Chapter 834
But after that, the green tiger and green python approached behind him, but he had no choice, the figure gritted his teeth fiercely and rushed directly into the cave without stopping.

The next moment, two green tigers as big as a cow and a green python as thick as a bucket came chasing and killing them at the same time, but they stopped at the same time after approaching the cave, roaring angrily, not daring to move forward, as if Be afraid.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Meng Tianchen hadn't appeared, the three extremely powerful monsters roared in unison, looked at each other fearfully, then turned around and retreated slowly.

In the cave, Meng Tianchen restrained his aura, and quietly leaned against a crack in the mountain wall like a piece of gravel. Hearing the roar outside the cave, his expression became solemn, but after a while, he didn't see them breaking in, but he remained silent. And backed away, slightly relieved in his heart, but at the same time couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring secretly.

Originally, he was only guessing in secret when he sensed the breath, but now he is sure that this cave must be a fierce place, and there is an existence in it that makes these three powerful monsters feel afraid, so they are not willing to retreat.

Being able to scare away two green tigers and one green python directly, the mysterious existence in this cave must be extremely powerful.

Meng Tianchen frowned tightly, his consciousness slowly protruded out but he couldn't penetrate too far, otherwise he would feel powerless and his perception would become extremely blurred.This dark mist is cold and rotten. Its corrosive power is stronger than that of the outside mist, and it contains a certain kind of breathtaking power. Under the induction, there is a sense of coldness, and then there is fear in the heart.

With Meng Tianchen's black aperture consciousness, he can barely resist corrosion, but the rate of wear and tear has increased several times.As for the power that affects the mind, it can't have much impact on Meng Tianchen Guangling's mind.

After pondering for a while, he still walked towards the depths of the grotto.

There must be a reason for the phantom of the Zifu roulette guiding him here. There may be a treasure that is extremely important to him deep in the grotto.

Taking ten thousand steps back, on the premise that the spiritual sense can explore the way, he can withdraw first if the real thing cannot be done, and it will not be too late to come back later.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's pace became more and more steady, but for the sake of caution, the speed was much slower. Walking forward in this extremely quiet grotto, the surrounding area is surrounded by dark mist, and the visible range is shortened to ten feet within.In this way, he simply closed his eyes and moved forward entirely by his spiritual sense.

Walking all the way to the depths of the cave, the ground slopes slightly downward, which is hard to detect because the cave is originally uneven.

It won't be long, and I'm afraid it has entered thousands of miles deep in the mountain.And here, the color of the fog filled in the grotto became thicker and thicker, almost turning into black, like ink, the stronger the power of corrosion, the stronger the deterrent power to people's mind during the tumbling.

Although Meng Tianchen's spiritual consciousness can still detect, it is depleted at an astonishingly fast rate. If he continues to move forward, he may not be able to last for too long and will not be able to go deeper.And this cave is still bottomless, I don't know how deep it is.

As a last resort, he could only stop temporarily, Meng Tianchen's face was solemn, and his eyes flickered for a while.It seems that this exploration may only stop here.

Although he was extremely curious about the things in the depths of the cave, Meng Tianchen had a sense of proportion in his heart, and he would definitely not take such an unsure risky move.

But just when he felt the intention to retreat, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the phantom of the roulette radiated golden light and suddenly rolled like a wave. In this wave, traces of it dipped into Meng Tianchen's divine consciousness, and spread quickly, transforming Wrap it in a layer of golden light invisible to the naked eye.

The phantom of the roulette changed, and Meng Tianchen's rapidly depleted spiritual power was instantly relieved, and the scope of his spiritual exploration was also greatly enhanced. Even the disturbing effects in the black mist were completely blocked out, and could no longer affect him in the slightest. .

The difficult situation was immediately resolved.

Meng Tianchen's heart was shaken, and Zifu Roulette Phantom reminded him first, and his efforts later, there might be a real treasure in the grotto!
Immediately stride forward and continue to go deep into the grotto.

I don't know how long it has passed, Meng Tianchen's face suddenly changed, his steps quickened instantly, and after a while, he walked to the rock wall of the cave, and a skeleton sat with his back against the rock wall. Although he had been dead for many years, the skeleton was still not completely corroded. Just patches of dark spots appearing on the pale skeleton.Apart from the skeleton, there is nothing around. Even if some treasures are left behind, they would have been destroyed by the black mist corrosion.

Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly, and his consciousness scanned the surroundings, and he found some traces of fighting and fighting, but it became much darker under the corrosion of the fog. If it wasn't for the phantom of the roulette, Meng Tianchen's consciousness might not be able to detect it .

Apparently, some warriors broke into this mountain cave many years ago, and fought with something here, and finally lost the match and was beheaded here.

