Chapter 845

But right now, the Pot Kingdom is suppressed by the children's power empire, and its expansion is trapped. It is also a difficulty in front of Meng Tianchen. If this matter cannot be resolved, how can he be rewarded and continue to implement the next plan.

Meng Tianchen couldn't help frowning slightly, his face was solemn.

An imperial edict from the royal family of the Shi family, the great ambition of the Hu Kingdom disappeared in an instant.

The Tianhan family narrowly escaped death, and the remnants of the Tianhan family who originally begged for surrender disappeared without a sound, and the precarious situation calmed down for the time being.However, the head of the Tianhan family fell and the army was exhausted. With the current strength, it is almost impossible for the Tianhan family to recover.

But as long as the fierce tiger of the Hu Kingdom is suppressed by the royal family of the Shi family, the Tianhan family will have enough time to recuperate and gather strength, all of this will not be a problem.

It was not that there were voices of resistance in the Hu Kingdom, but in the face of the powerful Shijia royal family, they seemed pale and powerless, and finally turned into an unwilling silence.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom claimed to be sick, and had not met anyone for three days. Even though he appeared at the angel reception banquet, he only paused for a moment before leaving.

Shi Yue talked and laughed freely with the people of the Hu Kingdom, and he didn't pay attention to the cold and cold gaze of the general of the Hu Kingdom in the palace. He was both graceful and unscrupulous.

As a clan member of the Tongli Empire, and this time he is the special envoy of the Shi family's royal family, even if everyone in the Hu kingdom wishes for him to die without a place to bury him, no one will dare to touch a piece of his clothes, otherwise he will be The contempt for the royal family of the Shi family, the provocation of the Tongli Empire, and the wrath of the Tongli Empire must be waiting for the Pot Kingdom!

Although the relationship between the eight major power empires is becoming increasingly tense, and the atmosphere of military preparations is getting stronger and stronger, as long as the royal family of the Shi family still has enough power, no vassal force will dare to go against his will!

During a banquet, only the teacher and Yue had a good time, and finally took the two beauties bestowed by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, got into the carriage and drove away.

The end was romantic and unrestrained, leaving a group of ministers and generals of the pot kingdom looking at each other, sighing, and dispersed one after another.

When Meng Tianchen left the banquet, he had 30 guards waiting outside. It wasn't that he was too cautious, but that his current cultivation was not enough to sit back and relax.There is no need to worry about having a large army guarding the barracks, but right now it is better to be a little more careful.

In the Linglong world, he also has many friends now, but he didn't want to lose his life because of a momentary negligence.

If the Tianhan family cannot be completely annexed, the great achievements he has made in the battlefield will be meaningless, how can he be rewarded.

Without a reward, one cannot gain a firm foothold. This matter is also extremely important to Meng Tianchen.

Sighing slightly, he didn't think of a way in haste, so he had to be patient for the time being, and figured it out slowly.

But at this moment, a bit of coldness flashed across Meng Tianchen's brows and eyes, but his demeanor remained unchanged.

Killing intent!
With the improvement of cultivation base, the consciousness of the black aperture became more pure, and Meng Tianchen's sensing ability became stronger.This ray of killing intent is extremely faint and faintly visible, and it is diluted by the evil spirit in the place where the army is stationed, so it is absolutely impossible for ordinary warriors to detect it.

Meng Tianchen kept his composure and led the army forward for a while. The murderous intent lingered around him and never dissipated. Sure enough, it was coming towards him.

It's just that this assassin's methods are really clever, although Meng Tianchen sensed a ray of killing intent, he couldn't detect where he was hiding at all.Moreover, this person was obviously extremely cautious. Seeing that Meng Tianchen was in the army, he didn't show any eagerness to make a move. Obviously, if there was no chance, he would choose to retreat and find another good opportunity.

Slightly silent, Meng Tianchen suddenly raised his hand slightly while walking.

"This seat wants to walk alone for a while, you stop here."

The five commanders, Mocha, Dieshan, Suyuan, Moge, and Lunzuo hesitated slightly, but still did not dare to disobey the will of the governor, and respectfully said yes.But he has already signaled the spies in the army to disperse and carefully protect the safety of the governor.

Meng Tianchen walked forward.

Since you think there is no chance, then I will give it to you to see if you can't help but make a move.


Murder does not move.

Step two.

Murder trembled slightly.

Three steps.

Murder gathers.
seven steps.

The murderous intention collapsed.

Meng Tianchen raised his head and looked at the sky, there was no sign of any abnormality on his face, but he was silently sensing the change in the assassin's murderous intent in the dark.

He can be sure that as long as he takes one more step forward, this person hiding in the dark will explode into a killer!
Meng Tianchen's original intention was to lure him out, and with the help of the guards, surround and kill the assassins here.But at this moment, he changed his mind, turned around without hesitation, and walked towards the guard.

The murderous intent behind him, after a little hesitation, slowly dissipated.

Sure enough, be careful enough!

Meng Tianchen opened his mouth lightly.

"Let's go, return to the camp."

The 30 guards followed suit.

Meng Tianchen sneered slightly in his heart.


