Chapter 839 Blood Prison Battlefield

For a moment, all the generals in the palace looked shocked.Although most of them didn't like Meng Tianchen, they were also shocked by his behavior at this moment.Not to mention anything else, just this courage to confront Marshal Rong Lei is enough for them to look up to.

Marshal Rong Lei still looked calm and majestic, his eyes narrowed slightly, not only did not destroy his overall majesty, but like a tiger's eyes half-opened and half-closed, it added a bit of intimidating power.

Looking at Meng Tianchen who had a calm face in front of him, who dared to confront him and even reprimanded him, the first thought that came to his mind was that it was indeed the person he valued and wanted to win over!
Since Meng Tianchen joined the army, he has made many great achievements in a short period of time, and he has been promoted unimpeded all the way. Now that he has made great achievements that penetrate the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, he has almost the qualification to stand opposite him.

But he is Rong Lei, a super strong man in the upper emperor realm, the commander in chief of the king of pots, even if he is as strong as Wu Yigong, he can barely contend in front of him with his hands tied!Meng Tianchen might become his real opponent in the future, but at least for now, he doesn't have the qualifications!

"What this commander wants to protect is not Zeng Tai, but a general in the army who has made great contributions to the country but made a mistake in a moment of confusion! This commander will not erase all his previous achievements just because of his momentary mistake!"

Marshal Rong Lei spoke slowly, his voice was not high-pitched, but the firmness in it could be clearly perceived.This was the first provocation he faced from a mid-to-late military star, no matter what, it was impossible to take half a step back!
"My lord, I am willing to be a guarantor for Zeng Tai. Things like today will definitely not happen in the future, otherwise I will kill him with my own hands, and then I will ask the lord to take the blame. I also ask the lord to look at his previous achievements and publish it on the Internet. On the one hand, let him take the crime and make meritorious deeds, and continue to serve the lord of the country in the next big battle."

Marshal Rong Lei's attitude was very upright. Under the circumstances of conclusive evidence, he never thought of shirking responsibility for Zeng Tai, but tried every means to minimize the punishment.

The master of the pot kingdom had a solemn expression, and he could naturally see the current situation.

Meng Tianchen made a sudden attack. As a giant with a stable position in the army, how could Rong Lei bow his head in the face of such a junior whose background strength was far inferior to his.Even if he knows that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom needs to appease Meng Tianchen, he is determined not to give in at this time!
This is related to his majesty in the army!

If he orders Zeng Tai to be punished, Rong Lei will naturally obey, but the close relationship between the two will inevitably create a gap, which may become the bane of the kingdom's instability in the future!

But if no punishment is imposed, Meng Tianchen's heart will definitely be completely chilled.In this way, if the army is supported and a third-party force is mobilized, there may be accidents. If you are dissatisfied with the lord, how can you be loyal to the king.

For a while, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom also felt a little bit more resentful towards Meng Tianchen.Even if you are dissatisfied with Zeng Tai's secret action against the Mongolian character department, you don't have to start a fight today. There will be opportunities when you become full-fledged in the future, so why rush for a while!
Now let him fall into such a dilemma.

Meng Tianchen's eyes fell on the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, hesitation appeared on his face, and he respectfully saluted.

"My lord, I don't want to embarrass you. I am willing to make another choice and not force you to punish Zeng Tai."

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment before continuing to speak.

"My lord, please allow me to have a fair fight with Governor Zeng. If Governor Zeng can retreat unscathed, then today's matter will be over. All entanglements and grievances will be settled in the future."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom looked at Meng Tianchen with a slightly gentler gaze. It seems that he still has a sense of propriety at the moment, and he has not been completely dazzled by anger. He knows how to bear it temporarily to resolve the current rigid situation.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, Meng Tianchen is only a second-rank emperor, while Zeng Tai is the pinnacle of a third-rank emperor, with one foot almost at the level of a middle-rank emperor. At this moment, making such a request is already a disguised form. choice to retreat.

Apparently, Marshal Rong Lei and many generals in the tent also had the same thoughts in their minds, only Lord Wuyi frowned unobtrusively, and his eyes swept over Meng Tianchen.

A person who was able to kill Wu Yichang and the others on the first day of commanding the new camp of the Hu army, and wiped out all the powers planted in the new camp of the Hu army, no matter how you look at it, he is a tough character. back down.

Things might not be as simple as the king and the others thought.But what does any of this have to do with him?Whether it is Marshal Rong Lei or Meng Tianchen, who is newly supported by the lord, they are all his opponents to check and balance each other in the pot kingdom. Seeing their conflicts, he will be able to handle both sides with ease in the future.That being the case, why bother to remind.

Marshal Rong Lei's face was already calm, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of joy when he noticed Meng Tianchen's retreat. In his opinion, this was the normal result.

As for the challenge, it is just a step, so that he can have an explanation when facing the Mongolian tribe.

When Meng Tianchen retreated, Marshal Rong Lei would naturally not pursue him relentlessly, making it difficult for the ruler to do so. After all, what happened today was ultimately attributable to Zeng Tai.

So after Meng Tianchen opened his mouth, he had already returned to his normal state without saying a word.

