Chapter 836 Mysterious figure
Moreover, Meng Tianchen had an intuition in his heart that there were thirteen skeletons in the grotto, and the soul that came here at the expense of reincarnation thirteen times, what he wanted to pursue might be his second avatar!

It is enough to prove the preciousness of the second avatar that such a powerful person can not be buried in the grotto at any cost!This also made him unable to bear some anticipation in his heart. What will happen to the third clone after it condenses?

At this moment, the roulette suddenly withdrew all the golden light, rushed into the Zifu, and re-formed into two strands of the original power of chaos.

However, these two strands of original power of chaos are extremely weak, obviously consuming a lot. .

The roulette disappeared, the dazzling golden light disappeared, and the light at the bottom of the grotto quickly dimmed. Only the light cluster on the head of the thing that looked like a dragon but not a dragon still exuded a pale golden aura.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, and shook his head slowly after a while, suppressing all the thoughts in his mind.Since Roulette made a move and even spared no effort to help him achieve the second avatar, there must be a reason for it, and it will not harm him in the end.

However, according to this trend, although the second avatar condenses extremely quickly, it cannot be completed overnight.He has another purpose this time, but he can't delay here too much, waiting for the second clone to be born.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Tianchen took out a piece of jade with his backhand, imprinted a piece of content on it, and raised his hand to throw it on the head of the thing that looked like a dragon but not a dragon.

In this way, after the second clone is completed, even if he is no longer here, he can use this jade piece to find him.As for safety, in the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, there is no one who can disturb the cohesion of the second clone, and it is no more troublesome than him.

After finishing this matter, Meng Tianchen didn't stay any longer, turned around and strode away.

He exited the grotto safely all the way, and the spiritual detection did not sense any danger outside the grotto. Meng Tianchen's spiritual light flickered slightly outside his body, turning into a startling rainbow and whizzing away.

ten days later.

The escaping light tore through the fog and whizzed towards it, but it stopped suddenly at this moment, the spiritual light converged to reveal Meng Tianchen's figure, but at this moment there was a look of joy on his face.

Here, we have already reached the other end of God-Man Forbidden, and a few more steps forward, we will be able to step out of the fog-shrouded area and enter the area of ​​the Tianhan Family's Beast Cauldron!

Carefully poking out his spiritual sense, he confirmed that there were no fighters from the Tianhan family outside the Forbidden Mountain Range. He took a few steps, and his figure had already left the Forbidden Mountain Range.But at this moment, he didn't pause at all, and took out a piece of jade with his backhand, and recorded all the surrounding situations at this moment.

Putting the jade piece away with his backhand, and pondering for a while, he took out another jade bottle, reached out and grabbed some soil into it, and put it together with the jade piece after sealing the town.After doing this, Meng Tianchen glanced around, but without any pause, he turned around and stepped into the god-man barrier, his figure disappeared immediately.


In the dark secret room, a figure was sitting cross-legged. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a dazzling divine light. After a long time, he disappeared bit by bit.

"The old man was not wrong. I really need to use other people to help me achieve great things." The whispered voice remembered in the secret room, calm and calm. With his state of mind and cultivation base, his mood has returned to calm now.

"Wait for the old man to see who you are."

With his palm sticking out from the inside of the wide sleeve of his robe, he pinched his fingers and calculated quickly, trying to remember the secret sense in the dark, and find the person he had been waiting for for many years.

Suddenly, a group of golden flames leaped from his fingertips and spread to the entire palm in an instant.Accompanied by a muffled groan, the deduction of the secret was forcibly interrupted. This person suffered severe burns on his hand, most of his flesh and blood were burned, and it was scorched black.

"Hahahaha! It's true! It's true!"

"The old man has already taken the lead, and I will have a chance to confront you in the future!"

"This time, no one can stop the old man!"


The battle in the Beast Cauldron area has been going on for more than eight months.

Hu Kingdom's army suffered another casualty, and in the main tent of the Chinese army, the Hu Kingdom's master frowned more and more, his face darkened.

Your Highness, Marshal Rong Lei, and Lord Wu Yi were seated on the left and right. They lowered their heads slightly at this moment, and their faces were also dignified.

"In just eight months, our army has lost more than [-] million yuan. If this continues, how many soldiers will die!"

The master of the pot kingdom spoke in a deep voice, and punched the king's case in front of him.

"Damn it! Patriarch Tian Han frantically stopped our army from breaking the city without hesitating the casualties of the army. He obviously wanted to drag our Pot Kingdom into the quagmire of war. Even if we win in the end, how many soldiers are left in our army? The situation of others!"

"If you can break the city, I must kill this beast with my own hands, so that the hatred in my heart can be relieved!"

"The ministers are incompetent, unable to share the worries of the lord, and ask the lord to come down!" Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wuyi stood up at the same time, with helplessness in their eyes.

The strong resistance in the beast cauldron area far exceeded their expectations.

"Rong Lei, Wu Yi, you two, get up, it's your fault if you can't attack for a long time." The Lord of the Hu Kingdom waved his hand, barely suppressing the anger in his heart, and his face returned to calm.

