Chapter 829

There are also soldiers in charge of the Tianhan family quickly adding to the array.There are also formation divisions stationed, wandering around the edge of the city wall, repairing the damaged city wall prohibition formation.

The ground and the sky were covered by the protective power released by the formation, making the entire Tuoyang City immersed in the protection of the large formation on the city wall!I don't know how many formation masters have used this formation to strengthen it layer by layer. As long as there are sufficient chaotic crystals to supplement it, its protective power is strong and there are elite soldiers stationed there, even if hundreds of millions of troops from the Pot Kingdom take turns to attack, it will never be possible to defeat it. Break through in a short time!

The killing sound shook the sky, and the supernatural power pierced through the sky!
The Battle of Tuoyang City lasted for seven months. Under the frenzied attack of Hu Kingdom's army, they finally tore a gap in the city's defensive formation. tearing apart, eventually making it an irresistible crashing tide.

General Xuedu fled with his own army, and Tuoyang City fell.

According to statistics after the war, nearly one-third of the 3000 million troops of the Hu Kingdom were killed, and only 4000 million of the [-] million elite soldiers of the Tianhan family successfully broke through.

Marshal Rong Lei personally led the Chinese army to pursue and kill them, and ordered Meng Tianchen, Zeng Tai and others to lead an army to sweep the cities in the Tuoyang area. After another three months, the Tuoyang area was pacified.

Meng Tianchen made great achievements in conquering Tuoyang City, broke through three cities in a row, and accumulated meritorious deeds to reach four cities. Now he has twelve cities with meritorious deeds. open.

The army rested and rested for half a month, leaving [-] million elite soldiers to stick to the Tuoyang area. Marshal Rong Lei commanded more than [-] million troops to join forces with the king's army of one billion to fight against Tianhan City!

Another half a month later, Wuyi's army conquered Yincheng, and only two areas of the Tianhan family, Yang and Beast Ding, were still under control.

The three armies gathered together, gathered 13 billion troops, and stormed Tianhan City!The head of the Tianhan family personally led the army to resist, and had to retreat after four months.

Hu Kingdom's army suffered heavy losses, 13% of the [-] billion army was lost. The Lord of Hu Kingdom ordered the offensive to be suspended. At the same time, he issued an edict to recruit troops from all over the country. The new army training camps in various places were fully operational, constantly training new troops to enter the frontline battlefield.

The Tianhan family naturally gathered forces in secret, recruited supplies and dispatched troops to guard the beast cauldron area.The battle for this area is a real battleground for the two parties. If the Tianhan family loses the Beast Cauldron area again, they will fall into an irreversible abyss.

The Profile for Patriarch will be the loser of this battle!
So in this battle, he will definitely do his best!

The war is now in its final stage, and the Pot Kingdom has the absolute upper hand, dominating the top ten areas of the original Tianhan family. It only needs to conquer the Beast Cauldron area to become the real winner of this war!
The morale of the whole army is like a rainbow!

In the third month of cultivation, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, with the momentum of a great victory, has a great prestige in the country. The conscription order is issued to gather another one billion troops, and the whole country gathers an army of 20 billion to fight in the Beast Cauldron area. He wants to fight to determine the universe!

As soon as the army moved, the momentum soared to the sky!

Haohao Tangtang is sweeping, flocking to the battlefield of the final battle - the Beast Cauldron area!
Although Meng Tianchen's order to confer the title has not yet been issued, the lord of the country has already given his will. The new camp of the Hu Army was officially renamed Mengying, and it is tentatively planned to have [-] million generals, all of which are subject to Meng Tianchen's control.

The official position has not yet arrived, but he already has real power, and everything will only be rewarded after the war is over!

After the order was issued, the army was peaceful and there was no voice of opposition.

After a series of fierce battles, Meng Tianchen led the Mongolian Ministry and erupted with a force that was not weaker than the regular army of the Hu Kingdom. After experiencing the baptism of war, his superiority in the cultivation of soldiers gradually revealed, and his combat effectiveness continued to improve, faintly becoming the elite army of the Hu Kingdom departmental trends.

Sufficient strength, great feats, favored by the king.

Everyone can see that Meng Tianchen will be on the road to success in the future, so naturally no one wants to make things difficult for him.Even the many dignitaries of the Hu Kingdom who had been offended before had to temporarily suppress their eagerness to move.

Looking at it now, Meng Tianchen has won the trust of the lord, and he is very likely to become the second powerful figure like Lord Wuyi. They dare not act rashly before they are sure.

"Fortunately, I listened to Big Brother Lan's words and let us join the Governor's command. If it weren't for this, how could you and I have what we are today in a short time." Gan Huo said in a low voice, his face full of sighs.

Thinking of his experience since joining the army, he really felt like he was in a dream.As the first group of generals who took refuge in the governor, they all received the rewards they deserved. Now he and Qianhuo are temporarily acting as generals. They only need to improve their cultivation in the future, and the promotion will be a matter of course.

Brother Lan Ling made rapid progress in his cultivation during the fighting on the battlefield, breaking through the peak of the holy realm and stepping into the imperial realm in one fell swoop, he was directly appointed as the governor of Sandu.

Never thought that they would one day be ranked among the senior generals in the army!
Qianhuo has always been a thoughtful person who does not show his emotions or anger, but at this moment, he couldn't help showing emotion on his face when he heard the words, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Lan Ling couldn't help furrowing her brows slightly, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Now the governor has not received the official canonization of the country's lord, and it's too early to be proclaimed a prince, and now there are many people in the army, so be careful to provoke disputes." .”

