Chapter 838
Holding the jade bottle in his hand, he poured the soil into his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and a slightly blurred picture slowly emerged in his consciousness during the quick deduction, but it was still clearly distinguishable. The person in the picture was Meng Tianchen, standing Inside the God-Man Forbidden City, he bent down and took a handful of soil, and put it into the jade bottle.

Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly, and the two strange strands of chaotic original power in the Purple Mansion suddenly turned into a roulette phantom. If the Lord of the Pot Kingdom turns to deduce more things about Meng Tianchen at this moment, he will find that everything is blurred. It is impossible to explore the half point.

Fortunately, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom quickly opened his eyes, and there was no longer any doubt in his heart.

"I have deduced it clearly. Meng Tianchen personally took this soil from the inner side of the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range and put it into the jade bottle. This matter is absolutely true. You should not have any more doubts!"

Meng Tianchen saluted respectfully, but sneered in his heart.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom was too suspicious, if he hadn't been prepared, even if he ventured through the god-man barrier, he might not be able to gain his trust.

All the generals of His Royal Highness were a little bit awed when they heard the words and said yes.

Meng Tianchen has been recognized by the lord of the country, so there is no doubt about his great meritorious deeds this day, as long as he conquers the Beast Cauldron area, he will definitely be awarded a heavy reward.This feat was earned by him breaking through the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range alone.

Although everyone was envious in their hearts, even if they were given the same opportunity, no one had the guts to try it, and they could only secretly lament that Meng Tianchen was really powerful.

Since there is no way to stop him from rising, it is inevitable that Meng Tianchen will have great potential in the future. Many generals in the palace have thoughts in their hearts, secretly telling themselves that even if they do not get close to Meng Tianchen in the future, they must not offend him.

Zeng Tai looked slumped, feeling powerless in his heart, turned around and was about to retreat.

But at this moment, Meng Tianchen turned around suddenly, his eyes fell on this person, and he spoke lightly.

"Governor Zeng will stop for a while. Today, the lord is here, and my colleagues are by your side. Dare to ask, have you ever offended Governor Zeng before?"

Zeng Tai was startled, and secretly thought that Meng Tianchen was coming to embarrass him. Originally, he had no fear at all, but now that he knew Meng Tianchen's great achievements, he couldn't help but panic in his heart. His eyes swept over the leader Rong Lei However, this is a little peace.

"What is the meaning of the Great Governor Meng's words, I will not be able to understand."

"This governor escaped death and crossed the forbidden gods and men, but I don't know why Governor Zeng made things difficult everywhere. Could it be that he was dissatisfied and made things difficult on purpose?"

"It's a joke! As the governor of Zhengda, I am honored by the lord of the country as an important minister in the army. Naturally, I will do my best to share the worries of the lord." Zeng Tai sneered, with no fear on his face.

"Could it be that the general asked a few more questions, and in the eyes of Governor Meng, such a thing of loyalty to the lord is actually deliberately making things difficult for you?"

Marshal Rong Lei frowned slightly, and his face was slightly gloomy. Although he knew some of Zeng Tai's little moves, he thought that Meng Tianchen would not directly tear himself apart with him at such a time.Who would have thought that he would actually get into trouble, and when he miscalculated, he couldn't help but feel a little cold!
He wants to see what kind of storm this Meng Tianchen can stir up today.

Lord Wuyi lowered his eyes slightly, and his eyes fell on the texture of the desk in front of him. It seemed that there was something extremely interesting in it, and he didn't pay attention to the changes in the account.

As for the generals on both sides, Marshal Rong Lei's subordinates were naturally angry, and they all opened their mouths to scold Meng Tianchen for being arrogant and rude!Wuyi Gong's subordinates hugged their shoulders and sneered. They didn't have a good impression of both sides, and they were happy to watch from the sidelines.

Meng Tianchen's face became gloomy, his eyes glistened with coldness, he took a step forward and spoke in a deep voice.

"Since Governor Zeng is devoted to the lord wholeheartedly and has no dissatisfaction with Meng, why did he forcibly interfere with the military affairs of this subordinate during the one-month period when the governor left the camp!"

A trace of panic flashed in Zeng Tai's eyes, but he still spoke forcefully.

"As the governor of Zhengda, although the Mongolian Ministry is independent of your command, but you are not in the camp, I am fully qualified to temporarily take charge of the military order on your behalf! Marshal Rong Lei knew this in advance, so how can it be regarded as forcibly interfering in military affairs? , please also be careful with the words of the Governor!"

"It's true that Governor Zeng has the right to issue military orders on behalf of the general, but I don't know why he mobilized the Mongolian Ministry to attack Dingwang City, which is fought in rotation. Why did Governor Zeng order the Mongolian Ministry to halve the rest time for rotation? Why did Governor Zeng order There is a shortage of supplies in the army, and the supply of the Mongolian Ministry has been reduced by one-third? Why did Lord Zeng still force him to lead the army to fight when the general under the command of the governor was injured, so that he fell into the battlefield?"

"In just one month, the Mongolian Department lost 2000 million soldiers. This figure is equal to the total casualties in the seven months before the war in the Beast Cauldron area! I don't know if the army under Zeng Duzhu's army has such a serious loss? I don't know the account The army under which general in China lost 2000 million in one month!"

"Master Zeng, you said that you are devoted to the lord wholeheartedly, and you have no personal dissatisfaction with Meng Tianchen. Meng asks you why the Mongolian Ministry of Characters will be treated harshly in your hands during the month I was away. Temporary reduction of staff by [-]%! If the Governor returns a few months later, will the Mongolian Ministry of soldiers have died and died in name only!"

