Chapter 847
Ding Gonglian should be like this, but he is very satisfied in his heart.

With such beauties, plus the secret gift, how can the angel not remember their benefits, and it will be much easier to talk about other things in the future.

For a while, Dinggong was quite proud of his communication skills.He glanced sideways at Meng Tianchen, secretly thought that a kid like you dare to show off in front of the old man, winning people's hearts, money, treasures, and beauty are indispensable, it's too bad that you just want to curry favor with these two empty hands!

Meng Tianchen turned a blind eye to the old ghost's gaze, and lowered his head slightly to cover the coldness in his eyes by drinking.

In the sense of consciousness, the lingering murderous intent became more and more serious, making the hairs on his back uncontrollable. Although there was nothing abnormal in his demeanor, he was constantly looking for the assassin's location.

And at this moment, a row of stunning beauties on the stage below appeared one after another.

At this moment, everyone's attention fell on the stage in an instant, and there was inevitably a vacancy in their hearts.And this vacancy is the best time to make a move!
call out!
Silently, less than twenty feet away from Meng Tianchen, a black shadow emerged out of thin air and directly turned into a phantom, heading straight for Meng Tianchen!

Its speed is as fast as lightning, and it flashes by in a short distance.

If he was caught off guard, under such a lightning strike, even with Meng Tianchen's cultivation level, he might be beheaded directly.

But Meng Tianchen was already on guard, and he had already noticed the assassin's attack the moment he made a move, and with a low growl, the second-rank great emperor's peak aura erupted, and he punched back without reservation!
Terrifying breath fluctuations erupted suddenly, and under the sweep, the defensive restriction of Meiyan Pavilion was activated instantly, and the spiritual light shone endlessly.It is precisely because of this that the entire place was not razed to the ground, but the entire second floor was instantly shattered into powder!

A black shadow burst out, and the Yinyue Corpse Emperor's eyes showed shock. He never thought that Meng Tianchen could react at this moment.But even so, don't even think about surviving!At the moment of the fight, he had already injected the corpse poison into the opponent's body, and he would definitely die under the upper emperor's realm!

But he didn't kill him with one blow, and it was too late to search for the mysterious treasure on Meng Tianchen's body, so he had to retreat for the time being and find another good opportunity!While the thought was turning, the corpse figure became faster with the help of the counter-shock force, and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Meng Tianchen's face paled in an instant, this assassin was actually a warrior of the middle emperor realm, if he hadn't been cultivated and diligent, he might really be unable to resist.The corpse poison spread, causing the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth to instantly turn black, but at this moment he was directly protecting Shi Yue, roaring in his mouth.

"Protective Angel!"

The sound was so loud that it directly spread throughout the Meiyan Pavilion.

Shi Yue was stunned, just now the assassin came straight to Meng Tianchen, but Meng Tianchen was on his side, if it was said that the assassin wanted to kill him and was blocked by Meng Tianchen, but at this moment he still felt a little bit suspicious indefinite.

But just when Shi Yue's heart was shaken, the eyes of the pretty pale beauty in his arms turned into a strange crimson red, and a layer of crimson flames that looked like red flowers suddenly spread around her body.

This fire is gorgeous and beautiful, this fire has no temperature!
Murderous intent!
Shi Yue's body instantly erupted with dazzling aura, which turned into a layer of invisible protection to block all the flames!After a little hesitation, he still amplified the guardian aura slightly, and protected Meng Tianchen together.

Although he reacted very quickly, the woman was lying in his arms intimately, with only a thin layer of clothing separating the two of them, how could they resist completely when they got into trouble.A large area of ​​Shi Yue's clothes were burned, and his burned skin was stinging with burning pain, and a violent fire poison counterattacked from the wound and spread wildly into his body!
During the roar, the breath in his body exploded, Shi Yue punched out, and the flexible figure in his arms instantly blocked it with his palm, and the figure was thrown out, shock and unwillingness flashed in the red eyes.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to directly incinerate Meng Tianchen, but he didn't expect that this seemingly incompetent angel of the child power empire was also a strong man, and interrupted all her plans.Now that he has not killed the enemy, he has no choice but to take advantage of the situation and retreat.

Shi Yue, who seems to be unrestrained, is actually a strong man in the imperial realm!It's just that his face is gloomy at this moment, and his eyes are full of evil spirits. If he had doubts about Meng Tianchen's obstruction before, then there is no reason not to believe it now!

Today, the two assassins really came for him!

Great Yin Sect Corpse Clan!
The savior of the Tian Family!

As a member of the royal family of the Shi family, he is no stranger to the assassins of the two countries. There are not a few prominent dignitaries in the royal family of the Shi family who have died at the hands of the assassins of the two countries over the years.

But today, why did you come to him?

Could it be that the results obtained by the deduction of the heavenly secrets by the lord have been noticed by the two countries?Shi Yue's thoughts changed sharply, and his face became even uglier.

Corpse poison was raging in Meng Tianchen's body, but with the strange and chaotic original power of the Zifu to transform the roulette, the poison that was originally enough to easily kill the middle emperor could not harm him at all. If you want to clean it up, it is very simple things.

Seeing Shi Yue's gloomy face, he smiled inwardly. The sudden appearance of the No.2 assassin was indeed beyond his expectations. This woman was able to hide her killing intent so that no one could detect it. It was truly remarkable.

But it is precisely because of this that Shi Yue is convinced that this assassination is aimed at him, and it can save Meng Tianchen a lot of trouble and make things more complete.

