Chapter 849 Shanggong
The servants continued to read out the decree of the master of the country, and ranked them according to their merits. All those who received the award stepped forward happily, thanking them for accepting the decree.

This is a carnival feast for the winners to share their interests, the losers will be forgotten, and the flesh and blood will become the bedding for the winners.

Meng Tianchen stood quietly at the bottom, feeling the joy in the hall, but what he thought about in his heart was the billions of soldiers who died in the battle of the army, and more innocent warriors who died in the battlefield.

It will be a success!

Then how many souls must be lost to be the supreme lord to achieve this goal.

Sighing slightly, Meng Tianchen shook his head slowly in his heart.

Under the sky, the living beings are struggling. If they want to be the master of human beings and reach the pinnacle of martial arts, they need to overcome obstacles all the way, hold a vast territory, and hold the power of life and death!

Here are the rules.If you want to achieve success, you must get the help of humanity, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve great things, and it cannot be changed by humans!
Silently, during the canonization ceremony of the Hu Kingdom, Meng Tianchen's state of mind sublimated again, some confusion and uneasiness slowly dissipated, his mind returned to calm, became more clear and bright, his thoughts flowed smoothly, and he was no longer sluggish.

But at this moment, time has passed silently in his thoughts, and the orders piled high on the tray have been read out.

Everyone in His Highness received a reward, only three of them were out, they were Marshal Rong Lei, Duke Wuyi and Meng Tianchen.

Countless eyes came together, full of awe and envy.

On the king's case of the pot kingdom, there are three five-color book orders neatly placed, and at this moment, all of them are taken out and handed over to the servants.

"Duke Wuyi stepped forward to accept the seal!"

The valet looked awe-inspiring, a little more solemn than before, and his sharp voice resounded throughout the hall instantly.

"Chen is here!"

Lord Wuyi came out, saluted respectfully, and looked calm and peaceful. This state of mind cultivation alone is far beyond comparison.

"Duke Wuyi fought on the battlefield. As a great general of the country, he made great achievements repeatedly. He was granted the title of Lord Wuyi, three cities, and ten of the cities he controlled before. You should be humble and encourage yourself, and live up to the king's grace!"

"Thank you, Lord Long En!"

Lord Wuyi, who should be called Shanggong Wuyi now, went forward to receive the five-color book order, saluted again, and then returned to take his seat.

"Mr. Huzhu stepped forward to listen to the seal!"

Marshal Rong Lei stood up, bowed his waist and cupped his fists to salute, and shouted in a low voice.

"Chen is here!"

"The Duke of Huzhu was loyal to the king's affairs, led the army to fight, opened up the frontier and cracked the soil to become the pillar of the army, granted the title of Lord Huzhu, and bestowed five cities, and the number of cities he controlled before was fifteen. Serve the country and protect the peace of the society!"

"Thank you, Lord Long En!"

Marshal Rong Lei was originally the Duke of Shang, and he could not be promoted to the top position, but he got the territories of five cities, plus the previous territories, a total of fifteen cities. The supreme status of the king is enough to show that the master of the pot kingdom wins over and values ​​him.

So far, there is still the last person in the palace who has not been canonized, and there is only the last volume of the five-color book order left on the case of the lord of the Hu Kingdom.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom took a deep look at Meng Tianchen, saw him bowing his head slightly in His Highness with a calm expression, and paused for a moment, then slowly handed over the manual order to the attendant.

The attendant bent down deeply to take it with both hands, and when he stood up straight and opened his hands, his eyes widened instantly and his face flushed slightly.

"Meng Tianchen, the governor of Hujun Xinying, stepped forward to accept the seal!"

Your Highness, Meng Tianchen doesn't have a title yet, standing among the generals, he stepped forward at this moment, and spoke respectfully.

"The minister is here."

Countless eyes gathered in an instant.

"Meng Tianchen, the chief governor of the new camp of Hujun, heard the imperial edict to join the army. He bravely killed the enemy in the battlefield and was unparalleled in wisdom and resourcefulness. Dangerous, numerous constructions and great achievements! Today, I am specially canonized as Lord Qingyun, and I have given twelve cities. You should fulfill your duties and be loyal to the country!"

"Thank you, Lord Long En!"

Meng Tianchen saluted respectfully, holding the five-color book order with both hands, and instantly became the focus of all eyes in the hall.

Shock and envy are naturally indispensable.

A battle to seal the Duke!

Although it was expected that Meng Tianchen's meritorious deeds would be outstanding and the canonization would be extremely heavy, but witnessing the birth of the third Lord of the Hu Kingdom at this moment still made everyone in the hall feel a strange sense of unreality in their hearts!

If the territory exceeds ten cities, he is the real Shanggong.

Meng Tianchen is indeed extremely favored by the lord of the country.To be able to be canonized directly as Shanggong, and with twelve cities as his territory, his status is even higher than that of Wuyi Shanggong. He really reached the sky in one step, and after that, one person will be under tens of thousands!

Meng Tianchen retreated, feeling a little surprised in his heart. Originally, he thought that the Lord of the Pot Kingdom would confer the title on him, and he would have at most five cities in his territory. After all, despite his meritorious service, Meng Tianchen had no foundation in the Pot Kingdom, and he rose like a comet in a short period of time. It means that he still lacks enough prestige.

Due to the large number of rewards, it started in the morning and ended close to noon.

"Everyone, I will prepare a celebration feast for you later."