Zeng Tai has been with Marshal Rong Lei for many years, so he is naturally very familiar with him. From his expression at the moment, he can guess what is going on in his heart. He bowed his hands to the Lord of the Hu Kingdom and spoke in a deep voice.

"I am willing to accept it, and have a discussion with Governor Meng!"

Now the key to Meng Tianchen's identity is that he is the key figure in the Kingdom of Hu's conquest of the Beast Cauldron area. Naturally, he cannot be injured, but it is not difficult to make him suffer and lose face during the battle. Presumably such a commander-in-chief will be satisfied, the lord of the country It cannot be pursued either.

As his thoughts turned, Zeng Tai had already made up his mind, and with his peak cultivation as a third-rank great emperor, he was naturally full of confidence.As for whether there will be an accident?
snort!How can this be!

"it is good!"

The master of the pot kingdom showed satisfaction on his face.

"Since both of you are asking for a fight, I will grant your request."

Speaking of this, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom looked at Duke Wuyi.

"Mr. Wuyi, you should carry a monument of incomplete power with you. It is the blood prison battlefield that flowed out of the other world. I wonder if it can be opened for me and you to go in and enjoy it."

Duke Wuyi bowed slightly to salute.

"The lord speaks, how dare the minister not allow it!" As he spoke, a light flashed in his hand, and a square plate with a red body appeared in his hand, and when he raised his hand, the object turned into a size of more than ten feet. Landing on His Highness, a blood-colored illusory portal condensed out.

"My lord, please!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom laughed, without any hesitation, got up and strode forward, directly entering the bloody portal.Such an attitude of self-confidence and no hesitation in one's mind is quite regal.

Marshal Rong Lei and Duke Wuyi followed closely behind and entered together.

The generals on both sides of His Highness stepped into it according to their positions in the army.

In the hall, only Zeng Tai and Meng Tianchen were left at the end.

"Meng Tianchen, even if I really plan to assassinate your Mengzi department, what can you do?" Zeng Tai sneered, and walked towards the bloody door.

"I forgot to tell you, the general had already noticed that Master Piao under your tent was injured, so he specially sent him to lead the army to fight, and was beheaded by the enemy general of the Tianhan family on the battlefield."

"Haha, if you want revenge, you can let your horse come here. I will be waiting for you in the Blood Prison battlefield."

After the voice fell, he stepped out with one step, and his figure disappeared directly into it.

Meng Tianchen raised his head slowly, his face was calm, but his eyes were full of darkness, without any warmth.

Is this trying to piss me off?
In fact, this is not necessary at all. Zeng Tai was already a dead person in Meng Tianchen's eyes from the moment he learned that the Mongolian Ministry of Characters was persecuted and Master Pu died.He would not be so stingy to be angry about a dead person.

Although this would expose his hidden cultivation and even bring a lot of trouble, Meng Tianchen didn't hesitate at all.Some things may not be the best choice from a rational point of view, but people have to do it.

Just like now.

Meng Tianchen walked forward, stepped into the blood-colored illusory portal, and when his eyesight recovered, his figure had already appeared in a huge and incomparably square blood-colored battlefield. Looking around, it might not be less than a million miles in size!
The mottled dark red blood color in different shades seemed to be dyed by puddles of blood, and a strong evil spirit burst out of it and soared into the sky.Surrounding the bloody battlefield, countless black and thick clouds and mist churned endlessly, among which ghostly shadows of dead souls could be vaguely seen emerging, screaming fiercely as they rolled, biting and devouring each other frantically, but they would not really die, only If you can struggle and suffer in pain, you will live forever and never be reborn!
The souls of warriors who perish in the Blood Prison battlefield will be directly pulled into the black mist.The uncountable dense swarms of dead souls that I see right now are all the warriors who fell in the blood prison battlefield!
Bloody battlefield!

Strong evil spirit!
Roar of the dead!
All these build up a strong psychological impact. If you are a martial artist with a poor cultivation base in an ordinary state of mind, you may be directly frightened out of your mind just by coming here, and your cultivation base will be greatly reduced.

But the fighters who entered the battlefield today are all strong in the army. They are used to fighting with large armies. Although they frown slightly at the fierceness of the blood prison battlefield, they are not really affected by it.

When Meng Tianchen entered, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, Marshal Rong Lei, Lord Wu Yi and others had already sat on the suspended seats, hanging high in the air, looking at the blood-stained ground.

Zeng Tai stood in the blood prison battlefield, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were cold and gloomy.

Meng Tianchen glanced slightly at his feet and took the next step, a spiritual light flashed outside his body, and his figure had already appeared not far from Zeng Tai, and the two faced each other from a distance.

Without any words, the eyes of the two of them flashed sharply, the aura in their bodies exploded, and the spiritual light turned into two meteors in a wild flash, approaching with lightning speed in an instant, and they fought together brazenly.

Zeng Tai was secretly shocked, this Meng Tianchen was really not an ordinary person, with his cultivation as a second-rank emperor, he was able to fight him head-on, although he was at a disadvantage, it was not an absolute disadvantage.

It is extremely rare for a second-rank emperor to be able to entangle a third-rank emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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