Chapter 850 Fiefdom
Thinking of this, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom felt a little relieved, and his awe-inspiring expression eased a little.

"Maybe the matter is really as you said, if it is true, I'm afraid I have to send someone to check it out."

"Today's inquiry is not only to solve the confusion in my heart, but also to prepare in advance. In case the royal family of the Shi family suspects this matter and sends an angel to investigate again, I am also worried that this matter will involve you."

Meng Tianchen showed gratitude.

"Lord Lao is worried, and I have a clear conscience. Even if the royal family sent people to investigate, I have no fear at all."

Meng Tianchen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he had expected that today would happen, and now he barely passed the test.As for the so-called Shijia royal family sending people to investigate, it is just a rhetoric.

Now the entire Linglong World believes that the Hu Kingdom framed the Tianhan family and took the opportunity to annex it. If the royal family of the Shi family does not want to completely intensify the conflict with the Hu Kingdom and force the master of the Hu Kingdom to raise troops and make trouble, at most they will reprimand him for this matter. It will not be unnecessary.

"Hehe, it's my seat's fault today, saying these things that spoil the interest on a happy day." The gentle smile returned to the face of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"Sit down, I will talk to you about some serious matters, which are related to your fiefdom."

"The fiefdoms of all the heroes have been divided. Only you can't make a decision. After discussing several times, you still haven't come up with a feasible charter. I'm here today to ask you what you mean."

Meng Tianchen took his seat, and when he heard the words, he cupped his hands and spoke.

"I don't know what is it that makes the country lord so embarrassed?"

"I have thought over and over again, and feel that with your credit, it is not an exaggeration to grant fifteen cities as territories, but after all, you have to take into account other people's feelings and Rong Lei's face, so you have to reduce your fiefdom by one. Wait, downgrade to twelve cities. I have already owed you something after reducing the territory, so I asked people to choose twelve larger cities as your fiefdoms, but this is what happened."

"Annexing the territory of the Tianhan family, there are a total of 87 cities under the control of our Hu Kingdom, of which there are only [-] big cities, and there are only three cities that can barely connect together to make up the twelve cities. One is Huyuan, the old capital of the Hu Kingdom. The city and the eleven surrounding cities. One is the Tianhan family Tuoyang city and the surrounding eleven cities. The third is on the edge of the Tianhan family, near the wilderness area. There are ten big cities and two small cities , can barely reach the twelve cities. So I want to know what you mean."

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom spoke slowly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Meng Tianchen was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about gains and losses quickly, before opening his mouth after a while.

"My lord, if you let me choose, I will choose a fief on the edge of the original Tianhan family near the wilderness."

The voice is solemn, obviously a well-thought-out decision.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's eyes flickered slightly, and he reached out and tapped the back of the chair lightly.

"Tell me your reason?"

Meng Tianchen saluted and spoke in a deep voice.

"Huyuan City is the old capital of our Hu Kingdom. No matter what, it was once the land in the hands of the lord. I am afraid that there are many inappropriate things in granting it to the ministers, which will attract criticism. And Tuoyang City is the most powerful of the original Tianhan family. If I really choose this fief, it will definitely cause twists and turns. Since this is the case, I can only choose the third fief."

"Someone has said these words countless times. I don't want to listen to it again. What I want is what you really think in your heart." The Lord of the Pot Kingdom waved his hand, showing a bit of dissatisfaction on his face.

Meng Tianchen smiled wryly, cupped his hands and opened his mouth.

"Since this is the case, I have no choice but to tell the truth. In order to completely control the Mongolian Ministry, I had no choice but to take strong measures to pull out all the forces inserted into it by various forces. Now, although I am a duke and are highly valued by the lord, No one dares to confront the minister head-on, but secret calculations are inevitable. If Huyuan City and the surrounding cities are really taken as the territory, I am afraid that I will never have a peaceful life."

"As for Tuoyang City, this place can't be chosen. Although the Tianhan family no longer exists, some old forces will still be retained. No matter what, I have made great efforts for the collapse of the Tianhan family. When we get there, we will end up It may be even more miserable than in Huyuan City. Among the three places to choose from, the best choice is to be close to the wilderness. Although it is a bit remote and barren, the old influence of the Tianhan family is the least, and the minister has a firm foothold It could be easier too."

The master of the pot kingdom nodded slightly.

"That's all?"

Meng Tianchen's face instantly turned solemn, and he saluted respectfully.

"The first thing I said is also the reason. Presumably many people would like to see me go to this remote city. Maybe the king didn't make a decision because he couldn't bear it, but the minister has absolutely no complaints!"

"If there is no order from the lord, the minister will not be able to join the army smoothly, and there will be no achievements today. These are all bestowed by the lord, and the minister is willing to protect the frontier for the lord! If there is a chance, he can even attack the wilderness Outer territories, open up new territories, and continue to expand the territory for the lord, in order to repay the lord's great kindness!"

These words were firm and forceful, and Meng Tianchen had a sincere look on his face, and the image of a loyal minister jumped out.

