Chapter 843 Exquisite Jade

The master of the pot kingdom is already stronger by three points, and one will ebb and flow, so naturally there will be no surprises in this fight.

Like the roar of ten thousand thunders, the sound wave swept across the world, the sky above the head collapsed suddenly, the whole space was directly turned into pitch black, two figures appeared from it, and the tyrannical pressure suddenly descended, covering the sky and covering the earth!

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom looked as usual, but his eyes were shining coldly, and his whole body was full of murderous intent.

Patriarch Tianhan's face was pale, with despair in his eyes, and traces of blood left at the corner of his mouth.

"Patriarch Tianhan, I respect that you are at the same level as me, and you are the king of the upper emperor realm! Another one-handed creation of the Tianhan family has been against me for many years! Today I will give you a chance to kill yourself, and leave you with a trace of remnant soul reincarnation!" Kettle The king of the kingdom opened his mouth slowly, without any pity on his face, it was just out of the last dignity of the power master before his death.

As for the reincarnation of a remnant soul, what threat can it pose to him if he loses all the memory and power of Patriarch Tianhan?In this way, it can also minimize the resistance that will be encountered when annexing the Tianhan family, and promote the generosity and benevolence of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

What's more important is to worry about the self-immolation of Tianhan Patriarch's original power of chaos!
A simple decision with a lot of meaning.

Patriarch Tianhan's face was pale, and at this moment he suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly.

"Winners and losers, this seat understands this! You can give this seat the dignity of final death, and this seat also expresses your love! But there is one thing I want to know, what means can you use to cross the god-man ban? Dying Before, I want to know."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom pondered for a while, and opened his mouth slowly.

"Crossing the god-man ban is not the power of this seat, but Meng Tianchen, the governor of the new camp of Hujun under this seat. If Meng Tianchen hadn't made great achievements, it may not be able to break through your beast cauldron today."

"Meng Tianchen!" Patriarch Tianhan's face instantly revealed a look of misery.

"Du Shancheng, the defeat of General Xuedu was because of this person, which caused me to lose the opportunity again in the confrontation with you, and fell into a disadvantage."

"The battle in the Beast Cauldron area has already won some chances to stand up, but I didn't expect to be buried in his hands in the end!"

"Could it be that Meng Tianchen is the nemesis of this seat!"

Patriarch Tianhan suddenly turned his head after the stern roar, and his eyes fell on the Dingwang City instantly. He found Meng Tianchen's figure, his eyes were red, he suddenly raised his head and let out a unwilling roar, and slapped the top of his head with his backhand.

Patriarch Tianhan's spiritual consciousness and remnant soul suddenly collapsed, but his body was preserved and fell with his head up.

The hero of one party fell here!

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom kept his word and did not do anything, allowing a trace of the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan to escape in samsara.

Meng Tianchen's face was calm, but his palms were clenched tightly, his complexion turned slightly pale.

After all, Patriarch Tianhan is a super strong person in the upper imperial realm, and even the king of the imperial realm!Just now that gaze was full of resentment and resentment, blended into his incomparably terrifying aura coercion, it is extremely amazing that Meng Tianchen's cultivation can resist it without changing his face!
You must know that even the realm of the seventh-rank great emperor is not qualified to be called the king of the imperial realm. Only when the seventh-rank great emperor reaches the peak and perfection can he be regarded as the king of the imperial realm.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A chilly aura suddenly appeared to envelop Meng Tianchen, only to see a ferocious dead soul emerge from the void, with a ferocious expression, rushing towards Meng Tianchen while roaring frantically.

This dead soul is exactly the fallen Patriarch Tianhan!
The face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom changed drastically, he roared angrily and wanted to make a move, but he was beyond his reach.

Meng Tianchen only had time to shrink his pupils slightly, but before he reacted at all, the dead soul of Patriarch Tianhan rushed into his body in an instant, and rushed straight to the Zifu, wanting to tear him to pieces before he was willing to disperse.

This is no longer an ordinary remnant soul, but the remnant soul of a king in the imperial realm. The other party abruptly gave up on escaping reincarnation, and kept the last obsession, determined to kill the person he hated the most.

In the Purple Mansion, the remnant soul of Patriarch Tian Han was filled with black energy, screaming and rushing towards Meng Tianchen's consciousness and mind, the evil energy was overwhelming, and the entire Zi Mansion was hit violently, even faintly feeling like it was collapsing.

Once the Zi Mansion collapses, Meng Tianchen will surely perish!
At the core of the Purple Mansion, Guangling felt a terrible crisis in his mind, and the aura flashed wildly, but he couldn't stop it at all.

Peng! ,

All of a sudden, two strands of the original chaotic power of Zi Mansion turned into roulette phantoms and emerged directly, layers of textures grew rapidly, and dazzling golden aura burst out, suddenly suppressing the entire Zi Mansion!

The golden light turned into a layer of sealing town, imprisoning the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan, and golden runes could be vaguely seen flowing and disappearing on it.

The remnants of the Tianhan family were struggling frantically under the suppression at the moment, roaring endlessly.

The suppressed golden aura actually trembled slightly, fluctuating faintly!

You know, this is the remnant soul of the king of the imperial realm, who has almost half-stepped into the eighth-rank emperor. The power is so strong that it is impossible to completely suppress it in the current state of the roulette, and even faintly break through the confinement tend!
Once the roulette falls, Meng Tianchen Zifu will be torn to pieces in an instant.

