Chapter 833
The moss and the strange snake have become the two major killers in the Forbidden Mountain Range except for the maze, which is enough to ruin the lives of countless warriors.But this is still only the outer edge of the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range. If you continue to go deeper, you don't know how many horrible things you will encounter.

Meng Tianchen raised his head slightly, his face was full of solemnity, and the fear in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger, but his eyes were full of firmness, without any fear or retreat.

Being able to release the divine sense to explore the way in the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range without getting lost in it, this is Meng Tianchen's greatest reliance.Other dangers can be passed if they can be passed, and they can choose to avoid them if they cannot. As long as they can successfully pass through the god-man forbidden, his biggest goal this time will be considered accomplished.

Find out a safe passage, and after returning, use a space such as a power monument to bring the army of the pot kingdom into the beast tripod area without anyone knowing it. With the Hu Kingdom's army nearly twice as large as its own, the Tianhan family will undoubtedly be defeated.

With the victory of this battle, Meng Tianchen can take advantage of this event to make inexorable feats, be rewarded by the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, and build a solid foundation in the Linglong world in one fell swoop.

With a wave of the sleeve of the robe, a cloud of spiritual light swept out, directly wrapping a strange snake that opened its mouth like an arrow and shot at it like an arrow. After stirring it, it was directly obliterated. After the flesh and blood collapsed, there was a little finger-sized snake The green stone appeared in it and was directly collected by Meng Tianchen.

This green pebble-like object should be the inner alchemy of this snake. It is extremely poisonous, but it can attack poison with poison to contact the poison of the strange snake. Meng Tianchen has collected hundreds of them now, and maybe it will be useful in the future.

Putting the green stone away with his backhand, Meng Tianchen was about to move forward, but his expression changed instantly.

In the Purple Mansion, two strands of the primordial power of chaos suddenly rioted, and suddenly appeared as phantoms of a roulette wheel, emitting a rich golden light that enveloped Meng Tianchen.

This kind of situation has never happened before, and it actually triggered a change in the magical original power of chaos in the Purple Mansion.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen was bathed in this golden light, and suddenly sensed a faint wave of breath coming from the depths of the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range.

The phantom of the roulette will only appear when Meng Tianchen is on the verge of death or devours the opponent's remnant soul to increase his strength.But this time it erupted without warning, and Meng Tianchen sensed a wave of aura in the depths of the God-Man Forbidden City.

This matter is not unusual, and there must be something hidden in it!In the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, known as the Impassable Death Land, there is actually hidden aura that can arouse the phantom of the roulette!
Meng Tianchen's face was cloudy for a while, and after a few breaths, his eyes flickered slightly, and he turned around, and his figure went straight to the source of the breath in the light wrap.

What is hidden in the depths of this God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range?
Meng Tianchen's departure did not have any impact on the war between the two countries, and the fierce fighting in the Beast Cauldron area was still going on.

Hundreds of millions of troops criss-crossed, and the magical power shot soaring into the sky, covering the whole world. The breath from the place of release made people feel palpitating, and it fell on the guardian array in the beast cauldron area, like a layer of waves quickly swept towards the surrounding area.The protective power of the formation erupted, and when resisting the supernatural powers, it burst out with dazzling aura!
The spiritual light pierced through the sky, the supernatural powers swept across, and the sound of fighting went straight to the sky!

"The governor of the Tianwu, the governor of Zeng Tai and Zeng obviously has bad intentions for our army, and forced you and me to lead the army to attack the enemy's strongest defense. After repeated attacks, our troops have been seriously injured!" Liang Dong's eyes were gloomy, and his face was quite serious. As ugly.

"Now the Governor is not in the camp, and my Mongolian Department is apparently under the command of General Rong Lei. Once the Governor intervenes in military affairs, you and I have nothing to say, let alone disobedience." The old man Tianwu thought in his heart. There was anger too, but not out of proportion.

"So what do you mean?"

"Forbearance! Now in the army, even if Governor Zeng has made things difficult for me, he dare not be too presumptuous. As long as we can support the Lord Governor to return to the camp, we will definitely be able to seek justice for us on this matter. "

"Now, that's the only way to go!"
The dense fog like a sea tide was cut open from it, revealing a straight channel, which was slowly filled and eliminated after a few breaths.

Jinghong stopped, the escape light converged, and Meng Tianchen's figure slowly appeared with a dignified expression.

As it continued to deepen, the ground was still covered with moss, but some kind of tall dark blue trees had grown out. The branches were dense and the leaves were small and tight. They swayed slowly in the mist, and in the process, they continuously inhaled traces of mist.

This mist seems to have replaced everything needed for the survival of the vegetation, maintaining the vitality of the strange trees, allowing them to survive in the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range where the sun is not seen all year round.

The danger in the mist is also increasing, from a single little monster snake to all kinds of weird monsters, even though Meng Tianchen has inherited a huge amount of monster information, none of them can be identified.

Even with Meng Tianchen's combat power comparable to the peak of the next emperor's realm, and the premise of his spiritual sense to explore the way, he encountered many dangers while dodging and walking among these monsters.If he hadn't been careful and clever, he might have died in the mountains by now.

It is rumored that God and Man's Forbidden City is a place of hopeless death, but seeing it is worth seeing. Only when you really enter it can you experience the horror deeply.

