Chapter 840 Bloody Edge

But Zeng Tai still sneered in his heart, even so, what can it do, the difference in cultivation between the two is enough for him to easily suppress Meng Tianchen and not move, if not for the powerful supernatural power of the other party, at this moment, he might have already blocked the left and right. .

Marshal Rong Lei's face is calm, he has expected what is going on right now, seeing that Zeng Tai has the absolute upper hand is only because he is worried that he will seriously injure Meng Tianchen and anger the king.

Duke Wuyi frowned slightly, feeling a little confused.Could it be that he miscalculated, this Meng Tianchen really chose to retreat temporarily because of the situation.If that was the case, it would be in vain for him to take out the Blood Prison Battlefield.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom thought further, Meng Tianchen's cultivation base was not enough, even if he had great achievements, he must be a big weakness when he was conferred the duke, but if someone provoked the war of conferring the duke, he might not be able to deal with it. This is not too big a small trouble.

But just as his thoughts turned, the situation in the blood prison battlefield changed instantly.

Meng Tianchen slapped out a palm, and a blood-colored vortex phantom suddenly condensed in the void, stretching for thousands of miles, and blatantly suppressing Zeng Tai with a great deal of strength.

Facing Meng Tianchen's supernatural powers of the Void Emperor Domain, Zeng Tai sneered, seeing no movement from him, he punched upwards!With his peak cultivation as a third-rank great emperor and relying on the power of supernatural powers, he is enough to shatter this blood-colored vortex in the void.

But this time, things were a bit beyond his expectation!

With a punch, the bloody vortex vibrated violently, but it didn't collapse into a cloud of blood and then disappear, it turned into a ball of bloody aura, suppressing his figure instantly!

This town is not strong, but if he falls into it unexpectedly, he can seal Zeng Tai for three breaths!
That's enough!

Suddenly, the aura in Meng Tianchen's body suddenly exploded and continued to climb wildly at an astonishing speed. In just a short time, he had already climbed to the peak of the second-rank emperor, and even stronger!
Dancing wildly in the gust of wind with full head of black hair, his dark eyes were as bright as stars, and when he looked at Zeng Tai, who was suppressed by the bloody light fused with the strange and chaotic original power, his eyes flashed sharply!
After holding back for a long time, he violently attacked, in order not to give Zeng Tai any chance to resist.

Now that Zeng Tai has been suppressed, it's time to kill him!
Taking a step forward, Meng Tianchen stuck out his hands from the sleeves of the robe in an instant, and blatantly tore it off towards Zeng Tai who was sealed off!

Accompanied by Meng Tianchen's supernatural power, the berserk aura suddenly descended!

A terrifying blood-colored huge sharp edge flashed across the sky in an instant, showing the tendency of tearing and splitting. Just one slash can collapse the sky and shatter the earth!

This is the first time that Meng Tianchen has been promoted to the Second Rank Great Emperor to display the shadow-killing supernatural power!
The blood shadow with the supernatural power of shadow killing, after Meng Tianchen was promoted to the Great Emperor, completely transformed into an incomparable bloody blade!
This supernatural power was completed in an instant, seemingly simple, but it made Meng Tianchen's face turn pale.

He had already prepared in his heart for a long time, and at this moment, making a violent move is the strongest ultimate move, without any reservations.

He wants Master Pu to die in peace, and he wants to comfort the spirits of his soldiers!
Zeng Tai, must die!
The moment he fell into bloody suppression, Zeng Tai's heart skipped a beat, and his face instantly became extremely ugly!Sensing the sudden burst of madly growing aura in Meng Tianchen's body, it made him unstoppably terrified.

Seen by Meng Tianchen's cold eyes, he directly had a clear premonition that Meng Tianchen wanted to kill him, and the power revealed at this moment already had the qualification to threaten his life!
Zeng Tai was shocked and furious!
He never thought that Meng Tianchen was actually hiding his cultivation. Although he was a second-rank emperor, his real combat power could definitely match that of a third-rank emperor.

But even so, don't even think about killing him!
Roaring in his mouth, Zeng Tai didn't hold back any more, the power of the emperor in his body exploded, like a trapped animal in a trap, doing the last and craziest struggle.The bloody light suppressed on his body trembled violently, dimmed rapidly, and finally collapsed with a bang, which was actually broken by Zeng Taisheng!
But at this moment, a huge blood-colored blade rushed forward, and the violent and irresistible momentum was mixed with an incomparably tragic murderous intent!
Sensing the aura coming from the bloody blade, Zeng Tai suddenly raised his head, his face suddenly turned pale, without any trace of blood.Being locked by this supernatural energy machine made him feel a great sense of terror in his mind, as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking, like falling into the abyss forever!

There was a desperate roar in his mouth, the power of the imperial realm in his body broke through like a torrent, and a majestic figure suddenly appeared, with a height of thousands of feet, wearing a golden armor, holding a golden giant sword, with a resolute and tough face, but he was a general in armor, with a demeanor Like a mountain, with sharp aura soaring to the sky and ground, standing in front of Zeng Tai, facing the bloody blade.

Zeng Tai's face turned pale in an instant, and he raised his head and spurted out blood.After the blood was separated from the body, it directly merged into the body of the thousand-foot golden armored general, and suddenly diffused and merged into the golden armor and the golden giant sword, turning into streaks of blood that criss-crossed like meridians.

