Chapter 831
"It's not that the subordinates are talking nonsense. This is the only possibility other than a frontal attack. It is precisely because the God-Man-Forbidden is a well-known Jedi that everyone knows that the Tianhan family will not be on guard. Once it is done, it will instantly change the situation of the battle. .This matter is just doing my duty as a minister to explain this possibility, and how to make a decision depends on the decision of the king.”

Meng Tianchen's expression was neither humble nor overbearing, but his face was full of sincerity, he bent slightly, and his voice was respectful.

Although the generals of His Highness still had a sneer on their faces when they heard the words, no one continued to speak.

The master of the pot kingdom nodded slightly.

"What Meng Tianchen said is not unreasonable, but the God-Man Forbidden is indeed a dangerous place. Long before the war with the Tianhan family, I have already anticipated the possibility of today, and sent elite dead soldiers to enter the God-Man Forbidden, I want to find a way to enter the Beast Cauldron area. But more than a hundred years ago, the sliver of divine sense that I attached to them has completely collapsed, which shows that they have all suffered accidents. This matter is still pressed for the time being. Reconsideration."

"Master Shengming!"

Meng Tianchen saluted together with all the generals, he felt a little awe-inspiring, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom is indeed a great talent, unexpectedly he thought of this early on.Taking precautions, their foresight is far beyond what they can match.

"The generals return to the camp immediately, rectify the military affairs, wait for the military order, and conquer the Beast Cauldron area in one fell swoop!" The Lord of the Hu Kingdom spoke in a deep voice, with a firm and decisive front, with a hidden feeling of gold and stone colliding, cold and chilling!


Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wu Yi each led their generals to leave, Meng Tianchen was faintly excluded, but he remained calm, showing no signs of abnormality.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom witnessed this scene with his own eyes, and was quite satisfied in his heart.

In this way, even if he supports Meng Tianchen, he doesn't have to worry about it. He is rejected by Marshal Rong Lei and Lord Wuyi in the army, and the dignitaries of the Hu Kingdom are secretly eyeing him. If Meng Tianchen wants to take root in the Hu Kingdom, he can only rely on him to him.

Everything is as expected, very good.

The Mongolian Ministry's position in the army suddenly became awkward.

It is the most obvious signal in the army that Marshal Rong Lei is not allowed to get close to Lord Wuyi. Although no one will face it because of the importance of the king and the merits of the Mongolian Ministry, but the alienation and exclusion is everyone It can be sensed clearly.

Fortunately, now that the war is ahead, affected by the war, the fluctuation of this matter has been reduced to a minimum.

Before the siege treasures that were hundreds of miles in size were pushed into the battle, under the guard of the army, the army divisions arranged the supply of chaos crystals at full speed, and most of them covered an area of ​​hundreds of miles in size to complete one.

On the pitch-black and simple chariot, a sharp needle with a length of hundreds of miles pierced into the sky, and layers of forbidden formations were engraved on the body, densely and delicately layered on top of each other.This thing is called Thunder Beads, driven by the power of chaotic crystals, it can accumulate nine days of thunder, compressed and fused by the forbidden array, turned into thunder beads and blasted out.

To use such a large siege treasure requires an incomparably terrifying amount of Chaos Crystals, which can only be borne by a country, otherwise even if they have this thing in their hands, ordinary people are not qualified to use it.

On the first day of the war, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom personally sat in the central army, and was ready to attack the city before the soldiers informed the front line. He slowly raised his hand and suddenly slammed down on the throne.

A pillar of spiritual power erupted from the camp, rushing into the sky suddenly.

The next moment, an astonishing fluctuation of spiritual power came from the front of the battle formation, which was the terrifying power released by countless chaotic crystals under the action of the formation.

The sky suddenly turned into darkness, and amidst the roar of thunder and thunder, bolts of lightning pierced the sky and landed on the sharp needle of the thunder bead.




The spreading thunder power instantly swept across the chariot, bathing the entire chariot in the radiance of thunder. Layers of forbidden formation textures lit up quickly, and layers of fusion and compression of thunder power turned into crimson thunder beads of hundreds of feet in size. The inside shot out and blasted down on the city wall.

This is the essence of thunder, not the power of ordinary thunder, but the tribulation thunder above the heavens of Linglong World!
at the same time!

In the area of ​​the Beast Cauldron, within the city, huge stone pillars soared into the sky. At the same time, a pillar of spiritual power shot into the void, perfectly integrated with the defensive formation in front of the battle line, forming a huge forbidden formation Guarding, covering the entire sky.

In the flash of spiritual light and endless waves of destruction, the final battle between the Tianhan family of the Hu Kingdom completely broke out.

Patriarch Tian Han stood on the city wall, looking at the densely packed Hu Kingdom army that stretched to nowhere, with a serious expression on his face.

Facing the mighty army of the Hu Kingdom, even though they have a great pass in their hands and occupy the best location, they still have scruples in their hearts.

"For my Tianhan family, this battle involves life and death. Winners are never allowed to lose! Beast Cauldron Area, there must be no loss! You must do your best, and you must not slack off in the slightest. Those who have meritorious deeds in defending the city will be rewarded heavily Those who evade will be killed without mercy!"

Patriarch Tianhan spoke in a deep voice, his face was slightly gloomy, and his eyes flickered with coldness.

