Chapter 832 Entering the Forbidden City

The victory is also a tragic victory, and he still has to face the eyes of Manlan Valley. Naturally, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom cannot accept such a result.As the thoughts turned, his expression became more and more gloomy, and the atmosphere in the whole hall almost solidified into substance, which made people suffocate!

The statistician's body was stiff, and there was no trace of blood on his face. In an instant, a dense layer of sweat beads appeared on his head. The inner lining of his armor was completely wet, but he didn't dare to move at this moment, so as not to attract the thunderous anger of the king.

And at this moment, a messenger spirit stone on the exquisite king's case in front of the king of the pot suddenly flickered, emitting a gentle aura.To be able to allow the pro-army to still report when the lord summons others, only the middle and high-level leaders of the Huwang government have this qualification.

The terrifying aura in the hall suddenly dissipated, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom waved his hands blankly, and the military officer, as if he had received an amnesty, respectfully saluted and turned to retreat.

"Governor Meng, the lord has called you in." As the lord's pro-army, they can naturally figure out what the lord likes and dislikes. Meng Tianchen is close to the lord, so they naturally dare not be careless.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the distraught back of the statistician, and unconsciously felt a little more confident in his heart, picked up the account and entered, strode into the hall and saluted respectfully.

"My subordinate, Meng Tianchen, the chief governor of the Mongolian Character Department, see the lord."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom leaned slightly on the back of his chair. In the past seven months, the Mongolian Ministry fought bravely. Although he did not make any achievements, the power he erupted became stronger and stronger. This made him quite satisfied, and his attitude towards Meng Tianchen became more and more serious. A little bit milder.Although he was upset at the moment, he still smiled a little.

"No need to be formal, sit down."

"Thank you, Lord."

Meng Tianchen cupped his hands, got up and sat down on the left side.

"Recently, you have led your troops to perform well on the battlefield, and you have caused a lot of casualties to the defenders of the Tianhan family. I have seen these in the military newspaper. I will remember all the credit in my heart, and there must be something after the war. Award."

"Being loyal to the lord, it is the duty of a subject to fight in the beast cauldron area, and I dare not take credit for it."

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom was quite satisfied with Meng Tianchen's respect and nodded.

"We'll discuss this matter later. I don't know why you came here today? Could it be that the military supplies are not enough? I will send someone to send it immediately."

"There is still a surplus of supplies in the army, and the subject who came here today is to ask the lord for orders!" Meng Tianchen said in a deep voice, and when he said this, he suddenly stood up and saluted respectfully.

"My lord, I beg you to enter the Forbidden Mountains!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's complexion instantly turned serious, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and he spoke slowly after a while.

"Do you know what you're talking about? Even if I'm a god-man, I don't have the confidence to retreat. If you enter it, [-]% of you will be buried in it, and everything you get right now will be turned into a passing cloud."

"Your servants are only able to join the army and kill the enemy because of the lord's kindness, and all their achievements today are all given by the lord! Now that the battle situation is in a quagmire, it will be even more detrimental to the army of the Hu Kingdom if we continue to entangle them. I am willing to share the worries for the lord!"

"If our Pot Kingdom wins, the meritorious service obtained by the ministers will be meritorious service. If our Pot Kingdom loses, there will be no objection to all of this, and there is nothing to be reluctant about."

If you can give up everything if you only say loyalty, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom. Such half-truths and half-falsehoods will make it easier to win people's trust.

Sure enough, the master of the pot kingdom showed a soft look on his face, and shook his head slightly.

"Meng Tianchen, I know that you are loyal, but the god-man ban is too dangerous, and the lord of this country still wants you to continue to be loyal to the country, so he will definitely not allow you to enter it."

"Don't worry, my lord. If I don't have a little bit of confidence, how can I do this suicide thing. I have practiced a kind of kung fu in the early years. The spiritual consciousness and mind are different from ordinary people. The ordinary psychedelic formation is not a cause for concern. .Although Shenrenban is dangerous, I believe that even if it is useless, I can retreat completely."

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, but he was relieved in his heart. Through this incident, he was further recognized by the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, which would be of great benefit to him in the future.

As long as this can be done, the foundation must be solid!
The Lord of the Pot Kingdom was slightly moved, not because he was in an unstable mood, but because this matter was too important to him. If he really succeeded, the current situation could be reversed in an instant!

"Are you sure?"

"Your servant is willing to try his best!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom was slightly silent, and after a while, he spoke in a low voice.

"Okay! Since that's the case, I will accept your request! If this can be done, and the Beast Cauldron area can be successfully conquered, I will give you the top rank, and rank with Lord Wuyi, and control seven cities!"

"You take this token, you can enter and leave the barracks freely!"

"Thank you, my lord! This subject has made some preparations and left immediately. However, this matter still needs to be kept secret. Please don't tell others about it for the time being. If there is no accident, I will be able to return within a month at most."

"Treasure, this seat is ready for the celebration banquet, waiting for your return!"


Meng Tianchen saluted, turned around and strode away.

In the hall, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom lowered his head slightly, and sighed after a while.

"I don't know if this Meng Tianchen is really loyal to me, or if he is relying on something, and wants to take risks to gain meritorious service in order to get more rewards. If it is the latter, it seems that he has great ambitions in his heart, and what he wants is not small."