Absorbing the blood essence, the Golden Armored God's breath suddenly became a little more sinister and bloody, and his golden eyes turned crimson, and he let out a wild roar,
With a golden background, the huge sword covered in bloody textures was lifted up, and slashed wildly towards the bloody edge!
When the supernatural powers collided, the dazzling aura burst out from the point of contact, and the terrifying wave of destruction spread out, sweeping all directions!
The figure of the blood-gold battle armor general froze suddenly, and Zeng Tai spurted out a mouthful of blood, screaming terribly.

"Uncle, save me!"

Marshal Rong Lei's face was livid, his body trembled suddenly when he heard this, the veins on his forehead bulged and throbbed rapidly, but he suppressed the impulse in his heart with his strong mental state, and his body didn't move a bit.

His eyes suddenly fell on the black-haired and black-eyed figure, and his heart was filled with chills.

Meng Tianchen, this commander still underestimated you!

The shrill screams stopped abruptly, Zeng Tai's eyes were full of resentment, and his body suddenly collapsed into flesh and blood!The consciousness and remnant souls failed to escape even a little bit, and they were all annihilated under the terrifying bloody edge!

Meng Tianchen withdrew his hands, his face calm.

In the Purple Mansion, two wisps of the original power of chaos turned into a roulette phantom again, instantly pulling Zeng Tai's remnant soul in and devouring it!
Zeng Tai's remnant soul seemed to be aware of the current state after a short period of confusion, and struggled wildly amidst the roar of hatred.

Roupan remained unmoved at all, the last time he assisted Meng Tianchen to condense the second avatar, it suffered a great loss of strength, and it was time to replenish his strength, regardless of Zeng Tai's resentment, he directly suppressed and swallowed him alive.

A stream of pure and mysterious power flowed out from the roulette and directly merged into Meng Tianchen's body, replenishing the exhaustion in his body in an instant, and even improved a little.

A wisp of remnant soul power from a peak powerhouse of a third-rank great emperor is also of great benefit to Meng Tianchen!

The master of the pot kingdom looked dignified, leaning forward slightly, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, and it was difficult to hide his shock.

The power of this blood-colored blade might have reached the level of a fourth-rank emperor, that is, the power of the middle emperor!

Meng Tianchen is so strong!

Lord Wuyi's demeanor is solemn, the scene at the moment has already verified what he thought in his heart, Meng Tianchen is indeed a tough person, not reckless, but brave and resourceful, knowing how to advance and retreat, and understanding strategies, coupled with the combat power comparable to the complete level of the next emperor, It's a rival.

At this moment, Duke Wuyi has regarded Meng Tianchen as someone who is qualified to be equal to him, and there is no underestimation in his heart, even the arrogance of some seniors in the army has been put down.After all, when it comes to strategy, Meng Tianchen has already proved his skills by killing Zeng Tai!

From the corner of the eye, he looked at the shock that did not seem to be fake in the eyes of the king, and Duke Wuyi shook his head secretly.He is not the only one who can see Meng Tianchen's heart, the Lord of the Kingdom is one of them, that's why he proposed the Blood Prison Battlefield to give Meng Tianchen a chance to take revenge by relying on his own strength.

But at this moment, the real strength displayed by Meng Tianchen may have far exceeded the expectation of the king.

As for Marshal Rong Lei, he may have been aware of it, but he had confidence in Zeng Tai, but the facts proved that his confidence was wrong, and Zeng Tai was dead!
But this is their own choice. Zeng Tai also died in a head-on fight with Meng Tianchen. Even if Marshal Rong Lei realized that there was the connivance of the king, he would not be able to generate resentment. On Meng Tianchen.

In this way, the situation that caused the Lord of the Pot Kingdom a headache was resolved satisfactorily.

Meng Tianchen got the chance to kill Zeng Tai with his own hands, so he will be grateful to the king, and he will be more loyal in the future to control him better.Marshal Rong Lei will not be dissatisfied with the lord because of this, but he hates Meng Tianchen even more, and the confrontation between the two sides has become impossible to ease.

For the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, this result is naturally considered satisfactory.

Marshal Rong Lei stood up and bowed respectfully to the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"My lord, Zeng Tai's skills are not as good as others and he was beheaded by Meng Tianchen. I dare not be dissatisfied. But he has already fallen, and I ask the lord to look at Zeng Tai's many achievements for the country before, and let me put his The remnant souls are taken away from the battlefield of the Blood Prison, so as not to endure this endless torment."

"After all, Zeng Tai is the nephew of the minister, so I ask the lord to agree."

His voice was low and his expression was heavy.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's eyes flickered slightly, and he spoke slowly.

"Rong Lei's request is human nature. Zeng Tai's death has already paid for the sins he committed."

"Mr. Wuyi, go out and find Zeng Tai's remnant soul, and let Rong Lei take him away from here."

Duke Wuyi got up and saluted respectfully.


The Blood Prison Battlefield is also a mysterious incomplete power monument, which can be used to injure the enemy with the help of its fierce spirit, and the more remnant souls it contains, the stronger its power will be.Lord Wuyi's refinement of the blood prison battlefield naturally has the power to seize the life and death of the remnant souls in it.

At this moment, he closed his eyes slightly, his spiritual consciousness had merged into the blood prison battlefield, looking for the remnant soul of Zeng Tai.

After a while, Duke Wuyi opened his eyes, with a look of shock on his face, his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen instantly, his eyes were filled with fear, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"Dare to ask Lord Governor Meng, Zeng Tai's remnant soul has also been wiped out?"

Yu Luo, including the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, all the generals jumped in their hearts and their eyes were shocked.

Meng Tianchen looked calm, and nodded slowly upon hearing this.


Duke Wuyi nodded slightly.

"That being the case, there is nothing wrong with it."

(End of this chapter)

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