Chapter 841

Duke Wuyi turned around and saluted the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"My lord, the great superintendent has supernatural powers and is extremely domineering. Killing Zeng Tai instantly wiped out his remnant soul. He is no longer in the blood prison battlefield."

Marshal Rong Lei's face became even uglier in an instant, but his heart was extremely frightened and angry.

The mysterious blood-colored blade that Meng Tianchen used could kill even remnant souls!

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, but he was slightly relieved in his heart.

Meng Tianchen's sudden burst of cultivation today has aroused his scruples.Not long after the small world soared, it had almost the complete combat power of the lower emperor realm, and the bottleneck of the middle emperor realm might not be able to stop him for too long.

But at this moment, he was completely relieved.Meng Tianchen's blood-colored blade is obviously a terrifying supernatural power to kill the Dao. Although the cultivation base has improved rapidly and the supernatural power is powerful, it has extremely heavy karma, most of which will not end well, and it is very difficult to reach the real strong state .

Martial artists who walk in the path of killing are extremely terrifying, but there are almost no real great achievers.

If he uses Meng Tianchen in the future, he will naturally feel more at ease.If you don't enter the realm of the upper emperor, you won't be able to jump out of his palm, and you can only use it for him, and you won't be able to make waves.

"Okay! Today's battle was a voluntary battle between Meng Tianchen and Zeng Tai. Now that the result has been reached, this matter will stop here. No one can mention it in the future, otherwise they will be severely punished!"

The master of the pot kingdom swept his eyes lightly, and opened his mouth lightly.


The generals on both sides felt a little trembling, and they all bowed down to say yes.

Commander Rong Lei's face was still gloomy, Zeng Tai died today, no matter what the reason was, he was the one who suffered in this first confrontation.But he is aware of the situation at the moment, the king will never allow this matter to continue to expand, the most important thing is to conquer the beast cauldron area and take down the Tianhan family.

Immediately, he narrowed his sight and suppressed many thoughts in his mind.

Lord Wuyi still looked like an ancient well without waves, and he was not at all happy about his old opponent's defeat. Instead, he sighed slightly in his heart. The king is really a cautious and suspicious person. Just relax.

Back then, he supported him to check and balance Marshal Rong Lei, but now the two had just formed a confrontation after confrontation, and when the confrontation eased slightly, they immediately supported the third person.Meng Tianchen is not an easy person, and he is afraid that there will be many twists and turns in the future, so he needs to be more cautious.

"The purpose of summoning you today is to announce that Meng Tianchen has crossed the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range, but there have been many twists and turns. Soldiers are precious and fast. Right now our army is attacking the city, and soldiers are killed every moment. The most important thing is to arrange all the things to conquer the beast cauldron area."

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom spoke solemnly, and when he mentioned the current battle, his voice became more and more serious.

"This seat has already made a decision, and secretly mobilized an army of [-] million. Meng Tianchen carried a monument of power across the god-man forbidden area and entered the belly of the beast cauldron area. He suddenly launched an attack and blasted the guarding formation in the beast cauldron area. Attacking both inside and outside, the general situation is set! "

"The most critical juncture of this battle is now. When the pot kingdom annexes the Tianhan family and expands its territory to be promoted to a high-rank vassal state in one fell swoop, you are all generals in the army, and there will be rewards at that time!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom spoke in a deep voice, his words were sonorous and forceful, not high-spirited, but they completely aroused the blood and desire to win in the hearts of the generals under his command!All of them flushed red, their eyes flickering with excitement and anticipation.

Sweeping his eyes slightly, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom was quite satisfied with the reaction of the generals.

"Rong Lei, you are the commander-in-chief of the army, and you will do your part to lead an army of [-] million this time!"

"Meng Tianchen, this seat will make up for the gap of [-] million soldiers in your Mongolian Department, and let you lead the army as the deputy commander of Rong Lei!"

"I hope that the two of you can cooperate sincerely to conquer the Beast Cauldron area in one fell swoop and achieve an unrivaled feat!"

Conquering the Beast Cauldron area is a great achievement, and Meng Tianchen's first position cannot escape, and the title of deputy commander is also to increase his qualifications and enhance his prestige in the army, so as to prepare for future large-scale rewards, so as to avoid dissatisfaction among the people.

The main reason for making Rong Lei the commander-in-chief was indeed because he was the most suitable candidate for this matter, but it might not be that he did not want to appease him about Zeng Tai's matter.

When the king acts, every move has a deep meaning, which cannot be seen on the surface.

"Follow the order!"

Marshal Rong Lei and Meng Tianchen received the order solemnly, their faces were all calm and there was no change in the slightest, but it is unknown what kind of thoughts they have in their hearts.

"My lord, there is a hidden crisis in the God-Man Forbidden Mountains. I also encountered many crises when I crossed before. I also ask the lord to grant an order. Xu Chen is directly in charge of the Mongolian Ministry. If there is an accident, he can directly summon the army from the space of the power monument!"

Meng Tianchen spoke respectfully, the reason was sufficient and aboveboard, but what he really expressed was his distrust of Marshal Rong Lei.Now that the two have turned against each other, if Marshal Rong Lei has any intentions of misconduct after passing through the ban of the gods and men, he has an army of [-] million Mongolian characters in his hands, and he also has the power to protect himself, so that he dare not act rashly.

