Chapter 842
Whether the battle will be successful or not is at hand, and the Lord of the Pot Kingdom is desperate to open up military supplies for the soldiers to use, so as to ensure that the depleted power in the body can be recovered in the shortest possible time and the super combat power of the army can be maintained.

But now with the continuous fierce fighting, the army of the Hu Kingdom is still inevitably showing signs of fatigue.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom naturally looked calm and calm when facing his subordinates, but when he was alone in the dark, he couldn't hide the worry on his face.

Although Meng Tianchen has successfully crossed the god-man barrier, he is not fully sure whether he can pass through it safely again.Once an accident occurs, the king's hegemony will be in vain, and most of the national power accumulated through painstaking efforts will be lost. It will not be easy for him to hold on to the pot kingdom.

So this time, the master of the pot kingdom also took a huge risk!But big risks represent big rewards, and the temptation to annex the Tianhan family comes before him, so he can't refuse!

It can be said that the key to reversing the entire situation of the battle lies in Meng Tianchen's body at this moment in the God-Man Forbidden City!

If you succeed, everything will be fine and you will achieve great success.

If you fail, you will fail, and the good opportunity will be squandered.

Day by day, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom never felt that the time would pass so slowly.

In this torment, he exhaled lightly, calmed down and suppressed all the restlessness in his heart, got up and left the tent, and began to patrol the army.

Now everything is unchangeable, all the Lord of the Pot Kingdom can do is wait!
Dingwang City.

Patriarch Tianhan also stood ready at night, leading his generals to walk on the city wall, patrolling the defense matters.

The outside of the city was still filled with the roar of the Hu Kingdom's army, but for some reason, Patriarch Tianhan felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart, as if something very bad was about to happen.

Fortunately, after inspecting the city, seeing that although the army was heavily damaged and exhausted, it still had morale available, so I felt a little relieved.

"Patriarch, don't worry, in September when the war started, our army was protected by a strong city formation and lost nearly 20 million soldiers. The damage to the Hu Kingdom is at least twice that of our country! Although there are many damages to the formation now, there are still many formations. It will not be a problem to repair it for a year or so, and the city has enough military supplies. My Tianhan family has the Tiandan Beast Cauldron area in hand, and the Lord of the Hu Kingdom leads an army of [-] billion to come. , we are about to retreat." Behind Patriarch Tian Han, General Xue Du said in a deep voice.

"What General Xuedu said is right. The Hu Kingdom has already reached its limit in mobilizing troops. In order to guard against Manlan Valley, it is inevitable that it will not be able to transfer troops from the middle of the country. If it cannot be attacked for a long time, the army will suffer serious casualties. Even if the Hu Kingdom Lord is unwilling, he can only retreat! Otherwise, even if we captured the Beast Cauldron area, when our Tianhan family collapsed, it would also be the time when Manlan Valley went out to attack the Pot Kingdom. In the end, both tigers were injured and others benefited. With the mind of the Pot Kingdom Lord, naturally It’s not hard to see through this, how could you be willing to make a wedding dress for others.”

"Although the offensive of the Hu Kingdom's army is still fierce in recent days, the generals have shown signs of fatigue. After repeated battles, I'm afraid they won't be able to last for too long. At most three months, the Hu Kingdom Lord will definitely retreat, and the Beast Cauldron area will be in danger by then. Naturally, it can be solved!"

"As long as the beast tripod area is in hand, my Tianhan family will not be in chaos. The lost territory can be gradually conquered in the future, please rest assured, the king."

Patriarch Tian Han listened to his general speak, and gradually relaxed in his heart, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face.

"You all have made great contributions to being able to defend the area of ​​the beast cauldron. When the pot thief is defeated, I will definitely reward you all for your achievements on the battlefield."

"We are the ministers of the Patriarch, dare not die!"

The general under his command suddenly agreed, and the smile on the face of Patriarch Tianhan was even heavier.

But at this moment, in the hinterland of the Beast Cauldron area behind, a large army suddenly rose into the sky, its momentum was like a tiger, and as it walked into the wind, it instantly exploded into five black dragons and swept away to the entire Beast Cauldron area with mighty momentum.

Several of the beams of light supporting the guardian array in the Beast Cauldron area went out in an instant.

Patriarch Tian Han suddenly turned around, sensing the evil spirit of the army coming from behind, thinking that all the troops in the hinterland had been mobilized to resist the siege of the Hu Kingdom, he felt a chill coming from his heart, and the stagnation in his chest could not be relieved, and his face turned blue and white. Red.


He spat out a large pool of blood, and Patriarch Tianhan's aura faded instantly.

On the city wall, the generals of the Tianhan family couldn't hide their panic at this moment. They all lowered their heads slightly, their eyes flickering, but at the same time, a thought arose in their hearts.

The beast cauldron area is over.

Profile for the family is over.

General Xue Du suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, restoring his sanity.

"Patriarch, Mingxiu, a traitor from the Kingdom of Pot, secretly went to Chen Cang on the plank road. He used the siege as a cover. He didn't know how to pass through the god-man ban and send the army into the hinterland of the Beast Cauldron area. Now the situation is critical, and there is only one plan that may still leave a glimmer of life!"

Patriarch Tianhan spurted blood, his face was pale, but his mind had stabilized, and he spoke in a deep voice.

"What is the strategy of General Xuedu!"

"Battle of Kaesong!" General Xue Du raised his head suddenly, gritted his teeth and spoke, his pale face looked extremely ferocious at the moment.

