Chapter 848 Hujing
The royal family of the Shi family issued an order that the Hu Kingdom and the Tianhan family should not fight any more, lest they lead to death.

Intimidated by the royal family of the Shi family and the Datong's power in the empire, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom had no choice but to obey. Even if he was unwilling to pour out the water of the three rivers and five lakes and could not wash it clean, he still had to do it.

Because this is an order from the royal family of Shijia!
But now, the mission of the Tianhan family plans to assassinate the angel, which is disrespect to the royal family of the Shi family and a provocation to the royal family of the Shi family!As a vassal of the Tongli Empire, a subject of the Shi family's royal family, the master humiliated the minister to death, and dare not serve his life to maintain the dignity of the Shi family's royal family!
The Lord of the Pot Kingdom raised his head, his face turned red, and he just wanted to look up to the sky and laugh three times!
Meng Tianchen, you really are the lucky general of this seat!
No matter what the root cause of today's incident is, the mission of the Tianhan family assassinated the angel, and the charges of the Tianhan family's disobedience to the royal family of the Shi family and the desire to rebel have been determined!

Now that he swung his army out again to wipe out the remnants of the Tianhan family, he would be famous as a teacher!

Protect the royal family of Shijia!

This time, let's see who can stop him from annexing the Tianhan family!

"Decree! The missions of the Tianhan family conspired to assassinate the angel, and they have a heart of disobedience to the Shi family's royal family. As a courtier of the child power empire, how can I see such a rebellious person go free at this moment!"

"Order the army to gather immediately, and wipe out the remnants of the Tianhan family!"
The Hu Kingdom's army completed the whole army within half a day at the fastest speed, and without any pause, they marched away directly, sweeping away the remnants of the Tianhan family in the last beast cauldron area.

When the army of the Hu Kingdom arrived, the territory of the Beast Cauldron area surrendered one after another.

In March, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom smashed the Tianhan family, completely conquered the Beast Cauldron area, and even killed the Tianhan family.

The entire Tianhan family territory has completely fallen into the hands of the Hu Kingdom.

Meng Tianchen was unable to participate in this sweeping battle because he was poisoned by corpses.

"The injury is serious!"

He has been in closed-door training all the time, until the war has come to an end, and he has barely suppressed his injuries and left the closed door.

However, the Mongolian tribe followed under the king's tent, and made many contributions in capturing the Tianhan family.Although the remnants of the Tianhan family often ask to surrender wherever they go, it is an achievement after all, and it can also strengthen the influence of the Mongolian Ministry in the pot king's regime.

It was obviously some kind of compensation from the Lord of the Pot Kingdom for Meng Tianchen's absence from the harvest.

But at this moment in Hu Kingdom, no one dared to underestimate Meng Tianchen any more, even Marshal Rong Lei secretly frowned in fear.

Putting aside the many meritorious deeds before, this time Meng Tianchen suppressed the Tianhan family's mission in one fell swoop, and seized the evidence of the Tianhan family's conspiracy, so that the lord of the country could take advantage of the situation and dispatch the army to wipe out the Tianhan family. This is another great achievement!
Many meritorious deeds are superimposed, and when the reward is awarded, it must be amazing!
"Aba, the teacher is more eager to see you." Maomao slightly bent down.

Meng Tianchen pondered for a while.

"Please come in."

After a few breaths, the tent door was opened, and Shi Yue smiled all over his face, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"I heard that the governor is in good condition, so I came to pay a special visit to express my gratitude to the governor for his help that day."

"It's already a great honor for Meng to come to see the angel in person. It's just that he didn't go far to greet him because of his injuries. Please don't blame the angel."

The two exchanged a few words of greeting, divided the guests and hosts into their seats, and retired respectfully after their own soldiers served refreshments.

Shi Yue's eyes fell on Meng Tianchen, seeing that although his face was slightly pale, but his aura was calm and long, he knew that the corpse poison was gone, and he was afraid that it would not be able to harm him anymore, so his eyes flickered slightly.