"Based on the two of you, what should you do now?"

"My lord, this battle has progressed to the present stage. There are only two options. One will continue to attack wildly and take down the Beast Cauldron area at any cost, and the other will suspend the offensive and seek other methods." The relationship between the Lord and the Lord is close, and now is the critical time, so there are not too many scruples in speaking.

Duke Wuyi nodded slightly.

"I agree with what Marshal Rong Lei said."

Although the two humerus ministers under his command did not say it clearly, how could the Lord of the Hu Kingdom not understand what they meant. This was admonishing him to stop fighting for the time being, so as not to cause an unmanageable situation.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom knew everything in his heart, but he was still unable to make up his mind. Hearing the two generals speak now, he also knew that what they meant represented the will of most of the soldiers in the army. It seemed that this battle could not continue.

And at this moment, a name suddenly appeared in his mind. If he could really find a path through the God-Man Forbidden, the current dilemma could be reversed in an instant.

But now more than a month has passed, but there is no news, Meng Tianchen is afraid that something unexpected has happened.It was precisely because of this faint feeling that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom did not stop Zeng Tai's small actions.Because the dead have no use value.

As soon as he thought about it, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom slowly pressed it down, sighed, and made a decision in his heart.

War, put it on hold.Although doing so would greatly damage his prestige, there was no other choice.

But at this moment, the summoning spirit stone on the king's case in the lord's account suddenly flickered.


The Lord of the Hu Kingdom frowned, right now he was discussing important military affairs with Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wuyi in the tent, and he had already ordered that no one should disturb him, and he felt a little angry in his heart.

But fortunately, he didn't directly attack him. The troops under his command have always been very sensible. Maybe there is something really urgent, and it won't be too late to deal with it after the matter is clarified.

Raising his hand to open the ban, he opened his mouth lightly.

"What's bothering you?"

The voice was flat, but there was a certain coldness in it that was enough for the general in the army to sense it clearly. A layer of fine sweat beads instantly appeared on his head, and he spoke respectfully.

"The lord, the great governor has returned, and is waiting outside the tent to see him."

The body of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom froze suddenly, and a dazzling light burst out from his eyes. Under the shocked gazes of Marshal Rong Lei and Lord Wu Yi, he stood up suddenly. Only then did he realize that he had lost his composure, sat down slowly again, and took a deep breath. .


After the words fell, the big tent was raised, and Meng Tianchen quickly walked into the hall.

"Meng Tianchen, Governor of the New Camp of Hujun, see the Lord!"

"Get up quickly." The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and his eyes were full of eager anticipation.

"Things, how are you doing?"

Meng Tianchen bowed his hands and spoke in a deep voice.

"Blessed by the lord of the country, the minister is fortunate not to disgrace his life!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom got up again, and when the king armor on his body collided, he suddenly thought about it, his face flushed slightly, and he tremblingly said: "Really?"

"The subject can make a spiritual contract, and never dare to deceive the king in the slightest!"

"Haha! Good! You have made such an inexhaustible feat. When our army wins this battle, I will definitely reward you heavily and let you get the reward you deserve!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

Marshal Rong Lei and Lord Wu Yi showed surprise and suspicion, they had been aware of Meng Tianchen's departure from the camp a month ago, but they didn't know what happened.But at this moment, judging from the reaction of the king, the matter may not be simple.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom blushed, and his eyes swept over the next two generals, seeing their puzzled faces, he felt a little joy in his heart.

"Rong Lei and Wu Yi, you two don't need to be surprised, this matter is top secret, no one else knows about it except me and Meng Tianchen, but now that this matter has been completed, the Beast Cauldron area is in the bag!"

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"A month ago, Meng Tianchen asked for his order to cross the god-man ban alone, and now he has succeeded!"

Forbidden by gods and men!
Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wu Yi's expressions changed drastically at the same time, their eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and their eyes were full of shock!

It's no wonder the king lost his composure. If he could really pass through the god-man barrier and use the space of the power monument to lead the army into the hinterland of the beast cauldron area without anyone noticing, why worry about not being able to conquer the beast cauldron area in a sudden attack!
This time, it really did a great job!
If this is the case, the reward after the war, I am afraid that there will be another force in the Hu Kingdom that can compete with the two of them!

"Congratulations to the king!"

Although the thoughts in the two people's minds changed sharply, they did not show the slightest bit in their expressions. They saluted respectfully, and their faces were full of joy.

Marshal Rong Lei also noticed Zeng Tai's actions, and frowned slightly in his heart, it seemed that he wanted to remind him to restrain himself.

"Now that Meng Tianchen is back, I will secretly dispatch an army led by Meng Tianchen into the Beast Cauldron area. This matter must not be hidden from the generals, and it is time to inform them of this matter."

"The two of you go to prepare immediately, and secretly call the generals above the governor to discuss the matter in the king's tent at noon. Remember, this matter is related to the fate of our Hu Kingdom power, and it must be kept absolutely secret, and you must not reveal the slightest word!" Hu The king of the kingdom spoke in a deep voice.


Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wuyi saluted, and left the tent one after another with great strides.

(End of this chapter)

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