All the generals felt awe-inspiring in their hearts, and suddenly agreed.

"Come on! If you want to defeat our Tianhan family, it depends on whether you have such a means! Lord of the Pot Kingdom, I am waiting for you here!" Patriarch Tianhan looked at the army under his command in the city, and his heart was full of pride.

Even with many previous defeats, with the Beast Cauldron area in hand, everything is still possible!

The spiritual light pierced the sky and poured down, and the terrifying fluctuations like turbulent waves enveloped the entire battlefield.

For [-] days in a row, the army of the Hu Kingdom's siege of treasures has never stopped, and it has consumed hundreds of millions of terrifying chaos crystals. It is also consuming the strategic material reserves of the Tianhan family army in the Beast Cauldron area, and damaging the city's guardian formation. .

This is a competition between the two forces to store resources!
It's just that this amazing way of depletion can never last.So after a month of frantic bombardment, the aura of the siege treasure finally dissipated slowly.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom ordered that the army formally attack to conquer the Beast Cauldron area!

The army of 12 billion attacked the city in turn, like a tsunami, and the killing sound shook the sky!
The strong smell of blood came out at this moment, and countless soldiers from both sides fell every second. If you are lucky, the remnant souls can be shrouded by the force of the army and be preserved. If you are unlucky, you will be directly torn apart by the evil spirit. Annihilation!
The cruelest part of the Beast Cauldron Regional War was staged, with the city wall as the line turned into a purgatory on earth, a terrifying meat grinder, and groups of soldiers rushed towards the city wall in the spiritual light package, but they were able to retreat safely in the end. The number of victims is only six to seven out of ten, and the casualty rate is frighteningly high.

Above the clouds, the general of Youhu Kingdom led his army to form a square battle formation. The ultimate power in the body gushed out, turning into supernatural powers and pouring out crazily!

But at the same time, the counterattack in the city caused blood flowers to bloom in the sky from time to time.
The two armies were separated by a city, fighting frantically.

There is no need to mobilize, the soldiers on both sides are already jealous at the beginning of the battle.The Hu Kingdom's army can win the war if they conquer the Beast Cauldron area, but the Tianhan family has no way to retreat and cannot be defeated again!
Neither side has a choice!

The army has been fighting for seven months!

Facing the fierce attack of the 20 billion army of the Hu Kingdom, the Beast Cauldron area erupted with incomparably astonishing resistance, just like the black reefs on the coast, which could not be shaken by the turbulent waves.

On the blood-stained earth, evil clouds cover the sky!

In accordance with the order of the lord of the country, the Mongolian Ministry is still placed on the right wing of the army, obeying the command of Marshal Rong Lei, and attacking the city together with the army.

As for today, the [-] million army has lost a full [-]%!
If we take the Mongolian characters as an example, the casualties of the entire Hu Kingdom army have reached an extremely terrifying level, probably no less than [-] million!

However, it has only just passed July on the battlefield, and the Beast Cauldron area is still impenetrable. It may take at least a year to conquer it, and even if it wins, it will be a lose-lose situation.

In the tent, Meng Tianchen sat up high, his brows furrowed tightly.

Today, he has meritorious deeds of ennobling the Duke, controlling an army of [-] million, and has initially established his own foundation. Once the war is over and he accepts the canonization, he will be able to gain a firm foothold in the Linglong world and hold a heavy army.

But all of this must be based on the victory of the pot kingdom.

The rise of Meng Tianchen is to take advantage of the rise of the Pot Kingdom. If the Pot Kingdom falls short in this battle, all the efforts he has made will be wiped out, and all of them will be wasted, and even cause himself to be killed.

Not to mention others, at least Duke Long, a superpower in the upper emperor realm, would never allow him to continue to survive, and the best result would be to lead a few warriors under his command to flee to the end of the world.

Once this is the case, it will be extremely difficult to get such an excellent opportunity to rise up.

Therefore, he must not just watch the Hu Kingdom fall into the quagmire of war, wipe out its own advantages bit by bit, and finally fall into the abyss of failure.

The war in the Beast Cauldron area must end in the shortest possible time!
Thoughts in Meng Tianchen's mind turned rapidly, and after a long time, a bright light flashed across his eyes, and he had made a decision in his heart.

Forbidden by gods and men!
It is not advisable to attack by force now, so we can only try it in this dead place. If we can gain something, maybe we can solve the current problem.At that time, helping the Hu Kingdom to win a big victory can not only keep the current foundation, but also achieve great achievements. The post-war rewards will definitely be rich!
After thinking carefully for a moment, Meng Tianchen got up and left the tent, and led a small number of personal soldiers to go straight to the tent of the main army of Hu Kingdom.

"My lord, in the battle in July, our army killed 3000 million soldiers and seriously injured 1000 million, and the army still has less than 15 billion combatants." The military statistics officer knelt down, his face was pale during the report, and he had been killed by the army. The terrifying loss rate is frightening.

The face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom instantly turned ashen. Although there were reports of the loss of the army every day, it was only a rough estimate of the casualties.

In just seven months, more than [-] million troops were lost, but there was no sign of conquering the Beast Cauldron area at all.If this battle continues like this, even if it really wins, the Hu Kingdom's army is bound to lose more than [-]% or more!
(End of this chapter)

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