"The Great Governor is a good method. He can even resist the corpse poison of the corpse assassin, and he has recovered half of it in just three months. If you change this seat, and the corpse poison invades your body, it will take nearly a hundred years even if you are not afraid of death." Only by retreating and practicing can it be cleaned up."

While speaking, Shi Yue had a look of surprise on his face.

Meng Tianchen laughed, his face was calm and nothing unusual.

"Meng used to refine some kind of treasure when he practiced in his early years, and his body has a strong resistance to many poisons, which is why he can be so relaxed, otherwise he might not be able to sit here right now."

"So that's the case, the governor is lucky." Shi Yue nodded, showing a clear expression, but only he himself knows whether he believes it in his heart.

"It's just that I really don't understand. The Tianhan family can only be preserved because of the emperor's grace. Why would they do such a frenzied thing to kill themselves? I can't figure out a lot of thoughts these days, but I feel that these two assassins may not be aimed at me. The person who came here was just misunderstood as wanting to assassinate me. I don’t know if the governor thinks what I think makes sense?"

Meng Tianchen groaned for a while before slowly opening his mouth.

"This matter, Meng can't figure it out, but since the Tianhan family is in collusion with the two giant empire forces of the Tian family and the Great Yin sect, there may be some hidden secrets in it. But fortunately The angel is fine now, and the Tianhan family has already received due punishment, so there is no need to think about it now."

"Haha, what the governor said is right. Since the matter is a foregone conclusion, it is useless to talk more." Shi Yue smiled and said, but the confusion in his heart became more and more serious, and there was some deep meaning in his eyes.

Meng Tianchen didn't seem to notice.

"The angel came from the Tongli Empire, and now he has been in the Pot Kingdom for more than a month. I wonder if there is something else? If so, can you tell me, maybe Meng can help the angel a little bit."

Shi Yue's face froze slightly, and he covered it up in an instant.

"Great governor thought too much. I am very respected in the pot kingdom, and I want to enjoy more exotic customs, so I am a little bit reluctant to leave for a while, and I have nothing else to do."

"So that's the case, that angel might as well have a good time to play for a while, so that he can participate in the ceremony of moving the capital of the country's lord soon."

"Speaking of the grand ceremony of moving the capital, I also want to congratulate the Chief Governor. The Lord of the Hu Kingdom will definitely reward him generously if his wish is fulfilled. With the Great Governor's meritorious service, it is destined to be a Duke!"

"According to the angel's auspicious words, on the day of the grand ceremony, please invite the angel to be there and have a few drinks with Meng."

"That's natural."

The two looked at each other, with a faint smile on their faces at the same time, but they had already changed the subject without knowing it, and no longer mentioned the sensitive matters of the two parties.

After chatting for a while, Shi Yue got up to say goodbye, Meng Tianchen personally sent him out of the tent, watched the royal angel of the Shi family go away, and then returned to the tent, but his face was slightly gloomy.

Back then, he used the assassination to blame the Tianhan family. Although he solved the current predicament and gained a lot of merit from it, it would also bring some troubles.

Shi Yue obviously sensed the strangeness from this assassination, so the Lord of the Pot Kingdom must also be aware of it, but there are gains and losses in things, and now he has to be cautious and take one step at a time.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom ordered that the capital be moved to the Beast Cauldron area, and the capital be renamed Hujing!
After one month, everything was completed, and the first court meeting after the capital was moved was grandly held.

Many ministers and bureaucrats, dressed in costumes, entered the hall, and saluted respectfully to the Lord of the Shanghu Kingdom, who was on the top throne, and shouted loudly.

The pale gold high platform, with steps on both sides leading to the top, and two independent bronze statues of desolate beasts in front of it, with a faint smoke from their mouths and noses, calming their minds, making the appearance of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom a little blurred, adding to his imposing presence.

