Chapter 844 Angel
Sensing carefully, Guangling's mind in the Zifu is still listless, and his spiritual consciousness is even more dim, obviously not yet recovered.

But what is extremely strange is that within the black aperture of consciousness and consciousness, there is actually a trace of weak, pure but extremely powerful power continuously overflowing and merging into Meng Tianchen's body.

This power comes from the roulette wheel!

Or to be more precise, it came from the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan who was refined in the roulette.

Meng Tianchen finally let go of the greatest anxiety in his heart.

Before he fell into a coma that day, although he barely sealed the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan and was devoured by the roulette, Meng Tianchen was not at all sure whether the roulette could refine it.It seems to be okay now, everything is still under control.

After careful inspection in the body, it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it. It sensed that the cultivation base of the second-rank emperor was improving bit by bit by absorbing the power from the roulette, and he was one step closer to the perfection of the second-rank emperor. Meng Tianchen nodded in satisfaction.

Standing up, after a slight pause, Meng Tianchen stepped out.

The news of his waking up has been spread, and the Lord of the Hu Kingdom has sent his own troops to wait outside the palace. Seeing him appearing at this moment, he respectfully saluted and led Meng Tianchen to the front hall.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom had a ruddy complexion and a high spirited spirit. In just one month, his aura became deeper and deeper, and there was a frightening force in every gesture.

This is the manifestation of the surge of power and luck, and the addition of luck.

Meng Tianchen thanked him, and by the way congratulated the Lord of the Hu Kingdom for fulfilling his wish and accomplishing a great cause.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom smiled and praised Meng Tianchen for his meritorious deeds, and only said that he would reward Meng Tianchen based on his achievements in the near future.During this period, naturally, he inquired about the sudden disappearance of the remnant soul of Patriarch Tianhan without any trace.

Meng Tianchen didn't know, so he passed out, his face was calm and there was no abnormality.

Although the Lord of the Hu Kingdom still had some doubts, he didn't think deeply about it. The most important thing right now is to assimilate the territory of the Tianhan family. It won't be too late to check other things in the future.He didn't say much at the moment, talked with Meng Tianchen for a while, and then let him go.

Meng Tianchen got out of the king's tent, set up the escape light and went straight to the camp of the Mengzi Ministry, with a calm face, but a slight frown in his heart.

It seems that the matter of suppressing the remnant soul of Patriarch Tian Han had aroused the suspicion of the master of Hu Kingdom. Fortunately, he found nothing else, so he put the matter aside for the time being, fearing that there will be troubles in the future.

But when the time comes, he will establish a solid foundation, and he will be able to get rid of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom only after his cultivation level breaks through the realm of the upper emperor.With the roulette in hand, Meng Tianchen is full of confidence in breaking through to the upper emperor realm!
Returning to the Mongolian Character Department, he summoned all the generals to calm their hearts, asked about some things during the coma, and then waved them away for the time being.

All the generals under the tent saluted respectfully, with a little more awe than before.The fact that the governor beheaded Zeng Tai and sought justice for General Pu and the fallen soldiers of the Mongolian tribe has already been spread in the army, which invisibly enhanced Meng Tianchen's prestige in the Mongolian tribe, and the soldiers in the army were grateful.

After dealing with some trifles accumulated in the army during the coma, Meng Tianchen entered the Martial God Monument to feel the surge of power in his body, in order to grasp it as soon as possible.

Owning a roulette wheel, beheading opponents, although one can continue to skyrocket one's cultivation all the way, but if the surging power cannot be fully controlled, there may be no harm in the short term, but it will definitely be a curse in the long run.

Meng Tianchen never got lost in the surging power, and kept enough caution at all times.

half a month later.

Beast Cauldron area, Cauldron King City.

Hu Kingdom's army rested for a short period of time and mobilized troops to consolidate the occupied area. The Hu Kingdom Lord personally commanded an army of 12 billion, intending to wipe out all the few resistances in the Tianhan family's territory in one fell swoop and complete the feat of annexing the territory.

On the city wall, the master of the pot kingdom is dressed in high spirits.

Marshal Rong Lei, Duke Wuyi, and Meng Tianchen stood in front of the generals with calm expressions.

The current Tianhan family has been disintegrated, and the main army of the Hu kingdom is suspended for cultivation, which is also the time for the chaos and panic of the remaining forces of the Tianhan family to ferment, allowing conflicts to erupt completely!In this way, it will be easier to occupy the various places when the army of the Hu Kingdom arrives.

"This seat has been preparing for many years. Today, with the concerted efforts of all the officers and men, we will finally defeat the Tianhan family. Now it's time for the harvest!"

"Follow this king and bring the entire Tianhan family into the territory of our Pot Kingdom. This king will reward you for your merits, so that the soldiers who have contributed to the battle will receive the rewards they deserve!"

"Follow the lord and crush the Tianhan family!"

"Follow the lord and crush the Tianhan family!"

"Follow the lord and crush the Tianhan family!"

The 12 billion army raised its arms and roared, Chang Ge shone with a cold and tough metallic luster under the sun, and the mighty sound wave rose from the sky, turning into a terrifying wave of sound, sweeping wildly in all directions!

The long-cherished wish of many years will be fulfilled today, and the Lord of the Pot Kingdom can't help but feel a little excitement in his heart, and slowly raises his hand, just waiting for an order, the army will move out and completely occupy the last beast cauldron area!

He had waited too long for this moment!
But at this moment, there was a low shout that came from afar, as calm as a mountain, like a muffled thunder, but it could clearly reach the ears of every soldier amidst the sound of hundreds of millions of troops.

