Chapter 830

When Meng Tianchen arrived, a lot of generals had already gathered in front of the king's tent, although they stood scattered, but they were faintly led by two people.

One of them is naturally Marshal Rong Lei, with his hands behind his back and his face calm and calm, making people feel awe in his heart.

The other person was a middle-aged man who looked quite young, but his eyes showed a sense of vicissitudes of life, his temperament was gentle and refined, and he did not have the evil spirit of a general who was fighting and killing in the army.There are also many generals in the army gathered around this person, and he can stand up to Marshal Rong Lei on equal footing.

Among the pot kings, the only person who is qualified to do this is Duke Wuyi!

When Meng Tianchen arrived, he attracted the attention of many generals in the army, but there were not many good intentions among them, most of them were cold.Not long after he joined the army, he was promoted many times, and now he has taken the position of public office into his hands, so how could he not be envied by others.

But in the final analysis, it was the killing and demoting when he was in charge of the Mongolian character department that day, which made him offend almost all the dignitaries of the pot kingdom on the table.These generals in the army all had intricate backgrounds, and some even came from various families, so naturally they did not have a good impression of Meng Tianchen.

Lord Wuyi's eyes fell, he paused for a moment and then moved away, his expression didn't change a bit, but thinking that it was Meng Tianchen who personally ordered to kill Wu Yichang and others that day, one can't help but secretly speculate what this Lord Wuyi is thinking at the moment idea.

Marshal Rong Lei's face was calm, and he turned a blind eye to Meng Tianchen's arrival. This made the generals under his command murmur in their hearts, but they turned their thoughts one by one and quickly retracted the smile on his face, watching the changes quietly.

Ke Lie and Long Duo gave Meng Tianchen a wry smile, but they didn't dare to express any more, they bowed their heads slightly and remained silent.

Meng Tianchen's expression was normal, he bowed his hands to Lord Wuyi and Marshal Rong Lei and saluted from a distance, then he found a place with a single horn and stood still, his eyes slightly closed to rest his mind.

The confrontation between the two factions of the generals under the king's command is no longer a secret, but now there is a single figure between the two, which is even more eye-catching.

Some generals sneered secretly, secretly thinking that the junior who does not know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, now let you know the fate of offending the forces behind us.

However, some people turned up the pictures accumulated in the memory of long time ago.

.It seems that before the rise of Lord Wuyi, it was the same, but he was alone facing Marshal Rong Lei, who was the only one in the army, while Meng Tianchen was facing both Duke Wuyi and Marshal Rong Lei.

Is this just a coincidence, or did the king do it on purpose?

Military power is the most important thing, the ruler of the country supports Duke Wuyi to restrain Marshal Rong Lei, and now it is never impossible to support Meng Tianchen again, so as to ensure the safety of the army, and there will be no incidents that are detrimental to the stability of the kingdom.

But this matter is a secret that can only be accessed by the lord of the country, Marshal Rong Lei, and Lord Wu Yi. Their wild guesses are just guesses, and there is no credible basis at all.

"The lord calls, the generals are accounted for!"

The pro-military general shouted in a low voice, and the voice spread instantly.

Marshal Rong Lei is the leader on the left, and Duke Wuyi is respected on the right. The difference between the two is half a shoulder, and Marshal Rong Lei is the leader, stepping into the army tent.

"The ministers are waiting to see the king."

Except for those who are in the public office, everyone else must perform a one-knee military salute.

The big tent of the king's army is only a few dozen feet in size on the outside, but there is a universe inside. The entire palace is placed in this small tent, and it may not be less than a hundred miles at a glance.The Lord of the Pot Kingdom looked like a dragon and a tiger at first glance, and there was a faint coercion on his body, which made people feel awe and awe.

"You don't need to be too polite, get up." The master of the Hu Kingdom showed a gentle smile, and everyone thanked him and stood up. Marshal Rong Lei, Duke Wuyi and others found their seats in turn, and the remaining generals could only be arranged separately. sides.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom glanced at both sides, frowning slightly, and finally found the person he was looking for at the end on the left.

"Meng Tianchen, why did you run there, it was easy for Gu to find for a while, maybe you did something wrong and wanted to hide."

With one glance, the eyes of all the generals in the tent came together at the same time. Naturally, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the king, but there were complicated meanings in his eyes.

Meng Tianchen frowned secretly, thinking to himself that the situation he is in now is not what the lord wants to see?Why bother to ask.But there was no abnormality on his face, and he saluted respectfully.

"I have only been in the army for a short time, and all the generals are my predecessors, so they should stand here."

"Where does this come from? Talking about merit on the battlefield, there is no such thing as seniority." The Lord of the Hu Kingdom smiled and shook his head, pondering a little.

"The decree of ennobling you as a duke has already been prepared, just waiting for the post-war counting of meritorious deeds to be rewarded together, so as not to have to be changed again and again. Although you have not been enshrined as a duke now, your merits are also eligible to have a place in the account. "

"Come here, add another seat for Meng Tianchen at the last seat on the left."


The soldiers moved very fast, but within a few breaths the seats had been arranged, Meng Tianchen saluted the Lord of the Hu Kingdom under the eyes of all the generals, and then walked to the seat behind the case, with a calm expression that did not show the slightest sign of strangeness.

Lord Wuyi's eyes flickered slightly, and there was some inexplicable luster in his eyes.

