Chapter 835 The Second Clone
Meng Tianchen raised his head, looked at the dead skeletons leaning against the stone wall, and continued to move forward in silence for a while without any regrets.

In the mist as thick as ink, Meng Tianchen's whole body was covered by golden light, walking like a god.Wherever it went, the black mist retreated, unable to contaminate the slightest bit.

It was a long journey again, until he found No.13 skeleton.

Sitting cross-legged with his back against the stone wall, his whole body was lightly golden, opening up a space of five hundred feet.

Meng Tianchen was no longer surprised by the strangeness, and gave up speculation about the skeleton's previous cultivation. The power of this level had already exceeded the limit he could imagine.

There was a faint wave of golden light outside the body, like water waves, but it dispelled all the coercion emanating from the golden skeleton, allowing Meng Tianchen to penetrate the barrier of coercion and walk in front of the skeleton.

The third piece of jade lay quietly in the hands of the golden skeleton. The original pure white color, bathed in the golden light for endless years, seemed to be soaked and stained with a touch of gold, giving birth to golden silk threads, like The lock is ordinary, and the jade piece is sealed inside.

Meng Tianchen recruited it into his hands, but he couldn't help but frown slightly, realizing that his consciousness was blocked outside, and he couldn't enter the jade piece at all.

Even the consciousness of the black aperture couldn't penetrate it.

But at this moment, a layer of faint golden light suddenly spread up from Meng Tianchen's hand, enveloping the jade piece.Under this golden light, the golden threads on the jade piece suddenly spread out, and then disappeared bit by bit.

Meng Tianchen was slightly stunned, and reached out his consciousness again, this time there was no obstacle at all, and he easily entered the jade piece.

"Hahaha! That's true!"

The intrusion of spiritual consciousness was not words, but a hearty laugh, along with this trace of spiritual consciousness broke into Meng Tianchen's sea of ​​consciousness, setting off a turbulent wave in his sea of ​​consciousness!
Meng Tianchen's consciousness in the black circle of light trembled violently, and there was a look of pain between his brows and eyes.

The entire sea of ​​consciousness shook, as if it was about to collapse!
Suddenly, dazzling golden light erupted from the Zifu roulette, hot and intense, like a layer of golden flames, instantly burst out of the Zifu and plunged into the sea of ​​consciousness.Covering the entire sea of ​​consciousness, like a suppression, made all the shocks in the sea of ​​consciousness disappear.

Meng Tianchen withdrew his divine thoughts, his face turned pale, his pupils shrank violently, showing endless horror!

It's just a voice that was left behind thousands of years ago. As for today, it's still so powerful after hearing it!If it wasn't for the protection of the mysterious roulette, it would be enough to wipe out his consciousness directly!This is not a deliberate spiritual attack, but a very ordinary message, and it only behaves like this because of the huge difference in strength between the two sides.

Before this golden skeleton was alive, it must have been a peerless powerhouse with a cultivation base as high as the sky!
As for its real realm, I'm afraid it has already surpassed the Great Emperor Realm!

Those who are above the Great Emperor belong to superpowers, and those who can truly reach the realm of demigods, I am afraid that only the powers of the eight empires have such peerless powerhouses!
Thirteen consecutive skeletons, from weak to strong cultivation, the same way of death, and the three jade pieces with last words, all made Meng Tianchen have an extremely strange thought in his heart.

These thirteen skeletons may be the same person.

More precisely, it is the reincarnation of the same soul!

But if this is really the case, what is the reason why he spent thirteen lifetimes coming here continuously?
There are already some eyebrows.

Still a little puzzled.

Ha ha ha ha!I see!
Three pieces of jade, three messages, what did he understand?
Meng Tianchen's body stiffened suddenly, and a chill rose directly in his heart, seeping into his flesh and blood.

The mysterious roulette guides him here.

This mysterious warrior did not hesitate to be reincarnated in thirteen lives, and with great perseverance, expended energy unimaginable by ordinary people, and kept coming here to explore.

The consciousness bathed in the golden light of the roulette suddenly had a deep feeling at this moment. There must be a deep causal entanglement between the souls of the thirteen skeletons and him.And the entanglement among them may be a fight between life and death!

What is in the depths of this cave!
After being silent for a long time, Meng Tianchen suddenly turned around, a trace of pure gold appeared in his eyes, and strode forward with strides, walking towards the depths of the grotto!

He wanted to see what was hidden here!
Ever since the No.13 golden skeleton, Meng Tianchen hadn't found anything. He walked in silence, and the golden color outside his body became heavier and heavier.But through a sense of consciousness, he could clearly feel that he was getting closer to the source of the aura that drove the wheel.

With one step down, the dense black mist suddenly disappeared, and a faint light appeared in front of the eyes, like a gem buried deep in the ground, gentle and cold, without any temperature.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed, but still suppressing the discomfort in his eyes, he raised his head and looked ahead.


He moved slightly under his feet and kicked a piece of gravel, which made a piercing collision sound in this empty and quiet grotto, echoing and rolling.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen didn't seem to notice anything, his face was slightly stiff, and his expression didn't change at all.