At the seventh step, because of the tightness and concentration of that ray of murderous intent, he sensed a faint trace of corpse aura.It was precisely because of the existence of this corpse aura that Meng Tianchen's thoughts moved slightly, and he let go of the original plan in his heart.

The corpse clan of the Great Yin Sect really hasn't given up on him yet!

But this time, maybe because of your actions, you will help me overcome the current difficulty, and maybe it will be another great achievement, I don't know.

Counting the interest time, Meng Tianchen already had a calculation in his heart.

Meng Tianchen and his party entered the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, and a figure in the distance gradually became thicker, and the figure slowly emerged.

His complexion was slightly pale, and his eyes were gloomy. It was the Yinyue Corpse Emperor!The corpse frowned slightly, looking at the camp of the Mongolian Ministry, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

Just now he behaved like that, could it be that Meng Tianchen has already noticed his whereabouts?


Yinyue Corpse Emperor felt a little suspicious, but was quickly suppressed by his trust in his professional methods. With his current assassination methods, no one would be able to detect warriors below the middle emperor level, and he was full of confidence in this.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

The Yinyue Corpse Emperor couldn't help feeling a bit depressed, this Meng Tianchen was lucky, as long as he took another step forward, he would definitely be a killer!With his methods, if he strikes with all his strength, he will definitely be able to kill him on the spot, and then leave easily, fulfilling the orders of Lord Yinqiong.

Such a good opportunity, but it was a little bit off. Thinking that Meng Tianchen is usually on guard, whenever he goes out, he will be followed by 30 personal guards, so he, a strong assassin, can't find the slightest chance to make a move. .

But Yinyue Corpse Emperor, as an assassin walking in the dark, naturally possesses unmatched patience by ordinary warriors. He can control his mood changes very well, so that he is always awake and will not be affected in the slightest.

Today's opportunity is gone, he can continue to wait, a patient hunter will always find an excellent opportunity, and then kill with one blow!


The royal angel of the Shi family is really a person who enjoys it. He never showed any modesty when he was treated favorably and politely in the Kingdom of Jug.

Many people in the Pot Kingdom cursed in their hearts, but on the surface they still had a smile on their faces. According to the order of the king, they must try their best to satisfy all the requirements of the angel, and make sure he is satisfied.

In this way, the golden signboard of Shiyue Angel will naturally go freely, eat the best food in the Hu Kingdom, drink the best wine in the Kingdom of Hu, and play with the most beautiful women in the Kingdom of Hu.

It has to be said that the prestige of the Shi family's royal family's angel was best displayed at this time.

However, secret pointing, sneering and mocking, gnashing of teeth, etc. are not uncommon, but this Shi Yue is considered a wonderful person. He ignores all these negative influences and never mentions when he will leave. Feeling a bit overwhelmed.

There was news from the Tianhan family that they were about to send envoys to meet the imperial court angels of the Shi family.

They brought a generous gift very simply and directly, and wanted to present it to the angel and hand it over to the emperor of Shijia to express the submission and gratitude of the Tianhan family.

As for whether they took the opportunity to curry favor with the angels, so that they could speak well for the Tianhan family after returning to court, and completely hugged the thighs of the Shi family's royal family, only they themselves would know.

This matter is also human nature, after all, if the royal family of the Shi family hadn't intervened, the Tianhan family would have perished by now.

And this kind of high-sounding reason, no matter how disgusting the pot kingdom is, there is no excuse to stop it.Since it is so, it is better to be more magnanimous. After receiving the request, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom waved his hand and agreed.

One month later, an envoy from the Tianhan family from the Beast Cauldron area entered Tuoyang City.

The mission of the Tianhan family was huge, consisting of tens of thousands of people, and they brought innumerable treasures as tributes to the royal family of the Shi family.

Regarding the indifference and even hostility of the Hu Kingdom, the envoys did not take it to heart at all. After a little arrangement, they directly asked to see the angel and presented a large number of treasures.

It is said that until late at night, after the angel hinted several times, the mission of the Tianhan family reluctantly left, and agreed to visit again in the future.
"Aba, it has been found out that at noon today, Shiyue will go to Meiyan Pavilion in the city at the invitation of the Tianhan family mission." Maomao stood at the bottom.

After hearing this, Meng Tianchen's face was calm, he pondered for a while, and opened his mouth lightly.

"This angel is a wonderful person, but I'm just curious, why is he lingering in the pot kingdom?" To be sent by the royal family of the master to pass on the decree, how could he be really a fatuous and incompetent person? Meng Tianchen naturally did not believe that he was really seeking pleasure.

Shaking his head slightly, suppressing all the confusion in his heart, he secretly said: "No matter what your reason is, this time I will make good use of your status as an angel. I hope you can do me a big favor."

Turning to look at Maomao.

"Have things been arranged properly?"

"Everything has been arranged properly." Maomao said in a low voice.

"Master, why did Fei do that, let me pretend to be a member of the Tianhan family, and kill that guy!" Beibei's face was ruthless.

"You?" Meng Tianchen shook his head after glaring at Beibei.


(End of this chapter)

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