Marshal Rong Lei secretly smiled wryly. Who would have thought that the person he wanted to win over would be valued by the king and become the choice of check and balance in the army. Would this count as shooting himself in the foot?
As for the full account of the general, he was even more emotional, guessing the meaning of the king's move, and then slightly stunned by the thought he thought of.

The master of the pot kingdom swept his eyes under the tent, satisfied in his heart, but his face suddenly turned solemn.

"The purpose of calling you here today is to discuss the matter of attacking the Beast Cauldron area. If you have a good plan, you can speak up."

After the words fell, the atmosphere in the hall was instantly solemn.

The battle in the Beast Cauldron area was related to the fate of the two parties, so it was a big matter, and all the generals in the palace knew it well.Conquering this area, everyone in the tent will naturally contribute, and it is not a problem to be promoted to a noble.But if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom has 20 billion soldiers, and personally led a large army to come here. Although the momentum is overwhelming, he dare not be careless.The beast cauldron area is guarded by natural dangers, gods and humans. If you want to break it, you can only attack it head-on, tearing the Great Wall guard with the overwhelming power of the army.Since it is a frontal attack, the so-called good strategy is nothing more than how to reduce the damage of soldiers and generals, and obtain the greatest victory at the smallest cost.

Marshal Rong Lei's suggestion is quite satisfactory, the army of 20 billion will attack the city in turn to ensure that the army has enough defensive power to prevent the Tianhan family army from launching a counterattack while the army is extremely exhausted.

Lord Wuyi asked for more siege treasures to bombard the city wall at the expense of Chaos Crystals, so as to reduce the reserve of Chaos Crystals in the Beast Cauldron area, and then launch a large army to charge to reduce damage.

In addition, many generals have spoken one after another. Although they each have their own opinions, their views are nothing more than extending and detailing the views put forward by Marshal Rong Lei and Wu Yigong.

Meng Tianchen sat on the seat, bowed his head slightly and said nothing.

An hour later, it was agreed that there would be a result for the time being. The Lord of the Pot Kingdom ordered the collection of siege treasures from the entire army to bombard the Beast Cauldron area from tomorrow, and mobilized the power of the kingdom to make siege treasures and deploy Chaos Crystals on a large scale across the country.

The army organized a sequence of attacking the city in turn, and under the premise of leaving enough self-protection forces, launched an uninterrupted and crazy offensive against the Beast Cauldron area!We must not give the Tianhan family any chance to breathe, and conquer them in one go!
The specific matters are extremely complicated.

The big strategy has been decided, Hu Guozhong glanced at His Highness, and finally fell on Meng Tianchen, with a little dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Meng Tianchen, you didn't say a word after entering the palace, do you have any opinions on the agreed policy?"

Meng Tianchen stood up and saluted respectfully.

"Marshal Rong Lei, Duke Wuyi and the other generals' plans are all well-established and safe, and the subordinates naturally have no objection."

"A mature and safe opinion?" The Lord of the Hu Kingdom's eyes flickered slightly.

"Could it be that you have some strategy to take the edge of the sword? Today's discussion, you can speak freely, no matter whether it is adopted or not, you will not blame it."

"Reporting to the lord, my subordinates didn't have any good strategies, but I just felt that the strategies proposed by Marshal Rong Lei and Lord Wu Yi were all calculations for a frontal attack. No matter how you plan, the loss of the army is inevitable. After a series of fierce battles, even if we really take down the Beast Cauldron area, our army will definitely suffer heavy losses." Meng Tianchen paused for a moment when he said this, and then continued.

"The kingdoms of the Tongli Empire are not limited to the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family. For example, the Manlan Valley may not be as strong as our Hu Kingdom, and there are many gaps between it and our country. How can you just watch me The Hu Kingdom annexed the Tianhan family and took advantage of the situation to rise to become a top-rank vassal state, and I am afraid that some secret calculations will be necessary at that time."

The words fell, and the hall fell into an eerie silence.

The face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom was slightly gloomy. How could he not have thought of this matter, but the opportunity to defeat the Tianhan family and annex it in one fell swoop is at hand, how could he be willing to let it go.But as Meng Tianchen said, this is also a huge hidden danger of the pot kingdom's seemingly great victory.

"So, in your opinion, what should it be?"

Meng Tianchen raised his head, his face was calm, and he spoke lightly.

"Forbidden by gods and men."

When the generals heard the words, they couldn't help but gasped, but most of them shook their heads secretly, sneering in their hearts.

"Governor Meng has been promoted successively after joining the army. I'm afraid he was dazzled by joy and made such a suggestion." A general under Duke Wuyi sneered and said.

"Shenrenjin is a famous Jedi. If a high-ranking emperor can enter it, he will be lost and perish, let alone a large army. Once he enters it, he will be lost, and it will be difficult to get out!"

"This is not a good strategy for siege, but a dead end."

"This strategy is absurd, the king must not listen to it."

All the generals in the tent spoke one after another, full of cynicism.

Meng Tianchen looked calm, he didn't show the slightest strangeness to all these things, facing the puzzled gaze of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, he cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"My lord, the god-man ban is called a desperate situation, but there is a possibility of a passage. If our army can find it, we can go straight to the Huanglong and enter the loosely guarded hinterland of the beast tripod area. It will be a matter of course to take the beast tripod area by then. It can also greatly reduce the casualties of our soldiers and deter Xiaoxiao from acting rashly."

(End of this chapter)

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