, only a faint phantom of the remnant soul emerged from it, looking up at the purple-robed man in the sky.

"Master, please Miss Mercy, don't let her be murdered again."

Turning to look at the pale girl lying in the woman's arms, Rong Mo showed a faint smile.

With a soft sound, his remnant soul instantly collapsed, shattered, and fell.

Rong Yang hurriedly bowed his head and retreated to the side, sensing the aura in the governor's body, he was extremely awed in his heart.The superintendent of the upper emperor realm, whose cultivation is so strong, is far beyond his comparability!
"Father! This lowly girl's slave wants to kill me! You must punish her severely!" The eldest lady is pampered and has a high status. She has always been one of the best figures in the governor's mansion. When has she ever suffered such disobedience.

The ruthlessness and determination of Rong Mo when he burned the original power of chaos still made her feel chills at this moment, and it turned into resentment full of resentment, and the screams in her mouth were sharp and piercing.

The governor suddenly turned around, his gaze fell on the young miss, completely lacking in the pampering and gentleness of the previous half a year.

"A lowly girl? She is a descendant of the Lord's flesh and blood before his ascension, and she is my descendant. Are you belittling your own identity or the Lord by saying that?"

With a wave of his hand, the spiritual light surrounds and kills, and the crisp cracking sound made everyone's hearts tremble violently.

Five clear bloody finger prints appeared on the fair and pretty face of the eldest lady, and her eyes were full of dull looks. She never thought that her father, who has always loved her so much, would slap her because of what happened today!

But looking at the coldness in her father's eyes, she couldn't help being frightened in her heart, and she didn't dare to have the slightest bit of arrogance and arrogance as usual.

At this moment, several escaping lights rose from the governor's mansion, and the leader was the madam, who happened to see her governor slap on her beloved daughter, and her heart skipped a beat knowing that her daughter had done too much this time, so she hurriedly hugged her The daughter bowed her hands.

"Supervisor, Cheng'er has already realized his mistake today, so don't get so angry anymore, it will seriously hurt you."

Governor Rong ignored his wife's plea, and waved his sleeves suddenly. Rong Yang let out a miserable howl, his pale body was thrown into the air, and he fell hundreds of meters away. meaning.

"This is the governor's mansion, the home of the governor. Only the blood of the governor is the master, but you slave dare to attack the master! This time, for the sake of my wife, I spare your life. Next time, I will kill you directly!"

"Thank you, Governor!" Rong Yang lay on the ground, not knowing whether it was from injury or fear, his face was pale, and a thick layer of cold sweat was forming on his forehead, but he didn't dare to wipe it off.

Madam's pretty face changed slightly, and she hurriedly lowered her head.

Governor Rong's eyes fell on his wife, and he spoke lightly.

"Ma'am, after all, she is the blood of the Marquis, and she is the real master in my governor's mansion. From now on, you don't need to intervene in her affairs. The governor will let the big steward take care of it personally. Things like today , I don’t hope there will be a second time, you should understand what I mean.”

The governor is not ignorant of some of the madam's secret methods, but because of the relationship between husband and wife, and the kindness of the past, it didn't happen, but today's incident touched his rebellious scales!

You can be indifferent, you can be contemptuous, you can be embarrassing, but you can't hurt her.

Madam's heart trembled, but looking at the governor's cold face, she still didn't say much, she responded respectfully, and turned around to take the eldest lady who was still crying.

The second steward's face was pale, and the superintendent glanced at him with vague eyes, causing his calf to twitch. His face was pale and there was no trace of blood. At this moment, he hurriedly saluted and left behind his wife.

The crowd dispersed quickly, and the Lord Governor couldn't help sighing softly when he saw the young girl standing upright in front of the yard.

"From now on, she will be taken care of by you. Don't let her be wronged again."

The butler saluted respectfully.

"Don't worry, Governor, this old slave will remember."

Opened his mouth, the governor wanted to say something more, but the girl bowed her head and spoke lightly.

"If the Governor has nothing else to do, I will go back to the hospital first."

The governor was slightly taken aback, then waved his hand.

The girl turned around and took extremely fast steps. The moment the courtyard door was closed and the prohibition was opened, tears could no longer be held back and flowed down her pale face.

"Rong Fu, do you think I'm too sorry for her?"

The butler was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth after a long while.

"Miss is the most brilliant of the governor's descendants I have seen, but it's a pity for her body."

The Governor frowned, and finally sighed and turned to leave.


The army of the Hu Kingdom rested and consolidated the occupied area to replenish troops.

One month later, the war broke out again, and the commander-in-chief Rong Lei personally led an army of [-] million to rush out of the central city.

The terrifying fighting intent soared into the sky, and the evil spirit rolled and condensed the evil beast's real body, roaring up to the sky!
The territory of the Tianhan family is divided into eleven regions, the Hu Kingdom occupies the fifth, and the Tianhan family occupies the sixth.

The area of ​​each region is comparable to the size of several small worlds, and the capital city of the region is even more majestic. At a glance, the city wall stretches without end. It is thousands of miles high and hundreds of miles thick.

3000 million elite soldiers of the Tianhan family stationed in the city!

There are two lines of defense in the central area, one is to pass through the mountain city, and the other is to pass through the central city.Now that the former has been lost, there must be no further mistakes in Tuoyang City. Otherwise, the army of the Hu Kingdom will be invincible, and the Tuoyang area will fall, and the situation facing the Tianhan family will be in jeopardy.

General Xuedu's complexion was still slightly pale, but his eyes were full of determination.The fall of Dushan City is unclear, and thanks to the patriarch's continued use, he was ordered to garrison Tuoyang City, how dare he refuse to do his best!If you want to break through Tuoyang City, it also depends on whether you are willing to pay the price!

Meng Tianchen leads the new camp of the Hu army, and 5000 million soldiers will cooperate with the army to attack the city!
The war became intense in an instant!
The [-] million army took turns to fight, like the most sophisticated war machine, frantically outputting the power of destruction!
Changge pointed at the sky, slashed down, the light of supernatural power illuminated the sky, covered the earth, gathered into clusters of terrorist attacks like stars from outside the sky, smashed down on the city, and the terrifying breath rose to the sky!

On the city wall of Tuoyang City, all the forbidden formations were opened, the power was raised to the strongest, and the aura flickered wildly, resisting all the blasting and tearing forces.A large number of chaotic crystals were sent into the forbidden formation without hesitation, the energy was quickly consumed, and finally collapsed into fine powder.

(End of this chapter)

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