Chapter 837
Meng Tianchen cupped his hands.

"My lord, after rushing back, I was eager to report this matter to the lord. I haven't come back to the camp to check. Please allow me to return to the camp for the time being."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom pondered for a while, with a faint smile on his face, and his attitude towards Meng Tianchen became more and more gentle.

"You are tired from the journey, you can go to the camp to adjust your breath for a while, and someone will be sent to meet you before noon."

"Thank you, Lord!"

Meng Tianchen saluted, took two steps back, and then turned to leave.


Director Liang and Old Man Tianwu received an order suddenly, and they led the army back to the camp immediately, and they could rest for five days before continuing to attack the city.

This order came suddenly and strangely. When did the Mongolian Department, which has always been the first to charge and have the shortest rest, have this kind of treatment.

But soon they knew why.

The Governor is back in camp!

At this moment, the general gritted his teeth and said nothing while watching the heavy casualties of the soldiers under his command who were fighting on the battlefield, his eyes suddenly felt a little dry.

When Meng Tianchen stepped into the Mongolian Ministry, the army had not yet returned to the camp, but he already knew many things.

For example, Zeng Tai ordered that the Mongolian Ministry mainly attack Dingwang City.

For example, Zeng Tai ordered that the rotation and rest time of the Mongolian character department be halved.

For example, Zeng Tai ordered that the supply of Mongolian characters in the army be reduced by one-third.

For example, in just one month, the Mongolian character department lost 2000 million!

Meng Tianchen's face was ashen, standing outside the camp, watching the exhausted, casualties and wounded countless soldiers driving towards the light.

"Great Governor!"

The army of more than [-] million fell to their knees with a loud bang, and the unwillingness and anger were revealed in their mouths, which spread instantly, causing the hearts of countless soldiers in the surrounding camps to jump violently.They are clear about what the Mongolian Ministry has experienced in the past month.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the general under his command, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, since the governor is back, he will never allow anyone to bully me."

The old man Tianwu suddenly stepped forward and fell to his knees, growling in a low voice.

"Great governor, general Puzhu fell in the battle of the army!"

Meng Tianchen's body froze suddenly, and he opened his mouth slowly after a while.


"Ten days ago."

Meng Tianchen closed his eyes slightly, and the scene when he became the master of the witch palace and met Master Pu for the first time came to his mind. Such a heroic laughter was never heard again.

He had promised to share his blessings with them when the war was over.But at the end of this war, Master Pu actually fell, Meng Tianchen suddenly felt a heavy sense of guilt.

"Great Governor, General Park Lord was injured in the battle, but Lord Zeng Tai Zeng still ordered him to lead the army to attack the city, so he was beheaded by the enemy generals. His death was wronged, please Lord Governor Seek justice for him!"

"Please seek justice, Lord Governor!"

More than [-] million troops roared in their mouths, and the sound waves rolled straight into the sky!

After a while, Meng Tianchen's eyes opened, they were cold and without any warmth.

"Don't worry, this Governor will definitely not let this matter go! All the soldiers of our Mongolian Ministry who died in battle will rest in peace."

"Go back to camp."


After the army entered the camp and settled everything, Meng Tianchen returned to the big tent and lived alone in the first place with a gloomy face and murderous intent in his eyes.

In just one month, the Mongolian Ministry was persecuted like this. He didn't believe that Marshal Rong Lei didn't notice it, and the Lord of the Pot Kingdom didn't know about it, but chose to ignore it intentionally.

Thinking of this, Meng Tianchen's heart felt cold, and the coldness in his eyes became even heavier.

Before noon, the soldiers of the Chinese army came and summoned Meng Tianchen to the king's tent.

Meng Tianchen came out with a calm demeanor, he had returned to normal and did not show any signs of abnormality. He led a few personal soldiers and followed him to the central army.

In front of the king's tent, many generals in the army, led by Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wu Yi, had already arrived, but most of them looked puzzled, not knowing what happened.

When Meng Tianchen arrived, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, and there was no lack of sneering and mocking.

Zeng Tai is one of them!

He knew that Meng Tianchen had returned to the camp, but he didn't take it to heart at all.Even if Meng Tianchen noticed some of his tricks, so what?Right now, I can only swallow my anger.

But what he didn't understand was why Marshal Rong Lei let him stop.Perhaps it was to take into account the face of the king.Although Zeng Tai was unwilling, he could only respond, but still sneered in his heart, there would be plenty of time in the future.If it was possible for Meng Tianchen, the sure Lord Qingyun, to sacrifice his life for the country, he would definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

Meng Tianchen's expression was calm, but there was a hint of coldness all over his body, he slowly stood between the two sides, and he didn't pay attention to all the generals outside the account, even Marshal Rong Lei and Wu Yigong were also in his neglect range .

This made many generals suddenly change their expressions, with anger in their eyes!

Marshal Rong Lei frowned, and sighed in his heart, it seems that from now on, he and Meng Tianchen will really be strangers.

Lord Wuyi didn't change his expression at all, he lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"The lord has an order to call all the generals to discuss matters!"

The pro-army generals spoke in a deep voice, led by Rong Lei and Wu Yigong, followed by the generals in the army and entered the main hall.

"The ministers are waiting to see the king!"

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom sat high on his head, with a dignified manner, and raised his hand slightly.