Grotto, in the end.

And he finally verified his previous conjecture that the grotto was indeed formed by a giant creature smashing the mountain, because this thing was right in front of him!
Wearing scale armor, with feet under the abdomen, and a body length of thousands of miles, it looks like a dragon but not a dragon.The body bends strangely, and there is a rather obvious penetrating wound at the corner, and a hole the size of the wound can be seen behind the stone wall through the wound.

Just the scene in front of him will quickly outline the picture of that year in people's minds.

The thing that looked like a dragon but not a dragon was seriously injured by someone with a sharp weapon back then, and it was knocked down from nowhere. It was smashed down the mountain peak with hundreds of millions of forces and smashed into this bottomless and terrifying grotto. It was directly nailed to death by the sharp weapon. The bottom of this grotto.

It's just that today, the sharp weapon that pierced the object has disappeared, and it's unknown whether it was taken away by its owner.

Meng Tianchen's face was solemn, and he slowly suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart.He had imagined countless times in his mind, but he never expected that the bottom of this grotto would be the current situation.

Seeing that the body has been crystallized, and it looks like a huge monster carved from crystal, he feels that he must have seen an extremely remarkable picture at this moment. If he can figure out the secrets in it, it must be a shocking event in ancient times!
The weird Forbidden Mountains.

Thirteen skeletons died against the wall.

A giant beast that looked like a dragon but not a dragon was nailed to death at the bottom of the grotto.

There must be some kind of close connection!
But at this moment, Meng Tianchen's body couldn't help but froze slightly.

He was able to come here because he was guided by the roulette.

And this thing that looks like a dragon but not a dragon is the source of the breath in the sense of consciousness.That being the case, does this thing have some kind of relationship with him?

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's face became more and more serious.

Even though Meng Tianchen had inherited the massive amount of information contained in Qinglong's bloodline totem, he still couldn't identify what this giant was.

As if to verify what he thought in his heart, when Meng Tianchen's thoughts fell, a golden light suddenly appeared above his head, and the roulette transformed from the two mysterious and chaotic original powers of the Zifu directly left the Zifu and appeared in the outside world.

Layers of simplicity and dignity, the fine and delicate texture grows rapidly, enveloping the entire roulette.

The dazzling golden aura illuminates the entire bottom of the grotto, enveloping everything inside.

Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly, and his eyes instantly fell on the thing that looked like a dragon but not a dragon, did the roulette really come here for it?It's just that I don't know what it is, and what kind of relationship does it have with the roulette wheel?
Even under his gaze, this dragon-like, non-dragon-like crystal carving exuding a faint spiritual light, bathed in the light of the roulette at this moment, suddenly golden light spots appeared in its body, densely packed like stars in the sky , The flashes are incomparably mysterious.

Accompanied by the flickering of the golden light spot, in the transparent body of this thing that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, one can clearly see some kind of mysterious power overflowing from it, enveloping the golden light spot, towards the head of this thing. Gather away.

After losing the golden light spot and the terrifying power of the water, the crystal-like body of this thing instantly became dim. Although it was still transparent, it gradually became a little more turbid.

Meng Tianchen held his breath slightly, he knew that the roulette guided him to come here with great painstaking efforts, just for the present moment, and now it has come to a critical moment!

The water-like force gathered into a group, and the golden light spots floated up and down in it, emitting a soft golden light that echoed the roulette, it was really beautiful to the extreme.

Suddenly, Meng Tianchen's face changed slightly, and the roulette instantly extracted a trace of consciousness and a ray of soul power from his body.

But without waiting for him to think too much at this moment, the sliver of soul extracted by the roulette was actually directly driven into the water-like energy group on the head of the thing that looked like a dragon but not a dragon.

At the moment when this trace of soul entered, Meng Tianchen's body trembled slightly.

At the bottom of the grotto, the roulette, Meng Tianchen and the water-like energy group are emitting golden light at the same time. Although they are different in thickness and thickness, they are exactly the same and almost identical in the induction, flickering and echoing each other.

After a long time, Meng Tianchen exhaled lightly, his eyes slowly opened, and the faint golden light around his body disappeared in an instant, and he felt weak and powerless, which was a manifestation of excessive power loss.

But at this moment, he had no time to take this matter into consideration, and there was a clear look in his eyes, and he was a little puzzled.

Now he already knows why the roulette guides him here, because it wants to extract a trace of Meng Tianchen's consciousness and soul, and with the help of the power in the body that looks like a dragon but not a dragon, it cultivates a second clone for him!

But why do you want to do this?What is the role of this avatar?What is the thing that looks like a dragon but not a dragon?
Many mysteries are unknown.

Meng Tianchen sensed slightly, and had an inexplicable connection with the energy group in the head of this dragon-like giant. The terrifying energy group was surging, vaguely outlining a silhouette of a warrior sitting cross-legged, but the distance really formed, I don't know how much time there is.

The strange energy cluster merged into a trace of his soul, and it was undoubtedly his second clone. After careful sensing, there seemed to be a difference in it, and Meng Tianchen couldn't figure out the specific difference for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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