"Brother Lan is still so cautious. Now that the name of the governor has long been heard, no one in the army knows who is not, and I have never seen anyone who violated taboos. Even the king turned a blind eye. We Why be so careful." Gan Huo said with a smile, but his voice was much lower.

Qianhuo cupped his hands.

"Gan Huo's silence, what Big Brother Lan said is that you and I, as the generals under the governor, should be more cautious no matter what outsiders say, so as not to make the governor be criticized by others."

"Hmph! This time we conquered the Beast Cauldron area and swept across the Tianhan family's territory. With the superintendent's ability, we can definitely make more achievements. The reward after the war may not be as good as that of Lord Wuyi. Let's see who dares to say more! " Gan Huo sneered.

Lan Ling shook his head.

"Don't take things too lightly. The Tianhan family has only one area. The head of the Tianhan family is unwilling to fail, and will definitely concentrate all his strength to protect the important city and resist our army's occupation!"

"This battle will definitely be the most tragic battle since the beginning of the war. You must be mentally prepared and take care of yourself during the battle. Don't lose your life in vain and ruin the achievements you have accumulated through hard work."

Hearing what Lan Ling said, Gan Huo and Qian Huo's expressions turned solemn at the same time, and they nodded slightly in agreement.

The beast cauldron area is the place where the Tianhan family stands up!
In other words, as long as the Beast Cauldron area is in hand, the Tianhan family will not really lose the opportunity to struggle in the battle situation. If the pot kingdom is careless, it will even give the Tianhan family an opportunity to reverse the entire battle situation in one fell swoop!

It has such a pivotal position because of the unfavorable geographical situation of the Beast Cauldron area!
There is a mountain range in the Beast Cauldron area, which is said to be the God-Man Forbidden in ancient times. It is permeated with dense fog all year round. It is full of chaotic power, yin and yang are reversed, chaos is reversed, warriors enter it and their spiritual consciousness is corroded. , will also lose the ability to distinguish directions, fall into this natural maze, and be trapped to death.

According to the rumors, there were even high-ranking emperor-level powerhouses who entered the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range and were eventually buried in it.Although its authenticity cannot be checked, it can also prove the horror of the forbidden gods from the side.

The mountain stretches and twists roughly in the shape of a ring, enclosing a vast territory, but there is a gap between the beginning and the end of the mountain.After the Tianhan family seized it, they built a fortress along the front and back of the god-man ban. They were thousands of miles high and thousands of miles thick. During this period, three military cities were built. guard.

And the vast area surrounded by the Forbidden Mountains is the Beast Cauldron area!Today, the Tianhan family recruits one billion troops from the whole country, with Dingwang City, Zuo Ding City, and You Ding City as the center, ready to fight!

Such a majestic pass, with a large army stationed there, even though the morale of the Hu Kingdom's army is like a rainbow, and the number of the army is double that of the enemy, but if they want to successfully conquer the Beast Cauldron area, they will have to go through a fierce battle.

With this victory, the pot kingdom will be irresistible, and the Tianhan family will be annexed and promoted to a high-rank vassal state in one fell swoop.

If you lose!The accumulated momentum before was put to waste in an instant, and the Tianhan family could also find a chance to turn around on the edge of the abyss. It may not be impossible to reverse this great war of doom!
Although the Beast Cauldron area is difficult to conquer, due to its special geographical environment, except for a small part of the Tianhan family's army staying behind to deal with unexpected events, the rest are all on the front line to deal with the expected stormy attack of the Zhonghu Kingdom's army.

Beyond the three cities, the army of the 20 billion Pot Kingdom has arrived, and the camp is waving banners and flags, and the patrolling soldiers are marching in a whistling manner, but the army is neat and orderly, and there is no confusion at all.

The massive and mighty momentum of the army was born in an instant.

Set up camp, spy on the military situation, and after a short rest, there will be an overwhelming siege frenzy!

Because of its outstanding military exploits, Meng Tianchen's Mengying has gradually left the ranks of the miscellaneous army and has become the elite war department of the Hu Kingdom. Although this time the siege is still arranged on the right wing, it is a war department that is qualified to command troops to attack the city. Not the same.

The Mongolian Ministry set up camp, and the officers and men of the army neatly arranged their own affairs, built a forbidden formation, and assigned the army to settle down.These things have long been proficient, and now they are being carried out in an orderly manner under the command of the generals under his command, so there is no need for Tianchen to bother him.

He stood in a secluded part of the camp surrounded by personal guards, looked up at the long city that was like a tiger entrenched in the distance, with a solemn expression on his face.In this battle, even if the Hu Kingdom had the upper hand and poured all its troops into the battle, it would not be easy to take it down.

Such an imposing pass, protected by natural dangers, coupled with the army of a billion Tianhan family, it is difficult to break it!

But at this moment, without waiting for Meng Tianchen to think too much, some soldiers from the lord's tent came to deliver an order to summon the generals from all ministries to discuss matters in the army tent.Without any delay, Meng Tianchen rushed to the king's tent with a few relatives after he hurriedly explained a few words.

The war in the Beast Cauldron area was commanded by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom himself. He must have summoned him in a hurry to discuss matters concerning the siege of the city. The person who is qualified to participate in military affairs is naturally a general in the army, and the lowest rank is also the position of Zhengda Duduguan.

(End of this chapter)

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