"The Kingdom of Pot dispatched an army to secretly enter the area of ​​the Beast Cauldron, so the troops outside the city must be insufficient. Our army, led by the Patriarch, may not have a chance to turn around! As long as we can defeat the army of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, we will still have a chance in this war. Chance!"

The Tianhan family was defeated, maybe other generals could choose to take refuge in themselves to protect themselves, but he didn't have this opportunity.The defensive battle between Dushan City and Tuoyang City alone caused the Hu Kingdom to lose hundreds of millions of troops. This crime is enough to make him die without a place to bury him!
That being the case, he naturally wants to give it a go!
Patriarch Tianhan was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses with a ruthless look on his face.

"What General Xuedu said is right, if you want to annex the territory of this seat, how can this seat stand still and wait for death!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly turned around, his cold eyes swept over the general under his command.

"The situation is critical today. I will fight side by side with you to defeat the pot thief. If you dare to slack off and get half-hearted, I will kill him first!"

All the generals were awe-inspiring and shouted in unison.

"I will follow the Patriarch to the death!"

But how to think in the heart, it is not known.
Pot Kingdom Barracks.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom, along with Duke Wuyi and other generals of the Hu Kingdom, were patrolling the camp. At this moment, his body stopped suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the beast cauldron. His eyes burst into dazzling light, and his face showed a cheerful look. He raised his head and laughed. .

"Hahaha! God bless my Pot Kingdom!"

The generals behind him were also overjoyed and congratulated the king one after another.

"Send the order, all the army is out, and conquer the beast cauldron area in the shortest time at any cost!" The Lord of the Hu Kingdom waved his hand, and all the anxiety and anxiety in his heart dissipated at this moment, and he was full of energy and spirit!


The generals under his command yelled in unison, each of them turned around and left quickly in the light, shouting and shouting one after another, rectifying the army to go to battle.

Duke Wuyi sighed in his heart, after today's World War I, Meng Tianchen's rise is inevitable!

A moment later, a military detective sent a message that the Tianhan family's defenders were quickly gathering, and the aura of the formation at the front gate was dissipating.

"My lord, it seems that Patriarch Tian Han wants to fight one last time, and before my army has formed a pincer attack, he wants to defeat our army first." A sneer appeared on the corner of Duke Wuyi's mouth, but he was not at all uneasy.

Now that the general situation is set, even if Patriarch Tianhan is unwilling to fail, there are few soldiers under his command who are really willing to continue to work for him.

From the moment Hu Kingdom's army entered the Beast Cauldron area, the war had already come to an end.No matter how much you struggle, it's all in vain.

"This dog prevented our annexation of the Hu Kingdom, and caused countless losses to our army, Erlang. I am about to make a break with him and cut him down here!" The Lord of the Hu Kingdom sneered, waved his arms, The army poured out like a tide.

The spiritual light pierced through the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth. Amidst the sound of killing, the two armies met like two torrents of steel.
Commander Rong Lei led [-] million troops, Meng Tianchen led [-] million troops as the deputy commander, and the remaining three generals each commanded [-] million troops, spreading out like five fingers, sweeping the hinterland of the Beast Cauldron area like a broken bamboo.

The army was able to meet some resistance at first, but under the absolute power gap, there was a precedent for the massacre of all the rebels, and then the city fell upon hearing the news.

Marshal Rong Lei sat high on the command post, frowned, looked at the place where Meng Tianchen led the army, pondered for a long time, then sighed and shook his head slowly.

With Meng Tianchen's prudence, since he was wary of him, he would definitely take some precautions. Even if he really made a move, he might not be able to kill him.One carelessness will leave disaster behind.

That being the case, we can only look for opportunities in the future.

But after today, with Meng Tianchen's many great achievements and the lord's intention to support him, there will definitely be extremely heavy rewards.There is no way to get rid of him now, and when he becomes full-fledged and powerful in the future, he must be a formidable enemy!
Marshal Rong Lei felt a slight headache, slowly shook his head to suppress the thoughts in his mind, raised his hand slightly, and the army's forward speed suddenly accelerated!

After two days of frenzied fighting at the end of the First Battle in the Beast Cauldron area, the curtain finally came to an end.

The army of the Hu Kingdom killed [-] million people, and the army of the Tianhan family suffered even more casualties.

When Marshal Rong Lei and Meng Tianchen commanded [-] million troops to occupy Dingwang City, Zuo Ding City, and You Ding City in the Beast Cauldron area, the remaining [-] million troops of the Tianhan family saw that they were powerless, how could they really die for their country? , One after another knelt down and surrendered.

The battle is set.

Hu Guo wins and is king!
The Tianhan family was defeated and became bandits!

The Hu Kingdom's army was as imposing as a rainbow, and they were lined up in neat formations. All the descendants of the Tianhan family were restrained, their internal strength was imprisoned, and they were guarded in the formation. If they dared to make any changes, they would end up slaughtering the army in an instant.

The entire battlefield was silent.

Marshal Rong Lei is the leader, Duke Wuyi is on the left, and Meng Tianchen is on the right. At this moment, they all look up at Yunxiao, waiting for the result of the direct fight between the Lord of the Hu Kingdom and the owner of the Tianhan Family.

But no one was nervous.

The Tianhan family was defeated, the power and luck were exhausted, and the strength of the family head of the Tianhan family was greatly reduced.On the other hand, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom defeated the Tianhan family, and he could annex it only after the army advanced.

(End of this chapter)

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