Thinking of the mountain-like green ox that feeds on ancient trees, and that tigers and wolves fight against each other, Meng Tianchen just swept it far away with his spiritual consciousness, and he was terrified and unable to hold himself back, so he avoided it early and passed by.

Although he hasn't fought against each other, this monster gives him the feeling that it must be a peerless beast!Its power is so strong, I am afraid that it is not inferior to the top middle-level emperor-level powerhouses!
Meng Tianchen thought it was a rumor that Shenrenjin had buried a superpower in the upper emperor realm, but now after seeing Qingniu, he already knew that the rumor might be true.

The consciousness of the black circle of light flowed around like a stream of water, and never let go of any corners. After confirming that this place is safe and there is no hidden danger, Meng Tianchen moved slightly in his heart, and looked forward.

During the induction, a strange mountain range appeared in the thick fog in front of him. It was ten thousand miles high and dangerous, and there was a dense and dense aura of ominous creatures that made Meng Tianchen feel afraid.

But at this moment, his eyes are full of tenacity, because the breath fluctuations sensed by the phantom of the Zifu roulette are in the mountains in front of him.

What is hidden in this mountain can be so mysterious.

There was a faint flash of inspiration in his hand, and a elixir with a faint purple awn appeared in his hand, and Meng Tianchen swallowed it with his head raised.This panacea is extremely precious, and it can only be used by the real high-level people in the pot kingdom, and it can replenish the loss of spiritual consciousness in a short period of time.

This is the benefit of being in a high position!

In the big world, the best choice is to build a foundation for yourself, if you can't succeed, the second is to rely on the strong in order to obtain more cultivation resources.These are the two best choices before the big world powerhouses.

Meng Tianchen sensed that the loss of spiritual consciousness was constantly replenished, so he stopped staying any longer, the spiritual light flickered outside his body, and his figure turned into a ray of light and whizzed away.

The closer to the mountains in front, the thicker the fog, and its corrosive and fluctuating power is actually increasing as it slowly churns, causing the speed of the loss of consciousness in the black aperture to increase instantly.

But because of the many terrifying ominous creatures hidden in the dark, he couldn't take back the slightest bit of his consciousness. He could only support himself to pass through the many crises safely.Otherwise, once detected by the ominous creature, it is bound to fall into a bitter battle.

Meng Tianchen had no choice but to be more careful, and slowed down a lot, moving forward in the treacherous mountain, following a crooked route, to the center of the mountain.

The restrained breath is hidden between a crack in the rocks. This place is the junction of the territories of two extremely terrifying monsters. As long as you are careful, you can pass through it safely.

Meng Tianchen has tried many times, and his heart has settled down a lot.As long as you are careful, there will be no accidents.

Passing through this crack in the mountain rock, and then not far forward, he can reach his goal this time, which is the source of the aura fluctuation.

The cracked mountain rocks showed a dark blue color under the erosion of the mist, and the cracked surface was slightly rough. There were raised or potholes in the broken stones. Meng Tianchen stepped down on the protrusions of the rock wall and shot his body like an arrow with his legs. Go forward, and when you are exhausted, it happens to appear at a concave point on the opposite stone wall. Step down on the second step, and your body jumps forward again with strength.

He didn't use the power of chaos in his body, it was purely the power of his physical body as a support.But because of this, it can be quiet and undetected.Although the speed is slower, it is better than safety.

More than half of the crack has passed, and there is only a moment to get out.

The figure jumped up, his vision was blocked by thick fog, but his spiritual consciousness had already found a foothold, which was a slightly raised rock.But at the moment when he stepped on his feet and was about to jump up, Meng Tianchen's face couldn't help but change instantly!
It's too late to notice now.

The mountain rock was pierced directly, and several strange roots shot out from it, instantly entangling Meng Tianchen inside.Spikes sprang out of it instantly, and the tyrannical squeezing force burst out suddenly, trying to strangle him directly.


Meng Tianchen let out a low roar of shock and anger, and the power of chaos in his body exploded like a river and sea, and the dazzling spiritual light shone, crushing the stem.

But the moment he got away, three angry roars came instantly, and then he could hear the rumbling sound of the earth, and he was approaching here quickly.


Meng Tianchen's expression turned extremely ugly in an instant, and he had already made a decision in an instant.Now retreating will inevitably startle more terrifying ominous creatures, once he is caught in the siege, he will undoubtedly die.The only way to survive is to move forward!
The flash of light flashed, and his figure instantly turned into a startled rainbow, roaring forward.On the stone wall in front, there are more than a dozen terrifying roots shooting out to entangle him, but they were crushed by Meng Tianchen's escape light before they got close.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, with a sweep of his consciousness, he saw two green tigers and the green python chasing and killing them.

The earth boomed, the ancient trees fell to the ground, and the three extremely violent giant monsters moved forward with astonishing aura, and their speed was extremely fast, and the distance between them and Meng Tianchen was constantly shortening.

call out!
Meng Tianchen's face was solemn, and he was really going forward with all his strength. The cracks in the rocks that were less than half a distance passed by in an instant. His figure shot out, and a cave entrance with hundreds of miles appeared in his sight. Huge cracks spread from the entrance of the cave to the surrounding area. Going, it doesn't seem to be born naturally, but it seems to be smashed by something smashing the mountain wall.

Before it got close, there was a chilly aura coming from it, and the mist in it could be faintly seen to be dark in color, and the evil spirit was threatening when it rolled.

This cave looks like a place of great danger!
(End of this chapter)

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