Your Highness, everyone saluted respectfully. When they exited, Huzhu Shanggong, Wuyi Shanggong, and Qingyun Gong were the leaders, and the rest followed in accordance with their ranks.

"I have met Lord Qingyun, please go with me to the changing room." When the three gentlemen went out, a court attendant in official uniform greeted them, bowing their bodies slightly, with a carefully ingratiating smile on their faces.

This is the privilege of the three princes, and other ministers can only be led away by ordinary court servants.

Meng Tianchen nodded slightly, bowed slightly to Huzhu Shanggong and Wuyi Shanggong, turned around and left behind this servant.

Although the three of them were not on good terms, the apparent harmony in the main palace of the Hu Kingdom still needed to be maintained.

The Beast Cauldron area is an important area of ​​the Tianhan family. In the early years, the palace of the head of the Tianhan family was built, and the current palace is built on the basis of this palace.Just to match the current status of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, the specifications have been improved a lot compared to before. The palace was built with ups and downs according to the terrain.

The pavilions are towering, covering the sky and the sun, just like the present.

Because it was inside the palace, in order to prevent accidents, Meng Tianchen did not use his spiritual sense to investigate, and followed the servant behind him for a while, before arriving at a palace.

"Mr. Qingyun will naturally be greeted when he goes in, but this servant can only send you here."

Looking at the smile on the attendant's face, Meng Tianchen's eyes flickered slightly, he nodded directly, and strode towards the palace without saying a word.

After entering the main hall, the first person sitting there was Guan Yuan, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.Although he had already expected it in his heart, Meng Tianchen still showed surprise on his face, and bowed his hands in salute.

"I don't know the lord is here, and if there is something rude and offensive, please don't blame the lord."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom smiled and shook his head.

"I came here secretly and didn't let anyone tell you, so what's wrong with you, sit down."

"Thank you, Lord."

Meng Tianchen got up and took a seat in the next first place.

It is normal for the duke to have a seat in front of the lord.

"Today you are named Lord Qingyun, are you satisfied?" Lord Hu Wang glanced over and said with a faint smile.

Meng Tianchen cupped his hands.

"I didn't have the extravagant hope of becoming a duke in my heart, and it is a great reward to be crowned a duke. Now that I have received the great favor of the lord, I will definitely do my best in the future to share the worries of the lord."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom nodded in satisfaction, and was extremely satisfied with Meng Tianchen's calm and respectful attitude, but at this moment, there was a little thought on his face, and he didn't continue to speak for a while.

Meng Tianchen vaguely guessed in his mind why he came here, and he had already prepared a countermeasure in his heart, and sat down peacefully, waiting for the Lord of the Pot Kingdom to ask.

After half a sound, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom coughed lightly before opening his mouth slowly.

"Meng Tianchen, the assassination of Shiyue in Meiyan Pavilion that day was planned by you alone? I want to listen to the truth, you tell me the truth, don't hide it."

Meng Tianchen's complexion changed, and he immediately got up and bowed his hands in salute.

"My lord, the ministers went to the Meiyan Pavilion on a whim that day, and it was definitely not planned beforehand. Otherwise, it could only be a coincidence that they were severely injured by the corpse emperor of the Great Yin Sect and almost lost their lives."

The face of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom remained unchanged, and his eyes fell on Meng Tianchen's face.

"With the previous state of the Tianhan family, how can they be so stupid. Conspiring to assassinate Shi Yue is tantamount to digging their own grave. I can't think of a reason for them to do so."

"My lord, maybe the Tianhan family missions are the same as the ministers, they are all victims of this matter. No matter the Great Yin Sect or the Tian family's big lord, their real goal is to teach Yue, otherwise the minister can't think of a reasonable explanation."

"Shiyue passed on the imperial decree of the Shi family to stop us and cut off the promotion of the Pot Kingdom. It has nothing to do with the Great Yin Sect and the great lords of the Tian Family. Why did they send assassins to assassinate?"

"This is beyond the knowledge of the subject, perhaps there are secrets that the subject and the lord have not noticed." Meng Tianchen frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face, and spoke slowly after a while.

"The lord of the country thought that Shiyue, who is a dignified warrior in the imperial realm, and was appointed by the Shi family's royal family to come to our pot kingdom to pass the decree, would really be a prodigal son of the imperial family who behaved like him, and was mixed up in our pot kingdom. Wandering to get benefits? I always thought that this person is hiding something, and he has been lingering all this time and refuses to leave. There must be a deep meaning in it. Perhaps it is because of this that he attracts the corpses of the Yin sect and the dead soldiers of the Tian family. assassination."

The face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom changed slightly. Shi Yue wandered around the Hu Kingdom and refused to leave. He was not without doubts in his heart. He also sent people to spy secretly but found nothing. Hearing Meng Tianchen mention it today, he felt a little more dignified in his heart.

Shi Family Royal Angel.

Great Yin sect.

The big family of heaven.

If it is really as Meng Tianchen said, they secretly entangled to hide some kind of secret, then this matter must be extremely important!
Being able to work and send warriors from the three major empires, even at the expense of killing and competing with each other, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom moved slightly, and suddenly thought of a legend long ago, about fragments of alien worlds that had disappeared for a long time.

If it was really related to this, then this time, maybe he really thought too much.

And from the beginning to the end, he has been observing Meng Tianchen's expression in the news, although there is a shock, he is absolutely not panicked, his eyes remain absolutely calm, and he can think calmly when he mentions something suspicious about Shi Yue.This kind of performance proves that he is open-minded and has nothing to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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