"But I think I can control it. As long as you can really make great achievements, I will reward you heavily!"

No matter how great his feats are, he can only be like Lord Wuyi at most, as long as his cultivation has not reached the level of a high-ranking emperor, there is nothing to worry about.There is nothing wrong with doing things faithfully, if you have double-mindedness, just kill it directly.

It's not easy to be in the upper emperor realm.

Although it is important for the superior to control the power, they must have enough cultivation to be competent, otherwise there will be no good end.

In the camp, Meng Tianchen led his own soldiers back in the Escaping Light, his face was calm, but he couldn't help but sneered slightly in his heart.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom thinks he can control everything, but the development of things may not be exactly as he imagined.

Returning to the Mongolian Department, Meng Tianchen summoned the generals and announced that he was ordered by the lord to leave the camp to perform tasks temporarily, and Liang Dong and Tian Wu were in charge of the military affairs for the time being.

Although the generals were puzzled, they didn't dare to ask more questions, and retreated after saluting.

Meng Tianchen paused for a while, prepared some supplies, held the ruler's token, and left the Hu Kingdom's army camp unimpeded. Forbidden mountains.

Forbidden by gods and humans is a dangerous and dangerous land known to everyone, and those who step into it will never be spared. Since ancient times, there have been few people and no animals and birds.The thick mist slowly churned, seemingly peaceful, but hidden in it was an unimaginable crisis, and it became the burial ground of countless warriors who entered it.

But today, a startling rainbow roared from afar and stopped at the edge of the mountain range.The light faded away, revealing one of the green-robed warriors, frowning slightly, looking at the rolling mountains below.

This person is none other than Meng Tianchen.

After pondering for a while, he didn't directly step into it, and with a slight movement of his mind, he directly separated a trace of spiritual consciousness to pass through the clouds and mist.But at the next moment, the calm mist suddenly turned into a churning, and a stream of mist directly burst into the sky, enveloping Meng Tianchen's wisp of divine sense, and just slightly resisting it, the divine sense in the mist was directly destroyed.

"How is that possible? The omnipotent black halo of consciousness has been destroyed!"

Meng Tianchen's face darkened, and it seemed that it was true to the rumors that only by walking inside the mountain can one pass the God-Man Forbidden Mountain, and any other actions to cross the sky would trigger the backlash of the fog.In this way, he felt a little more cautious in his heart.

But now that he has arrived, he is naturally ready and will never be afraid to move forward.Pausing for a while, Meng Tianchen took a step forward, his figure had already landed on the ground, and the clouds and mists were billowing in front of him, he only needed to step in one step, and he could step into it.

One step down, it seems to have entered another space, and the surrounding atmosphere changes instantly.Meng Tianchen opened his eyes, and saw that he was already in the thick fog, his eyes could only see two or three feet away, and there was silence around his ears, without the slightest sound.

The black halo of consciousness emanated out, and instantly penetrated into the thick fog in front of him.

As Meng Tianchen expected, the black halo of consciousness is really powerful, as long as he doesn't fly through the sky, these weird fogs can't help him at all.

Meng Tianchen felt slightly relieved, although the fog corrosion was severe, but his black aperture consciousness could barely support it, although there was a tendency for his consciousness to be eroded as he moved forward, but he could still support it.

After solving the interference of the mist's corrosive power, Meng Tianchen's thoughts were turned to be attracted by the layers of invisible fluctuations contained in the mist.The ups and downs are layer upon layer, silently interfering with the judgment of the divine sense.

And it is extremely secretive, not easy to be noticed, and it is lost without knowing it.But these fluctuations obviously did not have much impact on Meng Tianchen's black aperture consciousness, a trace of black light flashed, and all the chaos caused by it had been resolved.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Meng Tianchen's mouth, his divine sense was indeed omnipotent, although the mist forbidden by gods and humans was extremely strange, it still couldn't stop him.Being sure that he is safe and secure, and that even if an accident occurs, he can detect it in advance and exit calmly. Meng Tianchen has the bottom line in his heart, pauses slightly, and strides towards the depths of the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range.

On the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, it is not a barren land as outsiders imagined. There is a thick layer of moss-like objects growing on the ground, like a carpet, which gives people a soft feeling when stepped on.

But it is this kind of moss, its juice has extremely terrifying and highly poisonous, if the warrior is unprepared for the slightest contamination, he will not notice it at first, and it will be too late when he feels it.The toxin that erupted was enough to destroy the physical body of an ordinary emperor.

If it weren't for the two strands of magical primordial power of chaos in the Purple Mansion, Meng Tianchen would have already sensed the way.

Unless one is prepared and wears special shoes and treasures, even if an army of one billion enters the God-Man Forbidden Mountains, countless deaths and injuries will be caused just because of this.

But this moss is not the greatest danger, but some kind of weird snake that lives in it and feeds on moss!This thing is only the thickness of chopsticks, about half a foot long, and the whole body is dark green like moss. If you can't detect it in advance with your spiritual sense, it will explode and hurt people so fast that ordinary warriors have no time to react.

Just one sip, the toxin contained in this object may cause some troubles to the strong in the Great Emperor Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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