"The royal family's edict of the master's family, the master of the pot kingdom accepts the edict!"

At the end of the sky, a dazzling and luxurious gold appeared, just like a golden pop across the sky, its speed was as fast as lightning, and it was close enough to be seen clearly by sight in a flash.

In this golden brilliance, there is actually a gorgeous chariot driving.

The canopy of Luanjia is red gold, and the four corners are inlaid with exquisite ferocious copper beasts. The golden tassels under the beast's head cascade down, and it looks like a golden flame while galloping, dazzling, noble and gorgeous.

There is a golden copper bell in each animal's mouth, and the tinkling sound can be heard from afar.

And the most astonishing point is that this luan chariot is actually pulled by four real dragons. Although it has shrunk in size, each of them is a hundred feet in size. It is ferocious and majestic.

Standing in front of Luanjia, he was wearing an ordinary black suit and holding a golden long whip. He looked ordinary, but being able to drive a dragon was enough to prove his strength!
The whole world was instantly quiet, and the 12 billion army was silent. They had already been taken away by the momentum of this chariot, and they were in awe.

At this moment, the Qi and blood in Meng Tianchen's body surged, and he could hardly suppress it!
If Meng Tianchen hadn't tried his best to suppress the Qinglong bloodline totem, it might have appeared.

Facing the humiliating enslavement of the Dragon Clan, Meng Tianchen concentrated his mind and suppressed the surging murderous intent.

But the Lord of the Hu Kingdom's face was stiff, and he looked at the golden luanjia with gloomy eyes. After a long silence, he still bent slightly and spoke in a deep voice.

"Guan Yuan, Lord of the Pot Kingdom, accepts the order!"

Hundreds of millions of troops knelt on one knee at the same time, bowing their heads in awe.

Luanjia's golden curtain was lifted, and a middle-aged man from the clan of the Tongli Empire stepped out, with a solemn face, holding a three-foot-wide gold roll, and spoke with dignity.

"The Imperial Order, the Hu Kingdom, and the Tianhan Clan return to their respective thrones, and there shall be no further war!"

During the reading, a rich purple air rushed out of the golden edict in an instant, a phantom of a golden dragon emerged and roared silently, and dense runes wandered around it endlessly.

On the body of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, a phantom gray dragon appeared, but under the golden dragon, he could only crawl and tremble, and did not dare to fight it at all.

The edict of the royal family of the Shi family, every word and deed is blessed by the luck of the big boy's power empire, and the law is the law!
As soon as this edict came out, it suppressed the luck of the master of the pot kingdom, and the national luck that was originally strengthening was interrupted in an instant.Unless an army is launched immediately to conquer the Tongli Empire, otherwise the upper and lower orders will be ordered and the luck will be very different, so they will not be able to escape this oppression!
The royal family of the Shi family said a short word, but it was extremely heavy, and it suddenly pressed down on the chest of the king of the pot, making his body stiff and his face turning pale.Anger was burning in his chest, and a trace of evil spirit appeared in his eyes. After a while, he took a deep breath, and just suppressed all the boiling emotions in his heart.

Raise your hands slightly.

"According to the order!"

The two words are exported, and the mouth is full of bitterness.

In front of Tongli Empire, he did not dare to resist after all.

The family members of the Tongli empire raised their hands, and the imperial family decree of the Shi family fell directly into the hands of the master of the pot kingdom.

"Both the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family are the subjects of the Tong Power Empire. Fighting together is like fighting with each other. His Majesty was very worried after hearing this. In order to prevent innocent people from being killed or injured by the war, he specially ordered me to deliver a decree to eliminate the disaster of war. Hu Kingdom The Lord can feel the virtue of the Son of Heaven to stop fighting, and His Majesty will surely reward you with his comfort." Shi Yue smiled slightly, cupped his hands and opened his mouth, the royal decree of the Shi family has been read out, and his attitude is much gentler, after all, the person in front of him is the leader of a party .

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom stood up slowly, holding the golden edict in his hand, but it weighed more than the mountain, but his face had regained his calm, and he spoke lightly.

"The angels have come from afar, please temporarily cultivate in the Beast Cauldron area. The remote place is not like the Tongli Empire, please don't refuse the angels."

"The lord's words are serious. I have never traveled far in the Tongli Empire for a long time. This journey has seen that the Hu Kingdom is well-organized under the rule of the lord, and strong people emerge in endlessly. I will definitely report the truth to the royal family when I return."

"So, thank you Angel. I'm not feeling well, so I won't accompany you. I will hold a banquet in Tuoyang City in three days to entertain Angel."

"My lord, go slowly."

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom glanced at Shi Yue, turned around and left without saying a word, followed by Wang Zhang's troops.

Shiyue has a special person from Hu Kingdom to receive him.

As expected, Tongli Empire took action and intervened in the war of Hu Kingdom's annexation of the Tianhan family, and the reason was so simple, direct and strong!

The royal family of the Shi family simply said, without sending a single soldier, they overthrew everything that the Lord of the Hu Kingdom had painstakingly planned. Even with hundreds of millions of troops in hand, they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction.

This is the power of the Tongli Empire!
Meng Tianchen lowered his head slightly, but his heart was awe-inspiring.

The Tongli Empire is only the weaker of the Eight Great Empires. Compared with the giants such as the Great Lord of the Heavenly Family, the power is probably much weaker.Even so, for Meng Tianchen, it was a giant to look up to.

Although Meng Tianchen has risen at an astonishing speed right now, he is still far from the goal in his heart.

The road is long, but we still need to be cautious and take every step at a time!
(End of this chapter)

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