And at this moment, the roulette suddenly pressed down, and an inexplicable aura spread out.In this aura, Meng Tianchen could clearly sense that in the process of crazily releasing the golden light, his spiritual power was crazily passing away.

A corner of the Purple Mansion trembled slightly, and another burst of golden light unexpectedly burst out.From this golden light, Meng Tianchen sensed the breath of the second clone!
All of a sudden, three groups of dazzling golden lights appeared in Meng Tianchen Zifu, the divine sense, the roulette, and the golden light group containing the second avatar!
These three clusters of golden light, like three layers of sealing towns superimposed on top of each other, suppressed the remnant soul of Patriarch Tian Han, but no matter how fiercely he roared, he couldn't break free, and was swallowed alive by the roulette!

But this time it devoured the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan, it was extremely strange, but no power flowed out from the roulette, the golden light on the main body was indefinite, collapsed in an instant, and turned into the two mysterious strands of chaotic original power again.

At the same time, the power of the second clone forcibly drawn by the roulette suddenly dissipated and disappeared from the Purple Mansion.

The golden light covered by Tianchen's black aperture and consciousness also dissipated!It became extremely dim, and an extremely weak feeling erupted instantly.

Under the impact of this feeling of weakness, even Meng Tianchen's steady mind couldn't bear it, he only felt that his eyes went dark and he fell into darkness.

The scene in the Purple Mansion was extremely dangerous, if it hadn't been for the joint suppression of Roupan, Meng Tianchen's consciousness and the second clone, the consequences would have been disastrous.This fierce battle was only in the blink of an eye, Meng Tianchen raised his head in a coma, and the figure of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom happened to arrive, and he waved his sleeves to create strength to make him lie flat.

The divine consciousness came out of his body, and instantly penetrated into Meng Tianchen's physical body. After careful inspection, he found that the power of his spiritual consciousness was too depleted, and his body was temporarily unconscious for self-protection. There was nothing wrong with it, so he couldn't help frowning slightly .

He saw with his own eyes the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan penetrated into Meng Tianchen's body, and it was fine if he hadn't torn his purple mansion apart, but this was the result.Moreover, he has searched carefully, and the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan has completely disappeared, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

As for the black aperture consciousness and Guangling mind in Meng Tianchen's purple mansion, there are also two strands of chaotic original power, so naturally they cannot hide from the investigation of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom doesn't think that with this little power in Meng Tianchen's Purple Mansion, he can fight against the remnant souls of the Tianhan family!

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, it seems that he hides a lot of secrets.But the specific reason can only be said after he wakes up.

"Meng Tianchen is fine, it's just that his consciousness has been depleted too much."

"Come here, send Meng Tianchen to the king's tent of this seat to cultivate. Without the order of this seat, no one should disturb him."

Wang Zhang's troops stepped forward, saluted respectfully and took Meng Tianchen away.Now that Meng Tianchen is in a coma, he has no strength to resist at all, and accidents are very likely.In the eyes of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, Meng Tianchen is still a confidant worth cultivating, so naturally he will not be tricked by others.

"The head of the Tianhan family is dead, the army has surrendered, and all the territory of the former Tianhan family belongs to our Hu Kingdom!" The Hu Kingdom owner said in a deep voice.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Hu Kingdom's tens of billions of troops roared at the same time, and the sound waves soared to the sky!
The Beast Cauldron area fell, the [-] million troops of the Tianhan family surrendered, and the head of the Tianhan family committed suicide.

The whole force collapsed suddenly!

Since he fell into a coma on the Dingwang City that day, this has been the No. 30 seven days of Meng Tianchen's coma. Although he was taken care of by a military doctor and swallowed a lot of spiritual pills to restore his consciousness, his consciousness is recovering, but he has never awakened. trace.

In addition to the front hall for receiving the generals in the king's tent palace of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, there is also the back hall for rest, and Meng Tianchen is in one of them at the moment.

Meng Tianchen lay quietly on the large bed made of exquisitely carved Linglong jade, which is famous for warming the mind and nourishing the body, his face had returned to rosy, and he was breathing evenly.

The beautiful palace servants arranged by the two Lords of the Pot Kingdom are carefully wiping his face, supplemented by various kneading that is good for the cultivation of the body, and the green onion and jade fingers emit a trace of gentle spiritual power to blend into the body and maintain the vitality of the body.

At this moment, Meng Tianchen's fingers moved slightly, and his eyes slowly opened.

"The maidservant sees the Governor!"

The two maidservants hastily withdrew their hands and retreated, bowed their hands and saluted with a respectful demeanor.

Meng Tianchen remembered the moment before he passed out on the Dingwang City, his eyes fell on the two maidservants, and he frowned slightly.

"Where is the Lord now?"

"The governor fell into a coma on the battlefield, and the lord ordered you to be sent to the king's tent to recuperate. The two maidservants are here to take care of the affairs of the governor under the order of the lord." The palace maid carefully explained.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly and waved his hand.

"I'm awake, I'll take a rest and I'll leave to thank the lord, you don't need to stay longer, go on."


Rourou responded, and the two maidservants turned and retreated.

Meng Tianchen's face instantly turned gloomy. There are many secrets hidden in him, especially the magic roulette of the original power of chaos that cannot be noticed by others.

After he fell into a coma, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom must have checked his body. If something was wrong, the consequences would be disastrous.Fortunately, judging from the present, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom has not noticed the existence of the roulette, otherwise he would not have left Meng Tianchen in the king's tent at this moment.

This made Meng Tianchen feel a little relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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