"Excuse me, get up."

Your Highness, the generals respectfully say yes.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom swept his eyes, saw the great general Qi Xin nodded slightly, and coughed lightly.

"The generals are summoned today because I have important military information to tell you. I have something to say first, and you will make a mental contract with everything today. Before it is done, you must never tell anyone to know, otherwise you will be backlashed!"

His Royal Highness and the generals were a little apprehensive. Being able to call the generals in the great battle with the Lord of Labor, and doing it so solemnly, really has something important to announce!No one dared to delay at the moment, they opened their mouths one after another and made a spiritual contract.

The master of the pot kingdom felt sure that everyone's contract was completed, so he spoke in a deep voice.

"What you said later is of great importance. If this can be achieved, then conquering the Beast Cauldron area is just around the corner! My Pot Kingdom can achieve great things, and you can also be rewarded!"

"Meng Tianchen, the specifics are up to you."

The generals on both sides were shocked, and their eyes fell on Meng Tianchen at the same time. They didn't know what was going on, but they were able to conquer the beast cauldron area in a short time.

Meng Tianchen saluted the Lord of the Hu Kingdom first, and then spoke.

"My lord asked the lord for orders a month ago. I left the barracks and ventured into the God-man Forbidden Mountains alone. I shared my worries for the lord and conquered the beast cauldron area. As of today, under the protection of the lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my order to complete this task. The mountains are forbidden by humans, and I am here to report to the lord!"

Crossing the God-Man Forbidden!
As soon as these words fell, there was a dead silence in the tent!
The eyes of the Generals of the Pot Kingdom on both sides widened, showing disbelief in their eyes.But the thoughts in his mind are turning rapidly, if this Meng Tianchen really finds the way to cross, secretly lead the army straight into the hinterland of the Beast Cauldron area, and defeat the Tianhan family in one fell swoop!At that time, the Hu Kingdom will be able to win the final victory in this battle, annex the Tianhan family, and be promoted to the list of top-rank subordinate countries!
With such a great achievement in hand, if this matter is true, Meng Tianchen will definitely become the second Wuyi Duke in the Hu Kingdom if he is rewarded after the war!

For a moment, the faces of the generals showed shock, envy, jealousy, panic, etc., which were extremely complicated and varied.

"Absurd! God-man ban is a well-known desperate place. There is no reason to escape if you step into it. Even if the upper emperor is able to enter it, you can't retreat easily. With the cultivation base of the great governor, you can also tyrannical wear here?"

Zeng Tai was frightened and angry, and forced himself to suppress a trace of panic. His first thought was that Meng Tianchen must not be allowed to obtain this great merit, otherwise he would be suppressed by him for the rest of his life. He sneered.

"My lord, this matter is of great importance. Don't listen to one-sided words, otherwise something will go wrong and the consequences will be disastrous."

"What Governor Zeng said is reasonable, please ask the Lord to find out the truth of the matter before making a decision."

"How can the gods and men pass through such a desperate situation? If you don't have evidence, you must not trust it."

"Master, think twice."

Your Highness, all the generals spoke one after another. Although what they said was reasonable, they might not be without reasons of jealousy.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom frowned slightly, he had already thought of this in his heart, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, waiting for him to explain.

Meng Tianchen frowned slightly.

"I have made a spiritual contract, and there is absolutely no deceit in what I say."

"Hmph! Although the contract of mind and spirit is extremely restrictive, if you prepare early, it is not impossible to resolve the backlash of the contract with the cultivation of the Governor Meng. This alone will make the king take a big risk. It's really a joke!" Zeng Tai and Meng Tianchen had already torn apart their faces, but on the contrary, they lost a lot of scruples, and their words were extremely sharp.

Meng Tianchen paused for a moment, took out a piece of jade with a flash of inspiration in his hand, and spoke respectfully.

"After passing through the Forbidden Mountain Range, I imprinted a picture on the other side of the mountain range with a jade piece for the Lord to identify."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom waved his hand, took the piece of jade in his hand, spread out a trace of spiritual consciousness, nodded slightly with a smile on his face, and tossed his hand, the piece of jade floated in the void, projecting the image in the palace , for your generals to view.

"The concave direction of the mountain range is indeed the inner side of the Forbidden Mountain Range. Meng Tianchen is an ascended warrior in the small world, and he has never stepped into the area of ​​the beast cauldron. This jade piece should be correct."

Seeing the picture and shadow in the jade piece, Hu Guoguo felt at ease, and the complexions of the generals in the tent changed slightly, and most of them believed it.

Zeng Tai clenched his teeth, and he decided to use the excuse of not being able to make a spiritual contract to veto the jade piece.

"Although the jade piece is real, a master who is really proficient in illusion can also do this, making the picture and shadow so real that no flaws can be seen. Please think twice!"

Meng Tianchen glanced at this person indifferently, and with a flash of inspiration in his hand, he took out a jade bottle.

"In order for the king to be safe, besides Tuying, I also took this handful of soil from the ground of the Beast Cauldron area, and used the soil as a medium to deduce when and where it was put away. Fetched."

Saying this, Zeng Tai's heart skipped a beat, and his body stiffened suddenly.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom nodded slightly. With his cultivation base, and now he is in the army, using the power of the army to deduce it will not cause too much damage to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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