Today's Lord of the Pot Kingdom is different from before. Sitting on the throne, he has the posture of a dragon and a tiger. The invisible coercion covers the palace, which makes people feel awe.

This is the performance of annexing the Tianhan family, greatly increasing the power and luck, and blessing his own body, and it has an extremely terrifying increase in cultivation.

"Be flat!"

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom flicked his sleeves and opened his mouth. The royal robe he was wearing was even more exquisite and gorgeous. The embroidered black dragon head had two horns.In the Linglong Great World, the only ones who can wear the dragon costume and crown are the kings of the eight empires, or the princes under the king.Although the lords of the vassal states are the supreme rulers of a country, they still belong to the ranks of their ministers and are not allowed to wear dragon clothes.Today, the clothes worn by the Lord of the Pot Kingdom are the grades that can only be used by the rulers of the upper-class vassal states.

"Thank you, Lord!"

All His Highness stood up, the princes sat at the head, and the rest stood on the sides.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom glanced over, and seeing the joyful expressions of everyone gathered below, he felt more joyful in his heart, but his face did not show the slightest bit, coughed lightly, and opened his mouth slowly.

"The Tianhan family is disrespectful to the royal family of the Shi family, and their intentions are wrong. This king is a minister of the royal family of the Shi family, and I will send troops to maintain the dignity of the royal family of the Shi family. Now the Tianhan family has been pacified and the chaos has been suppressed! I have written a letter to the royal family of the Shi family. , I ask the royal family of the Shi family to choose another capable person to take over the Tianhan family's land as soon as possible. But before that, I am afraid that troubles will be unfavorable to the common people, so I will temporarily take charge of the Tianhan family's land and wait for the imperial family's order from the Shi family. When the talented people arrive, they will naturally offer up all the territory of the Tianhan family."

A faint voice echoed in the hall, although everyone knew that the Tianhan family had been merged into the territory of the Hu Kingdom, and it was absolutely impossible to hand it over to others, otherwise, why would the owner of the Hu Kingdom slaughter the family owner of Tianhan after conquering the Tianyuan King Star.

But in order to protect the face of the Shi family's royal family, this is a pawn that retreats as an advance. Only when the Shi family's royal family formally appoints the ruler of the Hu Kingdom to take charge of the Tianhan family's territory will it be considered the final consummation.

Everyone in His Highness naturally understood, and spoke at the same time.

"The lord of the country is a sage, and it is a great merit for the people's livelihood!"

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom nodded slightly, with a solemn look on his face, and spoke in a deep voice.

"The battle is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will lose everything. This king can sit here and take charge of the territory of the Tianhan family. Your Highnesses have contributed a lot!"

"Today's move to the capital is over, and the first court meeting will naturally reward meritorious deeds, so that meritorious deeds can be rewarded!"

The hearts of all the ministers shook, their backs couldn't help straightening slightly, and anticipation was born in their hearts.The scene has been said, and the next thing is the substantive thing.Those who can enter the palace are those who have meritorious service in the battle, and all of them will be rewarded.

It is about one's own future, who can take it lightly.

This is the climax of the meeting!

The canonization decree has been drawn up, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom raised his hand slightly, and naturally a servant around him came forward holding a two-foot gold token, and two servants behind him carried a tray, on which many reward certificates were piled up.

The valet was the first to pick up the white order, opened his hands, and read out in a high-pitched voice.

"Jiang Wan made great contributions in assisting the destruction of Yanling City. He complied with the imperial edict and was promoted to Sandu Dudu. He was granted the fiefdom of Boming City!"

"Thank you, Lord!" A general at the end blushed and knelt down to thank him. Naturally, a servant handed over the white book order to him.

"Li Cai has made great contributions in assisting in breaking Haiyang City, respecting the imperial edict, being promoted to Sandu Dudu, and being granted the fiefdom of Yuanyang City!"

(End of this chapter)

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