Meng Tianchen yelled, his voice was as low as a roar, like a low-pitched thunder exploding in the hall, the momentum was overwhelming!

The generals on both sides of His Highness also showed shock on their faces at this moment. Although they faintly sensed that Zeng Tai was deliberately making things difficult for the Mengzi Department, it had nothing to do with them, and no one really investigated what he did in detail. What Tianchen said, I finally understand why he is so angry!
2000 million soldiers were killed in battle in January, and the rate of loss is terrifying!
This kind of action is simply deliberately wasting the power of the Mongolian character department!
General Rong Lei, who had originally angrily scolded Meng Tianchen for being proud of his meritorious service, now also showed a complex look on his face, and slowly retreated back to the ranks.

Although they don't like Meng Tianchen, but as generals in the army, they value the soldiers under their command extremely.On weekdays, they are always trying to find ways to reduce the casualties of the soldiers under their command, just because their status and respect at this moment are all accumulated bit by bit by these ordinary soldiers who risked their lives on the battlefield.

Therefore, Zeng Tai did not hesitate to use harsh means to damage the soldiers and deliberately wear down the strength of the Mongolian Ministry, which has caused dissatisfaction among most of the generals in the account, but he has not shown it.

Zeng Tai's heart trembled, he naturally knew that what Meng Tianchen said was not false at all, as long as he sent someone to investigate, he could easily find out everything, at this moment his face could not help turning slightly pale, his head was sweating coldly but he still insisted on defending himself.

"Some time ago, the siege battle was extremely fierce, the rotation in the army was insufficient, and the supplies were in short supply. This general will be so decisive. As for sending the Mongolian troops to attack the Dingwang City, I also want to sharpen them with the help of the war, and let them fight on the battlefield. A chance to build merit."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Meng Tianchen's wild laughter!

"Hahahaha! If it is according to Lord Zeng's intention, Meng should thank you! Then why didn't Lord Zeng hand over those who have made meritorious deeds on the battlefield to his subordinates, but he is so partial to this governor? Mongolian characters!"

"A monthly loss of 2000 million, I really can't afford this kind of preference!"

Zeng Tai's face turned pale and he was sweating profusely, but at this moment Meng Tianchen didn't give him another chance to force his arguments, and directly turned to salute the Lord of the Hu Kingdom respectfully.

"For the lord of the country, I sacrificed my life to break through the forbidden gods and men, but my subordinates in the army have to endure such deliberate persecution. I also ask the lord to seek justice for the soldiers who died in vain!"

Marshal Rong Lei frowned, and suddenly stood up at this moment, respectfully saluting the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"My lord, I knew about the fact that Zeng Tai was temporarily in charge of the military affairs of the Mongolian Ministry, but I didn't know that he did such a wrong thing in a moment of confusion. I didn't realize it, and this led to today's consequences. This matter also happened. Responsibility is just to ask the Lord to forgive Zeng Taisu this time for the sake of Zeng Taisu's meritorious service in the battlefield."

No matter how wrong Zeng Tai was, he was also Rong Lei's nephew, the confidant general he supported in the army!Regardless of whether it was due to his bloodline or to protect his own dignity, at this moment, in the face of Meng Tianchen's violent attack, Marshal Rong Lei could not back down, he could only stand up and save Zeng Tai!

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom frowned instantly!

It is his plan to support Meng Tianchen so that he will not be at peace with Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wuyi.Today's events were as he wished, but it happened at the wrong time.

Right now, Meng Tianchen has made great achievements in his body, which is the key to conquering the Beast Cauldron area through the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, and now he is standing on the righteousness, the evidence is conclusive.If Zeng Tai is not dealt with, I'm afraid it will chill him.

Or the roar in the tent today is also a kind of venting of his dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the king's turning a blind eye to the situation of the Mongolian tribe.Being able to vent it out positively and let the Lord of the Pot Kingdom know his attitude, it shows that Meng Tianchen is still loyal at the moment, if he really forbears it, this will make the Lord of the Pot Kingdom secretly suspicious.So it is extremely difficult for him to make a decision at this moment, he does not want to lose Meng Tianchen's loyalty, nor does he want to create a gap with Marshal Rong Lei because of this matter, so he is in a difficult situation for a while.

Meng Tianchen raised his head, looked straight at Marshal Rong Lei, his face was calm, and he spoke lightly.

"Marshal Rong Lei is the pillar of the king of the pot. He has commanded the army for many years and has always been a highly respected adult by Meng, but today's actions are suspected of covering up. The lives of the 2000 million soldiers of the Mongolian Ministry, could it be Can the commander-in-chief lightly say that he has meritorious service on the battlefield, can these crimes be written off?"

"Those who have made meritorious service on the battlefield are not only Governor Zeng, but all the soldiers under the command of this governor are heroes of the kingdom. They did not die under the magic power of the enemy, but were murdered by their own people! If you can't do it for them Seeking justice will surely chill the hearts of countless soldiers in our army!"

Although the voice is flat, it is flat and cold without any room for maneuver, and it is resounding!
Facing one of the few high-ranking emperors in the Kingdom of Hu, the powerful and powerful Marshal Rong Lei, the only one in the army who dares to confront him head-on is Duke Wuyi!But even Lord Wuyi has never been so tough and presumptuous in the face of Marshal Rong Lei!

Today, Meng Tianchen did just that.

(End of this chapter)

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