With the Suspiciousness of the Lord of the Pot Kingdom, he couldn't help being slightly moved at this moment, and his face softened a bit.

"Meng Tianchen, you have to think carefully before making a choice. The wilderness is extremely dangerous. The Tianhan family has been harassed since it took over, and it has never been developed. It has to be stationed all year round and is exhausted. If you really choose this I'm afraid I won't be able to have a little bit of peace and enjoyment."

"It's a matter of being loyal to the emperor. As the minister of the lord, the minister should share the worries and solve the problems for the lord. Since the border is unstable, the minister cannot choose to back down because of this."

"I ask the lord for permission to grant this remote city as my territory! I promise that as long as I live there, I will be a barrier for the kingdom, and no other forces will be allowed to enter the territory of my pot kingdom for half a step!"

Meng Tianchen spoke in a deep voice, and bowed deeply.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom pondered for a long time before slowly nodding his head.

"Okay! Since that's the case, I will agree. I hope you can be diligent and self-sufficient, and don't let down today's bold words and my king's respect!"

"I will do my best!"

"For the time being, the matter of fiefdom has come to an end. Now time has been delayed for a long time. There is not much time left for the luncheon. I will leave first. After you change into the official clothes, there will naturally be a close waiter to go to the banquet hall." Hu Guowang The Lord got up and walked away.

Meng Tianchen saluted respectfully.

"Congratulations to the lord."

Pausing for a moment, after the Lord of the Pot Kingdom had left completely, he slowly raised his head, his expression was calm, but his heart was solemn, and his palms were slightly moist.

Just now we had a conversation, whether it was the matter of Meiyan Pavilion that day or the choice of the current fiefdom, it was a difficult problem deliberately placed in front of Meng Tianchen by the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, and he wanted to use his performance to confirm the judgment in his heart.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and today he was careful and did not make a mistake in answering, barely passing the test.

Close to the wilderness area, this kind of fiefdom is exactly what Meng Tianchen really wants. If it is really sealed inside the Hu Kingdom, it will really be bound hands and feet and cannot move.

Now that the sky is high and the earth is far away, the Lord of the Pot Kingdom can minimize his influence on him, and he can also take the opportunity to secretly cultivate his own strength.When one day, he has enough cultivation base and foundation, that is when he divides the territory and splits the land and stands on his own!

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom frowned slightly. At this moment, his figure appeared in another palace. Several dignitaries and ministers were seated respectfully at the head. They were all the confidantes of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom.

"Everyone, just now Meng Tianchen reacted, you should see everything in your eyes through the projection, how do you feel?"

A faint voice resounded in the hall, but it had an intimidating majesty.

Next, get up alone.

"Master, from the point of view of this old slave, although there is nothing wrong with Meng Tianchen's answer, and his expression has not shown any abnormalities, but no matter whether he is really loyal to the lord or has other ideas, the lord has to guard against it."

"What the third brother said is very true. It is still impossible to draw a conclusion about the matter of Meiyan Pavilion. Whether the matter is as Meng Tianchen said is just an unprovable hypothesis. But I will send someone to secretly monitor Shiyue in order to be able to I found something." Another old man said respectfully.

The Lord of the Hu Kingdom pondered for a while. He showed a great deal of wooing the generals who commanded the army, but he was extremely wary in his heart. The only ones he could really trust were the family cronies around him.Although their status is respected and they have great power in their hands, they do not have any military power. Everything is bestowed by him.

At this moment, the Lord of the Hu Kingdom also quite agrees with what the two subordinates said.

The matter of Meiyan Pavilion may be true as Meng Tianchen said, he was only implicated, but the same fact may also be as he guessed, the matter of that day was planned by Meng Tianchen.The real target of the Great Yin Sect and the Tian Clan chieftain is not Shi Yue, but him!
Thinking back to Feihu City that day, the Great Yin Sect was obviously looking for something because of the sneaking in and fighting between the poor emperor and the superpower of the Fire Race emperor.Thinking about it now, they might also be looking for someone, and the one they were looking for was Meng Tianchen!
Able to work with the superpowers of the two great empires, the upper emperors, and the superpowers, and pursue them hard. If things are really as expected, there must be a huge secret hidden in Meng Tianchen, or there is a treasure that attracts the two empires. !
If this is the case, then he may not have other thoughts in choosing the fief near the wilderness.

The Lord of the Pot Kingdom's face was cloudy and uncertain for a while, obviously the thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly.But in the final analysis, everything is just his speculation, and there is no evidence whether this is the case.

So after a little heartbeat, he still slowly suppressed the fluctuations in his heart.After all, Meng Tianchen is a hero in the battle at this moment, and he has no fault at all. If the Lord of the Pot Kingdom recklessly makes things difficult, it may make the soldiers under his command feel cold.And the more important point is that in the eyes of the Lord of the Hu Kingdom, Meng Tianchen is loyal to him, and if he can be trained well, he will definitely be his powerful arm in the future.

Although he is suspicious, he will not act impulsively because of a little doubt, otherwise he would not have achieved today.

(End of this chapter)

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