Meng Tianchen was able to distinguish the direction and move forward because of the black aperture consciousness and the help of the roulette to break through the fog disturbance.But this person may not have such means as him, but he can rely on his own cultivation to stick to this point, which is enough to know why his cultivation is so tyrannical!
Before this skeleton was alive, the lowest level of cultivation was also a super strong person in the upper emperor realm!
But it was such a powerful person who fell into this cave!
Meng Tianchen's face became more and more solemn, and the secret hidden here is probably beyond his imagination.Pausing here for a while, and not finding anything, Meng Tianchen continued to move forward.

But not long after, his expression changed again.

Second skeleton.

It is also leaning against the stone wall, but the skeleton is more completely preserved. Although it is pale white, it has not been eroded by the mist.And here, there are also traces of a battle, which is a little clearer than the previous one.

Obviously, the cultivation of the second skeleton was stronger than that of the first skeleton.

Meng Tianchen was silent for a moment, then continued walking.

In the black mist, along the grotto, there are skeletons at intervals, sitting against the stone wall.

The third, the fourth, the fifth.
No. 11!
Meng Tianchen looked at the No.11 skeleton in front of him. Although he had been dead for many years, his skeleton was like the best warm jade in the world, exuding a gentle and holy brilliance. Although it was a skeleton, it would not make people feel the slightest fear.

A faint fluorescent light emanated from the bones, and a vague coercion spread out, resisting all the corrosive power of the mist.

The deeper the cave, the more complete the preservation of the bones, which can be easily seen from the light color emitted by the bones.Just like the current skeleton, Meng Tianchen can no longer make a light judgment on how far his cultivation level has reached during his lifetime.

Sensing the coercion emanating from the skeleton, although it was weak, it made Meng Tianchen faintly feel irresistible. He had an intuition in his heart that this skeleton was probably the strongest person he had seen since entering the Linglong world. !
Even if it is the Lord of the Pot Kingdom in the upper Great Emperor Realm, his cultivation may not be stronger than the strength of this skeleton during his lifetime.

But he is still dead in the grotto.

Meng Tianchen was silent, but endless turbulent waves had already set off in his heart, but his emotions and anger were not revealed, so he couldn't detect it.


But at this moment, after he approached the skeleton, he opened his eyes, but suddenly a bright light burst out from the bottom of his eyes, looking straight at the skeleton on the ground, with a hint of shock on his face.

A piece of jade.

The skeleton's hands were safely placed in front of his body, but there was a piece of milky white jade quietly lying in his skeleton's hands.But before, Meng Tianchen scanned it with his divine sense, but he didn't notice it at all.

This piece of jade is actually visible to the naked eye, but it cannot be sensed by the spiritual sense.

Hesitation flashed across Meng Tianchen's eyes, he paused for a moment, and still raised his hand, the jade piece fell directly into his hand and was wrapped in a layer of spiritual light, just in case.

The spiritual sense sensed slightly, and he didn't notice anything wrong, so Meng Tianchen felt at ease, held it in his hand, and penetrated into it with a trace of spiritual sense.

The next moment he opened his eyes, but there was a look of surprise and bewilderment on his face.

The jade piece is just an ordinary thing, and it can be preserved to this day because it is protected by the power of the bones. There is not much content in it, but only one sentence.

"There are some eyebrows."

Absolutely, without beginning or end, making people puzzled, what exactly does this sentence mean?
There are already some eyebrows, which seem to have meaning.

Meng Tianchen frowned tightly, shook his head slowly after a while, and let out a mouthful to suppress the thoughts in his heart.Turning to face the depths of the grotto, his eyes were covered by the black mist, and everything was dark.

Perhaps, what is said in this jade piece has some relationship with the things in the depths of this grotto.

This time he broke into the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, without realizing it, he seemed to have broken into some deep secret.Thinking of eleven skeletons dying with their backs against the stone wall at a distance, Meng Tianchen felt a strange chill in his heart, and he slowly suppressed it after a long while.

Meng Tianchen took a step forward and continued on.He wants to see what is hidden in this cave, and whether he can find out!
During this trip, nothing was discovered for a long time, but the fog floating in the cave was getting darker and blacker, like ink, and the evil spirit was threatening in the rolling.Not only the erosion of the consciousness, even the exposed physical body can no longer sustain it.

A layer of faint golden light emanated from Meng Tianchen's body, which was the mysterious power actively stimulated by the phantom of the roulette.It is precisely because of the help of the roulette that he is safe and sound under the erosion of the fog at this moment.

At this moment, No.12 skeletons appeared in his induction.

He still died with his back against the stone wall, but on this skeleton, there were streaks of golden textures, a force permeated the surrounding black mist, forcing it back hundreds of feet, revealing a strange clear land.

Meng Tianchen stepped into it one step at a time, narrowing his eyes slightly to resist the slightly dazzling golden light. It took a while for his eyes to adapt to the sudden light, and he looked at the skeleton with golden texture.

Sure enough, in the skeleton's hand, there was also a white piece of jade.

Meng Tianchen stepped forward, put it in his hands as before, and penetrated with a trace of spiritual consciousness.

There is still a sentence in the jade piece.

"I'm still a little puzzled."

(End of this chapter)

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