Marshal Rong Lei let out a low snort, and his face became more gloomy.

The master of the pot kingdom acted as if he had never heard of it, and pondered for a while.

"Okay! I will give you the exclusive power of the Mongolian Ministry, and you can call out the army from the power tablet at any time according to the situation. But the military is the most important thing, and you still need to be restrained by Commander Rong Lei."

Power can be given to you, but don't cause trouble if there is no abnormal situation, the most important thing is to lay down the beast cauldron area.

Meng Tianchen naturally should be.

"The matter is decided here." The master of the pot kingdom showed the demeanor of a king and thunder, and his whole body was overwhelming.

In order to prevent being noticed by the Tianhan family, Yiying prepared slowly, but after waiting for two days, the [-] million army had quietly disappeared into the power monument in the hands of the master of the pot kingdom.

The level of this item is very high, it is much better than the Martial God Stele in Meng Tianchen's hand, but it still cannot resist the attack of the powerful emperor.

If the Tianhan family finds out about Hu Kingdom's intentions and dispatches strong men to smash down the monument at any cost, the [-] million soldiers below the emperor level will definitely die!
At that time, let alone thinking about conquering the Beast Cauldron area and annexing the Tianhan family, the whole battle situation may be reversed in an instant.

Therefore, when handing over this object to Meng Tianchen, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom had a dignified expression and urged him to be careful.

Meng Tianchen also knew the importance of this, so he should be respectful, and quietly left the camp under the expectant and tense eyes of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

The person walking with him is none other than Marshal Rong Lei!


Tens of thousands of miles away from the Hu Kingdom's military camp, deep in the ground, Yinyue Corpse Emperor's eyes suddenly opened, his pale face was full of hesitation.

"A high-ranking emperor warrior?"

He has been stationed at Hu Kingdom's military camp for many days, but he never dared to directly break into the important area of ​​the military camp. Originally, he wanted to fight in the battlefield and kill Meng Tianchen without knowing it, but he didn't want him to follow 30 people all the time. The pro-guards gave him no chance to attack.

As a last resort, he had to set up a corpse clan ban outside the camp, in order to get a chance to assassinate Meng Tianchen.

But when Meng Tianchen left the camp last time, the formation in his hand had not been properly arranged and he did not discover it in time. When he realized it, Meng Tianchen had already entered the God-Man Forbidden Mountain Range and disappeared without a trace. With Marshal Rong Lei, a superpower in the upper imperial realm, by his side, he dared not act rashly.

"If the assassination fails, this person has prepared himself, and it will be more difficult to succeed in the future. Forget it, this time we will wait for the time being, and there will naturally be opportunities in the future."

The Yinyue Corpse Emperor muttered to himself, then closed his eyes, and entered into a state of suspended animation again. In this way, the characteristics of the corpse clan can be brought into full play, just like a real corpse. In such a situation, if he hadn't searched bit by bit, he would never have noticed his aura.

Meng Tianchen secretly left the camp twice, and this time he was followed by a high-ranking emperor-level powerhouse. There must be something hidden in it. The Yinyue Corpse Emperor just thought about it for a while, and then slowly put it down. Take care.

This was his secret to becoming the first corpse assassinated by Emperor Yinqiong.
Meng Tianchen didn't know that because of Marshal Rong Lei, he had already avoided an assassination from the corpse clan.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and after half an hour, they had already arrived outside the forbidden area of ​​the gods.

"Marshal Rong Lei, the God-Man Forbidden City is very strange, Meng can only barely protect himself in it, after entering it, please follow me closely, don't leave, otherwise it will be troublesome if there is an accident."

Meng Tianchen opened his mouth lightly and reminded him.

Marshal Rong Lei frowned slightly, and pondered for a while.

"Forget it, I'd better enter the monument of influence, so as not to cause trouble for you. But I will keep a trace of spirituality on you, and if there is any accident, I can immediately lead the army to help."

Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, then he nodded.

"It couldn't be better."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the power tablet given by the Lord of the Pot Kingdom from his bosom.

"Master, please."

Now that Marshal Rong Lei has made a decision, he naturally won't delay any more. He takes the next step, and his figure disappears in an instant.

There was a faint smile on Meng Tianchen's face, this Marshal Rong Lei is really a smart person, if he intends to follow into the God-Man Forbidden, although Meng Tianchen will not really let him stay in it forever, but take the opportunity to let him eat Some pains but not difficult.

Naturally, he didn't mean enough to remind Marshal Rong Lei, but he just didn't want him to find out the difference in his consciousness, so as not to cause trouble.

Right now, it is naturally the best choice for both of them.

After finishing this matter, Meng Tianchen took the next step without any hesitation, and his figure disappeared into the dense fog of the God-Man Forbidden within the wrapping of light, without a trace.

The battle in the Beast Ding area is still going on.

After secretly mobilizing [-] million troops to leave, the pot kingdom can only use [-] million troops to attack the city. This is already an extremely dangerous number. It is not yet known how to win or lose!

So in order to avoid this, the army of the Hu Kingdom has maintained a high-intensity siege posture in recent months, attracting all the energy of the top management of the Tianhan family to this fierce battle, leaving no time to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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