"The missions of the Tianhan family colluded with the corpse clan and the fire clan to assassinate the angels. Where is the guard of the governor? Take down all the missions of the Tianhan family!"

Outside the Meiyan Pavilion, the 30 guards, who had already sensed something wrong, rushed into action. Changge cut down all the obstacles on the way forward, and rushed in as fast as possible to wrap the Tianhan family mission group inside!
Duke Ding's face changed drastically, his first thought was that today's assassination is a trap of Hu Kingdom, and he wanted to frame the mission of Tianhan family!At this time, you must not get confused, otherwise you will be completely tricked, and you will roar immediately.

"Don't act rashly, cooperate with the investigation to clarify today's assassination!"

The warriors of the Tianhan family envoys hesitated a little when they heard the words, but they still dissipated the aura outside their bodies one after another, and put away the treasures they took out.

But at this moment, an assassin in black suddenly broke into Meiyan Pavilion, shouting.

"Dinggong, the assassination of Shijiagou has failed, and my subordinates will escort you to leave!"

Ding Gong heard a humming sound in the sea of ​​words and knowledge, and his breath instantly churned up and stagnated in his chest, his face immediately turned pale.His gaze instantly fell on Meng Tianchen, and he felt an intuition in his heart that the current matter was planned by him alone!
Put the charge of assassinating the angel on the Tianhan family mission, take advantage of this to frame the Tianhan family, and find sufficient reasons for the Hu Kingdom to completely destroy the Tianhan family.

What a thief, could it be that my Tianhan family is really doomed to perish in the hands of this person!
The mission of the Tianhan family invited angels to Meiyan Pavilion, and they were assassinated one after another. One of them was a woman selected by the mission of the Tianhan family. Coupled with the loud roar of the man in black, the charge of assassinating an angel, I'm afraid I can't escape!

Thinking of this, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body was icy cold.

"Meng Tianchen, I want to kill you!"

Dinggong let out a roar, and his figure rushed towards Meng Tianchen!
Even if it is death, he must first personally kill the culprit who ruined the Tianhan family!

But what greeted him was the cold Changge of 30 personal guards!
Although Dinggong is the younger brother of the head of the Tianhan family, he does not have the cultivation talent of his elder brother. Even if there are many treasures accumulated, he is now only a fourth-rank emperor. Facing Meng Tianchen's 30 personal guards and strangling together, he was directly bombarded to death in a face-to-face , both form and spirit are destroyed.

"Ding Gong!"

The remaining warriors of the Tianhan family mission let out a mournful roar and tried to resist one after another, but they were caught off guard by the 30 powerful personal guards, and they were all killed in a short while!

Meng Tianchen's complexion darkened faintly, but he still supported himself strongly, growling in a low voice.

"The mission of the Tianhan family failed to assassinate the angel. They intended to resist and flee, and they have been beheaded by the governor's personal guards! Quickly send a message to the lord, the Tianhan family does not feel the kindness of the royal family, colludes with foreign enemies, and has the heart of disobedience. Lord, please make a quick decision!"

Yuluo spat out a mouthful of black blood and fell on his back.The Mongolian guards guarded it layer by layer to prevent the two escaped assassins from returning.

Shi Yue frowned slightly, calmed down at this moment, always felt that today's events were a bit weird.Given the current situation of the Tianhan family, this move is tantamount to digging their own grave, how could they be so foolish as to assassinate them!

But the matter is in front of him, but he can't help but not believe it!Sensing the gradually raging fire poison in his body, he didn't dare to delay and sat down cross-legged, trying to control the injury in his body.

The news of the assassination of the angel of Meiyan Pavilion has been sent back to the main hall of Hu Kingdom as quickly as possible.

"What! The mission of the Tianhan family is plotting to assassinate the angel!" The Lord of the Hu kingdom was sitting behind the king's case, when he heard the news, his face suddenly changed, but there was a hint of ecstasy in his eyes!

"I don't dare to lie a little bit, Lord Wuyi has already sent troops to surround the place where the Tianhan family mission is staying, and only waits for the king's order to deal with it!" Kneeling on the ground, the military intelligence officer of the Hu Kingdom said respectfully.

"Quickly submit the detailed information about today's events!"


The master of the pot kingdom has taken a complete piece of information jade, which records today's events in detail.

Meng Tianchen had a drink with Shiyue, and the assassins attacked one after another, until the guards of the Mongolian Ministry attacked and killed the entire Tianhan family mission including Dinggong. As for the last one who appeared and yelled.

"Mr. Ding, the assassination of Shijiagou has failed, and my subordinates escorted you to leave!" The mysterious black-clothed assassin had already fled with the Yinqiong Emperor of the Great Yin Sect and the dead man of the Tian Family, and disappeared without a trace.

But these are not the main points of the pot king's concern, all his attention is on what Meng Tianchen said.

"Protective Angel!"

The first sentence confirms that today's assassination is aimed at Shiyue, the royal family of Shi's family!

"The missions of the Tianhan family colluded with the corpse clan and the fire clan to assassinate the angels. Where is the guard of the governor? Take down all the missions of the Tianhan family!"

In the second sentence, all the assassinations should be held on the mission of the Tianhan family.

"The mission of the Tianhan family failed to assassinate the angels, and they intended to resist and flee, and they have been beheaded by our Mongolian department! Send a message to the lord, the Tianhan family does not feel the kindness of the royal family, and if you are disobedient, please make a quick decision !"

The third sentence, wiped out the mission of the Tianhan family with absolutely sufficient reasons, and named the Tianhan family as disobedient, please decide it!
How to decide?

(End of this chapter)

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